Division of Student Affairs 2010-11 Annual Report Department: Intramural and Recreational Sports Person Completing Report: Dale Ramsay Executive Summary 2010-11 was undoubtedly the most significant year in the 82-year history of the Department of Intramural Sports of the University of Louisville with the approval of the construction of a new Student Recreation Center. The Student Recreation Center (SRC) is the culmination of a tremendous effort by many people at all levels of the University of Louisville. The Student Government Association (SGA) made the SRC a priority in 2009. President James Ramsey supported this initiative. A Scope and Finance Committee was formed and a proposal sent forward. The proposal was approved overwhelmingly by a variety of university groups, including the Tuition and Fees Committee, the SGA Student Senate, and UofL’s Board of Trustees. Other groups who have been instrumental in moving the SRC forward are the Dean of Students, Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Finance, the Vice President for Administration, the Vice President for Advancement, and University Planning Construction and Design (UPDC). The support that the SRC project has received from the university community has been nothing short of amazing. The SRC is currently planned to open in August 2013. A description of the SRC is listed later in this report. The Student Recreation Center will be an integral part of campus life for the next generation of UofL students. The need for the SRC is continually supported by the tremendous participation in all aspects of our program. Our Intramural program participation was up another 7% this year with over 9,400 students participating. Our Sports Club program continues to grow as we added 4 clubs this year to get to a total of 23. The usage in all of our various facilities remains constant with a 2% increase this year. Our fitness programs continue to be popular and a total of 135 different UofL and community groups used one of our facilities for an activity or program. These statistics indicate the popularity of our program and support the need for the SRC. The Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports continues to be active professionally. In November we hosted the Kentucky Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (KIRSA) state workshop. There were 52 attendees from throughout the state, which was a record attendance. We are still working closely with the Louisville Visitor and Convention Bureau on bringing our professional association’s annual conference back to Louisville. We have hosted the NIRSA Conference in 1997 and recently in 2006. We anticipate receiving an affirmative response for either 2014 or 2015. We instituted a creative staff recognition program this year. After attending the Student Affairs retreat in May 2010 where there was a session on student recognition, we wanted to implement something for Intramural-Recreational Sports. We came up with the Solid Performance Award, which is symbolized by a brick. We give this to employees who exhibit outstanding performance. It has been extremely well received by our employees and has served to motivate them to improve their performance. We have also made progress with the Card Office this year. Under new leadership the Card Office has done considerable work to update our system. When IDs are now scanned, the individual picture comes up on the monitor. This is valuable in identifying people attempting to use our facilities. The Card Office is continuing to investigate our capabilities to generate reports so we can capture important data that we need. We appreciate the assistance we have received form Robin Stewart and David Martin in this area. We appreciate the continued leadership and support we receive from within Student Affairs. Vice President Dr. Tom Jackson and Dean of Students Dr. Michael Mardis are extremely supportive of Intramural-Recreational Sports. Both have been instrumental in moving the SRC project forward. Dr. Mardis is a former employee of our department and had the primary role in generating university support for the SRC. The Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports had another excellent year. Our participation remains strong and we maintain excellent relationships throughout UofL and the community. Our strengths continue to be a dedicated staff, a commitment to improving our program, strong customer service, and our continued ability to accept change. We realize the opportunity we have on a daily basis to affect positive change in the lives of our students. With the construction of the SRC we will be able to do that at a whole new level. The opportunity to serve our students continues to be our privilege. 