ANNUAL REPORT 2011-12 Department Name: Housing and Residence Life Location: West Hall Phone Number: 852-6636 Web Site: Director’s Name: Shannon Staten Number of Staff: Your numbers should reflect those staff who worked a majority of the 2011-12 academic year Staff Diversity: Your numbers should reflect those staff who worked a majority of the 2011-12 academic year Staff with Disabilities: Your numbers should reflect those staff who worked a majority of the 2011-12 academic year A. Mission: Staff Type No. Full-time Professional/Classified Staff: Part-time Professional/Classified Staff: Graduate Assistants: Student Staff on Payroll: Student Interns: Practicum Students: Volunteers: TOTAL: 30 1 5 137 2 0 0 175 GENDER A/PI AI/AN BLACK HISPANIC WHITE OTHER TOTAL: FEMALE 3 0 21 0 63 2 89 MALE 2 0 18 5 57 4 86 TOTAL: 5 0 39 5 120 6 175 GENDER No. of Staff FEMALE 0 MALE 0 TOTAL: 0 Housing and Residence Life promotes a safe, convenient, inclusive, and healthy living-learning environment which provides opportunities that help engage students, facilitate student and faculty connections and encourage student success. Page 1 of 10 B. Department Overview: C. Strategic Goals (11-12) & Major Accomplishments: The core values of our program mirror our mission statement which focuses on safety, comfort and academic success. Specifically, we focus on student development and growth as they transition to campus and continue through their UofL experience. We provide opportunities for community living, service to others, campus involvement and learning independent living concepts. Please list your department’s strategic goals from this past year and address the progress towards achieving each goal and/or major accomplishments and activities with respect to each goal. GOALS GOAL #1: Acknowledge that our residents are our strongest asset by consulting with residents, encouraging and educating student leadership, and focusing on providing quality customer service. GOAL #2: Establish the University of Louisville Housing and Residence Life program as a nationally known “teaching” program for Housing and Student Affairs professionals. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS & ACTIVITIES Conducted a formal move in and midyear evaluation for all on-campus halls to assess customer service with check-in and renewal for the next year. Assisted RSA to update and ratify their constitution. ULP-RAs completed EDR’s AD Leasing Program which includes Fair Housing training, customer service, curb appeal, tours, etc. Strengthened support from Res Life team for RSA with regular attendance from building director staff at RSA body meetings and full time advisor as well as graduate advisor Created a satellite office site in the Miller R.E.D. Room where graduate assistants, interns, Senior Resident Assistants, and RSA Executive Board members will hold office hours until 8:00 p.m. daily to serve as a resource to student leader and residents Hosted one ACUHO-I intern for summer 2011 from Western Kentucky University Housed national sorority consultant and SACSA Intern working with Civic Engagement and Leadership for other units. Placed 2 professional staff in high level positions - Jonathon Johnson as Director of Housing at Dalton College and Suhail Johnson as Assistant Director of Housing, UT Chattanooga; 3 graduate assistants into fulltime jobs – Charlie Edmisson at Page 2 of 10 Bellarmine College and Jessica Watts at Eastern Kentucky University; and one RA into a Graduate Assistant – Lexi Payne at Louisiana State University GOAL #3: Continue to update our administrative processes and options for students through innovative and user friendly technology and student controlled systems. GOAL #4: Move the vision forward to increase campus housing, create a more unified housing program for our residents and extend campus life services on the Belknap and HSC campuses and into the community. Shannon Staten served as faculty for the ACUHO-I National Housing Training Institute, summer 2011 Continued to provide assigned collateral assignments to the Residence Life Coordinators to expand their skill development (Facilities, Staff recruitment, Affiliation Communities and Training). 9 staff served on 4 different national and regional committees representing the university ULP/HRL merged financial delinquent letters and processes Updated website Updated central office manual Began using Sharepoint as our archive and record keeping as well as the central staff location for documents Updated application fee process to be within PCI compliance Worked with Dean of Students to purchase and implement Maxient. Trained all residence education and leadership staff on Maxient. Increase affiliated community beds through phase II of Cardinal Towne (325 beds) Re-functioned a floor of Medical Dental apartments to be mixed office/housing/and potentially retail. Advertised and encouraged residents to participate in programs, no matter what building they are held in. ULP-Co-sponsored events and programs via B-CUP Entertainment including getting Bellamy, Cardinal Towne and Province involved. Completed several major renovation projects (see addendum) Continued to meld the operational processes between the foundation halls on campus and the UofL owned buildings. Changed titles of leadership level staff to Page 3 of 10 be consistent between the areas, combined marketing resources, redesigned the housing logo, email templates, and other publications; and created common student swag. GOAL #5: Identify ways to build relationships with academic and administrative units in order to be integral in building campus community for student retention and satisfaction. 