Syllabus On Line Version RT 490 Cooperative Education/Internship Additional information is available on Blackboard and follow these instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In order to have access to all forms and documents, you must self enroll on Blackboard into RT 490 Go to L LOG IN Click on “Browse Course Catalog” Search the Catalog: Course Name contains “Cooperative Education” Click GO 6. This will bring up “RT490.BM_MASTER RT 490 Cooperative Education Internship” 7. On the right side is an “Enroll” button…Click on this 8. You will them be whisked to RT 490 Cooperative Education Internship 9. All forms are under COURSE DOCUMENTS Part 1: Introduction Course Description: (1-12 credits) Prerequisite, a minimum GPA of 2.25 in the major is required in order to register for RT 490. RT 490 is an individualized contracted field experience with business, industry, government, or social service agencies. This contractual arrangement involves a student learning plan, cooperating employer supervision, and faculty coordination. Prior approval required. May be repeated up to 20 credits total. Grade will be S or U NOTE: Students who wish to do their internship with Ellensburg Parks and Recreation or University Recreation must complete a 3 credit RT 292 Practicum the term prior to registering for RT 490 Cooperative Education and doing their internship Accreditation Standard 8.29 Internship, full-time continuing experience in one appropriate professional recreation organization/agency of at least 400 clock hours over an extended period of time, not less than 10 weeks. If an option is accredited, the internship must be directly related to such option. CWU Advisors for Internships Dr. Dorothy Chase Dr. Kenneth Cohen Dr. Barbara Masberg Dr. Rob Perkins Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: 509-963-1968 509-963-1967 509-963-1969 509-963-1292 Email: Email: Email: Email: Recreation and Tourism Program Central Washington University 400 East University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926-7565 fax: 509-963-2787 homepage: All documents are located on Blackboard at Part 1: Getting the Internship Your internship is a unique opportunity to apply what you have learned in your field of choice, gain practical experience, and further your career objectives. The first step is searching and being hired for an internship experience. You should begin the search process as soon as you have been accepted as a major in the Recreation and Tourism program by keeping your eyes and ears open for opportunities you may be interested in. It is not too early to meet with professionals individually to discuss your interests or attend professional conferences to network. One to two terms prior to the quarter you expect to register for RT 490, your search should become more intense. It is recommended you communicate regularly with your RT Advisor in order to ensure your chosen organizations/sites and internship meets the requirements of an internship and all steps and forms are completed correctly. 1. Identify several organizations you would like to target and obtain relevant contact information. 2. Contact each in order to inquire about the organization’s needs regarding availability of “internships”, specific positions they have available and general opportunities 3. Identify your warm leads and complete the application process required. 4. After receiving an offer and accepting a position, obtain a job description (written is preferred). The job description will help you when filling out the Learning Agreement. Part 2: The Learning Agreement and Other Procedures for Registering for RT 490 Upon accepting an approved internship, you should meet with your CWU Advisor to answer any questions regarding the next steps in the process. To be fully registered in RT 490, you need to complete and gain signature(s) on two (2) documents: 1) The Learning Agreement (LA) and 2) The Student Cooperative Education/Internship Release Form. These forms are available on Blackboard. 1. The Learning Agreement The Learning Agreement is the form you need to complete after you have obtained your Internship. There is a guide to assist you in filling out the Learning Agreement at A sample of the agreement is attached, however go to the Career Services web site or Blackboard and use the MSWord version to type in the needed information easily. Once you have completed the Learning Agreement, 1) submit it to your CWU Advisor as an attachment to an Email. 2) Your CWU advisor will review it, complete the Faculty Advisor Requirements and approve it or will respond with changes you need to make to the agreement. You will need to resubmit after you have made changes. 3) After getting the OK, you will need to sign it and have your Site Supervisor review and sign it. Contact your CWU Advisor is you require assistance with this step. 4) Finally submit the signed copy it to your CWU advisor with your signed Release Form. You are to review, sign the Release form and submit it with your Learning Agreement. A sample is attached 5) Your CWU Advisor will sign the agreement and send it through the system to Career Services. 