Enterprise Facilities Committee 2013-2014 Annual Report

Enterprise Facilities Committee1
2013-2014 Annual Report
FINAL – September 15, 2014
Respectfully submitted by:
Bill Yarwood, Committee Chair
Director, Capital Planning & Projects
Facilities Management Department
Tel: 509.963.1120
Formerly known as “Campus Development Committee”
Enterprise Facilities Committee
Committee Charge
Per University Policy CWUP 2-60 (4), The Enterprise Facilities Committee reports
through the Vice President of Operations to the Cabinet. The purpose of the committee
is to establish and maintain an effective governance structure which links university
facilities related decision making to the ongoing strategic planning process of CWU. The
committee will translate the mission and values of CWU into goals, strategies,
initiatives, and projects. This committee will make recommendations for both short and
long-term decision-making by the cabinet and/or BOT, thus enabling the cabinet to
make effective choices among competing demands for capital investment,
infrastructure support, programmatic support, information systems, technology, and
human resources.
Committee Responsibilities
Include (but are not limited to) the following:
 Establishing program needs, identifying options and solutions, making appropriate
recommendations to the cabinet.
 Developing and publishing processes for how information is to be submitted to the
committee, to include publication of a calendar when information must be received.
 Establishing criteria for low to mid-level project.
 Making low to mid-level decisions regarding facilities needs/requests and
communicating resultant projects as appropriate.
 Ensuring all facilities related decisions, which includes resident life, student life, and
the SURC, are appropriately considered, planned, and communicated as formal
project plan(s) to ensure successful execution of the project(s).
 Monitoring progress on all facility initiatives and projects.
 Maintaining, developing, and implementing a university-wide facilities master plan
in coordination with the university capital plan.
 Developing recommendations on campus master planning issues including site
development, new construction, infrastructure, conservation, parking, signage and
wayfinding, and land acquisition.
 Serving as an effective forum for communication to, from, and among all university
 Establish outcomes as they relate to the strategic plan and capital budget.
Committee Membership
Roster of committee members is as follows:
 7 Ex-Officio positions;
o Director, Capital Projects and Planning (serves as Committee Chair),
o Representative, University Centers,
o Director, Facilities Maintenance and Operations,
o Director of Athletics,
o University Facilities Planning Officer,
o Director, Strategic Planning, and
o Director, Academic Planning.
Enterprise Facilities Committee
2013-2014 Annual Report
17 Appointed positions;
o 1 Classified Staff recommended to the Vice President of Operations by
Employee Council,
o 1 Exempt Staff recommended to the Vice President of Operations by Exempt
Employee Association,
o 1 Student recommended to the Vice President of Operations by ASCWU
Student Government,
o 7 appointments by the Provost/Vice President, Academic and Student Life;
o 1 Associate Dean,
o 1 representative of Student Success,
o 1 representative Library, and
o 4 Faculty positions (1 representative from of the following colleges
recommended to the Provost by Faculty Senate);
 College of Sciences,
 College of Arts and Humanities,
 College of Business, and
 College of Education and Professional Studies.
o 2 appointments by the Vice President of Operations of Operations;
o 1 representative of Information Services, and
o 1 representative of Police and Parking Services
o 2 appointments by the Vice President, Business and Financial Affairs/Chief
Financial Officer;
o 1 representative of Enrollment Management, and
o 1 representative of Finance and Auxiliary Services;
o 3 appointments by the Chief of Staff;
o 1 representative from University Advancement;
o 1 representative from the President’s Office, and
o 1 Community representative.
Committee Meetings and Minutes
The committee met on a monthly basis from July 2013 to August 2014. A link to
all of the minutes for each of the committee meetings from July 2013 to March 2014 is
available at:
Copies of the minutes for committee meetings from April 2014 to August 2014,
which will be posted on the above website, are attached to this Annual Report for
reference (see Attachment A).
Committee Activities and Accomplishments
Early in the fiscal year 2013-2014, the committee updated the membership
roster, including replacing the faculty position due to Michael Chinn’s retirement and
initiated the process to replace the representative from the community due to Ray
Miller’s resignation. The committee reviewed all of the proposed capital projects
Enterprise Facilities Committee
2013-2014 Annual Report
submitted to Facilities during the fall of 2013 in response to the campus-wide call from
the Vice President of Business and Financial Affairs for capital project proposals for
2015-2017 capital budget.
