Department Name:
Intramural-Recreational Sports
Student Activities Center Room E-102
Phone Number:
Web Site:
Director’s Name:
Dale Ramsay
Number of Staff:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2011-12
academic year
Staff Diversity:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2011-12
academic year
Staff with Disabilities:
Your numbers should reflect
those staff who worked a
majority of the 2011-12
academic year
A. Mission:
Staff Type
Full-time Professional/Classified Staff:
Part-time Professional/Classified Staff:
Graduate Assistants:
Student Staff on Payroll:
Student Interns:
Practicum Students:
No. of Staff
The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports’ goal is to improve the quality of life and
sense of belonging for all members of the University of Louisville community. Through
participation in a variety of sports and fitness activities, participants achieve an improved level of
physical, emotional, and social well being within a welcoming environment.
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B. Department Overview:
C. Strategic Goals (11-12) &
Major Accomplishments:
The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports serves to improve the quality of
student lives using sports and fitness activities to achieve that goal. Intramural and
Recreational Sports encourages students to get involved in some activity that will enable
them to develop a healthy lifestyle. Students can choose from a wide variety of activities
ranging from fitness classes to competitive Intramural Sports to Sport Clubs. Our motto
is “A Sport for Everyone and Everyone in a Sport”.
Please list your department’s strategic goals from this past year and address the
progress towards achieving each goal and/or major accomplishments and activities with
respect to each goal.
GOAL #1:
GOAL #2:
GOAL #3:
Continue to work on the planning
of the new Student Recreation
Center. Continue to work with
UPDC, the design architect
develop the budget, staffing plan,
investigate purchases, etc.
Continue to collaborate with
Student Health and Get Healthy
Now on offering Pilates and Yoga
classes to the UofL community.
Implement new activities (Team
Handball League, Fraternity
Kickball, and Fraternity Disc
Golf) into the Intramural
Component of our program.
GOAL #4:
Work continues on the project of
developing the processes involved with the
opening of the new Student Recreation
Center. After breaking ground in April of
this year, the building is on schedule to be
completed in the Fall of 2013.
Classes were offered in various Aerobic
fitness disciplines in collaboration with
Student Health and Get Healthy Now.
These classes were available at various
times and locations during the week in both
Fall and Spring semesters.
We successfully implemented these three
events into our IM schedule. They were all
well-attended and enjoyed by our
We will be working with University
Archives who will be scanning and saving
the pictures from all previous Champions
Boards in a digital format. They will also be
saving the physical pictures in their
archives. This year will be the last physical
Champions Board. In the future all IM
Champions will be recognized on a digital
display which will be prominently
positioned in the new SRC.
We continue to partner with Nelligan
Sports Marketing to generate income for
our department through the selling of
advertising and other promotional
programs. We continue to review and
explore new ways of furthering our
Investigate a possible solution for
the All-Campus Champions
Boards as we transition into the
GOAL #5:
Continue to work with Nelligan
Sports Marketing in securing
sponsorships for the Department
of Intramural – Recreational
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relationship with the firm.
Please add more space for goals as your department’s activities warrant.
D. Points of Pride (2011-12):
Short Title
The New Student Recreation
Center Project
Canoe Regatta
Faculty/Staff Golf
Project Graduation
Intramural Awards Luncheon
Please list three to five ‘points of pride’ for your department from the past year. This can
include initiatives, programs or recognitions.
In April, ground was broken on the new $37.5 million, 128,000 sq.ft.
Student Recreation Center. The anticipated opening date is October
of 2013. The need for the SRC is continually supported by the
tremendous participation in all aspects of our program. The usage in
our various recreational facilities increased 10%. Our Intramural
Sports participation was up another 2% this year. Our fitness
programs remain popular and 136 different UofL and community
groups used one of our facilities for an activity or program. The
Sports Club program has 20 active clubs and we have several
students who are talking to us about creating new clubs. These
statistics re-enforce the popularity of our program and further justify
the need for the SRC.
The Canoe Regatta continues to be wildly popular and is without
question one of our benchmark events. Not only is it one of the great
traditions of our department and on our campus, it is also unique to
almost every other university in the nation. This continues to be the
only event on our schedule that features higher female participation
than male. This year there were 144 female participants, up 10 from
last year and 96 males. It continues to be one of the largest and most
consistently popular events on campus every year.
