College of Arts and Sciences Department/Unit Diversity Plan 2009-2010 Department/Unit: __Pan-African Studies________________ ______ Vision Statement: The creation of the Department of Pan-African Studies (PAS) in 1973 was one of the earliest and most successful diversity initiatives undertaken by the University of Louisville. By virtue of its curriculum and faculty composition, the mere existence of the department contributes to diversity in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) and the University. The Department of Pan-African Studies remains committed to contributing actively and positively to the recruitment and retention of students and faculty of color and with gender equity. Moreover, the scope of a Pan-African department suggests that the meaning of diversity must also reflect a world view in its curriculum, and a student and faculty population that is part of a "global African community." The Diversity and Retention Plan outlined below describe s how the department proposes to translate its commitment to build an inclusive, pluralistic campus community and curriculum. I. Identify at least three key diversity initiatives for your department/unit keeping in mind the stated goals of the A&S Diversity Plan Initiative and related Goal Maintain and further enhance diversity among the faculty in the department at Uof L Strategies Utilize position retention opportunities as well as expansion of the department’s programs to identify and recruit faculty and staff from under represented groups . Tactics/Action Follow the A & S Faculty Retention Guidelines and advertise new positions in venues accessed by a diverse population to fill vacant and new positions. Also work with other departments in facilitating joint appointments. Assessment / Measurement Fill at least 75% of all department programmatic needs with faculty positions from underrepresented groups including women, and individuals from the African Diaspora. Reporting Schedule Every 3 years Responsible Person(s) Department Chair, Directors of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, Chair of Personnel, all faculty. Expected Outcome At least 50% of all full-time faculty should be of African ancestry and at least 50% should be women in 3-5 years Continue to expand “diversity” in the PAS curriculum and programs as a means of adding diversity to University curriculum. Step up efforts to reorganize the undergraduate and curriculum to reflect diversity not only in its courses but in areas of concentrations Increase public relations on the minors in the department highlighting its diversity in areas of concentrations. Continue to offer crosslisted courses as a means of getting students in other programs exposed to PAS courses. Offer courses and eventually certificates through on line courses Submit a PhD proposal Expand PAS involvement in community partnership programs in areas identified in the Signature Partnerships Initiative. Further enhance the departments outreach programs with groups and organizations identified in the Signature Partnership. Submit a Teachers Institute Certificate Proposal Develop relationships between the three centers in the department with groups and organizations identified in the Signature Partnership Initiative Further enhance the faculty, student and outreach activities with those of the Signature Partnership Initiatives. Annual and five-year review of number of students enrolled in PAS courses, minors and majors. 3 & 5 year Reports Department Chair, Directors of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, all faculty. Increase both enrollment and graduation rates in all programs by 50% in 3-5 years 3 & 5 year Reports Department Chair, Directors of Centers, Chair of Outreach committee, graduate student association, all faculty. Increase community engagement and enhancement. Annual and five-year review of retention and graduation rates in minors and majors. Annual and five-year review of students enrollment in on-line courses. Annual and five-year review of retention and graduation rates in graduate certificates, MA and possible PhD programs Annual and five-year review of centers. Annual review of outreach committee. Feedback from the community Establish informal and formal relationships with at least 2-3 groups/organizations over a 5 year period II. How will your unit increase diversity among faculty, administrators, staff and/or students? Initiative and related Goal Strategies Increase employment and retention of faculty of color and with gender equity to occupy current and future vacant full time positions Recruit and hire under represented people of color and gender for full-time faculty positions Tactics/Action Continue to implement A&S Faculty Retention Guidelines that give preference to “diversity hires”, expedite searches, and direct hires that increase diversity. Advertise vacant faculty positions in venues that are accessible by underrepresented populations. Use term and research faculty positions as means of “bridging” qualified candidates into tenure-track faculty positions. Increase employment and retention of faculty of color and with gender equity in current and future term appointments and PTLs Recruit and hire under represented people of color and gender for term faculty and PTL positions Develop faculty Internship/mentoring Programs to encourage and hire on a part-time basis recent graduates as term faculty or PTLs Assessment / Measurement Use