36 staff served on 29 university and student affairs committees for 17 different units/divisions Developed intentional programming to support the Book in Common and 1st year program. Hosted the author, Wes Moore in the halls to talk with RAs and look at bulletin boards. Began the administrative processes to accommodate the first year live on policy starting in fall 2012 Created new theme environment for fall 2012, “the Rustin Community” a social justice environment for gender issues. Trained Admissions Counselor staff before they went “on the road” with recruitment Trained SOS staff before Orientation Used Community Park classroom and the Miller Hall First Year Resource Center for tutoring (REACH) Sponsored programs with TRIO, Health Education, REACH and PEACC Required all RAs (in both ULP and HRL) to create bulletin boards around large campus events (e.g. September- Take Back the Night, October- The Other Wes Moore lecture) Hosted regular attendance of campus partners to Avenue E Residence Education meetings Involved campus partners in interview process of candidates for new positions Allowed residents to move in early for various campus groups (Band, Sorority Recruitment, Athletics, Honors, Porters, and other units Formalized the housing agreement with Athletics by implementing a Memorandum of Agreement between EdRTrust and Athletics Page 4 of 10 Please add more space for goals as your department’s activities warrant. D. Points of Pride (2011-12): Please list three to five ‘points of pride’ for your department from the past year. This can include initiatives, programs or recognitions. Short Title Description Won an educational grant through SEAHO to support the programmatic initiatives tied to raising awareness through dialogue on issues affecting men, specifically for “Meats and Potatoes”. Grant recipient On Campus/Vendor Partnership Award First Year programming model First year live on requirement Continuing a strong collaboration with EDR to provide a seamless on campus environment Retooling our Marketing portfolio and recruitment material Won an award for our collaboration between ULP/EdR and HRL for using JTurner Surveys to assess move in and renewal satisfaction of students and parents. Redesigned our first year programming model to be a two-semester model with the intentional outcomes of assisting students as they acclimate into the second semester. The topics became the basis for the returning halls’ programming as well. Completed requirements for the first year live on, obtained permission from the university to proceed, educated various departments on the process, and worked with families and students to ensure it went smoothly. We continued to work on this by bringing all levels staff into the expectation for collaboration and unified processes. Staff selection and collateral assignments for RLCs continued to strengthen. We worked together to redesign our logos, our printed materials and our on-line information to be up-to-date for our students and to be very sharp and attractive. We decided to unify the swag items given to staff and students and were more cost efficient in those efforts. Please add more space for additional points of pride as warranted. . E. Collaborative Efforts: Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department has collaborated with one or more other University and/or community partners. Short Title Description Expanding security measures on-campus and to affiliated communities Developing and maintaining strong working relationships with campus partners who Worked with Campus police to conduct safety tours of all of the affiliated communities noting concerns of the managers and Campus police and working on improving environments for our affiliated communities. Conducted quarterly drug sweeps with the KNine team. Assisted the campus Fire Marshall with monthly tours of the Greek Houses Provided additional security patrols between August and October on the west side of campus between 10:00 p.m. – 3:00 a.m. Met regularly with the Bursar, Admissions, Financial Aid and IT in order to strengthen the work we are doing Page 5 of 10 impact our students. Worked with one of the faculty to collaborate with a class on sustainability to measure electricity usage in the halls. Purchased a data program that monitors usage in halls and reports through web pages to students about their space. Collaborated with FYI on a bulletin board contest with RA staff to bring more attention to the book in common. Tired of stick-thin models ruling the runways? To promote BABA Week (Body Awareness Body Appreciation) bold ladies made a big statement about inner and outer beauty in this inspiring fashion show. Expanding Academic relationships and support The Other Wes Moore Queen of Sheba Series: What's it to You? I'm Not a Size 2! Fashion Show Please add more space for collaborative efforts as your department’s activities warrant. F. Continuous Improvement: 1. Cite a SINGLE area, program, service or function that was identified through a formal assessment (i.e.: focus group, survey, tracking, etc.) as needing improvement or warranting additional attention. 2. Which assessment mechanism(s) (i.e.: focus group, survey, tracking, etc.) assisted your department in identifying the need for improvement? 3. Specifically, what did the assessment’s findings reflect that resulted in enhancements to this area, program, service or function? 