1. Programs and Services Leagues and tournaments were conducted in 41 different events throughout the year in the competitive portion of our program, serving over 9000 participants. Informal recreation was available in five different facilities for 325 hours each week with over 470,000 user hours logged this year. Our fitness and wellness programs served over 450 participants while offering classes on both Belknap and HSC Campuses and working in collaboration with Get Healthy Now. Sports Clubs offered 24 clubs in a variety of sports and activities both competitive and recreational to diverse segment of our population. Our Department employed over 150 students to work in our various facilities and serve as game officials for our Intramural Sports programs. The Department worked collaboratively with many different segments of the university population. In addition to our many collaborations with fellow Student Affairs units, we also worked closely with several other areas of the university in order to provide the best services possible for our community: o Nelligan Sports Marketing- In this time of financial stress, Nelligan has done an excellent job in providing our department with additional revenue that we need to operate our program. Our partnership is unique in that we continue to be the only recreational sports program in the country with an agreement with a sports marketing firm. o SGA / Cardinal Corner Game Room - SGA contributes $10,000 to the IntramuralRecreational Sports Department. In return, students get to use the room for free. This is an outstanding collaboration that enables the Cardinal Corner to continue to be extremely popular with our students. o Marching Band - With the development of the “Extreme Home Makeover” project of renovating the Intramural Field, we were thrust into collaboration with UofL’s Marching Band. We worked well with them in scheduling and field maintenance. o Athletics - We work closely with Athletics in cooperatively sharing the use of each other’s facilities. Our students benefit from getting to compete in outstanding venues such as Cardinal Arena (Basketball Championships), Bass/Rudd Tennis Center (Tennis Tournaments), Wright Natatorium (Swim Meet), and the Trager Stadium (Track Meet). Participating in these venues enhance the experience of participating in Intramurals for our students. 2. Major Accomplishments Our most impressive accomplishment this year was obtaining the approval to construct a new Student Recreation Center on the west side of our campus. The Student Recreation Center is going to be a 128,000 square foot facility built on the west side of Fourth Street between Minardi Hall and Kurz Hall. The SRC will be a 3-level state-of-the-art recreation center. It will consist of 6 basketball courts, 19,000 square feet of cardio and weightlifting equipment, a running track, 4 racquetball courts, an artificial surface MAC gym, 3 aerobic studios, an equipment room, a sports club studio, a fitness/wellness lab, men’s and women’s locker rooms, and the Intramural-Recreational Sports administrative offices. Other features include a juice bar, where people can purchase drinks and prepared sandwiches and salads. It will contain a gaming area with televisions. The SRC will have 3 meeting rooms that will be used for a variety of meetings and classes. Another outstanding component of the SRC will be the artificial turf field located adjacent to the SRC behind Kurz Hall. This field will be used for informal recreation, Sports Club practices, and HSS classes. The field will be lighted to allow for evening use. The Student Recreation Center is slated to open in August 2013. The SRC will be the featured facility in UofL’s development of the west side of campus. The SRC will provide the space to bring campus life at UofL to a level it has never known. 3. Staffing Summary The Department of Intramural Sports has 15 full-time employees. During 2010-11 we also employed 163 student employees who served as facility workers and sports officials. The strength of our staff is their dedication and loyalty to the Department. The full-time staff has in excess of 250 years of service to UofL in the Intramural Sports Department. Adam Jines, our Intramural Coordinator, left in the Fall of 2010 to accept a position at the University of Delaware. Justin Peterson, a graduate of Indiana State University, arrived in November to become the new Intramural Coordinator. We continue to have a close working relationship with the Department of Financial Aid to ensure we are able to get an ample number of Federal College Work Study students to fill our need for hourly student employees. 4. Activities and Initiatives that Support Academic Units We have an outstanding relationship with the Health and Sports Studies Department (HSS). HSS uses both the SAC and Humana Gym for the activity classes during the Fall and Spring semesters. We currently provide space for over 30 classes. These classes benefit our program due to the fact that the HSS students use our facilities and get exposure to our program. We also provide valuable internship opportunities for the HSS students. Dale Ramsay is also an HSS faculty member, teaching classes in Recreational Sports Management and Sports Officiating. We attend the Internship Fair sponsored by the College Student Personnel program. We offer internship opportunities to these students in our program to expose CSP students to Intramural-Recreational Sports, which is a non-traditional area of Student Affairs. Debby Woodall was involved with several academic units (Nursing, Exercise Physiology, and HSS) with the “Fit Into College” program. We also provide our facilities for many academic units who wish to have recreational programs. 