Chapter 8 Responses and Adaptations of the Cardiorespiratory System

Chapter 8
Responses and Adaptations of
the Cardiorespiratory System
Copyright © 2012 American College of Sports Medicine
Ambient Vs. Resting (terminology)
Ambient heart rate (or BP) is frequently confused with resting heart rate. Ambient heart
rate is measured when the body is awake but sedentary – for example, when you are
resting in a sitting position but are awake and involved in a sedentary activity such as
working on a computer, watching television, or talking. Resting heart rate, on the other
hand, is taken in bed before you rise when the heart is at complete rest. Ambient heart
rates change because of the same stimuli that influence all heart rates, including body
position; external influences such as temperature, hydration, and food ingested; internal
influences such as level of fatigue, stress, hunger, and sleep; medication; and
others. Ambient heart rate or sitting heart rate, like most heart measurements, is relative,
not absolute. It’s a comparative number that needs to be assessed based on a sample of
other ambient heart rate measurements. Taking ambient heart rates repeatedly gives a
more accurate assessment than measuring the ambient heart rate once. The normal
range for ambient heart rate is usually between 50 and 90 bpm, but healthy ranges of
ambient heart rates are very broad. The training effect is also seen in ambient heart rates.
In other words, the fitter you become, the lower your ambient heart rate. Ambient heart
rates under 60 bpm are rare. An ambient heart rate over 80 bpm may indicate a
combination of different types of stress.
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• White Coat Syndrome: Even if setting foot into a doctor's office
doesn't feel like walking into a lion's den, your body may be priming
for a threat. As much as 20 percent of the population suffers from
"white coat syndrome," in whichblood pressure surges when
measured in the doctor's office. The syndrome produces a challenge
for physicians seeking an accurate blood pressure reading.
• Anticipatory Response: The Anticipatory Response is when the
heart rate increases at the beginning of exercise. The heart rate can
be changed by chemicals by neurotransmitters , called adrenaline and
noradrenaline which are released and found in the brain.
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The Cardiovascular (CV) System
• Consists of 3 major components: (1) the heart—the pump; (2) the
blood vessels—transport portals; (3) and the blood—fluid medium
• All other systems depend on the CV system—including the lungs.
• The lungs: essential for blood oxygenation and removal of CO2
• The CV system: delivers nutrients, oxygen, hormones to tissues,
removal of waste products and CO2, temperature control, pH control,
immunity and hydration.
• More than 100,000 miles of blood vessels within an average-sized
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Anatomy of the Heart
• Heart
Pump that circulates blood throughout body
Four chambers (2 main pumps—pulmonary & systemic)
• Right & left atria: receivers
• Right & left ventricles: pump blood away
2/3 of mass on left side
Weighs 11 oz in men & 9 oz in women (proportional to body
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Anatomy of the Heart (cont’d)
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Pathway of Blood Through the Heart
