Engineering Faculty Council Academic Year 2006-2007 Minutes of Meeting # 19 Mar 27, 2007 in 3210 SC Members present: Christoph Beckermann; Witold Krajewski; Madhavan Raghavan, Sharif Rahman Deans Present: Barry Butler Others present: John Lee 1- Call to order @ 9:03 AM. 2- Minutes of Meeting #17 and #18 were approved. 3- Dr. Beckermann announced that he will be unable to attend the upcoming EAC Meeting. Dr. Raghavan offered to attend the meeting on the EFC’s behalf. 4- EFC members discussed the process of requesting nominations for elections to the UI Graduate Council, the EFC, and for the post of faculty secretary. Dr. Beckermann agreed to send requests for nominations to the CoE faculty. 5- EFC members discussed the Professionalism, Ethics and Leadership in Engineering Education Initiative (PELEEI) with Dr. John Lee who heads this task force. EFC members expressed enthusiasm for the initiative. Dr. Lee agreed to work on updating membership in the task force and work further with the EFC on charges. 6- EFC members expressed support for the proposal on Pandemic Flu Preparedness developed by Associate Dean, Alec Scranton. 7- EFC discussed the proposal on the formation of a University-wide research faculty track and agreed to add it to the agenda for the CoE faculty meeting. 8- Meeting adjourned @ 10:10 AM.