faculty annual retreats to identify faculty needs Reporting Schedule 5 year departmental review report on faculty growth, recruitment and retention. Responsible Person(s) The Department Chair in collaboration with the Chair of the personnel committee and UBM Expected Outcome At least 50% of all full-time faculty should be of African ancestry and at least 50% should be women. Periodically assess the venues used to advertise vacant position relevant to the number of applicants that are from underrepresented groups who applied Use annual evaluations of term position sto identify the rate of success of this bridging program within the department. Use annual evaluations of Graduate/Teaching Assistants and PTL’s to assess the success and/or weakness of the mentoring program 5 year departmental report on faculty growth, recruitment and retention that includes term faculty and PTLs The Department Chair in collaboration with the Chair of the personnel committee At least 50% of all term time faculty and PTLs should be of African ancestry and at least 50% should be women. Increase employment and retention of staff of color and with gender equity – in current and future full-time and part-time positions Recruit, hire and train underrepresented people of color and gender for staff positions with the inetent of upgrading to administrative positions.. Continue to implement A&S Retention Guidelines that give preference to “diversity hires Advertise vacant staff positions in venues that are accessible by underrepresented populations. Continue to support staff in the pursuit of developing their education and skills building, that includes administration and leadership. Increase recruitment and retention of students of color and with gender equity Develop and offer enrichment programs for High School Students of Color as a means of adding diversity to the University undergraduate student population Continue development of the Future Scholars Program & expand to include high school sophomores and juniors. Further develop mentoring opportunities for students participating in the Essence Program Use faculty annual retreats to identify staff needs 5 year staff evaluation report using annual reports presented at faculty retreat meetings. The Departmental Chair in collaboration with the UBM. At least 50% of all staff should be of African ancestry and at least 50% should be women. Annual Report to the departments retreat meeting The Director for Undergraduate Studies/Future Scholars and Essence Programs At least 75% of the student participants applying to universities of which at least 50% apply to UofL. Periodically assess the venues used to advertise vacant position relevant to the number of applicants that are from underrepresented groups who applied Use annual staff evaluations to identify the success of staff development and training. Also, periodic meetings with staff and the chair to discuss performance and skill needs. Follow up with the students participating in these programs and determine the rate of success of students applying to U of L (not specific to PAS), as well as to other universities. Assess the extent to which the applications were successful. III. If applicable, how will your unit increase curricular and programmatic diversity, and cultivate inclusive pedagogy? Initiative and related Goal Further develop a curriculum that reflects cultural diversity and gendered experiences in the context of the United States as well as in the other parts of the African Diaspora. Strategies Offer a full complement of PAS courses that fulfill general education requirements in both content area (Arts and Humanities, History, and Social and Behavioral Sciences) and competency (Cultural Diversity) areas. Tactics/Action Develop new courses as well as edit and submit already existing courses for CD 1 and CD 2, as well as for content competency Assessment / Measurement Annual review of the department’s undergraduate curriculum Reporting Schedule 3 & 5 year report to the faculty retreat meeting Five-Year Report comprising data from annual reports using Annual report to the faculty retreat meeting Responsible Person(s) Chair of the department, Chair of the curriculum committee, Director of Undergraduate Studies Expected Outcome The number of students enrolled in PAS courses will be increased by 50% in 3-5 years. Increase the number of PAS courses cross- or co-listed with other departments. Increase the number of PAS courses approved for Gen Ed as online courses so that a wide range of students can have access to these. Offer course groupings as PAS minors that give students the opportunity to select diversity areas that are of interest to them and/or complements their major. Restructure and market the current PAS minor options to reflect its race/ethnicity, gender, and cultural focus Consolidate course groupings and increase public relations/information dissemination related to the options and process of earning a PAS minor in race/ethnicity, gender, and culture. Five-year review of the undergraduate curriculum Offer options for a PAS minor that reflect diversity in a global perspective Implement and market the PAS African Studies and Caribbean Studies minors Annual review of the number of students selecting the PAS minors Annual review of the number of students enrolled in PAS courses designated as Gen Ed as well as PAS course in general. Chair of the department, Chair of the curriculum committee, Director of Undergraduate Studies Current Chair The number of students enrolled in PAS minors and majors will be increased by at least 25% in 3-5 years. Strengthen and expand the graduate programs, including the development of a PhD Program that reflect cultural diversity and gendered experiences in the United States as well as in the other parts of the African Diaspora. Offer a broad range of graduate courses that are multidisciplinary and focused on the experiences and perspectives of African American men and women as well as other populations of the African Diaspora. Reassess the range of current graduate course offerings and based on this assessment develop new courses, and/or offer already existing courses that have been dormant for both the PAS graduate programs as well as electives in other graduate programs Annual review of the department’s graduate curriculum Five year report using annual reports to the faculty retreat. Chair of the department, Chair of the curriculum committee, Director of Graduate Studies The number of students enrolled in the PAS MA and certificate programs will be increased by at least 25% in 3-5 years. Annual review of the department’s outreach activities. 3 &5 year Reports using annual report to the faculty. Chair of the department, Director of study abroad programs, faculty responsible for the department’s internship programs Increase the number of students enrolled in PAS Study Abroad and local and international internship programs by at least 25% in 3-5 years. 3 & 5 year reports using annual reports to the PAS faculty retreat meetings. Chair of the department, Chair of the curriculum committee, Faculty responsible for the PAS Honors program At least 5 PAS courses would be accredited as Honors courses in 3-5 years. . Begin to offer online graduate courses Educate students through direct exposure to underrepresented populations in the US and diverse populations in other regions of the African Diaspora. Develop and offer PAS courses (including those that have Gen Ed requirements) as part of the Honors Program Provide educational opportunities for students through various forums and avenues external to the classroom settings. Increase the number of campus speakers, workshops and other diversity events sponsored or co-sponsored by PAS Further strengthen and expand the department’s study abroad programs. Provide opportunities for students enrolled in Honors programs to take PAS courses as well as for PAS students to enroll in a PAS Honors program that includes cultural diversity Further strengthen and expand the department’s internship program locally and internationally. Develop and offer the Introduction to Pan African Studies as an Honors course. Apply for grants to develop an Honors program in PAS Annual review of the department’s study abroad and internship programs Annual review of the department’s Introduction to Pan African Studies honors course Annual review of the efforts to develop and implement a PAS Honors Program An established honors program in the department in 5 years. IV. How will your unit improve the satisfaction, retention and graduation rates of students from under-represented groups? Initiative and related Goal Strategies Tactics/Action Increase the satisfaction of under-represented groups enrolled in the department’s undergraduate and graduate programs as well as in the general student population. Include professional development activities as part of students’ undergraduate and graduate education and training. Increase support for the activities of the Cheikh Anta Diop Society (the PAS academic organization for students), including, if possible, funds for workshops and group travel Increase support for the activities of the PAS Graduate Student Association including, if possible, funds for presentation at professional conference, attendance of workshops and travel on study abroad and/or internship Increase the number of campus workshops and public lectures for students sponsored or co-sponsored by the Department. Involve students in the work of all PAS curriculum and outreach committees. Assessment / Measurement Nature of activities organized. Number of activities organized. Annual assessments of the impact of the organized activities on the professional development PAS student community and the student community in general. Annual assessments of the extent to which these activities assist in the professional development of the students who are members of the groups and organizations. Reporting Schedule Responsible Person(s) Expected Outcome 3 & 5 year reports including annual reports at the faculty retreat Chair of department, faculty representatives for student organizations, Student representatives, Chair of the outreach committee. At least 25% of the activities organized by student groups or organizations associated with the department will be supported by PAS. Exit surveys from both undergraduate and graduate students At least 25 % of PAS majors/minors and graduate student will engage in an internship that is either service oriented or research based in 3-5 years. At least 50% of all graduate students will present at professional conferences in 3-5 years. At least 25% of all PAS majors/minors and graduate students will participate in a study abroad program in 3-5 years. Student representatives will contribute at least once per year in outreach and curriculum affairs. Increase the graduation rate of under-represented groups enrolled in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. Offer a curriculum that maintains the academic interests to both undergraduate and graduate students. Maintain Graduate Certificate in Pan-African Studies and explore options that make them more interesting, relevant and representative of the Diaspora Maintain Master of Arts in Pan-African Studies and explore options that make them more interesting, relevant, and representative of the Diaspora Periodic review of the number of students enrolled in the programs 3 & 5 year reports using annual reports at the faculty retreat Chair of department, Directors of the Undergraduate and Graduate programs Graduation rates for both the undergraduate and graduate programs will meet the Council for Post Secondary Education requirement in 3-5 years. 