1. Blood enters the right atrium from the superior and inferior venae cavae, and the coronary sinus.
2. From right atrium, it goes through the tricuspid valve to the right ventricle.
3. From the right ventricle, it goes through the pulmonary semilunar valves to the pulmonary trunk
4. From the pulmonary trunk it moves into the right and left pulmonary arteries to the lungs.
5. From the lungs, oxygenated blood is returned to the heart through the pulmonary veins.
6. From the pulmonary veins, blood flows into the left atrium.
7. From the left atrium, blood flows through the bicuspid (mitral) valve into the left ventricle.
8. From the left ventricle, it goes through the aortic semilunar valves into the ascending aorta.
9. Blood is distributed to the rest of the body (systemic circulation) from the aorta.
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Anatomy of the Heart (cont’d)
• Cardiac Musculature: Myocardium
Contracts on its own
Capable of hypertrophy & adapting to exercise
Thickness affected by stress; thicker = stronger
Larger, fewer T tubules compared with skeletal muscle
Contracts forcefully at lower rate than skeletal muscle
Cardiocytes: cardiac cells that have the ability to communicate
directly with adjacent cells via intercalated discs
Intercalated discs enable rapid spread of action potentials
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Major Blood Vessels
• Arteries
High-pressure vessels that deliver oxygen-rich blood to tissues
Have walls containing smooth muscle & elastic fibers
• Arterioles
Smaller arteries that constrict or relax to regulate blood flow
Branch & form smaller vessels called metarterioles
• Capillaries
Thin vessels that serve as site for nutrient/oxygen exchange
2,000 to 3,000 per square mm of tissue
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Major Blood Vessels (cont’d)
• Venules
Small veins joined to capillaries that drain blood toward heart
• Veins
Vessels joined to venules that return blood to heart
Low-pressure structures with extensible walls
Storage site for blood when circulatory demands are low
Approximately 68% of total blood supply circulates in veins at
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Circulatory System
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Regulation of the Heart
• Intrinsic Regulation of the Heart
Heart can regulate its own rhythm
Sinoatrial (SA) node: pacemaker of heart
• Spontaneously generates action potential
• Located in right atrium
Wave of depolarization spreads across atria
Atrioventricular (AV) node: delays wave of depolarization
Bundle of His: arises from AV node & continues depolarization
Wave spreads through ventricles via bundle branches & Purkinje
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Conductive System of the Heart
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Regulation of the Heart (cont’d)
• Extrinsic Regulation of the Heart
Nervous & endocrine systems
Cardiac center in medulla oblongata controls:
• Heart rate (HR)
• Vessel diameter
Feedback from sensory motor centers in brain controls:
• HR
• Force of contraction
Role of autonomic nervous system
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Blood Components
• Plasma
55-60% of total blood volume
• 90% is water
• 7% is plasma proteins
• 3% is nutrients & waste
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Blood Components (cont’d)
• Formed Elements
40-45% of total blood volume
Hematocrit: % of formed elements relative to total blood vol.
• 99% red blood cells (RBCs)
• 1% white blood cells (WBCs) & platelets
RBCs: transport oxygen bound to iron-containing protein
Platelets: small molecules required for blood clotting
WBCs: critical to immune function
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Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve
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Partial Pressure of Oxygen and Carbon
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Blood Components (cont’d)
• Blood Flow
[at rest]
Body contains about 5 L of blood
• 15-20% to skeletal muscle
• 25% to liver
• 20% to kidneys
• 10% to skin
• 14-15% to brain
• 10-12% to heart & other tissues
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Blood Components (cont’d)
• Blood Flow (cont’d)
Blood flow to skeletal muscle increases to >80% of total flow to
meet metabolic demands
Skeletal muscle contraction pumps venous blood back to heart
Venous valves prevent backward flow of blood in veins
Ischemia associated with RT is stimulus for muscle hypertrophy
Tightly regulated
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Cardiovascular Function
• CV Variables
Heart rate: frequency of heart beats per min
Blood pressure: pressure in arteries after left ventricle
Systolic blood pressure
• Pressure in left ventricle during systole
• Averages 120 mm Hg
Diastolic blood pressure
• Peripheral resistance to flow during relaxation (diastole)
• Averages 80 mm Hg
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Cardiovascular Function (cont’d)
• CV Variables (cont’d)
Stroke volume: - blood vol. ejected from left ventricle each
Cardiac output: HR x SV- total volume of blood pumped by
heart per min, usually about 5 L @ rest
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Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise
• Heart Rate (HR) Response
(p. 137)
Increases during exercise from resting values to rates >195 bpm
Upper limits for HR during exercise:
• 220 − person’s age in years = HR max
• Target range is based on % of HR max
Magnitude of HR increase depends on muscle mass use, exercise
intensity, & degree of continuity of exercise
HR increases linearly up to maximal
Cardiovascular drift—
Steady state HR—
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Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise
• Stroke Volume (SV) Response
Increases during exercise from resting values to rates >195 bpm
Magnitude of SV increase determined by:
• Blood volume returning to heart
• Arterial pressure
• Ventricular contractility
• Distensibility
Increases linearly up to about 40-60% of maximal exercise
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Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise
• Cardiac Output (Qc)
Is product of HR & SV
Increases linearly during aerobic exercise
May increase to 20-40 L min-1 depending on fitness level
Increases over course of workout during RT
The ability of the heart to change its force of contraction
and therefore stroke volume in response to changes in
venous return is called the Frank-Starling mechanism (or
Starling's Law of the heart).
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Cardiac Output Response to Aerobic
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Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise
• Blood Pressure (BP)
Increases during exercise
Increases during RT with increase proportional to effort
Muscle mass activation plays a role
Valsalva maneuver (p. 138): temporary breath holding which
increases intrathoracic pressure [the pressure developed in the
chest cavity] and intra-abdominal pressure, which increases SBP
and DBP.
