It is recognized that events can occur which may necessitate... dental student’s course of education ... University of Louisville


Section - Q

University of Louisville

School of Dentistry



It is recognized that events can occur which may necessitate a temporary interruption in a dental student’s course of education and training. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, child birth or adoption, prolonged illness of the student, death or illness of a close family member, other family tragedies, etc.

In the event this type of situation occurs, a request for a temporary leave of absence will be made to the Associate Dean for Predoctoral Education. The Associate Dean for

Predoctoral Education will contact the appropriate faculty members, chairs, and other administrators before making a recommendation as to a course of action to the Dean. A reasonable attempt will be made by the School to approve requests for leave of absence.

All requests will be judged by the same standards without discrimination among students.

When deemed necessary and appropriate, accommodations will be made to facilitate a student’s continued participation in the program of student, providing that making the necessary accommodations is reasonable and does not infringe on the rights and responsibilities of other students, faculty, and/or staff.

Approved by ULSD Council June 12, 1996
