COURSE PRE-REQUISITE WAIVER This form must be completed by students who want to take a course in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering for which they have not completed the required prerequisite(s). This form must be filled out completely prior to registering for this course and discussed with the student’s academic advisor. Student Information: Student Name: University ID Number: Course Information: Semester Course Will Be Taken: Course Number: Course Title: Semester Hours: To The Student: List the pre-requisite(s) for this course that you have not taken and explain why you want/need to take this course without these required pre-requisite(s), including the hardships that would be encountered if your request was denied. Discuss this request with the course instructor and obtain their signature prior to submitting this form to your academic advisor. Student Signature: Date: Instructor Signature: Date: To The Academic Advisor: Discuss this request with the course instructor prior to approval. Inform the student of your decision and submit this completed form to the Director of Undergraduate Studies. __ I approve this request __ I do not approve this request Explain your decision: Academic Advisor Signature: Date: