Department Name:
Intramural-Recreational Sports
Student Activities Center Room E-102
Phone Number:
Web Site:
Director’s Name:
Dale Ramsay
Number of Staff:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2012-13
academic year
Staff Diversity:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2012-13
academic year
Staff with Disabilities:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2012-13
academic year
A. Mission:
Staff Type
Full-time Professional/Classified Staff:
Part-time Professional/Classified Staff:
Graduate Assistants:
Student Staff on Payroll:
Student Interns:
Practicum Students:
No. of Staff
The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports’ goal is to improve the quality of life and
sense of belonging for all members of the University of Louisville community. Through
participation in a variety of sports and fitness activities, participants achieve an improved level of
physical, emotional, and social wellbeing within a welcoming environment.
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B. Department Overview:
C. Strategic Goals (12-13) &
Major Accomplishments:
The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports serves to improve the quality of
student lives using sports and fitness activities to achieve that goal. Intramural and
Recreational Sports encourages students to get involved in some activity that will enable
them to develop a healthy lifestyle. Students can choose from a wide variety of activities
ranging from fitness classes to competitive Intramural Sports to Sport Clubs. Our motto
is “A Sport for Everyone and Everyone in a Sport”.
Please list your department’s strategic goals from this past year and address the
progress towards achieving each goal and/or major accomplishments and activities with
respect to each goal.
GOAL #1: Continue to work on the planning of the new
We successfully bid all of the weight/fitness
equipment. We have made significant progress
on both finalizing the SRC budget/staffing plan
and we have successfully selected the software
platform (CSI).
Conducted emergency training with our staff
and heightened their ability to properly respond
to emergency situations.
We continue to partner with Nelligan. They
continue to successfully secure sponsorships for
IMRS. We look forward to increased
opportunities with the opening of the SRC.
By allowing the Soccer team to use our fields
for their summer camps, Athletics has agreed to
assist with the maintenance of our fields.
With the significant assistance of Frank Mianzo
and Dave Horrar, we had a complete re-design
of our website, which greatly enhances the
department’s image.
Student Recreation Center. Our focus this
year is equipment selection, finalizing the
SRC budget, developing operational/staffing
plans, and selecting a software platform.
GOAL #2: Implement mock emergency training to
enable our staff to respond more effectively
in emergency situations.
GOAL #3:
Continue to work with Nelligan Sports
Marketing in securing sponsorships.
GOAL #4: Collaborate with the Athletic Department to
assist with the maintenance of our IM Field
GOAL #5:
Re-design the IM Sports website.
Please add more space for goals as your department’s activities warrant.
D. Points of Pride (2012-13):
Short Title
Please list three to five ‘points of pride’ for your department from the past year. This can
include initiatives, programs or recognitions.
Student Recreation Center
Construction began on the new $37.5 million Student Recreation Center
in May 2012. Construction is progressing and the scheduled opening is
Fall 2013. The IMRS staff has had an extremely busy year working on
the plethora of details necessary in the planning of the SRC. We have
conducted numerous tours of the SRC with campus groups. The SRC
will undoubtedly change campus life for the next generation of UofL
Faculty/Staff Golf Scramble
The Intramural and Recreational Sports Department sponsored the 21st
Annual Faculty/Staff Golf Scramble, which was held on Friday, June 8th
at Nevel Meade Golf Club. This event brought together 120 golfers from
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the university community consisting of faculty, staff, retirees, spouses,
alumni and vendors. The teams were requested or chosen according to
their handicap or average score. Everyone who participated received a
round of golf with cart, an excellent breakfast and lunch from Sodexo
Dining Services, Department Logo Golf Hat and a chance to win team
prizes, individual skill competition prizes, and a $240 skins game. The
great weather which always plays a vital role in the tremendous success
of the event was great. Currently, the Intramural Sports Staff and Golf
committee is coordinating the 22nd Annual Golf Scramble to be held at
Nevel Meade Golf Course on Friday, June 14, 2013. This annual golf
event has provided a great opportunity for the Department of Intramural
Sport to give something back to the university faculty/staff community.
