LCLS Facilities Advisory Committee LCLS Organization & Executive Status M. Reichanadter / SLAC Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting Mark Reichanadter Outline Status of the LCLS Project Cost, Schedule and Resources LCLS Organization & Staffing Long-Lead Procurements Preparation for Construction Response to Oct04 FAC recommendations Plans for the next six months Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 2 Mark Reichanadter LCLS Project Status – 1 LCLS Critical Decision Status; CD-0 Approve Mission Need – Complete (Jun01) CD-1 Approve Preliminary Baseline Range – Complete (Oct02) CD-2A Approve Long-Lead Procurement Budget – Complete (Jul04) CD-2B Approve Performance Baseline – ESAAB Scheduled for April 8 Continue to work with BREI & OECM for baseline validation CD-3A Approve Start of Long-Lead Procurements – Complete (Dec04) CD-3B Approve Start of Construction – Scheduled (Nov05) CD-4 Approve Start of Operations – Scheduled (Mar09) LCLS Major Upcoming Start/Completion Dates; Start of LCLS Construction Start– Mar06 Injector Laser Commissioning Start– Jun06 Injector E-Beam Commissioning Start– Apr07 Linac-to-Undulator Commissioning Start – Mar08 “First Light” (E-Beam through Undulator) Start – May08 LCLS Major Upcoming Project Reviews FAC – Apr 7-8, 2005 DOE “Lehman” Review – May 10-12, 2005 Full Technical, Cost, Schedule and Management Review Includes conceptual review of the LCLS Instruments (MIE) and LCLS Operations DOE “Lehman” Review – Nov, 2005 CD-3B – Assess readiness for start of construction Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting Mark Reichanadter LCLS Project Status – 2 LCLS is in the Design/Procure/Construct phase. Design (Staffing up Mgmt & PED, Technical Specs, A/E 100% Title I, KickOff Title II) Procure (Long-Lead Procurements) Prep for Construction (CM/GC RFP, Construction Safety Plan, ISMS) Safety First! Then think about schedule, technical and cost issues. The LCLS P3 resource-loaded database is the approved scope, cost and schedule. LCLS performance and progress is based on the resource-loaded schedule. Changes to the “plan” are approved through change control. Earned-Value measured against resource-loaded schedule. FY05 funding arrived in Jan05 Will have carryover in FY06 Advance the design (PED), particularly in Injector and Undulator Injector, Linac, Undulator & CF LLP’s Title 2 Design, CM/GC procurement Emphasis on meeting schedules/milestones … cost will follow closely. Safety First! Then think about schedule, technical and cost issues. Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting Mark Reichanadter LCLS BA, C+Comm & BCWS LCLS Project TEC 350,000,000 300,000,000 250,000,000 Cost+COMM 200,000,000 BA BCWS BCWP 150,000,000 ACWP 100,000,000 50,000,000 FY 09 FY 08 FY 07 FY 06 FY 05 FY 04 FY 03 0 •FY06 is aggressive to stay to the schedule (Injector, Linac, Undulator, & CF all ramping up) •Note; FY07 “Swing” work can be advanced if we have good cost and schedule performance Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 5 Mark Reichanadter LCLS Total Project Cost (Feb05) Linac Coherent Light Source BCWS Profile (AYM$) WBS System FY02 FY03 FY04 Feb05 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 Total 1.1 Project Mgmt., Admin. & Integration 0.00 1.43 2.40 7.21 6.29 5.11 4.54 2.24 29.23 1.2 Injector System 0.00 0.64 1.86 7.42 6.73 1.38 0.35 0.07 18.44 1.3 Linac System 0.00 0.18 1.16 3.49 10.58 7.62 3.25 0.46 26.75 1.4 Undulator System 0.00 0.57 1.60 7.22 22.25 14.83 1.67 0.10 48.24 1.5 X-Ray Transport & Diagnostics 0.00 0.70 0.82 2.72 5.92 8.94 7.02 0.46 26.59 1.6 X-Ray Endstations 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.73 1.49 5.86 6.44 0.24 14.98 1.9 Conventional Facilities 0.00 