Engineering Staff Advisory Council June 24, 2010 Minutes – Final 4511 Seamans Center Members present: Angie Schenkel, Susan Beckett, Diana Harris, Daniel Johnsen, Andy Craig, Troy Lyons, Ryan Baumert, Deborah Hampton, Kandy Munson (incoming member July) Members missing: Dawn Marshall, Dina Blanc, Shawn Allen (incoming member July), Mark Wilson (incoming member July) I. Call to Order – 8:30 AM II. Introductions – No new members are here today (Kandy did arrive later in the meeting) so introductions will be done next month. III. Approval of Minutes – Some changes/clarifications were required for the May minutes. They will be retyped and up for approval at the June meeting. IV. Impromptu new business items a. Discussion of the meeting location rotation for 2010-2011. Everyone agrees that the same rotational order (CCAD, IIHR, NADS, SC) and same time (8:30-10:30am on the 4th Thursday of each month) are fine. b. Need coverage for the next few University Staff Council meetings. The document is on the SharePoint site. Meetings have currently been claimed through October. V. Liaison Committee Reports a. University Staff Council i. There was no ESAC member in attendance for the June meeting – minutes can be accessed via the Staff Council website: b. Human Resources, Jan Waterhouse i. Report – Jan is not present due to a scheduling conflict ii. Welcome/Goodbye policy 1. Jan sent an email stating that she had spoken with a contact in central HR and got some input on employees that were leaving involuntarily. Jan will make decisions on a case-by-case basis and decide whether a good-bye acknowledgement is appropriate. 2. This is still a sensitive issue as ESAC’s desire is express thanks of behalf of the staff while the University must be diligent to protect itself. This basically comes down to an issue of careful wording and everyone agrees that ESAC can move forward on this issue by working with Jan and being adaptable. VI. Old Business 1 ESAC minutes, June 24, 2010 a. Committee Reports i. Executive committee 1. Contact with EFC & ESC – Dawn wrote to these bodies and mentioned our interest in working together. Both responded and felt that was a great idea. There are tentative plans to connect in the fall in some way; Diana will respond accordingly. ii. International/Diversity Committee 1. Susan has a year-end report ready and all files have been uploaded to SharePoint. The flags and installation materials have arrived and a mock-up of the plaque has been created. They are still open to accepting donations as a small cushion would be nice for any maintenance/replacement/unforeseen issues that pop up. CSS will produce a yearly report and combined with a current alumni list, the represented countries will be displayed with flags of unrepresented countries being rotated in. 2. Susan will create a PowerPoint slide and Ryan will make sure that it gets inserted into Dean Butler’s next State of the College presentation. 3. Congratulations to everyone for their hard work and a masterful job. This idea was originally conceived on Research Day, April 2009 and has been virtually completed in just over one year. iii. Elections Committee 1. Election results – There were five candidates for four open spots. Shawn Allen (NADS), Kandy Munson (K-12 Outreach), Mark Wilson (IIHR), and Deborah Hampton (CCAD, returning member) have been elected. 2. Diana has written up several pages on the setup process for running this online election process. 3. There was a 39% voting turnout this year. iv. Staff Awards Review Committee 1. Final report is not yet finished. v. Staff Service Leave Committee 1. Diana wrote up a final summary and added a paragraph at the end that suggested a possible new change of direction. vi. Social Events 1. The final report still needs to be done. It is very important that everything this committee has done does not get lost. 2. General discussion of the NADS-CoE cookout that has been tentatively scheduled for July 2nd. Can we ask Jan for funds to buy the meat or ask departments to donate funds? Ryan volunteered to be the grill master. There will be a master sign-up 3. Dan doesn’t really know anything about the current state of this plan and Dawn is on vacation so he will check with NADS and coordinate with Deb and Ryan. vii. Webmaster/Publicity 1. Dina is currently on vacation. Minutes need to be updated – Dan was behind on posting the final version of the minutes for the last few months. Those should now be updated on SharePoint. 2 ESAC minutes, June 24, 2010 viii. ESAC Welcome/Good-bye 1. See HR section above. b. Staff Milestones/Webpage Templates i. No news. c. Learn @ Work seminars - survey i. This is on Ryan’s to-do list. VII. New Business a. Committee Activity Summaries for end of year report i. All committees need to make sure some kind of report/summary gets uploaded to SharePoint. b. Impromptu committee discussion i. For all committees, ESAC will take stock of the interests of the current and new members at the next meeting and decide which committees will persist and which will not. Some new ones spring up and some may die out every year. ii. Diana will create a summary of existing committees with brief descriptions of what they do. This will be especially nice to have for incoming council members. c. Election of President-Elect and other officers i. Diana is the new President (starting in July). Public vote to elect officers for open positions. Diana nominates Troy for President-Elect and ESAC confirms with a vote. Dan will be the Secretary again. Andy will assume the At-large position. d. Amend bylaws for officer election i. Currently the bylaws state that the ESAC officers are to be elected at the June meeting. This is one month before the new committee members officially join ESAC (though they are traditionally invited to the June meeting). Do we need to amend either aspect of this process in the bylaws – either to change the elections to July or officially include the June invitation which was previously unstated? ii. Susan moves that we amend the bylaws to change the elections to July. Motion is seconded and passed. A vote will take place at the July meeting to make this official (2/3 majority required to pass). iii. Official wording: “Article VIII – Officers - *SECTION 2 - Nominations for the officers of ESAC shall be made and the officers shall be elected and assume their positions at the July meeting. The President must have served the immediately preceding year on the Council prior to the time he or she will hold office. “ e. Impromptu items i. We’ll put off discussion of new/old committees until next meeting when everyone is here. ii. Diana will manage the site access for GroupShare and add the new members. Diana will also be responsible for training the Council on access and site organization and could take place in presentation form at one of the ESAC meetings. Ryan and Diana have an idea to use the CoE GroupShare site as an intranet to share information with the College. iii. Susan has an idea about expanding the Learn@Work seminar survey that Ryan is putting together. Could this be expanded to include professional 3 ESAC minutes, June 24, 2010 development, facility tours and possibly other areas to solicit feedback about what people are primarily interested in. Suggestions for inclusion should be submitted to Ryan. VIII. Move to adjourn, 9:43am. Next meeting is July 22, 2010 at CCAD Room 202 (ERF) 4 ESAC minutes, June 24, 2010