2006 ANNUAL REPORT Use fall 2005 data in completing this form Return an Adobe Acrobat electronic version and a paper version with original CEO signature by May 19, 2006. Name of Institution Central Washington University Mailing Address 400 E. University Way City, State, Zip Ellensburg, WA 98926 1. 509-963-1111 Chief Executive Officer: Title (Dr., Rev., Mr., Ms., etc.): 2. Main Phone Number Dr. Phone 509-963-2111 509-963-3206 Name Jerilyn McIntyre FAX Position President E-mail Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO): Title (Dr., Rev., Mr., Ms., etc.): Dr. Phone 509-963-1400 509-963-2025 Name David Soltz FAX Position Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs E-mail 3. Institution Type (check one): Public Tribal/Native 4. Degree Levels Offered (check all that apply): 5. Have changes been made in the Articles of Incorporation and/or By Laws since the 2005 Annual Report was filed? If yes, please attach a copy of the revised document(s) to this Annual Report Form. 6. Calendar plan (semester, quarter, 4-1-4, trimester, other) 7. Students (All locations) (a) undergraduate Associate Masters Doctorate NO Unduplicated Headcount 9215 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) 8862.5 (b) graduate (if applicable) 464 403.3 (c) unclassified 626 443.9 10305 9709.7 Faculty (All locations) Unduplicated Headcount (a) Full-Time (b) Part-Time Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) 372 175 548 Totals 9. Baccalaureate Private For-Profit Quarter Totals 8. Private Non-Profit 383 76.9 459.9 Institutional Finances (a) (b) Private/Independent institutions (Include total expenses) (a) $ Public institutions (Include total current funds, expenditures and transfers, but exclude separate medical school and/or hospital budgets.) (b) $ 155,843,639.00 NOTE: ENCLOSE A COPY OF THE APPROPRIATE IPEDS FINANCIAL REPORT PAGE SHOWING VALUE REPORTED FOR (a) OR (b) above. All Institutions Respond. In NONE, so indicate. Operating Deficit $ None Accumulated Deficit $ None 10. Cohort default rate on Federal Guaranteed Student Loans for the most recent year for which data are available: Year 11. 2004 Default Rate 2.3 % Does your institution use its accreditation or pre-accreditation with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities to establish eligibility to participate in Higher Education Act (HEA) programs, including Title IV funding? Yes No IN RESPONDING TO ITEMS 12-17, USE SUPPLEMENTARY PAGES AS NECESSARY. 12. New degree/certificate programs offered since your 2004 Annual Report and/or planned for 2006-2007. If NONE, so indicate. Certificate/Degree Level BA MS 13. Curriculum or Program Film and Video Studies Nutrition Degree/Certificate programs of 30 semester/45 quarter credits or more in length terminated in 2005-2006 or planned for termination in 2006-2007. If NONE, so indicate. Certificate/Degree Level None 14. Curriculum or Program Contractual relationships with non-accredited organizations. (See Commission Policy A-6) List academic credit program(s)/course(s) operated jointly in contractual relationships with external organizations. Exclude student teaching partnerships, research contracts, contracts for non-credit offerings, etc. If NONE, so indicate. Degree/Certificate Program(s)/Course(s) External Agency/Organization None 15. Substantive Changes planned for 2006-2007. (See Commission Policy A-2) If NONE, so indicate. Certificate/Degree Level Curriculum or Program None -2- Student Headcount 16. Domestic Courses, Certificates and/or Degree Programs Offered for Credit at Off-Campus Locations or Through Distance Education. List all off-campus locations within the United States where courses/programs are offered for academic credit. Accurate information about off-campus programs is critical to the Commission in responding to inquiries and verifying program locations to the U.S. Department of Education relative to Title IV eligibility. The Commission requests that all courses offered for academic credit at off-campus locations be reported annually even if the program/course has been previously reported. If NONE, so indicate. a) Credit course(s), Certificate and/or Degree Programs offered within the United States at any off-campus location including branch, satellite or secondary campus site in or out of the institution’s service area. Location Degree/ Program / Course Course # Student OnSite Co-sponsoring Certificate Enrollment Administrator Organization Name/Level (Headcount YES or