University of Louisville Women’s Center Study Abroad Scholarship is based... The the quality of your essay, recommendations given by two faculty...

The University of Louisville Women’s Center Study Abroad Scholarship is based on academic merit,
the quality of your essay, recommendations given by two faculty members, financial need, and
accessibility to other departmental scholarships. Scholarships range in size based on needs,
availability of funds and the number of participants in the Study Abroad Program.
To be considered applications must include all materials.
Application Materials:
Completed Short-Term Study Abroad Application form
Completed Scholarship Application form (attached)
One to two page essay (see essay instructions below).
Transcript of all academic credits completed or attempted (unofficial transcripts from Ulink are
Two completed recommendations (see Application form for details).
FAFSA Information
Students must be in good standing in order to apply for the scholarship.
Graduating seniors or students participating on an exchange program are not eligible to apply.
You must be a full-time current or continuing student.
If you are not sure about whether you’re eligible to apply, please contact the Women’s Center.
Students are responsible for working with the Financial Aid Office to ensure that receipt of
sponsorship will not impact their future financial awards.
Award Acceptance:
Students who are accepted for the Women’s Center Study Abroad Scholarship are designated as
must agree to the following conditions:
While Abroad:
You must write two 250 word blog posts for our office’s social media page. Each submission must
include a picture that relates to the post and remarks on how the experience has furthered your
understanding of women’s issues globally. Submissions must be submitted to Submissions will be posted on the social media site by an office staff
In addition students must be willing to write an article for the Women’s Center Newsletter or social
media sites about your experiences or agree to appear in a promotional video for the Center.
Upon Return to the United States:
You must volunteer for the Women Center which may include but is not limited to: Classroom
presentations, writing articles for the Newsletter and social media, tabling at the Study Abroad
Information Sessions or service hours at the Women’s Center Office.
Failure to complete these conditions may result in having to pay back the amount of the given scholarship.
Scholarship Application Form
Part 1. Demographic Information
1. Name (last, first, MI): Click here to enter text.
2. Student ID Number: Click here to enter text.
3. UofL email address: Click here to enter text.
4. Telephone Number: Click here to enter text.
5. Major: Click here to enter text.
5. Minor: Click here to enter text.
Part 2. Study Abroad Information
7. Name of Study Abroad Program Provider (i.e. ISA): Click here to enter text.
8. Location (City, Country): Click here to enter text.
9. Duration of Program (number of days, weeks, or months): Click here to enter text.
10. Have you traveled abroad before? ☐Yes ☐No
10. a. If you answered yes to #10, what countries did you travel to and for what purpose?
Click here to enter text.
11. Have you studied abroad before? ☐Yes ☐No
11.a. If you answered yes to #11, what was:
-the name of your program: Click here to enter text.
-the location of your program (city/country): Click here to enter text.
-the duration of program (number of days, weeks, or months): Click here to enter text.
Part 3. Financial Information
12. Please indicate your plans for financing your participation in a study abroad program (you may choose more
than one).
☐Personal Savings
☐Federal/State Grant
☐Student loan(s)
☐Scholarship(s), please list which scholarships you’ve applied to and which ones you’ve been awarded:
Click here to enter text.
☐Other, please list: Click here to enter text.
13. Sponsorship amount requested ___________________
14. Explanation of financial need ______________________
Part 4. Essay Instructions
Your essay must meet be one to two pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font, and typed.
Your essay must clearly address the following:
Describe how a study abroad experience will enhance your academic, professional, and
personal goals.
Describe a women’s issue you will be examining on your global trip.
Tell how will you give back to the community at UofL is you receive the financial award?
How will you encourage others to consider studying abroad and how might you assist them?