SPORT CLUB RECOGNITION FORM THIS FORM IS ONLY FOR CLUBS THAT HAVE PREVIOUSLY BEEN MEMBERS OF THE COLLEGIATE SPORT CLUB PROGRAM. Clubs seeking to become a Collegiate Sport Club should contact the Coordinator at (509) 963-3516. Club Name: _______________________________________________________________________ CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CLUB RECOGNITION PROCEDURE 1. Please complete the included Recognition Form, Statement of Non-Discrimination, Club/Organization Description and Declaration of Representation. 2. Verify that your club has opened an account with Campus Life Accounting by obtaining the signature of Shannon Martin, SURC 263A. Club Accounting Signature: _________________________________ Date: ______________________ 3. Verify that you have visited the Scheduling Center & received information on scheduling for future club meetings/events by obtaining the signature of Amy Alder, SURC 146. Scheduling Center Signature: ________________________________ Date: ______________________ 4. Verify that you are currently a recognized Collegiate Sport Club by obtaining the signature of the Coordinator Corey Sinclair, SURC 171. Corey Sinclair: __________________________________ Date:______________________ 5. Submit a current and updated Constitution and By-Laws with this Recognition packet. Note: Your Constitution must be updated at least every two academic years. After the above items have been signed off and the rest of the packet is completed, return it to the University Recreation office in the Recreation Center (SURC #175). If your Club/Organization is NOT officially recognized before the ASCWU Board of Directors, the benefits afforded recognized Clubs/Organizations will not be available. This includes SUB facilities, mailboxes, posting privileges, and travel funds. It should be noted that it is the responsibility of the Club/Organization to arrange this appointment. For questions or concerns please contact Corey Sinclair, Coordinator of Collegiate Sport Clubs & Camps at 509 963-3516 or COLLEGIATE SPORT CLUB RECOGNITION FORM (PAGE 1 of 5) OFFICER INFORMATION Please Type or Print Legibly Club/Organization Name: _____________________________________________ Collegiate Sport Clubs are advised by the Coordinator of the program, Corey Sinclair. See the information below: Corey Sinclair, Collegiate Sport Clubs & Camps Coordinator University Recreation SURC #175 509.963.3516 If you have an additional advisor, provide their information below: Advisor’s Name: ________________________ Department: ______________________ (please print legibly) Email: ______________________________________ Phone : _____________________ Please include name and phone number for each of the following. Each club is required to have at least 3 officers. You are also required to have at least 8 active members. Please attach a copy of your spring roster to this packet. President: ________________________________________________________________________ Treasurer: ________________________________________________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________________________________ Other: ________________________________________________________________________ I have attached a copy of our spring roster from the previous year. COLLEGIATE SPORT CLUB RECOGNITION FORM (PAGE 2 of 5) STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION This club/organization will not discriminate in its membership on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or status as a disabled or Vietnam era veteran. ___________________________ _____________________ ___________________ Signature of President President’s Name Date ___________________________ _____________________ ___________________ Signature of Advisor Advisor’s Name Date Final Recognition Signatures I have read the Collegiate Sport Club Handbook and agree to comply with all University and Club policies. ____________________________ _____________________________ Signature of President Signature of Advisor This information is true to the best of my knowledge. ____________________________ _____________________________ Signature of President Signature of Advisor (For ASCWU BOD Student Government Office Use Only) Recognition Approved by ASCWU Board of Directors Yes _____ _________________________________ Vice President for Clubs and Organizations Signature _________________________________ ASCWU President Signature No _____ _____________________ Date _____________________ Date COLLEGIATE SPORT CLUB RECOGNITION FORM (PAGE 3 of 5) CLUB REQUIREMENTS As a Collegiate Sport Club you are required to follow certain policies and procedures. In order to be a club “in good standing”, the following requirements must be fulfilled: 1. Each member is to submit a ‘Waiver/Assumption of Risk Form’ as well as a ‘Code of Conduct Form’. 2. Within 7 days of their first participation each member is to bring the following items to SURC #175 to be copied: a. Insurance information (preferably their insurance card) b. Driver’s license c. A private vehicle waiver (if they own a car) d. Car insurance (if they have a car) 3. Turn in receipts for all club expenses. 4. Attend regularly scheduled individual meetings. 5. Attend monthly meetings for all club officers. 6. Communicate with the staff about all club activities, incidents and concerns. 7. Complete required paperwork for any injuries. 8. Follow policies and procedures pertaining to club travel. 9. Fulfill all club commitments. 10. Follow all policies and procedures of the Collegiate Sport Club program. Clubs not meeting any of these requirements will be given a formal warning. The second penalty is a meeting with the club membership and the club will be placed on probation. The third penalty is loss of privileges that may include any of the following: Temporary or permanent loss of funding Suspension of facility space Suspension of travel privileges Temporary or permanent loss of recognition PLEASE NOTE: These penalties do not have to be followed in order, the severity of club’s actions or lack thereof may dictate stiffer penalties. COLLEGIATE SPORT CLUB RECOGNITION FORM (PAGE 4 of 5) CLUB/ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION A brief description of your club or organization is required by the Board of Directors. This description should include the purpose of your club; how a student can become a member, any goals for your group, any projects in which you participate, and any other related information that may interest prospective members. This “Club Description” will be published on the Club Senate Website, as well as distributed in print and electronic forms to all interested students looking to find and join ASCWU recognized clubs. A majority of this information should be listed on your club website located at To fulfill this requirement you may print this information from the website and add any missing information. Please identify what division/league you will be competing as well as who your national governing body is: ___________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY AFFILIATED CLUBS AND ORGANIZATION ACTIVITY IS EXPECTED TO COMPLY WITH THE PRESCRIBED CONDUCT PROVISIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY’S STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES POLICY, WASHINGTON STATE LAW, AND GOVERNING UNIVERSITY POLICY MANUALS. CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DENY CLUB RECOGNITION SHOULD A CLUB/ORGANIZATION OR ITS MEMBERS VIOLATE SAID POLICIES AND/OR STATE LAW, ALLEGED VIOLATIONS WILL BE REFERRED TO THE CAMPUS JUDICIAL COUNCIL. Any questions should be directed to Corey Sinclair, Coordinator of the Collegiate Sport Club program. COLLEGIATE SPORT CLUB RECOGNITION FORM (PAGE 5 of 5)