Reflective Pathways from Theory to Practice Brewton-Parker College Education Division

Reflective Pathways from Theory to Practice
Brewton-Parker College
Education Division
Echoes, but does not replicate the mission
of the college
To produce effective and reflective
To produce educators with a strong
foundation of research-based knowledge
To produce educators with a Christian
worldview by strengthening their
philosophical attitudes and Christian
To produce educators who demonstrate
strong pedagogical practice
 Desire for graduates to teach all
students effectively, while upholding a
Christian worldview
 Desire that our teacher candidates will
become reflective educators who
possess strong academic knowledge
and appropriate dispositions.
Desire that our teacher candidates
demonstrate the principle of soul
competency, understand the worth of the
individual, and the freedom of individual
 Desire that our teacher candidates
understand that the principle of religious
liberty affirms education, but not
indoctrination, and the principles of the
priesthood of the believer affirms the
equality of all students in the learning
Belief that the most effective means of
preparing a Reflective Educator with a
Christian Worldview is to provide
Reflective Pathways from Theory to
Belief that rigorous academic standards
must be upheld while employing a
Christian worldview
Belief that teacher candidates should be
provided with opportunities for intellectual
inquiry in an environment of
sound research-based discourse
Belief that all students can learn
Belief that effective and reflective teachers
posses the appropriate combinations of
experiences, academic preparation and
Christian moral and ethical responsibilities
to achieve this
Belief that all programs must articulate
appropriate knowledge, skills and
dispositions related to how our teacher
candidates and graduates will impact and
promote all components of teaching and
Provide the knowledge, disposition, skills,
and experiences that will enable the
shared mission, vision and philosophy, to
become realities for our teacher
Reflective pathways in liberal arts core
classes and Christianity and education
Atmosphere of free inquiry and rigorous
academic standards
Training that will enable candidates to
develop judgment, critical thinking skills,
and reflective practices based on
knowledge and experience
Develop candidates who are committed to
a life of service based upon individual
respect and encouragement
Develop candidates who recognize and
reinforce the dignity and worth of
individual convictions and cultural
differences that promote motivation and
positive social interaction.
Develop reflective and effective educators
teachers who view teaching as a social and
civic responsibility and as an expression
of Christian stewardship
Our conceptual framework embraces three areas –
Knowledge of, Dispositions Toward, and Performances
related to the Learner, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum. It
is our belief that the continually developing levels of
proficiency or competency achieved by our Reflective
Teacher Candidates with a Christian Worldview in the
three areas are effectively demonstrated and continually
measured and evaluated by the following ten (10)
Reflective Teacher Candidate Proficiency Outcomes. Our
ten proficiency outcomes are based on the college
mission and vision statements, as well as the mission and
vision statements of the Education Division. The
Proficiency Outcomes are aligned with the INTASC
Standards/ Georgia 2000, and NCATE Standard 1.
Understands and demonstrates knowledge
of learner characteristics
Develops lesson plans which use
technology and a variety of instructional
Demonstrates a mastery of content
Promotes creative and critical thinking
Demonstrates proficiency in writing and
Utilizes formal and informal methods of
Demonstrates an understanding of
student diversity
Promotes motivation and positive social
Evaluates performance and continues to
grow professionally
Possesses a Christian disposition toward
school, local, state, national, and world
values while reinforcing the dignity and
worth of the individual
Embraces three areas – Knowledge of,
Dispositions Toward, and Performances
related to the Learner, Pedagogy, and the
Demonstrated and continually measured
and evaluated by the ten (10) Reflective
Teacher Candidate Proficiency Outcomes
Proficiency outcomes are based on the
college mission and vision statements, as
well as the mission and vision statements
of the Education Division
Proficiency Outcomes are aligned with the
INTASC Standards/ Georgia 2000, and
NCATE Standard 1.
Understands and demonstrates
knowledge of learner characteristics
Description: Our teacher candidates possess
knowledge and understanding of the
diverse learner characteristics of today’s
students. They are able to demonstrate this
knowledge and understanding through the
use of differentiated instruction.
Develops lesson plans which use
technology and a variety of
instructional methods
Description: Our teacher candidates
demonstrate their ability to develop lesson
plans using a variety of instructional
methods utilizing technology as an
instructional tool.
Demonstrates a mastery of content
Description: Our teacher candidates
demonstrate a mastery of the content they
are teaching. They must know what they
are teaching and be able to communicate
that knowledge effectively to the learner.
Promotes creative and critical thinking
Description: Our teacher candidates
demonstrate creative and critical thinking
and create learning experiences that
encourage students to think creatively and
Demonstrates proficiency in writing and
Description: Our teacher candidates
communicate effectively with students,
parents, peers, and the community with
appropriate oral and written expression.
Utilizes formal and informal methods of
Description: Our teacher candidates
demonstrate the use of both formal
methods of assessments such as written
tests and projects and informal methods of
assessments such as journals and class
discussion to determine student understand
and mastery of concepts.
Demonstrates an understanding of
student diversity
Description: Our teacher candidates provide
teaching strategies and learning
experiences that demonstrate an
understanding of the diverse student
community in areas such as learning styles,
ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status,
multiple intelligences, interest and ability.
Promotes motivation and positive social
Description: Our teacher candidates
establish a classroom management plan
that motivates and encourages positive
social interaction among students; sets
classroom rules; provides for a safe and
supportive classroom environment and
believes that all students can learn.
Reflects upon practice and continues to
grow professionally
Description: Our teacher candidates
continually reflect on their teaching
performances and grow professionally
through workshops, professional
organizations, and continuing their higher
Possesses a Christian disposition
toward school, local, state, national,
and world values while reinforcing the
dignity and worth of the individual
Description: Our teacher candidates
appreciate and possess Christian attitudes
and behaviors toward teaching and toward