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BP Response to 3 Sets of Leg Press
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Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise
• Plasma Volume
Decreases during exercise
Decreases up to 20% during endurance exercise
Reductions can impair endurance performance & VO2max
Decreased by 7-14% immediately after resistance exercise
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Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise
• Oxygen Consumption
Increases proportionally during exercise in relation to:
• Intensity
• Muscle mass activation
• Degree of continuity
Represented by Fick equation:
• VO2 = Qc × A-VO2 difference
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The A-VO2 Difference
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A-VO2 Difference
• The arteriovenous oxygen difference, is the difference in
the oxygen content of the blood between the arterial blood
and the venous blood. It is an indication of how
much oxygen is removed from the blood in capillaries as
the blood circulates in the body.
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Relationship Between Exercise Intensity
and Oxygen Consumption
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CV Terms
• Hematocrit: The % of formed elements relative to total blood
• Hemoglobin: RBC’s transport oxygen primarily bound to the ironcontaining protein hemoglobin
• Bohr effect: is a physiological phenomenon first described in 1904
by the Danish physiologist Christian Bohr, stating that hemoglobin's
oxygen binding affinity (see Oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve) is
inversely related both to acidity and to the concentration of carbon
• The Haldane effect is a property of hemoglobin first described by
John Scott Haldane. Deoxygenation of the blood increases its ability
to carry carbon dioxide; this property is the Haldane effect.
Conversely, oxygenated blood has a reduced capacity for carbon
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CV Terms
Frank–Starling Mechanism states that the stroke volume of the heart increases in
response to an increase in the volume of blood filling the heart (the end diastolic volume)
when all other factors remain constant. The increased volume of blood stretches the
ventricular wall, causing cardiac muscle to contract more forcefully (the so-called Frank–
Starling mechanisms)
In cardiovascular physiology, end-diastolic volume (EDV) is the volume of blood in the
right and/or left ventricle at end load or filling in (diastole) or the amount of blood in the
ventricles just before systole.
Cardiovascular drift refers to the increase in heart rate that occurs during prolonged
endurance exercise with little or no change in workload. During steady-state aerobic
exercise, heart rate should reflect the intensity of the work being performed. (due mainly
to dehydration)
Baroreceptors are sensors located in the blood vessels of all vertebrate animals. They
sense the blood pressure and relay the information to the brain, so that a proper blood
pressure can be maintained.
The Fick equation is used to determine the rate at which oxygen is being used during
physical activity. VO2 = Q x A-VO2 difference: it is the basis for how the body responds to
the demand of physical activity.
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Chronic Adaptations at Rest and During
• Pressure Overload
Results from rise in BP & intrathoracic pressure that accompany
Can alter several CV variables positively over time
• Volume Overload
Results from greater venous return & blood flow to heart during
Aerobic exercise is superior due to higher level of continuity
Leads to positive changes in several CV variables
Increases cardiac chamber size
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Chronic Adaptations at Rest and During
Exercise (cont’d)
• Cardiac Dimensions
Adaptations governed by Law of Laplace:
• Wall tension is proportional to pressure & size of radius of curvature
Greater heart size is characterized by greater left ventricular cavity
(eccentric hypertrophy) & thickening of cardiac walls (concentric
Aerobic training leads to improvements in cardiac function
RT leads to changes in left-side cardiac muscularity
RT elicits very small to no changes in left ventricular cavity size
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Chronic Adaptations at Rest and During
Exercise (cont’d)
• Cardiac Output (Qc)
Qc response to exercise is augmented
Aerobic training reduces resting HR
Resting SV may slightly increase or not change during RT
Resting HR may not change or slightly decrease during RT
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Heart Rate Response During Exercise
Before and After Training
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Chronic Adaptations at Rest and During
Exercise (cont’d)
• VO2max
• VO2 max (also maximal oxygen consumption, maximal oxygen
uptake, peak oxygen uptake or maximal aerobic capacity) is the
maximum rate of oxygen consumption as measured during incremental
exercise, most typically on a motorized treadmill. Maximal oxygen
consumption reflects the aerobic physical fitness of the individual, and is an
important determinant of their endurance capacity during prolonged, submaximal exercise. The name is derived from V - volume, O2 - oxygen, max maximum.