We partnered with the Student Activities Department to bring Tom “Dr.
Cue” Rossman and his wife Marty “Miss Cue” Rossman back to campus.
Tom is always a popular draw and has a lot of recognition from billiard
enthusiasts on campus who have seen him on numerous ESPN national
and world wide competitions. Dr. Cue performed two times, at Noon and
again at 7:00 PM and provided free individual lessons and ran a
tournament between shows. His shows were both well attended with over
200 total between them. He worked non-stop with students throughout
the day between shows.
Each year we host the Blue Chip Youth Basketball Tournament in the
SAC. Approximately 2000 students and their parents attend this 3-day
event. The tournament organizers continuously applaud our staff for the
service they provide. By hosting the event, we also expose potential
future UofL students to our campus and provide a great community
This past year the Department of Intramural Sports hosted the Male High
School Project Graduation lock-in. The evening event brought over 350
graduates to campus. Their parent committee did an excellent job in
assisting with the evening activities. Most students arrived around 11:00
p.m. and left around 5:00 a.m. Currently, we are planning on hosting the
Male High School Project Graduation on June 6, 2013.
Dr. Cue
Blue Chip Basketball
Project Graduation
Please add more space for additional points of pride as warranted. .
E. Collaborative Efforts:
Short Title
Nelligan Sports Marketing
Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department has
collaborated with one or more other University and/or community partners.
Our arrangement with Nelligan continues to be a financially successful
one for our department. In this time of financial stress, Nelligan has done
an excellent job in providing our department with additional revenue that
we need to operate our program. Our partnership is unique in that we
continue to be the only recreational sports program in the country with an
agreement with a sports marketing firm. We look forward to the future
with the opening of the SRC and the new marketing opportunities that
will develop.
We work closely with Athletics in cooperatively sharing the use of each
other’s facilities. Our students benefit from getting to compete in
outstanding venues such as Cardinal Arena (Basketball Championships),
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University Emergency
Physical Plant
Financial Aid
Bass/Rudd Tennis Center (Tennis Tournaments), Wright Natatorium
(Swim Meet), and the Trager Stadium (Track Meet). Participating in
these venues enhance the experience of participating in Intramurals for
our students.
We have a partnership with University Emergency Medicine to enable us
to have Automatic External Defibrillators in our facilities. Dr. Price
wrote our prescriptions on our AED protocols. This relationship is
important because of the necessity for our staff to be able to respond to a
cardiac emergency.
We have an excellent relationship with the various trades in the Physical
Plant. We have spent a great deal of time cultivating these relationships.
We receive excellent service from the Physical Plant. In an effort to show
our appreciation to them we work closely with them on our extremely
popular Faculty/Staff Golf Outing. Many Physical Plant employees
participate in the tournament. They assist us in obtaining sponsorships
for the event as well.
Our department works closely with Charlie Schnell in the Financial Aid
Office to recruit College Work Study students to work in the Intramural
Department. Our department is the most popular place for CWS students
to work on campus. By developing this relationship with Financial Aid, it
assists us tremendously with our student wage budget by having a large
number of CWS students.
Please add more space for collaborative efforts as your department’s activities warrant.
F. Continuous Improvement:
Please list areas which have been cited (either through formal or informal assessment
and evaluation) as requiring additional attention.
1. Cite a SINGLE area,
program, service or function
that was identified through a
formal assessment (i.e.:
focus group, survey,
tracking, etc.) as needing
improvement or warranting
additional attention.
Lack of online services for students in our structured intramural program.
2. Which assessment
mechanism(s) (i.e.: focus
group, survey, tracking, etc.)
assisted your department in
identifying the need for
We utilized two assessment tools to identify the need for improved online
services. The first was our Intramural Council focus group. The group met on a
monthly basis. We also performed a survey of other Kentucky universities to
ascertain their level of online services provided.
3. Specifically, what did the
assessment’s findings reflect
that resulted in
enhancements to this area,
program, service or
Our findings showed that we were significantly behind other universities in the
provision of online services for our students. Most other universities within the
state were offering online services such as registration and league administration
to their students.