4. What has your department done/plan to do to address this area, program, service or function? Please be as specific as possible. Please list areas which have been cited (either through formal or informal assessment and evaluation) as requiring additional attention. We needed to improve staff training for the fall semester. Throughout the fall semester we had RLC staff complaining that they did not get trained in areas that were important to the operations portion of their position. We held group discussions and one targeted focus group reviewing the process of training and the material covered. We held individual meetings with various level staffs to see if the gap was with one level of position or multiple We found that the material had been made available during training in either/or verbal and written format. We found that there were some staff who were very limited in their perception of how training should be conducted and therefore found it to be deficient. We realized that some written manual information had errors. Staff asked that very specific time for receiving procedure training be initiated for the next year. We dedicated staff time to updating the residence life manuals in early summer in order to provide an up to date manual for the residence life staff. We scheduled that the housing operations manual to be updated in spring 2013 We changed the format of training for fall 2012 to include more direct discussion of the material; scheduling an entire day to operational procedures and methods. Page 6 of 10 G. Diversity & Inclusion: We included in monthly HRL meetings a policy/procedure time focused on specific UofL policies such as (time-off, procurement, and travel) Please describe any initiatives, programs or activities that your department undertook that supported diversity and inclusion Short Title Themed living communities Our Love is Color Blind Urban Living 101: So What Was He Wearing? H. Professional Development: Description Developed a themed community, Rustin Community, for social justice: gender issues. Although interracial relationships are becoming more common, four lovely interracial couples openly talked about the varied challenges of their relationships The slaying of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the Florida high school student who was shot and killed sparked a national dialogue on race and gun control. Students came together for a thought provoking discussion and to sort out the facts of the disturbing case Please describe professional development activities your staff participated during 2011/12 (i.e.: committee work, recognition, leadership roles, conference attendance and/or presenting at a conference). Shannon Staten served on the ACUHO-I Executive Board as the Director of physical environments and sustainability Teresa Crum served on the KAHO Executive Board as the Secretary / Treasurer Suhail Johnson participated in the ACPA Mid-Level Managers Institute Adam Robertson attended the SEAHO Regional Entry-level Institute Taylor U’Sellis served as the ACPA Grad and New Professionals Director Conference Attendance (37 total attending / some staff multiple events): 12 attending KAHO; 3 attended the ACUHO-I Facilities Conference; 2 attending the ACPA Residential Curriculum Institute; 1 attended ASCA; 4 attended SEAHO; 1 attended NASPA, 1 attended RMS annual users meeting; 8 attended ACPA; 1 attended ACUHO-I; and 4 attended SACUBO 8 staff served on various regional and national committees Shannon Staten presented four programs to local businesses through the Speaker’s Bureau, one program to ACUHO-I Facilities conference; and one program at the National Housing Training Institute. JT Stinnett and Mohammad Hussain co-presented one program at ACUHO-I, Business Operations Conference Jonathon Johnson presented one program at SACSA Michelle Massey (with Mr. Owsley, Dr. Jackson and Dr. Mardis), Jessica Watts and Tom Converso all presented a program at ACPA Page 7 of 10 Crystal Favors and Amanda Cunningham co-presented one program at KAHO Please list your department’s strategic goals for the coming year and address efforts to be made towards achieving each goal. NOTE: Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Increase living learning or themed communities by at least one new community: International Living through A&S Continue to update traditional facilities providing student-friendly and welcoming environments: update Louisville Hall Lobby, upgrade 20 UTA apartments, start design of MedDent lobby renovation Continue to explore and evaluate methods for using technology in all of our operations: upgrade RMS to correct difficulty with student self-assign; install computers at front desks for student guest sign in and other options; identify electronic support for on-call staff and other service based staff such as facility assistants and RATS; taking student staff application process to electronic format Reduce overhead expenses for facilities and operations: outsource some maintenance, combine efforts with ULP Formalize our learning outcomes and assessment for student leadership skill development and the first year programming model J. Strategic Goals (2012-13): GOAL #1: GOAL #2: GOAL #3: GOAL #4: GOAL #5: Please add more space for goals as your department’s activities warrant. K. Learning Outcomes: 1. Division of Student Affairs Learning Outcomes 2. Identify programs, services and activities planned to address these outcomes: List your department’s 2011-12 programs, activities or initiatives that were designed to support the Divisional Learning Outcomes listed below. Students will learn to be responsible global citizens. This will be demonstrated through service to campus, community, and others. 2. Students will learn about campus services and activities supporting their retention and graduation. This will be demonstrated through student's knowledge of campus services, personal development opportunities, and increased utilization of campus services and activities. 3. Students will learn Cardinal traditions and develop a sense of purpose. This will be demonstrated by familiarity of campus traditions and increased participation in campus signature events and ceremonies. 