3 & 5 year reports using annual reports at the faculty retreat Chair of department, Directors of the Undergraduate and Graduate programs At least 25 % of the student population enrolled in PAS programs (especially at the graduate level) will be recruited from outside the state of Kentucky and/or are internationally in 3-5 years. Periodic review of the number of students graduating from the programs Periodic review of students exit survey Explore development of Ph.D. in Pan-African Studies that involves input from scholars and institutions from the Diaspora Increase the recruitment and retention rate of underrepresented groups enrolled in both the PAS undergraduate and graduate programs. Continue to provide financial support in the form of scholarships and assistantships Increase the number of academic awards and other forms of academic recognition for PAS majors and minors. Seek funds to maintain the current number of graduate assistants. Seek funds to increase partial scholarships for graduate students without assistantships. Periodic review of the number of students enrolled in the program that receive scholarships and assistantship and compare with graduation rates. Periodic review of undergraduate and graduate student exit surveys. V. How will your unit create or maintain a welcoming environment in which diversity, social justice and provision of academic opportunity are intrinsic values? Initiative and related Goal Strategies Tactics/Action Assessment / Measurement Promote the professional growth and development of faculty. Provide professional opportunities to all faculty members and financially support these efforts where possible. Seek additional funding for faculty research, travel and grant development Review of the annual work plans of all faculty members and ensure that at least 5% designated as service is fulfilled. . . . Ensure that all junior faculty members have an opportunity to serve on all department committees. Ensure that all senior faculty members have an opportunity to chair all department committees. Reporting Schedule 3 & 5 year reports. Responsible Person(s) Expected Outcome Chair of department, chair of personnel committee, all faculty All faculty travel present at professional meetings at least once per year. At least 25% of the total faculty will engage in grant writing. Review the annual assessment of all faculty members and determine the extent to which their effort in the area of service is being met. Rotation of Chairs of committees for all Associate/Full faculty. All junior faculty serve on each committee at least once in 5 years. Encourage faculty service on formal and informal College and University networks and committees Maintain collegial relations within the Department Continue monthly faculty lunches. Continue departmental social gatherings. Continue Brown Bag luncheon series for PAS At least 25% of all faculty will be on a College and/or University committee Review participation by faculty in departmental activities. Periodic one –to-one meeting between chair of department and faculty members. Annual Report to faculty retreat Chair of department, chairs of committees, all faculty To have at least 75% of all faculty participate in departmental meetings, social gatherings, and departmental organized campus and/or community activities Faculty, Associate Faculty and graduate students. Continue to offer collegial support to all PAS faculty, associate faculty of color from other departments, and the diverse faculty on campus in general Maintain the department’s commitment to community engagement with partners that are underrepresented in campus activities Ensure that PAS senior faculty members are available to consult with and mentor junior faculty within the department and from other departments of the College and University. Formalize relationships with affiliated faculty by making them associates to PAS and encourage greater collaboration in teaching, research, and community activities Encourage collaborative research on issues and people of the African Diaspora on a faculty level or through one of our research centers. Continue host departmental social gatherings that include Associates and supporters to the department. Enhance already existing relationships between PAS and campus and community partners Identify new partners and develop relationships in areas identified as priorities in the College of A & S and the University in general Continue Brown Bag luncheon series for PAS Faculty, Associate Faculty and graduate students Continue to work with and offer support to the Saturday Academy, the Anne Braden Institute, the Yearlings Club, the NETWORK, the Kentucky African American Heritage Museum, and the Muhammad Ali Center, etc . Periodic review at committee chairs meetings Assess the extent to which there are collaborative activities across discipline and departments. Annual Report at faculty retreat Chair of department, chairs of committees and all faculty At least 25% of PAS activities will involve our Associate faculty and/or other faculty of color from other departments. 