4. What has your department
done/plan to do to address
this area, program, service
or function? Please be as
specific as possible.
We contracted with a program called IM Leagues to provide online services for
the structured intramural program. We launched the platform this year to the
Greek organizations only as a Beta group. We will provide the platform to the
entire IM program for the Fall of 2013.
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G. Diversity & Inclusion:
International Nights
Student Employee Picture
Intramural Champions Board
Badminton Club
Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department undertook
that supported diversity and inclusion
The Intramural Sports Department once again hosted two International
Nights this year. This year’s version were similar in format to previous
International Nights, which included setting up the gym for different
unstructured activities, including basketball, volleyball, badminton, and
Wallyball, as well as providing a table for information concerning all
areas of our program. We again worked with the International Center,
who helped us market the event directly to the various international
clubs, which was well received. These evenings were appreciated by the
participants and are good outreach efforts for our department towards our
International student population.
The Student Picture Board in the SAC facility was updated again this
year to reflect the current student staff. This served the dual purpose of
informing our users of the identities of our student staff as well as
recognizing these individuals. This was again met with praise from both
student and staff alike and should be continued into the future. This
board was a significant feature of our new student recognition program.
This board reflects the diversity of our staff, which is over 42% female
and 40% minority.
The Intramural Champions Board is a long tradition of our program
dating back to the late 1950s. This is perhaps our most visible and
memorable recognition as it showcases the year-long achievements of
those who enjoy the benefits of our program. It also serves to celebrate
the diverse nature of our participants and the positive influence our
program enjoys throughout the university community.
Our Badminton Club is one of the longest-tenured groups on our roster,
being active for over 30 years. Membership of the club over its years
have included a strong international contingent, with members from
Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Nepal, India,
Russia, Germany, England, Scotland, Canada, and the United States.
Please add more space as needed.
H. Professional Development:
Please describe professional development activities your staff participated during
2012/13 (i.e.: committee work, recognition, leadership roles, conference attendance
and/or presenting at a conference).
Dale Ramsay
Taught two classes for HSS (Rec. Sports Management and Sports
High school and college basketball official
Served as Clinician for Mid-South Basketball Officials Camp
Served as Clinician for KIAC Basketball Officiating Camp
Attended NIRSA Conference, NIRSA Region II Conference, and KIRSA
State Conference
John Smith
Taught First Aid/ CPR Classes
Red Cross Instructor
Conducted clinics for Kentucky High School Athletic Association
Assigning Secretary for High School Volleyball and Softball in Jefferson
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Served on Advisory Board for Louisville Area Red Cross Chapter
Attended NIRSA Conference, NIRSA Region II Conference, and KIRSA
Justin Peterson
Assigned officials for St. Xavier High School Intramural Sports
Assisted Jefferson County Public Schools with establishing a Flag Football
Debby Woodall
Great Places to Work Committee
“Fit Into College” Leadership
ACE Personal Training Certification
Attended NIRSA Conference, NIRSA Region II Conference, and KIRSA
State Conference
David Hatfield
Attended NIRSA Conference and KIRSA State Conference
David Rice
Student Awards Committee
KIRSA Conference
J. Strategic Goals (2013-14):
Please list your department’s strategic goals for the coming year and address efforts to
be made towards achieving each goal. NOTE: Goals should be specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and timely.
GOAL #1:
Finalize the planning of all aspects associated with the impending opening of the
SRC in the Fall of 2013.
GOAL #2:
Facilitate the full implementation of IM Leagues online software in all divisions of
the intramural sports competitive leagues.
GOAL #3:
Work with University Archives to digitize previous year’s All-Campus Champions
Boards as we transition into the SRC.
GOAL #4:
Coordinate the transition of the administration of the Cardinal Corner Game Room
to the Department of Student Activities.
GOAL #5:
Continue to conduct criminal background checks on Sports Club volunteers and
Please add more space for goals as your department’s activities warrant.
K. Learning Outcomes:
1. Division of Student Affairs
Learning Outcomes
List your department’s 2012-13 programs, activities or initiatives that were designed to
support the Divisional Learning Outcomes listed below.