0.11 1.61 8.36 20.11 37.15 8.98 0.43 76.75 Estimated Base Cost 0.00 3.64 9.67 37.16 73.37 80.89 32.25 3.99 240.98 Contingency 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.91 12.17 24.61 18.25 6.01 73.95 Total Estimated Cost (Base + Contingency) 0.00 3.64 9.67 50.08 85.54 105.50 50.50 10.00 314.93 2.1 Project Mgmt., Admin. & Integration 1.50 0.00 1.17 1.88 1.81 4.95 7.00 14.86 33.16 2.2 Injector System 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.54 0.25 3.66 1.14 0.34 6.16 2.3 Linac System 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.10 1.11 0.34 2.55 2.4 Undulator System 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.50 0.38 4.79 0.93 0.34 7.27 2.5 X-Ray Transport & Diagnostics 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.54 0.06 0.66 2.11 0.69 4.34 2.6 X-Ray Endstations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.18 0.53 2.18 0.49 3.55 2.9 Conventional Facilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Project Costs 1.50 0.00 2.00 3.63 2.67 15.69 14.47 17.06 57.03 Management Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.83 0.31 1.03 4.44 6.97 Total Other Project Cost (Base + MR) 1.50 0.00 2.00 4.00 3.50 16.00 15.50 21.50 64.00 Total Project Costs (Base + Cont. + OPC) 1.50 3.64 11.67 54.08 89.04 121.50 66.00 31.50 378.93 LCLS Cost & Schedule Estimate ----------------$315M TEC $379M TPC CD-4 Mar09 -----------------Major emphasis/yr FY05 -LLP’s, Staffing, PED, T2 & CM/GC FY06 -Inj, Lin, Und Proc’s & Mock-Up, T3 FY07 -Inj Comm, Linac, Und Assemblies XTOD/XES Proc, 2-D Det, T3 FY08 -T3 BO’s, XTOD/XES Proc, May08 First Light Linac Coherent Light Source Funding Profile (AYM$) FY02 TEC Funding OPC Funding Total Funding Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting FY03 0.00 1.50 1.50 FY04 5.93 0.00 5.93 FY05 7.46 2.00 9.46 FY06 50.08 4.00 54.08 6 85.54 3.50 89.04 FY07 FY08 FY09 Total 105.50 50.50 10.00 315.00 16.00 15.50 21.50 64.00 121.50 66.00 31.50 379.00 Mark Reichanadter FY09 -CD-4 Mar09 LCLS Cost Performance Report – Feb05 LCLS Cost Performance Report - Work Breakdown Structure Cumulative to Date ($K) Current Period ($K) WBS Budgeted Cost Work Scheduled Work Performed 28-Feb-05 Variance Actual Cost Work Performed Schedule Cost Budgeted Cost Work Work Scheduled Performed Actual Cost Work Performed At Completion ($K) Variance Performance Indices Latest Revised Estimate Budgeted Schedule Cost SPI CPI 1.1 Project Management 630 409 292 -221 118 5,655 5,434 4,927 -221 507 0.96 1.10 29,294 1.2 Injector -35 415 202 450 213 2,963 3,186 3,203 223 -17 1.08 0.99 18,435 1.3 Linac 151 289 90 138 199 2,051 1,898 1,827 -153 70 0.93 1.04 26,751 1.4 Undulator 600 316 252 -284 64 3,265 2,972 2,965 -293 6 0.91 1.00 48,242 1.5 X-ray Transport 225 266 332 42 -65 1,928 1,968 1,969 40 -1 1.02 1.00 26,595 80 83 80 3 3 451 454 407 3 47 1.01 1.12 14,956 478 444 59 -34 385 2,761 2,659 2,314 -101 345 0.96 1.15 76,754 2,129 2,223 1,306 94 917 19,074 18,571 17,613 -502 958 0.97 1.05 241,027 1.6 X-ray Endstations 1.9 Conventional Facilities 1 LCLS Total Base Cost LCLS Total Estimated Cost 315,000 Avail. Contingency 73,973 % Contingency / Rem. Work 33.3% % Complete LCLS Base Cost 2.1 LCLS Project Mgmt, Planning & Admn (OPC) 7.3% 169 138 259 -31 -121 3,462 3,464 3,727 2 -262 1.00 0.93 33,199 92 164 87 72 77 407 478 441 71 36 1.17 1.08 6,089 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1.00 1.00 2,552 2.4 Undulator (OPC) 70 30 -5 -40 35 594 527 477 -67 50 0.89 1.11 7,269 2.5 X-ray Transport (OPC) 13 13 -178 0 191 343 498 336 154 161 1.45 1.48 4,342 7 0 0 -7 0 44 7 5 -36 3 0.17 2.9 Conventional Facilities (OPC) -47 -48 0 -1 -48 0 0 41 0 -41 0.00 0.00 0 2 LCLS Total Other Project Cost 305 297 163 -7 134 4,851 4,975 5,028 124 -52 1.03 