Calculus I Textbook Homework: Course Description

Calculus I
Textbook: Calculus: Or A Single Variable 9th edition: ISBN
0-547-21290-6, Larson and Edwards
Homework: Online through:
Course Description: One may represent many real life
situations in the form of an equation or a set of equations
called a mathematical model. These models generally fall
into two categories: discrete models and continuous models.
Discrete models arise often in computing science and in
business situations and solving them is the subject of
classes such as Graph Theory and Operations Research.
Continuous models arise most often in engineering and
other scientific settings and solving them involves the use of
Calculus. In this class, we begin a study of the basic tools
needed for solving continuous models. The hammers,
screwdrivers and saws developed in Calculus I will be
needed for Calculus II, III, IV and in fields ranging from
Differential Equations to Probability and Statistics. Also, the
mathematical maturity developed will be necessary for most
upper division mathematics classes.
Goals: This term, the student will demonstrate an
understanding of the following concepts and methods:
• overview of functions
linear models
• limits
understanding the definition
one-sided limits
infinite limits
limits at infinity
• continuity
understanding the definition
Intermediate Value Theorem
Bisection method for approximating solutions to
• derivatives
understanding the definition
implicit differentiation
applications to distance/velocity/acceleration
applications to related rates
• other uses of the derivative
finding extreme values
finding intervals for increasing/decreasing
finding intervals for concave up/down
curve sketching
various word problems which apply all these concepts
(Roughly the prerequesites and the first three chapters of the
text.) In aiming at these target ideas, we will use graphical
calculators and computers to promote better intuition,
greater understanding and increased proficiency in doing
Meetings: This class meets as scheduled. You are expected
to be in class on time. University policy states that a student
cannot miss more than 25% of the class meetings and
receive credit for the course. Further, attendance will be
necessary in order to understand the material and make a
good grade. The student is responsible for work and material
missed when absent. Cheating in any way will be properly
rewarded in accordance to university policy.
Grading: There will be four exams during the semester plus
one mid-term and one comprehensive final exam. Due to
time constraints, the last sectional exam and the
comprehensive exam could be given on the last day of the
term. Also, there will be a quiz grade coming from an
average of assigned online homework as well as a few
assigned projects (time permitting). Any homework or
projects missed will be awarded a grade of zero. Your final
average will be computed by taking an unweighted average
of the exam grades (which counts 90%) and the quiz grade
(which counts 10%).
Your high school grade will be computed as 10% quiz grade
and 90% as two chapter tests and a mid-term (9 weeks) test
given for the 3rd 9-weeks grade. The 4th 9-weeks grade will
be based on two test grades accompanied with the quiz
average. The final high school grade will come from the
average of your two 9-weeks averages as 75% and the
semester exam counting the remaining 25%.
Make-up assignments only are given in the case of an excused
absence and will be given upon your return to school.
The grading scale is
Aim now for the desired grade. Finally, all graded work will
be returned to the student for keeping. If there were any
question later about your grade, you would be expected to
show these papers.