Syllabus MUS 453BOrgan Literature 2 Credit Hours Robert Knupp, Instructor Aven 319BOffice Hours To Be Posted 925-3977 Prerequisites MUS 202-206: MUS 255-256 Course Description This course involves a survey of organ literature from its beginnings to the present, emphasizing the contributions of the prominent Baroque composers and their successors. Rationale To an organist, a study of the literature for the instrument is essential. Furthermore, this type of course is required for graduate level study of the instrument. Objectives and Outcomes The student will be more familiar with the music written for the instrument, and have a grasp of the various styles of organ composition. Academic Integrity Students must do their own work, but should read the Tomahawk and Student Bulletin concerning cheating. Any work which exhibits cheating or plagiarism will be given no (zero) credit. Outline of Topics Italian Baroque French Baroque English Baroque German Baroque Netherlands Baroque Spanish Baroque Bach French Romantic German Romantic English Romantic 20th -21st Century German 20th -21st Century French Early American Modern American Modern Eastern European AChurch@ Literature Methods of Instruction Lecture, Listening Required Practices Reading, writing, listening Instructional Materials Recordings on Reserve in LRC Organ LiteratureBan Historical SurveyBCorliss Richard Arnold Methods to Evaluate Progress Exams Listening Exams Class Participation Other Information 2 absences permitted (apart from University-Excused) after 2 absences, the final letter grade drops one level for each absence three tardy entrances to class (10 minutes late) count for one absence grade scale 90-100A 80-89B 70-79C 60-69D 0-59F Grading Formula Three examsBaveraged together:75% of total three listening examsBaveraged together-15% of total class participation-10% of total