NO (If Applicable) ) BS Accounting 125 YES Des Moines BS Business Administration 112 YES Des Moines BAEd Early Childhood Education 126 YES Des Moines BS General Studies: Social Sciences 39 NO Des Moines BA Law and Justice 64 YES Des Moines MS Engineering Technology 13 YES Des Moines MEd Master Teacher 14 YES Des Moines MEd Education Administration 7 YES Des Moines Intermediate Accounting I 350 68 Des Moines coursework Intermediate Accounting II 351 32 Des Moines coursework Income Tax Acct II 446 9 Des Moines coursework Acct Inform Sys 455 15 Des Moines coursework Auditing 460 18 Des Moines coursework Fraud Examination 461 15 Des Moines coursework Art in Elem School 330 31 Des Moines coursework Advanced Business Law 341 22 Des Moines coursework Cooperative Education 490 1 Des Moines coursework Directed Research 495 1 Des Moines coursework Independent Study 496 8 Des Moines coursework Intro Financial Mgt 370 71 Des Moines coursework Personal Finance Planning 371 27 Des Moines coursework Interm Financial Mgt 470 7 Des Moines coursework Mgt Human Resources 381 34 Des Moines coursework Organizational Mgt 380 42 Des Moines coursework Intro to Internatl Bus 384 36 Des Moines coursework International Management 484 22 Des Moines coursework Strategic Management 489 14 Des Moines coursework Mgt Information Systems 386 21 Des Moines coursework MIS Lab Assistant 400 4 Des Moines coursework Database Systems 420 15 Des Moines coursework Princ of Marketing 360 64 Des Moines coursework Operations Management 323 41 Des Moines coursework Supply Chain Mgt 464 15 Des Moines coursework 3 Des Moines Location coursework Degree/ Certificate Name/Level Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework Plc Applications 522 Program / Course Course # Plastic & Comp Independent Study School and Comm The Principalship Pre-Autumn Fld Ex Teach: Curriculum, Meth & Mat Ed Technology Ed Issues & Law Creative Teaching Grad Research Theories Child Development Mat & Manip in Ece Parent Involvement Issues Early Childhood Ed Practicum/Issues Ece Tch Elem Sc Math Tch:Orientation Intro to Teacher Ed Intro Student Exceptionalities Ed Rsrch-Devlpmt Grad Research Reading I Reading II Mth/Mtr/Rdng Inst Teaching Language Arts Managerial Economics Technical Writing Writing Workshop Proposal Colloquium Senior Colloquium Cultural Geography Bus Com & Rep Writ Family Law Intr to Crim Law Police Personnel Rsrch Mth Crim Justice Ethics/Diversity 582 596 583 586 300 311 316 444 513 597 332 423 448 489 493 323 301 301A 302 510 597 308 309 413 420 452 310 391 289 489 308 385 311 313 333 400 401 4 13 Student OnSite Co-sponsoring Enrollment Administrator Organization (Headcount YES or NO (If Applicable) ) 7 4 17 9 3 30 1 24 11 1 32 33 60 7 33 25 42 49 33 13 3 63 25 1 25 5 52 14 22 3 37 26 40 32 30 30 30 Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Location coursework coursework coursework Degree/ Certificate Name/Level Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework BS BS BAEd BA BS Cert Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood BS MPA coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework Cooperative Education 490 Teach Exp LAJ 492 Music in Classrm 326 Program / Course Course # Health Ed Curr Elem Tch Pe Act-Elem Sch Int to Public Law Independent Study Hmn Dev & Learner Social Psych Chem Depend and the Fam Abnormal Psych Sci Ed in Elem Sc Independent Study Indiv & Society Accounting Business Administration Elementary Education Law and Justice General Studies: Social Sciences Teaching Mathematics (Career Switcher) Safety and Health Management Master of Professional Accountancy Cost Accounting Income Tax Acct I Intermediate Accounting I Intermediate Accounting II Adv Cost Acct Income Tax Acct II Acct Inform Sys Auditing Cooperative Education Info System Audit Foundations of Tax Thesis Human Inheritance Advanced Business Law Cooperative Education Independent Study 446 334 350 496 314 346 438 449 322 496 307 305 346 350 351 405 446 455 460 490 510 570 700 304 341 490 496 5 5 1 31 Student OnSite Co-sponsoring Enrollment Administrator Organization (Headcount YES or NO (If Applicable) ) 31 28 14 1 75 17 13 15 28 1 26 224 157 17 89 45 21 19 12 42 63 69 24 21 21 25 22 2 11 12 3 20 32 4 4 YES YES NO YES NO NO YES NO Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Location coursework coursework coursework coursework Degree/ Certificate Name/Level Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework Intro Financial Mgt 370 