6) Staff at Career Services will register you in RT 490 based upon the information on your Learning Agreement. You do not have to register yourself. Career Services does it for you. 2 THIS IS A SAMPLE ONLY. GO TO BLACKBOARD or THE CAREER SERVICES WEB SITE FOR A MSWORD FORM TO FILL OUT Page 1 of 3 3 Page 2 of 3 4 Page 3 of 3 5 THIS IS A SAMPLE ONLY. GO TO BLACKBOARD or THE CAREER SERVICES WEB SITE FOR A PDF FORM TO COMPLETE 6 7 Part 3: The Internship Below is a summary of the requirements to successfully complete RT 490 and your internship. All items are required in a timely manner. Please note deadlines for submitting reports (current term is on Blackboard). Let your CWU Advisor know if you have any questions. It is also prudent to maintain a regular communication with your CWU Advisor about concerns and any issues regarding the following requirements. Be sure and make a copy of all completed documents for your records. 1. Complete 40 hours of work per credit. For example, if you are enrolled in 12 credits of RT 490, you need 480 hours of work time. Document your hours on the Weekly Log form. 2. When you begin the Internship email or phone your CWU Advisor to let he or she know you have started and identify the best way for you to communicate. Also let your CWU Advisor know of any changes to your Learning Agreement. 3. Reporting Hours (Weekly Log) a. Record your hours and tasks on the Weekly Log form (on Blackboard), and maintain a journal. A Journal should include what you did and what your progress is toward fulfilling your objectives plus a reflection of your learning and challenges you faced and conquered, as well as successes and experiences you will cherish. The Journal is a good place to also log hours for future reference. b. Your internship hours are due on a weekly basis. A schedule of due dates for the current term are on Blackboard. A copy signed by your site supervisor is required and may be faxed to 509-963-2787, mailed through the (U.S.) Postal Service, or scanned and emailed to your CWU Advisor. 4. Two investigation reports are required of all interns. See schedule on Blackboard for due dates. The report requirements are included. 6. Site Supervisor Evaluation of Intern When you are nearing the midpoint of your Internship (usually 6 weeks), provide your Site Supervisor with the Midterm Evaluation form for his or her evaluation of your performance. Be sure to fill in the learning objectives from your Learning Agreement on Page 2 of the evaluation form. Make an appointment in order to review the evaluation. Obtain a signature from your Site Supervisor. You also sign it. Fax, mail or scan and email your evaluation to your CWU Advisor. 5. Final Evaluation: What date do you complete your internship hours? A week before that date, provide your Site Supervisor with the form for the Final Evaluation. Be sure to fill in the learning objectives from your Learning Objectives on Page 2 of the evaluation form. Make an appointment in order to review the evaluation. Obtain signature from Site Supervisor. You also sign it. Fax, mail, or scan and email your evaluation to your CWU Intern Supervisor. 8 RT 490 Cooperative Education (Internship) Weekly Log Form 1 of 2 pages Central Washington University - Recreation and Tourism Program Intern Name:_________________________________ Internship Site:____________________________ Reporting period: From _______________, 20___ to _______________, 20___ Date Start Time End Time # of Hours Primary Activities Number of hours worked during this period + Number of hours accumulated prior to this log = Total number of hours worked to date 1. How did your activities this week further your progress toward completion of your objectives? 9 Weekly Log Form cont. 2 of 2 pages 2. Describe 2 successes you have had during the last week? 3. a) Describe 2 concerns/issues you addressed this past week? b) What did you learn from dealing with these challenges/opportunities? c) Reflect on how you would address these challenges/opportunities in the future? Intern Signature:______________________________________ Date:___________ Supervisor: Please verify the completed hours of work and performance and sign below Supervisor’s Signature:____________________________________ Date:_ 10 MEMO Midtern Evaluation To: RT 490 Intern From: Your CWU Intern Supervisor RE: Site Supervisor’s Midterm Evaluation of Intern 1. What date will be the mid point of your internship? a) A week before that date, copy the Learning Objectives from your Learning Agreement onto page 2 of the Midterm Evaluation Form. b) Provide your site supervisor with the form for the midterm evaluation c) Make an appointment to review the Midterm Evaluation 2. At your appointment, go over the evaluation noting where you need improvement and ask for strategies for improvement from your site supervisor. Ask questions of your supervisor regarding other areas of concern you may have. 3. Discuss your required reports and information needed for the reports. Three are required addressing three general areas. 