5. Activities and Services that Support Diversity One of the strengths of our program is its diversity of participants. Our motto of “A Sport For Everyone And Everyone In A Sport” promotes inclusiveness in all aspects of our program. In Intramurals, there is a high percentage of African-American students who participate in Flag Football and Basketball. The student group Porter Scholars became very active in the Intramural Sports program this year. Our student staff is extremely diverse in both gender and ethnicity. The majority of our Intramural Sports supervisors and officials were African-American students. In Informal Recreation, the number of users of the recreational space in the SAC is approximately 20% African-American. It is apparent that African-American students are active participants in all phases of our program. Our program is also popular with International students. The majority of the members of our Badminton Club are International students. A large number of International students also participate in our Soccer Leagues. Again this year we hosted International Nights in both fall and spring semesters as an intentional outreach to expose our program to our international community. It is obvious that all segments of our program are popular with the rich and diverse student population of UofL. It is also apparent that these students view our facilities as a place where they feel comfortable participating in our various programs. 6. Activities and Services That Support Community Service and/or Civic Engagement The Department hosted both the Louisville Regional and Manual High School Science Fair on March 12, 2011. The event brought over 600 local middle schools and high schools students to campus. The event coordinators were extremely pleased with the area and the service our staff provided for them over the one day event. The organizers have already contact the department for arrangements on the 2012 Louisville Science Fair. Project Graduation is one of the best outreach programs that our department is involved with. For the past fourteen years, we have provided the recreation space in the Student Activities Center for post-graduation celebrations. Parent groups from Male High School coordinate activities and provide food and door prizes for the graduating seniors. Project Graduation provides a safe alternative to the alcohol-related parties normally associated with high school graduation. The evening event brought over 350 graduates to campus. The Tae Kwon Do Club worked with Angel Tree to sponsor a food drive, which provided meals for 10 families during the holiday season. The Tai Chi Club worked closely with the Louisville Tai Chi Chuan Center to host Louisville portion of World Tai Chi Day in May. This event attracted over 100 participants to our campus and was held in conjunction with several simultaneous activities held worldwide during the event’s duration. 7. Staff Professional Development Activities and Programs Dale Ramsay o Taught two classes for HSS (Rec. Sports Management and Sports Officiating) o High school and college basketball official o Contributing writer to VYPE Magazine o Served as Clinician for Mid-South Basketball Officials Camp o Served as Clinician for KIAC Basketball Officiating Camp o Attended NIRSA Conference o Served as host of the KIRSA State Conference John Smith o Taught First Aid/ CPR Classes o Red Cross Instructor o Conducted clinics for Kentucky High School Athletic Association o Assigning Secretary for High School Volleyball and Softball in Jefferson County o Collaborative Learning Committee (CLC) o Served on Advisory Board for Louisville Area Red Cross Chapter o Attended NIRSA Conference Justin Peterson o Assigned officials for St. Xavier High School Intramural Sports o Assisted Jefferson County Public Schools with establishing a Flag Football League o Attended NIRSA Region II Student Lead-On Workshop o Attended NIRSA Conference Debby Woodall o Great Places to Work Committee o “Fit Into College” Leadership o Local arrangement 2012 ACPA National Convention o ACE Personal Training Certification David Hatfield o Attended KIRSA Conference David Rice o Attended KIRSA Conference Janice Day o Attended KIRSA Conference 8. Assessment Initiatives Once again program assessment was an integral part of our Department. The lessons we learned when we needed information for a justification paper for the new student recreation center and had that at our fingertips was critical. Having the Dean of Students recognize us for that in a Divisional Staff Meeting was significant. Conduct an update of 2007 External Program Review Document participating students in the Cardinal Covenant program Document releases to the UofL Today email feature Participate in the Student Affairs wide SLO project Conduct an ID issues tool Conduct a major benefits tool Conduct a SLO project on leadership in structured intramurals 9. Top Goals for the Department Continue to work on the planning of the new Student Recreation Center. Continue to work with UPDC, the design architect develop the budget, staffing plan, investigate purchases, etc. Continue to collaborate with Student Health and Get Healthy Now on offering Pilates and Yoga classes to the UofL community. Collaborate with Student Health to continue Fitness Assessment for students. Continue to recruit student interns to help implement the Fitness Coaching program. Continue to