Vitamins, Minerals, and Water By Jennifer Turley and Joan Thompson


Vitamins, Minerals, and Water

By Jennifer Turley and Joan Thompson

© 2016 Cengage

Presentation Overview

• Vitamins:

Chemistry, functions & categories

• Minerals:

Chemistry, functions & categories

• Water: Functions, intake & excretion

The Vitamins, Part 1

• Some vitamins are essential.

• Without an intake of, nutritional deficiencies occur.

• Vitamins are organic compounds.

• They contain the element carbon.

• They contain the element carbon.

The Vitamins, Part 2

All vitamins are needed in tiny amounts for cell metabolism microgram

(µg, mcg, ug) or milligram

(mg) amounts as compared to gram amounts for carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Functions of Vitamins

• In cell chemistry or metabolism.

• Vitamins & minerals can function as specific cofactors for specific enzymes.

• Enzymes are protein based molecules that catalyze chemical reactions (drive metabolism).

• Many enzymes require a partner called a cofactor or coenzyme to function.

Enzymes & Cofactors in



The vitamin folate is a cofactor for the enzyme homocysteine transmethylase.

The mineral selenium is a cofactor for the enzyme glutathione peroxidase.

Categories of Vitamins

Fat vs Water Soluble, Part 1

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Chemical structures are in appendix A

Categories of Vitamins

Fat vs Water Soluble, Part 2

The Water Soluble Vitamins

Chemical structures are in appendix A


• Other compounds have vitamin activity in animals, but deficiencies have not been shown in humans.

• The aforementioned vitamins are essential in human nutrition.

Minerals, Part 1

• Some minerals are essential.

• Without an intake of, nutritional deficiencies occur.

• All minerals are elements .

• All minerals are inorganic substances.

» this is because minerals are unique elements and are not compounds containing carbon.

Minerals, Part 2

• All minerals are non-caloric

• All minerals are needed in tiny amounts for cellular metabolism and structure

( Microgram (µg), Milligram (mg)) amounts as compared to gram amounts for carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

The Periodic Table of Elements

• Shows all the elements that are naturally found in the earth.

• Each element has unique physical properties such as melting point, crystalline structure, boiling point, and molecular weight.

• Some of the elements naturally found in earth are essential for the human body to function and are called minerals.

Periodic Table of the Elements

Nutritional Application for Essential Minerals

Major Minerals: Calcium ( Ca ), Magnesium ( Mg ), Phosphorus ( P ), Sodium

( Na ), Potassium ( K ), Chloride ( Cl ), Sulfur ( S )

Trace Minerals: Iron ( Fe ), Zinc ( Zn ), Iodine ( I ), Selenium ( Se ), Chromium ( Cr ),

Molybdenum ( Mo ), Copper ( Cu ), Manganese ( Mn ), Fluoride ( F ), Cobalt ( Co ).

Functions of Minerals

• The majority of minerals in the human body play a structural role.

• Structural such as calcium in bone structure and as integral components of proteins such as iron & hemoglobin or iodine & thyroxin.

• Also as cofactors of enzymes in metabolism.

Water Follows Electrolytes

Water & Body fluid regulation by the electrolytes: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride

Some minerals help maintain acid-base balance.

pH Scale

The Chemistry of Buffers,

Part 1

The Chemistry of Buffers,

Part 2

Categories of Minerals

• There are 17 minerals essential for proper growth & function of the human body.

• Minerals are categorized as Major & Trace.

• The category is based on the amount of mineral present in the human body.

Major Minerals

• Found in the adult reference male body in quantities greater than 5 grams.

• Bone: Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P),

Magnesium (Mg)

• Water: Sodium (Na), Chloride (Cl),

Potassium (K)

• Lean Body Mass (LBM): Sulfur (S)

Trace Minerals

• Found in the adult reference male body in quantities less than or equal to 5 grams

• Include: Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Iodine (I),

Selenium (Se), Chromium (Cr), Molybdenum

(Mo), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn),

Fluoride (F), and Cobalt (Co)

Major and




Minerals need >100 mg/day


Minerals need

>100 mg/day

Other Minerals

• Other minerals are found in the human body but are not recognized as essential. For example:

» Nickel is a structural requirement for some metalloenzymes.

» Boron has recently been shown to function in calcium metabolism.

» Silicon, tin, vanadium and cadmium are found in the human body but no metabolic role has been identified.

Water, Part 1

• Non-Energy Yield: Water provides 0 Calories/gram.

• Functions: Water is the medium for metabolism & nutrient transport.

• It is the fluid of life.




Inorganic Compound

• Without water intake, dysfunction to death will occur faster than the limitation of any other of the essential nutrients in human nutrition.


Recommended Intake




Inorganic Compound

• There is no “one-size-fits-all” water intake recommend.

– Needs vary depending on activity & environmental conditions.

• For water balance:

– Consume 1 ml water/Calorie expended.

– This is not an optimal level of water intake.

• DRI for water for those >19 years:

– Men : 3.7 L/day (approx. 15 cups)

– Women : 2.7 L/day (approx. 11 cups)

Water: Excretion




Inorganic Compound

• Most body waste is excreted in the urine.

• Kidneys excrete more efficiently into dilute urine.

• Drinking fluid promotes the excretion of toxic metabolic waste products.

• Strive to consume enough fluids to produce clear urine every few hours.

Water, Part 2




Inorganic Compound

• Thirst mechanisms do not provide motivation to drink until an individual is 2% dehydrated.

• At this point, the function of the cardiovascular system is decreased.

• Thus, individuals need to learn to drink when they are not thirsty.




• The Non-Caloric nutrients are vitamins, minerals and water.

• Vitamins & minerals are micronutrients.

• Vitamins are categorized as fat & water soluble.

• Minerals are categorized as major & trace.

• Water is the fluid of life.

References for this presentation are the same as those for this topic found in module 1 of the textbook