4. Obtain a signature from your Site Supervisor. You also sign it. 5. After completion of the evaluation process, mail or fax the completed Midterm Evaluation Form to your the CWU Intern Supervisor. Dr. Kenneth Cohen Dr. Barbara Masberg Dr. Dorothy Chase Dr. Rob Perkins Michaelsen 136 (509) 963-1967 Michaelsen 134 (509) 963-1969 Michaelsen 135 (509) 963–1968 Michaelsen 226 (509) 963-1292 Central Washington University Recreation and Tourism Program Michaelsen Hall 134 400 East University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926-7565 fax: 509-963-2787 Updated 5/14/08 11 12 Site Supervisor’s Midterm Evaluation of Intern 1 of 2 pages Intern Name____________________________________ Internship Site _________________________ Site Supervisor Name____________________________________Date____________________________ Excellent Good Average Marginal Poor A. Intern Demonstrates Professionalism 1. Dependable (attendance & punctuality) 5 4 3 2. Professional behavior and appearance 5 4 3 3. Assists fellow workers and exhibits teamwork 5 4 3 4. Demonstrates sound judgment 5 4 3 5. Has appropriate rapport with clients/guests 5 4 3 6. Responds positively to supervision 5 4 3 7. Follows organization policies and procedures 5 4 3 B. Intern’s Performance on the Job 8. Demonstrates willingness to learn the job 5 4 3 5 4 3 9. Generates high quality work products/activities/events 10. Solves problems well 5 4 3 11. Works efficiently 5 4 3 12. Works independently without close supervision 5 4 3 13. Takes initiative when appropriate 5 4 3 C. Intern’s Attitude at the Workplace 14. Is actively engaged 5 4 3 15. Relates well to supervisor(s) 5 4 3 16. Is receptive to suggestions/criticism 5 4 3 17. Accepts added responsibility willingly 5 4 3 18. Accepts responsibility for own actions 5 4 3 D. Skills Demonstrated by Intern 19. Communicates well in writing 5 4 3 20. Communicates well verbally 5 4 3 21. Takes information and ideas and is able to draw 5 4 3 conclusions (analytical) 22. Demonstrates knowledge and/or ability in the following areas: a) Customer Service 5 4 3 b) Programming events/activities 5 4 3 c) Supervision/Leadership 5 4 3 d) Budgeting 5 4 3 e) Accounting 5 4 3 f) Risk Management 5 4 3 g) Promotion and Marketing 5 4 3 h) Planning 5 4 3 i) Sustainability 5 4 3 j) Trends and Issues in the field 5 4 3 k) Demonstrates effective use of the following computer technology: Word processing 5 4 3 Spreadsheets 5 4 3 Graphics/Promotional Document Production 5 4 3 Internet Research 5 4 3 Shows aptitude for learning the organization computer system 5 4 3 2 Not Applicable 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 13 Site Supervisor’s Midterm Evaluation of Intern 2 of 2 pages 23. Evaluate the progress made toward completion of Internship Objectives (refer to Learning Agreement) The following objective has progressed to a level of what 100% 75% 50% 25% No percentage (%) completion? Progress 1. 2. 3. 24. What is the Plan of Action for 100% successful completion of these objectives (Make the plan while meeting to discuss this evaluation) 25. At this point, I would grade this Intern’s performance as an (circle one) A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- Intern’s Signature Date _____________ Supervisor’s Signature Date______________ F 14 MEMO Final Evaluation To: RT 490 Intern From: Your CWU Intern Supervisor RE: Instructions for your Final Internship Evaluation 1. What date do you complete your internship hours? a) A week before that date, copy the Learning Objectives from your Learning Agreement onto page 2 of the Final Evaluation Form. b) Provide your Site Supervisor with the form for the Final Evaluation. c) Make an appointment in order to review the evaluation. 3. At your appointment, review the contents of the evaluation. Ask about the items on the evaluation you are unclear about. Ask your Supervisor about strategies to address areas that were not rated Excellent or Good. Make sure to get ideas for your next career step. 4. Obtain a signature from your Site Supervisor. You also sign it. 5. After completion of the evaluation process, mail or fax the completed Final Evaluation Form to your the CWU Intern Supervisor. Dr. Kenneth Cohen Dr. Barbara Masberg Dr. Dorothy Chase Dr. Rob Perkins Michaelson 136 (509) 963-1967 Michaelson 134 (509) 963-1969 Michaelson 135 (509) 963–1968 Michaelsen 226 (509) 963-1292 Central Washington University Recreation and Tourism Program Michaelsen Hall 134 400 East University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926-7565 fax: 509-963-2787 Updated 2/7/08 15 Site Supervisor’s Final Evaluation of Intern 1 of 2 pages Intern Name_____________________________________Internship Site _________________________ Site Supervisor Name____________________________________Date____________________________ Excellent Good Average Marginal Poor Not Applicable 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 32. Solves problems well 5 4 3 33. Works efficiently 5 4 3 34. Works independently without close supervision 5 4 3 35. Takes initiative when appropriate 5 4 3 C. Intern’s Attitude at the Workplace 36. Is actively engaged 5 4 3 37. Relates well to supervisor(s) 5 4 3 38. Is receptive to suggestions/criticism 5 4 3 39. Accepts added responsibility willingly 5 4 3 40. Accepts responsibility for own actions 5 4 3 D. Skills Demonstrated by Intern 41. Communicates well in writing 5 4 3 42. Communicates well verbally 5 4 3 43. Takes information and ideas and is able to draw 5 4 3 conclusions (analytical) 44. Demonstrates knowledge and/or ability in the following areas: l) Customer Service 5 4 3 m) Programming events/activities 5 4 3 n) Supervision/Leadership 5 4 3 o) Budgeting 5 4 3 p) Accounting 5 4 3 q) Risk Management 5 4 3 r) Promotion and Marketing 5 4 3 s) Planning 5 4 3 t) Sustainability 5 4 3 u) Trends and Issues in the field 5 4 3 v) Computer Technology: Demonstrates effective use of the following: 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Word processing Spreadsheets Graphics/Promotional Document Production Internet Research Shows aptitude for learning the organization computer system A. Intern Demonstrates Professionalism 23. Dependable (attendance & punctuality) 5 4 3 24. Professional behavior and appearance 5 4 3 25. Assists fellow workers and exhibits teamwork 5 4 3 26. Demonstrates sound judgment 5 4 3 27. Has appropriate rapport with clients/guests 5 4 3 28. Responds positively to supervision 5 4 3 29. Follows organization policies and procedures 5 4 3 B. Intern’s Performance on the Job 30. Demonstrates willingness to learn the job 5 4 3 5 4 3 31. Generates high quality work 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 products/activities/events 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 16 Site Supervisor’s Final Evaluation of Intern 2 of 2 pages 23. Evaluate progress made toward completion of Internship Objectives (refer to Learning Agreement) The following objective has progressed to a level of what 100% 75% 50% 25% No percentage (%) completion? Progress 1. 