With the staging and construction areas being planned for the Science Phase II
project, the committee worked with Facilities project management team to determine
construction vehicle and pedestrian routes, site barricades and construction fencing
required for the site in the J-8 parking lot south of the Japanese Garden, including
temporary pedestrian and ADA directional signage with informational “Building Your
Future” signage on all sides of the construction site.
In September 2013 construction of eight new tennis courts commenced. By
October 2013, the tennis court base, fencing, and exterior lighting system had been
installed. The weather prevented the installation of the final court finish coat until after
winter. In November/December 2013, the committee reviewed the Science Phase II
project SEPA public review process.
A few off-campus projects were monitored by the committee including the City
of Ellensburg Electrical Substation on CWU’s 53 acre property north of Helena Avenue
east of Airport Road. Another project was a CWU proposed “beautification” project on
BNSF property on Canyon Road. Also, the committee reviewed and supported the
proposal from the owner of the Pioneer Village just north of the Police and Public Safety
building to improve their site by blocking off access through their property into the CWU
0-5 Parking Lot.
In November 2013, the ASCWU brought a few proposals to the committee
including their “Fresh Air Initiative” for proposed potential locations for on-campus
designated smoking areas. Another proposal was to locate three separate Wildcat
statues on campus.
In February 2014, the committee reviewed the proposed Ten-Year Capital Plan
(Budget) for 2015-2017 prior to it being presented to the Cabinet and the Board of
Trustees in April 2014. Science Phase II was bid in March and approval to proceed with
construction was received at the April BOT meeting. Also, in February a Tribal Native
American Summit was held on campus to plan the proposed Central Plateau Fathering
Place and the committee was asked to review a number of potential sites.
In March 2014, Carolyn Honeycutt, Executive Director of Ellensburg Downtown
Association, advised committee that during an Ellensburg Downtown Association Board
of Directors retreat held in January 2014 a goal was identified to work with CWU to plan
a connection route between campus and historic downtown core. Discussion ensued
that EDA Design Committee could work with Campus Circulation Task Force under the
auspices of the standing committee to oversee this planning effort. Both the Ellensburg
Downtown Association and the EFC will work together to form a task force and the
kickoff meeting will be scheduled for October 2014 after fall quarter commences.
Also, in March, representatives from EQuAl Student Organization the Center for
Diversity and Social Justice presented their project to raise awareness of need for
gender neutral restrooms with appropriate signage for all campus buildings. This was
prior to the EQuAL sponsored campus-wide Gender Neutral Restroom week in May
Enterprise Facilities Committee
2013-2014 Annual Report
A major highlight of 2013/2014 was the reconstitution In May of the Campus
Development Committee into the Enterprise Facilities Committee. The purpose of this
change was to develop this university standing committee into an effective link between
campus facilities related decision making and the ongoing strategic planning process of
CWU. Accordingly, University Policy CWUP 2-60 (4) was revised and adopted to
redefine and change the name of the Campus Development Committee to the
Enterprise Facilities Committee (EFC). The EFC will review all campus facility related
proposals in the form of submitted business cases and make recommendations to the
VP of Operations. A goal of the enterprise approach is to improve communication
regarding campus facilities proposals while reviewing how each fits within the campus
master plan. Before these proposals actually become capital projects they may be
reviewed by the Cabinet and/or the Board of Trustees through the VP of Operations.
Working with the VP of Operations, the Enterprise Facilities Committee is developing a
business case assessment and review process, similar to what the Enterprise
Information System Committee uses.
Task Forces, such as the South Neighborhood Planning Task Force, the
Circulation Task Force, the Signage and Way-finding Task Force and the North Campus
Planning Task Force, will continue to operate under auspices of Enterprise Facilities
Committee. The recommendations of these task forces may result in business cases for
EFC review.
In July 2014 the committee oversaw an update to the Campus Master Plan. The
purpose of this update was to include the current 10 Year Capital Budget/Plan, which is
a key reference for CWU’s capital project requests for 2015-2017. This updated July
2014 version of the Campus Master Plan update has been posted on the CWU website
at the following link:
In August 2014, the committee refined an initial screening and review process
for business cases. Process will include the use of an initial review form for reviewers to
use. Also, committee will develop a flow chart, timeline, and a written procedure for
business case assessment and review.