Personal Finance Planning 371 International Finance 477 Mgt Human Resources 381 Program / Course Course # Org Staffing Organizational Mgt Intro to Internatl Bus Organizational Behavior Strategic Management Str Mgt/Simulation Mgt Information Systems Princ of Marketing Consumer Behavior Operations Management Std in Com:Com & Stress Sec Lang Acq & Rel Meth Testing Eng Sec Lang Practicum Pre-Autumn Fld Ex Teach: Curriculum, Meth & Mat Ed Issues & Law Intro to Teacher Ed Intro Student Exceptionalities Managerial Economics Technical Writing Writing Workshop Proposal Colloquium Senior Colloquium Mth in Tch Ind Ed Transportation Safety Occ Safety & Health System Safety Fund Ind Hygiene I Bus Com & Rep Writ Admin of Justice Legal Research Family Law Intro to Paralegal Studies 445 380 384 481 489 525 386 360 367 323 315 432 439 492 300 311 444 301A 302 452 310 391 289 489 430 383 386 388 487 385 300 303 311 316 6 90 21 7 44 Student OnSite Co-sponsoring Enrollment Administrator Organization (Headcount YES or NO (If Applicable) ) 17 100 23 26 31 13 56 68 14 53 47 17 17 17 37 37 18 2 22 3 28 6 15 2 9 5 6 13 12 40 23 27 30 20 Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Location Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Moses Lake Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework Degree/ Certificate Name/Level Community Corrections 327 Police Personnel 333 Report Writing 450 Current Issues 459 Teach Exp LAJ 492 Independent Study 496 Program / Course Course # Sets and Logic coursework Mth/Mat Math Sec coursework Independent Study coursework Int to Public Law coursework Tch of Psychology coursework Social Psych coursework Abnormal Psych coursework Cooperative Education coursework Directed Research coursework Independent Study coursework Sociology of Fam coursework MEd Master Teacher Intermediate Accounting II coursework Acct Inform Sys coursework Organizational Mgt coursework Organizational Theory coursework Mgt Information Systems coursework Princ of Marketing coursework Ed Issues & Law coursework Tch:Orientation coursework Intro to Teacher Ed coursework Intro Student Exceptionalities coursework History of Education coursework Technical Writing coursework Aviation Phys/Sur coursework Hmn Dev & Learner coursework Hmn Dev & Learner coursework BS Electronic Engineering Technology BA Law and Justice coursework Interm Electronics coursework Instrumentation coursework Matlab Apps 26 25 21 28 1 5 Student OnSite Co-sponsoring Enrollment Administrator Organization (Headcount YES or NO (If Applicable) ) 260 324 496 350 340 346 449 490 495 496 357 21 20 1 14 2 29 26 1 1 1 33 351 455 380 385 386 360 444 301 301A 302 502 310 337 314 314 7 2 9 4 10 4 7 5 1 6 2 5 9 4 4 15 68 1 10 3 NO 322 342 361 7 YES Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Location coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework Degree/ Certificate Name/Level Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Pierce County Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework BAEd MEd coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework Electronics Workbench Lab View Apps Digital Circuits Adv Digital Circuits Microprocessor Appl Microprocess/Inst Senior Project Phase I Independent Study Program / Course 362 363 371 372 375 376 478 496 Course # Admin of Justice Evidence and Arrest Legal Research Community Corrections Report Writing Crime in America Cooperative Education Linear Algebra I Resch Mth/Psych Chem Depend and the Fam Theor Personality Criminology Elementary Education Master Teacher Intermediate Accounting II Acct Inform Sys Cooperative Education Art in Elem School Org Staffing Organizational Mgt Organizational Theory Mgt Information Systems Princ of Marketing Sheltering I Pre-Autumn Fld Ex Ed Issues & Law Thesis/Proj Study/Exam Tch:Orientation Intro to Teacher Ed Intro Student Exceptionalities 300 302 303 327 450 451 490 265 300 438 453 346 351 455 490 330 445 380 385 386 360 530 300 444 700 301 301A 302 8 3 1 2 3 1 10 2 1 Student OnSite Co-sponsoring Enrollment Administrator Organization (Headcount YES or NO (If Applicable) ) 20 14 17 15 15 20 1 6 15 19 30 14 25 8 7 2 1 25 2 12 5 13 7 9 71 14 1 10 2 38 YES YES Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Wenatchee Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Location coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework BAEd BA coursework coursework coursework Degree/ Certificate Name/Level Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima Yakima coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework coursework History of Education 502 Ed Rsrch-Devlpmt 510 Reading Practicum 493 Technical Writing 301 Hmn Dev & Learner 314 Elementary Education Law and Justice Intermediate Accounting II 351 Acct Inform Sys 455 Cooperative Education 490 Program / Course Course # Art in Elem School Org Staffing Organizational Mgt Organizational Theory Mgt Information Systems Princ of Marketing Found in Bilingual Ed Culture and Curriculum Sheltering I Ed Technology Prog of Curr Improv Thesis/Proj Study/Exam Curr:Kndgtn Prim Tch Elem Sc Math Intro to Teacher Ed Ed Foundations Reading I Adv Tch Reading:M/M Technical Writing Legal Research Correctional Counseling Rsrch Mth Crim Justice Report Writing Cooperative Education Health Ed Curr Elem Tch Social Psych Punishment/Corr Independent Study 330 445 380 385 386 360 312 318 530 316 565 700 334 323 301A 501 308 520 310 303 326 400 450 490 446 346 352 496 9 5 9 25 5 8 44 YES 28 YES 4 2 2 Student OnSite Co-sponsoring Enrollment Administrator Organization (Headcount YES or NO (If Applicable) ) 30 1 18 12 16 8 19 17 23 20 8 1 25 29 18 7 22 10 5 15 14 22 16 1 28 15 8 1 b) Degree and certificate Programs of 30 semester or 45 quarter credits or more offered by Distance Education None 17. Sites outside the United States at which your institution offers programs/classes for academic credit. Please complete this form noting all educational activities your institution offers abroad, separately or in cooperation with other institutions, U.S. as well as foreign. If there are no foreign country branch operations or study-abroad programs for which your institution awards academic credit, so indicate. Location Degree/ Certificate Level Various Locations Hefei, China Tokyo, Japan various locations Huangshan, China Lusaka, Zambia Beijing, China Pau, France Valdivia, Chile Dehli, India Dublin, Ireland Darwin, Australia Seoul, South Korea Lugano, Switzerland various locations Brisbane, Australia none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Program(s) /Course(s) American Institute for Foreign Study Anhui University Asia University College Consortium for International Studies CWU Biodiversity & Primate Studies Field School CWU Field Experience in Zambia CWU Chinese Language & Culture Program CWU Pau Summer Program CWU Semester Program in Chile CWU Spring Break Program to India CWU Spring Break Program to Ireland Charles Darwin University Ewha Woman’s University Franklin College, Switzerland Global Student Teaching Griffith University 10 Student Enrollment Headcount On-Site Administrator YES or NO Co-Sponsoring Organization (If Applicable) 10 0 1 20 11 11 16 0 43 14 20 5 1 12 5 10 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no yes no no no no yes no no Tamamura, Japan various locations Krakow, Poland Kyoto, Japan Sydney, Australia Morelia, Mexico Edinburgh, Scotland various locations Cadiz, Spain none none none none none none none none none Location Degree/ Certificate Level Beijing, China Pusan, ROK Brisbane, Australia Matsue, Japan Tokyo, Japan Liverpool, England Guadalajara, Mex. Guadalajara, Mex. Buenos Aires, Arg. Puebla, Mexico Montreal, Canada Dundee, Scotland Kingston-UponHull, England Pecs, Hungary Quito, Ecuador various locations Gunma Prefectural Women's University International Student Exchange Program Krakow Academy of Music Kyoto University of Foreign Studies Macquarie University Nutrition Program in Morelia Napier University Northwest Council on Study Abroad (NCSA) NW Cadiz Program Program(s) /Course(s) 1 8 1 4 4 0 1 22 1 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no yes yes Student Enrollment Headcount On-Site Administrator YES or NO Co-Sponsoring Organization (If Applicable) none none none none none none none none none none none none Peking University Pukyong National University Queensland University of Technology Shimane University Takushoku University TRIO Program Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara Universidad de Guadalajara Universidad de Belgrano Universidad de las Americas - Puebla Universite Laval (FIPSE partner institution) University of Dundee 0 0 4 1 1 1 43 3 69 0 2 0 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no yes no yes no no no none none none none University of Hull University of Pécs Washington Cooperative Program in Ecuador international internships 9 1 1 5 yes yes yes no no no yes no COMMENTS: CEO Signature Title Date 11 12