2. 3. 24. If the above objectives have not been completed, explain why they have not been completed? (Discuss with Intern during evaluation meeting) 25. a) Your intern is soon to complete a bachelors degree in Recreation and Tourism, what is strong about his/her academic preparation? b) What areas did you identify as needing improvement? 26. I would grade this Intern’s performance as a(circle one) A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F Intern’s Signature Date _____________ Supervisor’s Signature Date______________ 17 RT 490 Cooperative Education Internship Prior to registering for your RT 490 Internship, you must read this document carefully then schedule a meeting with your advisor to discuss your goals, learning objectives, and placement. Your internship is a unique opportunity to apply what you’ve learned in your field of choice, gain practical experience, and further your career objectives. An internship is a partnership between you and the sponsoring agency. You will be expected to meet the needs of the agency while taking the initiative to identify opportunities to deepen your learning experience. Below is an outline of activities and expectations. Read this outline carefully, and be sure to keep a calendar of due dates for all assignments. All RT 490 Cooperative Education documents referred to below can be found on Blackboard at It is advisable that you begin the Internship process well in advance of the quarter in which it will take place. The Internship is a strategic decision you are making that will affect your career. Choose your internship carefully; learn all that you can about the sponsoring agency; think about the type of activities you would like to be involved with; be sure to make a good first impression. I. The Learning Agreement The Cooperative Extension Learning Agreement (located on Blackboard) is to be developed in conjunction with your site supervisor. RT 490 is a 12 credit course (minimum), with one credit representing 40 hours of work. Therefore, if you have registered for 12 credits, you need to calendar 480 hours of work time. In addition to the start and completion dates for your internship, the Learning Agreement specifies the objectives and activities that you will be fulfilling as an intern. The objectives should be stated in clear, measurable terms. While you will be fulfilling the needs of the agency, you should develop at least one objective that revolves around a special project or activity that reflects your personal professional interests. You may need to take the initiative to develop this project with your Site Supervisor. Your advisor has an example of learning objectives. Review your learning objectives with your advisor prior to meeting with you site supervisor. II. Reporting Hours and Activities You will record your hours on the bi-weekly report form provided on Blackboard. Your report form must be typed. If the sponsoring agency has an hourly reporting form that is comparable to the form on Blackboard, it may be substituted for the Blackboard form. In addition to recording the hours worked, you will record your activities. This information will be included in your final portfolio and should be worked on each day or at a minimum at the end of each week. Reflecting on your current activities and performance will improve your future performance. Your activity log can be an important tool in preparing you to be a highly productive employee. Every two weeks your hourly report form and accompanying activity entries are due. After completing your hourly report form, forward it to your site supervisor via email. After the site supervisor has reviewed and approved your hours, he/she can forward it via email to your academic advisor. If you are working in a remote location and email is not consistently available, the form can be signed and sent regular mail. The form is due to your academic advisor no later than one week after completion of the hours recorded. Keep a copy of all records. 