The Intramural and Recreational Sports Department sponsored the
20th Annual Faculty/Staff Golf Scramble, which was held on Friday,
June 10th at Nevel Meade Golf Club. This event brought together
120 golfers from the university community consisting of faculty,
staff, retirees, spouses, alumni and vendors. Everyone who
participated received a round of golf with cart, an excellent breakfast
and lunch from Sodexo Dining Services, a dozen of Nike golf balls
and a chance to win team prizes, individual skill competition prizes,
and a $240 skins game. This annual golf event has provided a great
opportunity for the Department of Intramural Sport to give something
back to the university faculty/staff community.
Project Graduation is one of the best outreach programs that our
department is involved with. For the past fourteen years we have
provided the recreation space in the Student Activities Center for
post-graduation celebrations. The parent group from Male High
Schools coordinates activities and provides food and door prizes for
the graduating seniors. Project Graduation provides a safe alternative
to the alcohol-related parties normally associated with high school
This year was our 25th edition of the annual Intramural Sports
Awards Luncheon. This year’s Awards Banquet saw another large
turnout at the George J. Howe Red Barn. We continued the tradition
started last year of giving out official’s awards in honor of Dale
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Orem, Lou Frankel, Frank Nuxoll, Alfred Smith, and Tony Crush.
We also named the Official of the Year Award after James Breeding
this year. Qdoba sponsored our meal for the third straight year and
we had representatives on hand from UPS and Qdoba as well.
As is the tradition for this event various students and organizations
were recognized for their achievements throughout the school year.
Please add more space for additional points of pride as warranted. .
E. Collaborative Efforts:
Short Title
Nelligan Sports Marketing
SGA Cardinal Corner
Athletic Department
Financial Aid
Student Recreation Center
Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department has
collaborated with one or more other University and/or community partners.
Our arrangement with Nelligan continues to be a financially
successful one for our department. In this time of financial stress,
Nelligan has done an excellent job in providing our department with
additional revenue that we need to operate our program. Our
partnership is unique in that we continue to be the only recreational
sports program in the country with an agreement with a sports
marketing firm.
SGA contributes $10,000 to the Intramural-Recreational Sports
Department. In return, students get to use the Cardinal Corner at no
cost. This is an outstanding collaboration that enables the Cardinal
Corner to be extremely popular with our students. Utilization of the
game room has nearly quadrupled since the inception of the program.
We work closely with Athletics in cooperatively sharing the use of
each other’s facilities. Our students benefit from getting to compete
in outstanding venues such as Cardinal Arena (Basketball
Championships), Bass/Rudd Tennis Center (Tennis Tournaments),
Wright Natatorium (Swim Meet), and the Trager Stadium (Track
Meet). Participating in these venues enhance the experience of
participating in Intramurals for our students.
Our department works closely with Charlie Schnell in the Financial
Aid Office to recruit College Work Study/Cardinal Covenant
students to work in the Intramural Department. Our department is the
most popular place for CWS students to work on campus. By
developing this relationship with Financial Aid, it assists us
tremendously with our student wage budget by having a large
number of CWS students.
We continue to work collaboratively with various University
departments as we move forward with the SRC project. These
include University Planning and Design, Vice-President for Finance,
SGA, and the Dean of Students.
Please add more space for collaborative efforts as your department’s activities warrant.
F. Continuous Improvement:
1. Cite a SINGLE area,
program, service or function
that was identified through a
formal assessment (i.e.:
focus group, survey,
tracking, etc.) as needing
Please list areas which have been cited (either through formal or informal assessment
and evaluation) as requiring additional attention.
Because of the growth of the structured intramural program, we have
very little field/court time to accommodate requests for schedule
changes for intramural basketball, football and soccer contests.
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improvement or warranting
additional attention.
2. Which assessment
mechanism(s) (i.e.: focus
group, survey, tracking, etc.)
assisted your department in
identifying the need for
3. Specifically, what did the
assessment’s findings reflect
that resulted in
enhancements to this area,
program, service or
4. What has your department
done/plan to do to address
this area, program, service
or function? Please be as
specific as possible.
G. Diversity & Inclusion:
Short Title
International Nights
Student Employee Picture
Intramural Champions Board
We conduct a “Town Hall” evaluation meeting at the end of each
team sport. At this meeting, representatives of all participating teams
are invited to attend to provide feedback on the season. The Town
Hall meeting actually functions as an ongoing focus group.
By replacing the previous written satisfaction surveys with the Town
Hall meetings, we are now able to have conversations that we have
not had in the past. At those meetings, we have been able to explain
the reasons for the lack of re-scheduling contests as they relate to
increased participation and the lack of field/court time and facilities.