0.99 56,998 2.2 Injector (OPC) 2.3 Linac (OPC) 2.6 X-ray Endstations (OPC) 3,546 LCLS Other Project Cost 64,000 Avail. Management Reserve 7,002 % Contingency / Rem. Work 13.5% % Comp LCLS Other Project Cost LCLS Total Project Cost 2,434 2,520 1,469 86 1,051 23,925 23,547 22,641 -378 905 0.98 1.04 % Complete LCLS TPC Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 7 Mark Reichanadter 8.8% 379,000 6.2% Variance LCLS Summary Schedule – Mar05 FY 2004 OCT JAN FY 2005 APR DOE Milestones JUL OCT JAN APR FY 2006 JUL CD2b CD3a OCT JAN FY 2007 APR JUL OCT Sector 20 Injector Facility Linac Facility Main Control Center Magnetic Measurement Facility Undulator Hall Construction Title 1 Injector Construction OCT JAN APR JUL 1st Light LCLS Start Operation (XRay to Far Hall) Construction MCC B.O. • Schedule Float •213 days (10.5 mos.) •~23% cont wrt CD-4 XTOD B.O. UND B.O. BD B.O. Construction FEE B.O. FEH B.O. Title 2 CLOC B.O. BTH B.O. Construction Drive Laser Award UV Beam to Cathode Injector ARR Drive Laser C/O Design/Procure RF Gun Commission • Critical Path •Und B.O. - Und Inst to 1st Light Design/Procure Wall Region Install Heater Region Install Laser Heater Install Accelerator Region Install Gun Region Install Linac X-Band Klystron Cableplant Inject RF Install Commission Spectrometer Install Design/Procurement L1, BC1, L2, BC2, L3, & LTU, E-Dump • FY05 Shutdown •~1 month E-Dump Install Installation Highlights Linac B.O. MMF Title 2 Drive Laser RFP JUL Construction Title 2 T1 Title 2 Title 1 FY 2009 APR LCLS ARR NEH B.O. Other Facilities (Undulator,BD, RY, NEH, FEH,FEE, BTH,CLOC & X-Ray Xport) JAN Linac ARR Start Injector Comm (Drive Laser) S20/Alcove B.O. Title 2 MMF Title 1 OCT Injector Accelerator ARR FFTB Shutdown Title 2 Title 1 FY 2008 JUL CD4 Start Proc for T3 Constr T1 APR CD3b Major LCLS Milestones Conventional Facilities JAN L2,BC2,L3 L1, BC1 LTU Install Commission Undulator Ti Strongback • FY06 shutdown •~ 4 months Magnet Blocks Magnet Poles Design Design Procure Rcv 1st Arts Testing at MMF 33 Prod Unds Received Del of 1st Arts to MMF F/MM • FFTB Shutdown •Jul06 •LCLS may request advancing this date Install Commission X-Ray Transport & Diagnostics Design/Procure Solid Attenuator Install Commissioning Diagnostics X-Ray End Stations Gas Attenuator Install Tunnel Mech/Vac Install Award Initial Funding Laser Design/Procure/Assy Design/Procure 2-D X-Ray Detector Operations Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting Commission Install Install Commission 8 Operations Mark Reichanadter LCLS L1 and L2 Milestones • 7 L1 Milestones tracked by DOESC1 • 27 L2 Milestones tracked by DOESSO • 132 L3 Milestones tracked by LCLS Project Office • L1-L2-L3 under change control • Add'l L4’s tracked by System Managers Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 9 Mark Reichanadter LCLS Project Organization (Mar05) Increase senior level expertise •Accel Team Ldr. •Construction & ES&H Safety Professionals •Dedicated Procurement Group •E-Beam and XRay Systems Managers add a layer between WBS Managers and Project Office (better integration) •Laser Group Manager to provide expertise to entire project Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 10 Mark Reichanadter LCLS Peoplepower / System / Lab FY2004 (actuals) 11.2 5.4 40.2 56.8 LCLS Estimated FTE's ANL LLNL SLAC Total FY2005 15.59 8.7 88.48 112.77 FY2006 20.76 10.43 107.79 138.98 FY2007 13.01 11.77 106.5 131.28 FY2008 2.82 10.46 74.59 87.87 FY2009* 0.33 5.72 51.69 57.74 TOTAL 63.71 52.48 469.25 585.44 *FY2009 annualized rate LCLS Physicist, Engineering & Management Resources (SLAC Only) 80 Physicist/Post-Doc 70 Pwr Conv Engr 60 Mech Drafting/Design LCLS resource usage is derived from resourceloaded schedule. Staffing @ SLAC Laser Engr 50 40 Klystron Engr -Controls-MOU Project Office Staff -RF-MOU Electrical Engineer 30 Controls Programmer Controls Engineer 20 Controls Coordinator 10 0 FY2004 (actuals est*) Mech/Vacuum Engineer FY2005 Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 11 FY2009 -Engr-Improving PO Staff-need senior-level and construction mgmt Laser-need to recruit talent Mark Reichanadter Actual Reported Staffing @ SLAC LCLS FTE's @ SLAC 70 FY05 funding @ SLAC 60 FTE's 50 40 • 63.5.0 FTE’s (Feb05) • Does not include additional staff under contract – – – 30 20 Award Title I 10 Treading water. Year-long CR or fullfunding? Jacobs PMCS – AIM Consultants • • – CM/GC (6/05) N O ct -0 3 ov -0 D 3 ec -0 3 Ja n0 Fe 4 b0 M 4 ar -0 Ap 4 r0 M 4 ay -0 Ju 4 n04 Ju l-0 Au 4 g0 Se 4 p04 O ct -0 N 4 ov -0 D 4 ec -0 4 Ja n0 Fe 5 b05 0 Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 12 Dalesio Desaulniers Mark Reichanadter FY05 Matrix Support ESD-LCLS & RF-LCLS MOU’s •LCLS Controls and RF Managers are members of LCLS Division and co-located in B280. •ESD matrix ~7.0 FTE’s in FY05 to LCLS. LCLS still plans 2 EE hires. •KD matrix ~3.0 FTE’s in FY05 to LCLS + mfg & RF Gun Support. •CEH MOU (TBD) •Accel Dept (TBD) Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 13 Mark Reichanadter LCLS Facilities @ SLAC B750 LCLS temporary staging/storage, permanent lab, testing and machine shop space. Share with other users, LSS?, EXO? Remove Mark II Detector? B280 A&B 2 floors ~13,000sf S20-2,160sf facility Laser & Control Rm MMF-4,000sf facility used to tune, measure and store undulator magnets Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 14 Mark Reichanadter LCLS Procured Materials and Services LCLS Procurements and Subcontracts $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 AYK$ T3 Constr $40,000 SLAC $30,000 LLNL ANL $20,000 $10,000 $0 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 AYK$ FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 Total ANL $2,219 $15,646 $13,244 $62 $2,104 $33,274 LLNL $30 $2,863 $2,615 $4,502 $1 $10,011 SLAC $12,425 $14,310 $16,617 $15,514 $4,565 $63,430 T3 Constr $2,541 $20,246 $29,993 $5,701 $0 $58,481 Total $17,215 $53,064 $62,468 $25,779 $6,670 $165,196 Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 15 LCLS uses decentralized three procurement groups at ANL, LLNL and SLAC ANL-LCLS Proc Mgr – J. Ingraffia LLNL-LCLS Proc Mgr – G. Otani SLAC-LCLS Proc Mgr- Dave McGiven SLAC-LCLS Procurement Cell manages LCLS procurements and coordinates closely with SLAC Purchasing for less critical or commodity purchases LCLS Technical Leads B. Freeman V. Villanueva LCLS CF Lead B. Patten Mark Reichanadter LCLS Long-Lead Procurements LCLS PROJECT Long Lead Procurements (LLP) BCWS, AYM$ WBS 1.02 Description Injection System * Drive Laser ($1,090k) * Streak Camera ($350k) 1.03 Total 12.7 1.3 14.0 - - LINAC System 0.1 0.2 1.2 0.7 0.9 1.1 - 0.2 0.3 1.5 •Laser and Conv Fac are most critical to maintaining schedule. 1.2 1.9 0.9 1.2 •Sufficient time is built into the LCLS schedule to provide for the procurement process. 1.5 1.4 - 0.1 Conventional Facilities S20 Injector Facility Magnetic Measurement Facility Total LLP BA Contingency Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 19.8 16 •Laser system includes a large number of small procurements + system integration. 