collaborate with Financial Aid in recruiting Cardinal Covenant students to work as student employees. Assist the University of Kentucky in hosting the NIRSA Region II Conference in October. Continue to work with the Louisville Visitor and Convention Bureau to attempt to bring the NIRSA National Convention to Louisville in either 2014 or 2015. Get the SAC Gym floors refinished. Collaborate with the Athletic Department to assist with the maintenance of our IM Field complex. Continue to increase efforts to get more Residence Hall participation in the Intramural component of our program. Implement new activities (Team Handball League, Fraternity Kickball, and Fraternity Disc Golf) into the Intramural Component of our program. Implement compression-only training for CPR in addition to existing First Aid/Safety training. Continue to work on the recruitment and retention of officials in our various Intramural Sports. Continue to reinforce Department safety protocols with each of our Sports Clubs. Continue to work with Nelligan Sports Marketing in securing sponsorships for the Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports. Investigate possibility of replacing carpet in the Cardinal Corner Game Room. Meet with staff on a monthly basis to review First Aid/Safety protocols. Investigate a possibly solution for the All-Campus Champions Boards as we transition into the SRC. Have each of our eligible Sports Clubs attain RSO status. Continue to work with Nelligan Sports Marketing in securing sponsorships for the Department of Intramural – Recreational Sports. Continue to recruit youth basketball tournaments and other external events to the SAC. 10. Issues and Challenges for the Department During 2010-2011 and Beyond The primary issues and challenges of the Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports have been addressed with the decision to build the new Student Recreation Center (SRC). The SRC will address the lack of fitness space (lack of aerobic studios, weight/cardiovascular equipment, etc.) as well as allow our program to grow and expand with additions such as the MAC court and artificial-turf field. Our current challenges are two-fold- overseeing the multitude of tasks related to the construction of the SRC and to transition the Intramural-Recreational Sports program into the SRC. A great deal of time will be spent working the UPDC, the design architects, and the local architects in finalizing the design of the SRC. The next phase will be the bidding of the construction of the SRC. Keeping the project within budget will also require great attention to detail. This year we will be researching the types of equipment (particularly weight/cardio) that we want in the SRC. The second component of the challenge will be preparing for the transition to the SRC. A staffing plan is a priority, with new positions to hire, Humana Gym closing, and maintaining an operation in the SAC are some of the factors that will affect our staffing plan. Determining how our program will function, adapting to a state-of-theart facility, dealing with new issues related to this type of facility, determining how to deal with our All-Campus Champions boards, etc. are just some of the challenges we face. We will also need to spend a great deal of time crafting our operating budget to ensure we have the proper resources to support this facility. These challenges are all good ones to have as we make preparation to transition to a facility that is going to transform the UofL campus and provide a new level of involvement for our students. Service Metrics Intramural Traffic – # of People Using Gym Facilities The Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports operated five different facilities: Humana Gym, Crawford Gym, Health Sciences Campus Fitness Facility, Cardinal Corner Game Room, and the Student Activities Center Gym. These facilities are open a combined 325 hours/week to provide recreational opportunities for the UofL community. The 2010-11 facility participation totals are as follows: Student Activity Center 307,127 Humana Gym 65,136 Crawford Gym 15,777 Cardinal Corner Game Room 37,383 Health Sciences Fitness Center 45,163 470,586 SAC Game Room Usage Cardinal Corner Game Room 37,383 Intramural Sports Program Participants Event Rock, Paper, Scissors Ultimate Frisbee Kickball Fraternity Softball Golf Tournament Canoe Regatta Flag Football Track Meet Tennis Singles Sand Volleyball Badminton Graduate Basketball Tug-O-War Cornhole Fall Soccer Halloween Basketball Volleyball 1 on 1 Basketball Sports Trivia Turkey Trot Participants 5 771 100 459 76 236 1580 184 103 430 203 113 173 130 357 116 386 67 41 78 Swim Meet Bowling Doubles 3 on 3 Basketball Billiards Racquetball Basketball Table Tennis Free Throws Spring Soccer Floor Hockey Court Dodgeball Team Handball Tennis Doubles Putt Putt Golf Bowling Singles 101 268 132 194 149 947 184 95 818 50 329 308 90 87 78 Totals 9438 Intramural Sports Clubs Aikido Badminton Ballroom Dance Bowling (Men’s) Bowling (Women’s) Dodgeball Faculty/Staff Golf Fencing Gymnastics (Closed) Ice Hockey Kempo Karate Lacrosse (Men’s) Lacrosse (Women’s) (Closed) Power Tumbling Racquetball Rugby (Men’s) Soccer (Men’s) Tai Chi Tae Kwon Do Tennis Triathlon Ultimate Frisbee Volleyball (Women’s) (Closed) Women’s Polo