Being able to have those discussions has lessened the frustration level
of organizations as before they would have simply responded to a
written tool and not been informed of the reasons why.
We have been more pro-active at encouraging organizations to let us
know of any planned activities during the registration time for that
sport so that we have a chance to accommodate their needs on the
original schedules. As late as the Manager’s Meeting (which usually
precludes the schedules being released by only one day) we make a
last attempt at gathering those potential conflicts.
Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department undertook
that supported diversity and inclusion
The Intramural Sports Department once again hosted two
International Nights this year. This year’s version were similar in
format to previous International Nights, which included setting up the
gym for different unstructured activities, including basketball,
volleyball, badminton, and Wallyball, as well as providing a table for
information concerning all areas of our program. We again worked
with the International Center, who helped us market the event
directly to the various international clubs, which was well received.
These evenings were appreciated by the participants and are good
outreach efforts for our department towards our International student
The Student Picture Board in the SAC facility was updated again this
year to reflect the current student staff. This served the dual purpose
of informing our users of the identities of our student staff as well as
recognizing these individuals. This was again met with praise from
both student and staff alike and should be continued into the future.
This board was a significant feature of our new student recognition
program. This board reflects the diversity of our staff, which his over
40% female and 40% minority.
The Intramural Champions Board is a long tradition of our program
dating back to the late 1950s. This is perhaps our most visible and
memorable recognition as it showcases the year-long achievements
of those who enjoy the benefits of our program. It also serves to
celebrate the diverse nature of our participants and the positive
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Badminton Club
influence our program enjoys throughout the university community.
Our Badminton Club is one of the longest-tenured groups on our
roster, being active for over 30 years. Membership of the club over
its years have included a strong international contingent, with
members from Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Japan, Singapore, Hong
Kong, Nepal, India, Russia, Germany, England, Scotland, Canada,
and the United States.
Please add more space as needed.
H. Professional Development:
Dale Ramsay
Please describe professional development activities your staff participated during
2011/12 (i.e.: committee work, recognition, leadership roles, conference attendance
and/or presenting at a conference).
Taught two classes for HSS (Rec. Sports Management and Sports
High school and college basketball official
Contributing writer to VYPE Magazine
Served as Clinician for Mid-South Basketball Officials Camp
Served as Clinician for KIAC Basketball Officiating Camp
NIRSA Conf., NIRSA Region II Conf., and KIRSA State Conf.
John Smith
Taught First Aid/ CPR Classes
Red Cross Instructor
Conducted clinics for Kentucky High School Athletic Association
Assigning Secretary for High School Volleyball and Softball in Jefferson
Collaborative Learning Committee (CLC)
Presented at the national I2A Conference
Served on Advisory Board for Louisville Area Red Cross Chapter
NIRSA Conf., NIRSA Region II Conf., and KIRSA State Conf.
Justin Peterson
Assigned officials for St. Xavier High School Intramural Sports
Assisted Jefferson County Public Schools with establishing a Flag Football
NIRSA Region II Conf., and KIRSA State Conf.
Debby Woodall
Great Places to Work Committee
“Fit Into College” Leadership
Local arrangement 2012 ACPA National Convention
ACE Personal Training Certification
NIRSA Conf., NIRSA Region II Conf., and KIRSA State Conf.
David Hatfield
NIRSA Conf., NIRSA Region II Conf., and KIRSA State Conf.
David Rice
NIRSA Region II Conf., and KIRSA State Conf.
J. Strategic Goals (2012-13):
GOAL #1:
Please list your department’s strategic goals for the coming year and address efforts to
be made towards achieving each goal. NOTE: Goals should be specific, measurable,
attainable, realistic and timely.
Continue to work on the planning of the new Student Recreation Center. Our focus this year
is equipment selection, finalizing the SRC budget, developing an operational/staffing plan,
and selecting a software platform.
GOAL #2: Implement operational changes at Humana Gym. Humana will be reduced to one shift
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effective the Fall of 2012.
Work in identifying a software platform that will enable us to move to online registration in
GOAL #3:
the Intramural component of our program.
Implement mock emergency training to enable our staff to respond more effectively in
GOAL #4:
emergency situations.
Work with University Archives to digitize previous year’s All-Campus Champions Boards
GOAL #5:
as we transition into the SRC.
Please add more space for goals as your department’s activities warrant.