3 & 5 year reports using Outreach Chair report at faculty meetings & annual report at faculty retreat Chair of department, chair of outreach committee, all faculty At least 50% of the department’s outreach activities to be hosted with partners in the wider Louisville community, and/or through a national or international network Assess the extent to which collaborative activities foster collegiate relationships, productive academic outcomes, and/or socially conscious education in the community. Plan to participate in one activity of each partner per semester. Estimate the total human/financial support given to each partner on a yearly basis. Estimate the total human and/or financial support given to other campus and/or community groups. Further develop a research environment that addresses diversity and social justice by providing academic opportunities and civic engagement Utilize the three centers located in the department to access resources, engage in research, foster civic engagement, and public education centered on themes of race, gender & social inequality Augment the Center for Crime and Justice in the Black Community and further develop relationships with partners. Expand the role of the PanAfrican Studies Institute for Teachers in teachers’ training and intercultural education. Establish the Underground railroad Research Institute as a viable research and education unit in the department with a strong outreach program. Plan for each center to submit at least one grant per semester Plan for each center to host/organize at least one activity per semester. Assess the level of involvement by campus and off campus community members in the various activities. Plan for each center to have at least 1 publication and/or two presentations per year that are a result of the research conducted by the centers/institutes. 3 & 5 year reports using periodic reports at faculty meetings by the directors of the centers/institutes Chair of the department, Directors of the centers/institutes At least 3 grants per year to be submitted . At least 3 public education events per year. At least 3 publications/or presentations from the research conducted by the centers. VI. How will your unit ensure that its administrators, faculty, and staff take advantage of diversity education opportunities provided by UofL? Initiative and related Goal Strategies Further enhance faculty, staff and student interests in teaching, conducting research, and presenting themes on diversity and inequality. Include in the department’s annual plan and budget opportunities and funding for faculty, staff and student to develop their teaching, research, and outreach agendas focused on diversity and inequality Continue to provide a healthy environment that encourages and facilitates faculty, staff, and student conversations on issues of diversity and social inequality Encourage formal and informal forums so that faculty, staff and students can converse on issues of diversity and inequality happening on and off campus. Tactics/Action Encourage and support efforts to enhance courses focused on diversity and inequality Assessment / Measurement Reporting Schedule Responsible Person(s) Assess the number of faculty, staff, and student who participated in any of the actions listed 3 & 5 year reports using periodic reports at faculty meetings and faculty retreats. Chair of department, Directors of the graduate and undergraduate programs, all faculty To become a main source of faculty and student resources on issues of diversity and inequality as it relates to race, gender and social inequality. Assess the number of informal and formal forums organized per year which involves PAS participation. 3 & 5 year reports using reports from annual faculty retreats. Chair of department, all faculty, all staff, student representatives To become a safe haven for conversations formally and informally on issues of race, gender and social inequality among faculty, staff, student, and community. Support research efforts by negotiating time and/or financial support to faculty working on grants and other research projects focused on diversity and inequality Encourage and financially support faculty, staff, and students to attend diversity conferences, meetings, and training workshops., Organize and/or support forums that include faculty, student and staff as well as forums that are separate for each group Provide a space in the department for both Expected Outcome Assess the number of faculty, staff, and student who participated in any of undergraduate and graduate students to gather and have discussions on diversity and inequality. Encourage faculty to allow extra credits for students in their classes to attend campus and community forums on any theme on diversity and inequality. the actions listed. Monitor the use of the space provided by the department for student to gather and converse. At the periodic one-to –one meetings between the chair and staff to include discussion on issues arising re diversity and inequality