Profile Essay Assignment ENG 101 Carter Fall 2011 The Assignment: Choose a person, group, place, or activity that you know particularly well and on which you might have a unique perspective. You’ll need to have at least 2-3 pictures of your subject. You will use these pictures as part of your essay, referring to them in your writing. Your goal is to give the “shape” of this person, group, place, or activity—to help your reader have a clear picture of your subject. Furthermore, you want to communicate your subject from your unique perspective. This means you will be selective about details and decide how to present them so that your reader sees this subject in a particular way. You need to communicate your point of view on your subject. As you begin planning your essay, consider the elements of writing profiles that we discussed and that are also emphasized in Chapter Three of your text: Detailed information about the subject (describing) A clear organizational plan (narrative or topical) A role for the writer (spectator/detached or participant) A perspective on the subject (creating a dominant impression) Also, consider the following questions: What is your purpose in writing this profile? Who is your audience? What do they already know and/or think about this subject? What information do they need? How can you best/more clearly present it? What details will help change their perspectives from where they currently are to where you’d like them to be? Rough Draft Due: _________________________________________ Final Draft Due: ___________________________________________