K. Learning Outcomes:
1. Division of Student Affairs
Learning Outcomes
List your department’s 2011-12 programs, activities or initiatives that were designed to
support the Divisional Learning Outcomes listed below.
2. Identify programs, services
and activities planned to
address these outcomes:
Students will learn to be responsible global citizens. This will be
demonstrated through service to campus, community, and others.
Students will learn about campus services and activities supporting
their retention and graduation. This will be demonstrated through
student's knowledge of campus services, personal development
opportunities, and increased utilization of campus services and
Students will learn Cardinal traditions and develop a sense of purpose.
This will be demonstrated by familiarity of campus traditions and
increased participation in campus signature events and ceremonies.
Students will learn critical thinking skills. This will be demonstrated
through RSO training, SGA retreats, leadership skills training, and
Engage Lead Serve Board etc.
1.Intramural Council, Team Managers, Sport Club officers all put
students in positions of leadership, helping them develop global
citizen skills.
2.Intentional inclusion of critical thinking traits and
fundamental/powerful concepts are part of our Town Hall and
manager’s meetings.
3.Through participation in Orientation and Welcome Week we are
promoting the development of a sense of purpose and campus
4.The effect of participation and involvement in Student Affairs
programs on retention is a regular topic at our managers’ meetings
and Town Hall meetings.
5.The Dare to Play Fair program teaches all participants skills
relating to becoming responsible global citizens.
3. How did you plan to
measure attainment towards
the outcomes listed above?
1.Documentation of meeting agendas that show critical thinking
2.Collection of statistics regarding the numbers of teams and
individuals participating in different program areas
3.Feedback received from Town Hall meetings regarding outcome
4.Through collaboration with the Card Office in generating reports
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regarding the demographic makeup of different programs which will
show increased utilization of our services and activities.
L. Community Service and
Civic Engagement Activities:
List community service or civic engagement initiatives, programs or activities your
department undertook during 2011-12
Short Title
Tae Kwon Do Club
Tai Chi Club
Jerry Barry
M. Assessment Planning:
List assessment activities
planned for 2012-13.
The group once again held a Holiday Food Drive, where this year
they again supported Angel Tree by providing holiday meals to 10
The club annually collaborates with the Louisville Tai Chi Center to
coordinate events associated with Louisville Tai Chi Day in the
Spring and World Tai Chi Day in the Fall.
Jerry works with the American Legion to coordinate Christmas and
Easter programs each year. He also participates in “rod runs” in his
restored 1940 Hudson car to raise money for specific charities and
programs. He is a former recipient of the UofL Bell Award for his
charitable activities.
1.Document and recruit Cardinal Covenant students for CWS
2.Investigate/research software platforms for the new SRC
3.Operate a focus group for informal recreation
4.Evaluate needs for fitness instructors for the new SRC
5.Conduct Town Hall discussion meetings for each intramural team
N. Issues and Challenges:
List issues or challenges you
anticipate your department
addressing in 2012-13.
1. Our primary challenge
is to complete the tremendous amount of
preparatory work on the SRC this year. Selecting a software
platform, selecting weight and fitness equipment, finalizing the SRC
budget, and developing a staffing plan for the SRC are just a few of
the tasks that need to be completed.
Several UBM positions in Student Affairs were lost due to budget
cuts. As a result, a Student Affairs Business Center is being created.
Unfortunately, our Unit Business Manager, Janice Day, is being
transferred to the Business Center. It is going to be a challenge for
our Department to maintain our current level of service to our
Another significant challenge for our program in 2012-13 is going
to occur at Humana Gym. Beginning in the Fall of 2012, Humana
Gym is moving to a one-shift operation. The hours have not been yet
finalized but there will no longer be morning hours. This change was
necessitated by the retirement of Jerry Barry, long-time Facility
Manager, and the subsequent decision to take his position to meet the
University-mandated budget cut.
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O. Department Scholarships
Please list any student
scholarships provided by your
department during 2011/2012
1…IM-Rec provides undergraduate assistant scholarships to students
to help implement the Intramural Sports component of our program,
as well as assist with the management of our various facilities.
Please Attached These Additional Materials to Your Report
P. Performance Metrics
Please attach your updated Performance Metrics for 2011-12. Additions welcome.
Q. Organizational Chart
Please provide an up to date organizational chart for your department (electronically in
whatever form you prefer).
S. Staff List
Please provide an electronic list of student staff who were employed by your department
this year that includes their UofL ID number. This can be generated by PeopleSoft.
Please submit this annual report by Tuesday, July 31, 2012.
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