4. Students will learn critical thinking skills. This will be demonstrated through RSO training, SGA retreats, leadership skills training, and Engage Lead Serve Board etc. 1. 1…The annual Housing spring banquet is planned and hosted by the student leaders of National Residence Hall Honorary and Resident Student Association. They manage the budget, negotiate the service agreements, invite and welcome the participants and coordinate all awards and the program. 2…RSA supplements the efforts of the SAB ULDM by rallying the residents to participate and also by raising funds in all halls to donate at the event. 3…RSA participates in campus traditions through involvement in Homecoming, Parent Weekend, Book In common events and other Page 8 of 10 programs through window painting, fund raising, and student initiatives to support events. 4…NRHH and RSA write monthly “of the month” awards that are submitted to a regional student housing association. These require identifying accomplishments, and writing specific recognition, examples, and strong writing skills. Goal is to have OTM submitted each month to the state and regional groups. 3. How did you plan to measure attainment towards the outcomes listed above? 1…We plan to formalize the assessment of skills utilized in the banquet and other programs and initiatives by conducting a pre and post survey to identify skill levels of the leaders chairing the event. 2…We will have the student leaders discuss the RSA and NRHH learning outcomes during fall training and retreat; then have them log the events and traditions they participate in with purpose tied back to the learning outcomes 3…We will log the OTMs being issued and monitor that each category is submitted at least once a semester in the group. 4…Housing administrative will review these learning outcomes and assess how well we are training and defining them for our students leaders. L. Community Service and Civic Engagement Activities: Short Title Date Auction & Dinner for Two Charity Challenge List community service or civic engagement initiatives, programs or activities your department undertook during 2011-12 Description ULP, SODEXO, IFC, Panhellenic, NPHC, ROTC and UofL Athletics joined forces to host the 2nd annual date auction with proceeds going to various charities RSA Giving back to the Community Each hall was encouraged to select a local agency to volunteer for or provide needed items. Agencies included: Scholar House, Wayside Mission, the Heart Walk, and the Ronald McDonald House M. Assessment Planning: All efforts reflect all on-campus environments. List assessment activities planned for 2012-13. 1…Educational Benchmarking (EBI) in the fall which is a national survey of student satisfaction that will benchmark our results with 4 other institutions of our choice. This is scheduled in the off year of CIRP and NSSE. 2…Focus group sessions in the spring 2013 on facilities, safety and security issues / concerns. 3…J Turner surveys to parents and students regarding efficiency and effectiveness of check-in during the fall and of the renewal process for the spring. N. Issues and Challenges: List issues or challenges you anticipate your department addressing in 2012-13. 1…Budget: One challenge will continue to be the questioning regarding our reserves and the potential loss of those reserves to the university budget. We also continue to pay an extraordinary amount for telephones and data (including an additional 10% placed by IT on all our Page 9 of 10 bills) 2…Housing community diversity: We will always have to spend a lot of time coordinating between the off-campus affiliates and the on-campus program. The challenge will be maintaining a pure system of First Year students on campus and not allow them to fill the beds at the affiliates. We also will continue to be challenged by new projects that will be built with expectation that we support them. 3…Facilities: We have had large costs to major building issues over the past few years. The challenge of maintaining a solid reserve amount while having to repair deteriorating infrastructure will be constant. 4…Presence in the housing field: Gaining recognition for our model, our staff development for the field, and our overall program is more easily obtained than maintained. We will be challenged as to how to keep our names in the fore front as a strong national housing program. 5…Academic partnerships and 2nd year initiatives: Part of challenge is less space for 2nd year to live on campus; the program will have to be focused on affiliated communities. 6…Capital planning: 10 years and beyond O. Department Scholarships 1…Each RA (78) receives a total of $5,060 per year ($2,530 each semester): $4000 for rent and $1,060 for meals Please list any student scholarships provided by your department during 2011/2012 2…RSA Executive Officers (5) receive $3,000 ($1,500 each semester) 3…Graduate assistants receive full tuition (in or out of state) Please Attached These Additional Materials to Your Report P. Performance Metrics Please attach your updated Performance Metrics for 2011-12. Additions welcome. Attachments: A: Occupancy versus capacity reports, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 B. Demographic Summary reports, 2011- 2012 C. UofL Halls, Facility Summary 2011-2012 D. Residence Education Campus Summary 2011-2012 E. Assignments and Technology Summary 2011-2012 Q. Organizational Chart Please provide an up to date organizational chart for your department (electronically in whatever form you prefer). S. Staff List Please provide an electronic list of student staff who were employed by your department this year that includes their UofL ID number. This can be generated by PeopleSoft. Please submit this annual report by Tuesday, July 31, 2012. Page 10 of 10