Bible 120 New Testament I John

Bible 120 New Testament
I John
A tract or homily similar to Gospel of john in language
Similarities in Gospel and three epistles might suggest that the same person
wrote all four. Is this the disciple John, the son of Zebedec? Did he refer to
himself later in life as the “elder?”
Date – last quarter of the first century
Purpose –
To make his joy complete 1:4
To warn his readers not to fall into sin 2:1
To assure the faithful that they possess eternal life 5:13
Other objective –
1. Warn against false teachers
2. Share the sheer joy of the marvelous experience which he had had with
3. Set forth important truth of discipleship upon which they might base their
assurance of salvation
Walk in the light 1:7, 2:3-6
Keep the all-important commandment to love the brethren 2:9-11,
3:10,15-16, 4:7, 20
Having faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God 2:23, 4:15
Living a life of victory over sin 3:4-10, 5:18
Recognizing the presence of God’s spirit in life 3:24, 4:13
Destination: “little children?” Same as church in Rev. 1:11, Ch. 2, 3 plus church
in Tralles, Magnesia, Miletus, Hierapolis, Colosse