0.1 0.1 0.3 Undulator System Ti Strongback Magnet Blocks Magnet Poles 1.09 FY06 - BC1 Magnets BC2 Magnets RF Xband 1.04 FY05 •All LLP’s have been reviewed during LCLS TDR’s. 1.5 1.4 3.1 22.9 30.0 31% •APP’s start the procurement process. •Contingency on LLP ~31% Mark Reichanadter Preparations for Construction Safety LCLS ISMS established, add ES&H staff to PO ES&H – M. Scharfenstein Construction ES&H – R. Hislop Working with SLAC ES&H and SOC on approval and review processes. Establish LCLS Construction Safety Plan S20 and MMF construction to provide good feedback on processes and policies prior to main construction effort. CM/GC RFP going through DOE approval process Largest procurement for LCLS (~60M) Evaluation and Advisory Boards are established Start construction March 2006! Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 17 Mark Reichanadter LCLS Response to Recommendations Oct04 FAC Steep ramp-up of staff in light of FY05 CR is not feasible. Exploit Continuing Resolution by replanning work. LCLS replanned its effort assuming a CR through Dec04 with full-funding in Jan05, which is what occurred. LCLS has effectively staffed up when funding became available. Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 18 Mark Reichanadter LCLS Response to Recommendations Oct04 FAC Update the Risk Registry monthly. The Risk Registry is updated monthly and a dedicated Risk Management meeting is held each month. AC Conductivity was placed on the Risk Registry but is now considered a low risk. A FY06 CR is a serious risk to the project. Under a CR; 1/12 of PED (~$2.5M), 1/12 LLP ($0), 1/12 of OPC (~$3.5M) or ~$500K/mo. Ave 1-Q 06 ‘burn rate’ is ~$5.5M/mo. Two plusses; Late FY05 funding, LCLS predicts a BA carryover ( ~$13M). Actual construction start is planned for Mar06 (3Q-06). Mitigation strategy; Pull back on technical system procurements, hold CDG together. Most likely impact; >1Q CR will delay schedule (reduced float, increase cost) Looking to push non-critical path work from FY05 to FY06 Continue to work with DOE SSO and BES on additional mitigation plans. Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 19 Mark Reichanadter LCLS Response to Recommendations Oct04 FAC Global integration needs more attention/resources. LCLS has added substantial resources to integration; Added Integration/Installation Mgr (R.M. Boyce) Added Accelerator Team Leader (P. Emma) Added E-Beam System Mgr (TBD ~2 weeks) Added Photon Beam System Mgr (J. Arthur) 2 Undulator Project Engineers G. Pile – ANL, B. Youngman - SLAC Added QA Mgr (TBD ~1week), D-Dbase Mgr (TBD) Continue to push on specs (PRD, ESD, ICD, RDS) Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 20 Mark Reichanadter LCLS Technical Specifications •Technical baseline specifications are defined. •Documents are added/ revised as the design evolves. •Technical specs under configuration mgmt. Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 21 Mark Reichanadter LCLS is under Configuration Control Management Control LCLS Project Management Plan with Appendices LCLS Advance Procurement Mgmt Plan LCLS Quality Implementation Plan LCLS Risk Management Plan with Risk Registry Appendix Technical Control of Scope Technical Specifications Documents GRD, PRDs, ESDs, RDSs, ICDs WBS Dictionary Cost/Schedule/Resource Control LCLS P3 Cost & Schedule Database With Baseline Change Requests LCLS L1-L2-L3 Milestones & Dictionary All LCLS Project documentation can be found on the LCLS website Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 22 Mark Reichanadter Plans for the Next Six Months Baseline LCLS (Cd-2b) Complete staffing and co-location of Central Design Group at 3 labs. Continue to push ISMS into LCLS work processes. Continue to work enhance integration effort and processes. Complete awarding of Long-Lead Procurements Laser, Injector components, Undulator Materials, S20 and MMF) Complete Title II on schedule (Nov30) Award CM/GC (Jun30) Maximize overlap between A/E T2 and CM effort. CD-3b (Approve Construction Start) Make plans flexible for full FY06 funding (~$89M) or CR? Apr7-8, 2005 LCLS FAC Meeting 23 Mark Reichanadter