AP Language and Composition Mr. Loun This is your Vocabulary Assignment for the whole year Listen, people…a master of vocabulary woos women or men (the kind you’d take home to meet your family)…astounds the boss at a business presentation…impresses your grandmother at the holiday dinner when she asks what you’ve been learning in school this year. The importance of having a toolkit full of various vocabulary words at your disposal cannot be overemphasized. Therefore, STEP ONE – Read. Yes, that’s all. Read. You are required, of course, to read what has been assigned, but you may of course also read selections chosen by yourself. STEP TWO – As you read, write down any word which you do not understand (you knew there was a catch)…. Keep a weekly list of words for study. Do NOT just compile the “words of the day” or “words of the week.” You’re missing the point in that case. STEP THREE – Now here’s the really unusual part…as you write the words down on your list (notice the word “write,” as opposed to copying and pasting, which, we all know, does not require reading), look up their definitions in the dictionary. Don’t wait until you finish reading or until the end of the week; look them up right when you find them. Make sure that you also note 1) the origin of the word, 2) the part of speech, and 3) the sentence from whence your word came (cited in MLA format). You may 1) be surprised what you learn, (yes, this does mean you will need a dictionary nearby as you read. Find or buy one – no abridged dictionaries, please.), and 2) how much more understandable the text is. STEP FOUR – Turn in your words for credit. Everyone will turn in a list of at least 10 words on the last day of class each week (usually on Friday) in order to receive credit (1 point per word = 10 possible points. No, there are no extra points for extra words, although your ambition is admirable). Since vocabulary is a weekly assignment given early and considered “long term,” the due date and the deadline are the same. Late vocabulary is not accepted. If you are absent on the due date (which, by the way, is NOT a good idea) you must make arrangements to get your vocabulary to school – you can send it with a friend, ask special permission to email it before class, bring it in earlier in the week, etc. If you are in class (even if you come late), bring a hard copy to class with you and turn it in. Do not send an e-mail with your vocabulary attached if you are in class on the due date; it will be considered late and will not be graded. STEP FIVE – You will receive a list of 10 words each week (usually on Monday) that you should begin to study. STEP SIX – Vocabulary assessment. You will be assessed on your knowledge of words and their forms every four weeks.