2014-2015 CLUB RECOGNITION FORM Club Name: _______________________________________________________________________ CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CLUB RECOGNITION PROCEDURE NOTE: If you are a returning Collegiate Sports Club, please contact Corey Sinclair, Collegiate Sports Club Coordinator (ext. 3516) as this is NOT the right form for you. CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY AFFILIATED CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVITY IS EXPECTED TO COMPLY WITH THE PRESCRIBED CONDUCT PROVISIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY’S STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES POLICY, WASHINGTON STATE LAW, AND GOVERNING UNIVERSITY POLICY MANUALS. ASCWU- STUDENT GOVERNMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DENY CLUB RECOGNITION SHOULD A CLUB/ORGANIZATION OR ITS MEMBERS VIOLATE SAID POLICIES AND/OR STATE LAW, ALLEGED VIOLATIONS WILL BE REFERRED TO THE CAMPUS JUDICIAL COUNCIL. 1. Please complete the included Recognition Form, Statement of Non-Discrimination, Club/Organization Description and Declaration of Representation as well as read through all required documents as stated in this packet. 2. Verify that your club has opened an account with SURC Accounting by obtaining a General Club Accounting signature, SURC 263. SURC Accounting: ________________________________ Date: ______________________ 3. Verify that you have visited the Scheduling Center & received information on scheduling for future club meetings/events by obtaining a General Scheduling Center signature, SURC 146. Scheduling: ________________________________ Date: __________________ 4. Submit a current and updated Constitution and By-Laws with this Recognition packet. Note: Your Constitution must be updated at least every two academic years. Constitutions should be a brief statement of requirements for and limitation on membership, the purpose &/or mission of the club, information on club/organization dues or fees and when they are collected. Obtain a signature from the Associate Director of Campus Life, Scott Drummond, SURC 263. *This step does not constitute club recognition* Scott Drummond: _____________________________ Date:______________________ Club Recognition is NOT final until voted on by the ASCWU Student Government After the above items have been signed off and the rest of the packet is completed, return it to the ASCWU Student Government Vice President for Clubs & Organization’s mailbox, SURC 236. The VP for Clubs and Organizations will check the packet for completeness and forward it the next ASCWU-SG Meeting for a vote. If your Club/Organization is NOT officially recognized before the ASCWU Student Government, the benefits afforded recognized Clubs/Organizations will not be available. This includes SURC facilities, mailboxes, posting privileges, and travel funds. For questions or concerns please contact the Vice President for Clubs & Organizations, Phil Rush at ASCWUClubs@cwu.edu, or the Associate Director of Campus Life, Scott Drummond at Drummond@cwu.edu. CLUB RECOGNITION PAGE 1 of 6 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Please Type or Print Legibly Club/Organization Name: _____________________________________________ Advisor’s Name: ________________________ Phone Number: ______________ (please print legibly) Department: ______________ Please include the Name, Student ID, Phone Number and Email for your club officers. Note that there is a minimum requirement of 5 student members to form an ASCWU-SG recognized club. Your club will not be recognized if this information is incomplete. ALL 5 CLUB MEMBERS MUST SIGN THE LIABILITY WAIVER prior to recognition. A club officer cannot hold more than one officer position in a single club. NAME: STUDENT ID: PHONE: EMAIL: President: ________________________________________________________________________ Vice President: ________________________________________________________________________ Secretary: ________________________________________________________________________ Treasurer: ________________________________________________________________________ Senator: (required) ________________________________________________________________________ CLUB INSURANCE POLICY Recognized clubs and organizations at Central Washington University now enjoy the benefit of having General Liability, Special Risk Accident, and Catastrophic insurance policies to protect student club members and Club Senate in their activities. I have received, read and understand the information contained in the Club Insurance and Risk Management Packet and agree to be bound by its contents. In order to remain in compliance with the policy I agree to obtain liability waivers from every club member and submit them to the club insurance coordinator within seven days of joining. I agree that the club will not participate in activities that are excluded in our policy as stated in the Risk Management Packet. I further acknowledge that failure to remain in compliance with these policies may result in loss of club recognition. ___________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Advisor _____________________ ___________________ President’s Name Signature of President Date _____________________ ___________________ Advisor’s Name Date CLUB RECOGNITION PAGE 2 of 6 STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION This club/organization will not discriminate in its membership on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, academic standing or status as a disabled or Vietnam era veteran. ___________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Advisor _____________________ ___________________ President’s Name Signature of President Date _____________________ ___________________ Advisor’s Name Date CLUB/ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION Please give a brief description, (no more than 250 words) of your club or organization. Suggested ideas might include the purpose of your club, any goals for your club, and any other related information that may interest prospective members. Also, include club meeting locations and times. This “Club Description” will be published on the Club Senate Website, as well as distributed in print and electronic forms to all interested students looking to find and join ASCWU recognized clubs. Please Attach a Typed Copy to Packet CLUB RECOGNITION PAGE 3 of 6 FINAL RECOGNITION SIGNATURES I have read the Club Senate Constitution and Club Handbook and agree to comply with all Federal, State and Local Laws as well as University and Club policies. I have also received, read and understand the information contained in the Club Insurance and Risk Management Packet and agree to be bound by its contents. ____________________________ _____________________________ Signature of President Signature of Advisor This information provided in this packet is true to the best of my knowledge. ____________________________ _____________________________ Signature of President Signature of Advisor (For ASCWU Student Government Office Use Only) Recognition Approved by ASCWU Student Government Yes _____ _________________________________ Vice President for Clubs and Organizations Signature _________________________________ ASCWU President Signature No _____ _____________________ Date _____________________ Date CLUB RECOGNITION PAGE 4 of 6 Senate of Student Organizations Declaration of Representation I, _________________________ ( _______________ ) on the behalf of the President’s Name Phone Number members of ___________________________________________________ Club/Organization Name do hereby verify on this ______ day of _________________, 20 _________ that ___________________________ ( _________________ ) will serve Name of Senator Phone Number as our designated Senator and representative to the ASCWU Senate of Student Organizations, and that __________________ ( ______________ ) Name of Alternative Senator Phone Number will serve as our Alternative Senator and Representative. I understand that attendance to Club Senate Meetings are mandatory and that failure to have a Senator present will have negative impacts on the club including but not limited to “Bad Standing”, loss of funding, ability to vote or address the senate and loss of recognition as a club. _____________________ President’s Signature _____________________ Advisor’s Signature CLUB RECOGNITION PAGE 5 of 6 ____________ Date ____________ Date Statement of Intent (TO BE COMPLETED BY CLUB ADVISOR) This page is intended to be detached from the packet and delivered to the prospective advisor of the club. The requirement will be for the advisor to complete and mail this section to Phil Rush [M.S. 7448] separate from the rest of this recognition packet. However, this obligation must be fulfilled within THIRTY DAYS of Club Recognition. To the Advisor, Please mail a written statement of approximately 300 words to the provided mail stop. The intention of this requirement is to allow you to evaluate what you expect from yourself, what Central Washington University requires of you, and even what your future club members expect from you as a club advisor. Please include the degree in which you intend to participate in the club’s activities, how you will support the club’s officers to ensure a prosperous leadership and what roles in the club that you hope to fulfill. Remember, as the advisor you have the opportunity and the obligation to provide support to club leaders and members. Through cooperation we can increase the presence of positive atmospheres on our campus. If you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding this requirement or an advisor’s role in a club, please contact me. Philip Rush ASCWU-SG V.P. of Clubs and Organizations ASCWUClubs@cwu.edu Ext: 1682 CLUB RECOGNITION PAGE 6 of 6