Students will learn to be responsible global citizens. This will be
demonstrated through service to campus, community, and others.
Students will learn about campus services and activities supporting
their retention and graduation. This will be demonstrated through
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2. Identify programs, services
and activities planned to
address these outcomes:
student's knowledge of campus services, personal development
opportunities, and increased utilization of campus services and
Students will learn Cardinal traditions and develop a sense of purpose.
This will be demonstrated by familiarity of campus traditions and
increased participation in campus signature events and ceremonies.
Students will learn critical thinking skills. This will be demonstrated
through RSO training, SGA retreats, leadership skills training, and
Engage Lead Serve Board etc.
Injection of critical thinking traits and fundamental/powerful concepts
are part of our focus group, town hall and managers meeting agendas.
2. We offer many opportunities for students to engage in leadership
positions. These include team managers, sports club officers,
Intramural Council, membership in various focus groups and student
staff positions.
3. The high visibility of our Champions promotes the recognition and value
of traditions on our campus. Dating back to 1960, the tradition of the
boards will be carried forward to the new Student Recreation Center
4. Through participation in Orientation, Welcome Week and through some
of our own events such as the Canoe Regatta, we are promoting the
development of a sense of purpose and University traditions.
3. How did you plan to
measure attainment toward
the outcomes listed above?
1. With our new software platform, CSI, we will be able to generate many
more reports showing the impact of different program areas. Numbers
of teams, numbers of individual participants and other demographic
information will now be something we can produce on our own.
2. Documentation of meeting agendas that show talking points relating to
the development and appreciation of traditions and a positive culture.
L. Community Service and
Civic Engagement Activities:
Feedback received from our various focus groups, Intramural Council,
informal recreation focus group, managers’ meetings etc.
List community service or civic engagement initiatives, programs or activities your
department undertook during 2012-13
Short Title
Tae Kwon Do Club
Tai Chi Club
The group once again held a Holiday Food Drive, where this year they
again supported Angel Tree by providing holiday meals to 10 families.
The club annually collaborates with the Louisville Tai Chi Center to
coordinate events associated with Louisville Tai Chi Day in the Spring
and World Tai Chi Day in the Fall.
Rugby Club
The club helped organize the first Crusade for Children Firetruck Pull.
M. Assessment Planning:
1. Informal recreation focus group
List assessment activities
planned for 2013-14.
2. Documentation and recruitment of Cardinal Covenant students
3. Develop user statistics for the new Student Recreation Center
4. Develop emergency response protocols for new SRC
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N. Issues and Challenges:
List issues or challenges you
anticipate your department
addressing in 2013-14.
1…Our primary challenge will be to be fully prepared to open the Student
Recreation Center in the fall of 2013. It is important that the SRC be optimally
functional to meet the needs of our students.
2…Given the fact that we have lost several staff/positions due to budget cuts,
voluntary separations, and transfers, it is important that we are able to have
enough staff to properly manage the IMRS operations, which is going to expand
greatly with the opening of the SRC. There are at least two full-time positions
that we need to add to get to the level we need.
3…As part of the challenge of opening the SRC, we are being forced to
examine each function of our program and adapt it to what it will be like in the
SRC. From full online registration, no longer charging entry fees, changing all
of our membership programs, and programming the facility, we must fully
adapt to the reality of functioning in a state-of-the-art recreation center.
O. Department Scholarships
Please list any student
scholarships provided by your
department during 2012/2013
IM-Rec provides undergraduate assistant scholarships to students to
help implement the Intramural Sports component of our program, as well
as assist with the management of our various facilities.
Please Attached These Additional Materials to Your Report
P. Performance Metrics
Please attach your updated Performance Metrics for 2011-12. Additions welcome.
Q. Organizational Chart
Please provide an up to date organizational chart for your department (electronically in
whatever form you prefer).
S. Staff List
Please provide an electronic list of student staff who were employed by your department
this year that includes their UofL ID number. This can be generated by PeopleSoft.
Please submit this annual report by Wednesday July 31, 2013.
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