Task Forces under the auspices of the Enterprise Facilities Committee
Campus Circulation Task Force has been working on updating the campus
circulation plan and developing a short-term and long-term campus parking plan.
A transportation consultant, The Transpo Group of Kirkland, Washington has
been assisting with reviewing the existing parking and circulation, developing a
short term and long term campus parking plan, and developing SEPA information
for the campus science neighborhood projects, which include the new Science
Phase II, the predesign study for the proposed new Health Sciences facility, and
the Samuelson STEM project. Also, the task force will work with the Ellensburg
Downtown Association to form a joint task force to address the proposed CWUDowntown connection.
Enterprise Facilities Committee
2013-2014 Annual Report
Campus PE/ Recreation / Sports Facilities Task Force has been working since
September 2012 with DA Hogan & Associates Inc., to develop a phased strategic
plan to upgrade Tomlinson Stadium with sequential phases and respective
budget estimates to add field lighting to the stadium, develop synthetic turf field
for football, soccer, rugby, relocate track and field facilities, add new bleachers
on the east side of new synthetic turf field, and upgrade existing bleachers on
west side of Tomlinson Stadium, press-box, restrooms, concessions, etc. The
task force expanded the parameters of the plan to include short and long term
phased development for all of the undeveloped north campus property. In 2014,
additional consulting services were contracted to expand the scope of work to
also include preliminary planning and conceptual design for a proposed new
arena structure, six (6) rendered perspective illustrations for the proposed
complex, reconfiguration of the area to include the arena, and layout and
planning for the associated arena and stadium parking.
Signage and & Way-finding Task Force continued with the on-going exterior
signage project to replace old wood signs on campus with new signage and wayfinding. This multi-biennia project includes campus building identification
monument signs, directional type signage, and campus information kiosks.
Enterprise Facilities Committee Information
Information regarding the Enterprise Facilities Committee can be linked under
University Standing Committee information posted on the CWU website at:
Enterprise Facilities Committee Goals and Objectives
The main goal of the reconstituted committee is to develop this standing committee
into an effective enterprise operation that provides a link between facilities related decision
making with the evolving strategic planning process of the University. In order to effectively
use the business case process, the committee will need to develop and publish processes
for how information is to be submitted to the committee and to include publication of a
calendar when information must be received. The committee will assist campus
departments with establishing program needs, identifying options and solutions, in order to
make appropriate recommendations as a committee. One of the main objectives of the
committee will be to develop a process to ensure all facilities related decisions, which
includes resident life, student life, and the SURC, are appropriately considered, planned,
and communicated as formal project plans to ensure successful execution of the projects.
This will need to include a process to monitor progress on all facility initiatives and projects.
The committee is responsible to maintain, develop, and implement the university campus
master plan and this needs to done in coordination with the university capital plan and long
term budget. And the committee needs to serve as an effective forum for communication
to, from, and among all university constituencies.
Enterprise Facilities Committee
2013-2014 Annual Report
Projects Reviewed by the Enterprise Facilities Committee:
The committee reviewed a wide variety of campus proposals from minor
improvements to major capital projects, which included:
 State-funded capital projects for which funding is being requested for the 20152017 state capital budget, which include major requests (more than $5M) to
fund construction of the Samuelson Computer Science and Technology Center, a
request to fund design of the proposed new Health Sciences facility, to house the
Nutritional, Exercise, and Health Sciences), and infrastructure funding for the ongoing Combined Utilities ESCO project. Intermediate level funding (less than
$5M) is being requested to renovate Lind Hall, Bouillon Hall, and Old Heat. And
funding for a predesign study is being request is for the proposed new NW Tribal
Fisheries and Cultural Center on campus.
 Other projects the committee is monitoring include construction of the new
Science Phase II project, the future of the vacant Short-Getz Apartments facility,
the ongoing West Wilson Creek restoration project, parking lot options to
mitigate the loss of the J8 parking lot for Science II, and the John Wayne Pioneer
Trail Reconnection project.
For committee meeting minutes for 2013 to March 2014 link to:
For committee meeting minutes from April 2014 to August 2014 see
Attachment A
End of 2013-2014 Annual Report
Enterprise Facilities Committee
2013-2014 Annual Report
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