Gold standard of aerobic fitness
Increases during training due to increases in SV, Qc, & small increase in A-VO2
Increases 10-30% with aerobic training during first 6 months
Increases only minimally with anaerobic training
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• Women have V02 max values 15%-30% lower than men due to less
muscle mass, higher body fat, less testosterone, and lower
hemoglobin, age (V02 declines with age), body size, and genetics.
Genetics contributes 20%-50% of V02 max.
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Comparison of VO2max Data From Different
Male Athletes
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Chronic Adaptations at Rest and During
Exercise (cont’d)
• Blood Pressure
(p. 144)
Decreased systolic & diastolic BP with aerobic training
Largest reductions seen in hypertensive people
Not affected or reduced with RT
Rate pressure product: (HR x SBP), is used to estimate
myocardial work and decreases after RT. This indicates that the
left ventricle performs less work over time and is a positive
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Chronic Adaptations at Rest and During
Exercise (cont’d)
• Blood Volume
Increased with aerobic training, mostly due to increase in plasma
Plasma volume increases 12-20% within first few weeks of AT
Endurance athletes have blood volumes about 35% greater than
untrained people
RT may have limited effect
Hypervolemia: Increased blood volume
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Chronic Adaptations at Rest and During
Exercise (cont’d)
• Blood Lipids and Lipoproteins
Major factors in CV health—lipids perform several critical functions
including energy storage and liberation, protection, insulation, providing
structure to cell membranes, vitamin transport and cellular signaling.
Cholesterol serves as a precursor in steroid synthesis, cell membrane
structure, and bile and vitamin D synthesis.
Include triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL-C, VLDL-C, HDL-C, & lipoprotein A
Factors affecting: genetics, diet, stress, smoking, body weight, &
Increased HDL-C, decrease in other lipids with AT
RT has no or very small effects in improving lipid profiles
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Respiratory System
• Overview
Essential for introducing oxygen into the body & removing CO2
Respiration includes:
• Breathing (normally about 15 per min @ rest)
• Inspiration: breathing in
(less pressure in than outside of lungs)
• Expiration: breathing out
(more pressure in than outside of lungs)
• Pulmonary diffusion
• Oxygen transport
• Gas exchange
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The Human Respiratory System
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Respiratory System (cont’d)
• Lung Volumes and Capacities
Tidal volume: volume of air inspired or expired every breath
Inspiratory reserve volume: volume of air inspired after
normal tidal volume
Expiratory reserve volume: volume of air expired after normal
tidal volume
Residual volume: volume of air left in lungs after maximal
Total lung capacity: volume of air in lungs after maximal
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Respiratory System (cont’d)
• Lung Volumes and Capacities (cont’d)
Forced vital capacity: maximal volume of air expired after maximal
Inspiratory capacity: maximal volume of air after tidal volume
Functional residual capacity: volume of air in lungs after tidal volume
Forced expiratory volume (FEV): volume of air maximally expired
forcefully in 1 second after maximal inhalation
Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV): maximum volume of air
breathed rapidly in 1 minute
Minute ventilation (V): volume of air breathed per minute. At rest
typically 6 L min—12 breaths per min. During exercise 35-45 up to 60-70
in athletes.
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Respiratory System (cont’d)
• Control of Breathing
Involuntary, but can be controlled voluntarily to some extent
Neural & hormonal factors
Circulatory (humoral factors)
Rapid increase in ventilation during exercise, followed by slower
rise as exercise progresses
Ventilatory threshold: the point at which V and CO2 rise
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Overview of Respiratory Control
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Pulmonary Ventilation During Exercise
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Respiratory System (cont’d)
• Pulmonary Adaptations to Training
Little change in lung volumes & capacities with AT
Gender differences exist. Women have pulmonary structural differences
than age and height matched men that include smaller vital capacity and
maximal expiratory flow rates, reduced airway diameter, and a smaller
diffusion surface. Women have smaller airways and lung volumes, lower
resting maximal expiratory flow rates, and have higher metabolic costs
of breathing relative to men… p-148
• Ventilatory Muscle-Specific Training
(p 148)
Involves RT during respiration
Used to increase respiratory function by improving strength & endurance
of inhalation muscles
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