18 Provide your bi-weekly form to your supervisor in a timely and consistent manner. Plan in advance and do not expect your supervisor to respond urgently to last minute requests to meet your academic deadlines. In fact, last minute requests signal to the supervisor that your time management skills and understanding of the agency’s priorities is lacking. III. Midterm Evaluation At the mid-point of your internship (approximately 6 weeks), your midterm report is due. The midterm report form is located on Blackboard. Calendar the date and plan in advance to have this report completed, reviewed by your site supervisor, and submitted to your advisor. Respect your supervisor’s and colleagues’ time demands and provide plenty of lead time for scheduling the midterm evaluation meeting. The midterm report is to be completed and then reviewed and approved by your site supervisor. The midterm evaluation is designed for you to evaluate your performance to date, receive feedback from your supervisor, and refine or revise your objectives in your Learning Agreement so that your internship is a productive and positive experience for all involved. At this juncture, it is important to review your progress and determine if you have the resources needed to meet your objectives and if your objectives are meeting your needs as a student intern and the needs of the agency. If modifications are in order, revise the objectives in conjunction with your supervisor. The midterm requires your supervisor’s signature. Mail a signed hardcopy to your academic advisor, email a copy to your advisor (sans signature), and keep a copy for your portfolio. The midterm report must include: An organizational overview to include an organizational chart, a description of the vision and mission of the overall agency, and a description of the specific goals and objectives of your particular department or service area. The list of objectives and duties as stated in your learning agreement A self-evaluation of your progress towards these objectives Any modifications to the objectives as agreed upon with your supervisor A signature from you and your supervisor IV. Site Visit Your academic advisor will make a personal visit to your sponsoring agency if the agency is within a reasonable distance to campus. Additionally, your academic advisor will contact your site supervisor by phone or email. Should distance preclude a physical visit, your advisor will schedule a more extensive phone conversation with your site supervisor. You will be advised in advance of the visit and may be asked to participate in the conversation along with your supervisor. The visit is intended to further relationships between the agency and University, and discuss the internship program in general and your performance to date in particular. V. Final Report 19 The final report is due as indicated on your Learning Agreement. The final report should be saved and forwarded electronically, along with a hardcopy that will be kept with Department as an artifact of your internship. The information from your midterm report may be transferred into section “A” of the final report. You may want to keep an extra copy to present to future potential employers to demonstrate your experience and writing ability. The final report should include: A. General Overview of the Organization 1. The aims & purposes of the organization 2. Type of ownership (public/private…) 2. Organizational structure (an organizational chart may be included) 3. Mission Statement 4. Funding structure, i.e. primary means of revenue generation. B. Department or Division Description 1. The relationship of the department/division to the larger organizational structure. 2. The primary purpose of the department/division 3. A description of the primary responsibilities, functions, facilities, and activities of the department/division. 4. A detailed description of the primary functions and activities of the department/division to meet the organization’s mission, aims & purposes. C. Position Description 1. If available, include a job description specific to or related to your intern position. 2. The position objectives as detailed in the Learning Agreement 3. A description of your specific duties and responsibilities as they related to your objectives. D. SWOT Analysis. Identify, describe, and evaluate the following: 1. What are the strengths of your organization? 2. What are the weaknesses? 3. What are the opportunities for your organization? 4. What are the threats to your organization? E. Reflective Personal Assessment 1. What did you find most rewarding? 2. What were your strengths? 3. In what areas are you in need of improvement? 4. Based on your experience, how will you improve your future performance? 5. What content from your coursework did you apply during your internship? Which courses did you find most helpful? 6. Concluding remarks regarding the organization and your experience. F. Sample Work Products and Artifacts 1. Include at least two examples of work products that you designed, developed, managed, or implemented with a brief explanation of each and your role in generating the product. These work products should be derived directly from your learning objectives. 2. Include at least one press release, photo, newsletter, report or other artifact representing your experience. 20 VI. Final Evaluation The final evaluation form can be found on Blackboard. Be sure to schedule your final evaluation meeting with your site supervisor one week in advance of the conclusion of your internship. As with the midterm evaluation, the final evaluation will be reviewed, discussed, and approved by your site supervisor. You and your supervisor must sign the final evaluation. Send the signed hardcopy regular mail and forward an email copy (sans signature) to your advisor. In Conclusion: Take the initiative to make your experience worthwhile – ultimately the quality of your experience is up to you. Make it your goal to exceed expectations. Look for opportunities and solutions --- keep it positive. Contact Information: Send forms attention to your academic advisor at CWU 400 East University Way, Ellensburg, WA 98926-7565 21