\begindata{text,538476484} \textdsversion{12} \template{default} \define{itemize menu:[Region,Itemize] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 32768]} \define{enumerate menu:[Region,Enumerate] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 32768]} \define{programexample menu:[Region,ProgramExample] attr:[Justification LeftJustified Point 0] attr:[FontFamily Helvetica Int 0]} \define{notetotypesetter menu:[Region,NoteToTypesetter] attr:[Flags PassThru Int Set]} \define{title menu:[Heading,Title] attr:[Justification Centered Point 0] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point 4]} \define{appendix menu:[Heading,Appendix] attr:[FontFace Bold Int Set] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point 4]} \define{ibm menu:[Font,IBM] attr:[FontFamily ibm Int 0]} \define{centre menu:[Region,Centre] attr:[Justification Centered Point 0]} \define{passthrough menu:[Region,Passthrough] attr:[Flags PassThru Int Set]} \define{sans menu:[Font,Sans] attr:[FontFamily AndySans Int 0] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point -2]} \define{block menu:[Region,Block] attr:[LeftMargin LeftMargin Inch 81920]} \italic{styling} \begindata{bp,538929224} \enddata{bp,538929224} \view{bpv,538929224,1345,0,0} \center{ \bigger{\bold{\bigger{\bigger{Tree}} Programming Guide}} Version 1.0 (ATK Version 11.7) Information Technology Center Carnegie-Mellon University TC Peters (12/22/88) 8/31/89 \bold{ Working Draft } \bold{SUBJECT TO SIGNIFICANT REVISION } \bold{(c) IBM Corporation 1989}} \begindata{bp,538928520} \enddata{bp,538928520} \view{bpv,538928520,1346,0,0} \bold{Preface} This document presents the Concepts and Facilities of the \bold{Tree} class. This class provides facilities for the management of tree structures and interactive views that can be employed to display them. The \bold{Tree} class comprises both a data-object (\sans{\bold{tree}}) and a view-object (\sans{\bold{treev}}); they are sub-classes of the \italic{apt} and \italic{aptv} classes, respectively (see the \italic{Apt Programming Guide} for details regarding built-in Iconification, Help, and other common features). As generic classes, they are meant to be used by clientprograms to provide both management of Client-program generated structures and tailorable visual interfaces \begindata{bp,538269640} \enddata{bp,538269640} \view{bpv,538269640,1347,0,0} \bold{Introduction} xxx \begindata{bp,538271624} \enddata{bp,538271624} \view{bpv,538271624,1348,0,0} \chapter{1 Concepts} Support for trees is provided both for the data-structure itself (\sans{tree}) and for interactively viewing the data-structure (\sans{treev}). The Tree Data-object facilities can be employed without use of a corresponding Tree View-object; on the other hand, the same Tree Data-object may be viewed concurrently through any number of Tree Views. The Tree Classes are \italic{generic} -- ie, they are designed to be employed by other Classes; in themselves, they provide only those facilities needed to build, manipulate, and view Trees under the direction of such higherorder Client classes. \bold{Trees} Tree structures are composed of \italic{Nodes} connected hierarchically. The top-most Node is termed the \italic{Root} Node; one and only one Root Node exists in a Tree. Immediately beneath the Root Node, zero or more \italic{Child} Nodes may exist; in turn, each such Child Node may have zero or more children of its own, \italic{ad infinitum}. Each Node is connected to its \italic{Parent}, its Left and Right \italic{Siblings}, and to its Children; any one or more of these connections may be Null (eg, the Root Node does not have a Parent Node). Nodes that have no children are termed \italic{Leaf} Nodes; Nodes other than the Root Node and the Leaf Nodes are termed \italic{Interior} Nodes. \center{ ********************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********************************* } In addition to its connection attributes, each Node may be given a unique symbolic \italic{Name}, a \italic{Caption}, a \italic{Titl}e, as well as an \italic{Datum}. Whereas support for \italic{manipulating} Trees is provided by the Tree Data-object, the \italic{meaning} of a Tree is provided by the Client; this is effected by placing into each Node a Client-defined datum -where a Datum is either a data \italic{value} or a \italic{pointer} to a value (eg, a scalar or a structure, or even a pointer to a Procedure). Trees are built by creating Nodes at specified places within the Tree. Initially, the Root Node is created, then one or more of its children. These children may, in turn, have Nodes created as their children. At any point during building, existent Nodes may be destroyed or moved within the Tree. Depending upon the requirements of the Client, Trees may be built \italic{in toto} or piece-wise. When created, a Node is given a symbolic Name and a Datum; these may be Null. A Node's Name and its Datum may subsequently be queried or changed to other values. In addition to Node location via Tree walking support, individual Nodes may be located through their Names or their Datum values. Various facilities are provided to determine a given Node's Name, Caption, Title, Datum, Level, etc. These are often utilized to handle interactive manipulation of the Tree through a Tree View-object. A Tree View-object may be related to a Tree Data-object to form a Tree \italic{Inset}. The Tree View-object provides an visual interactive interface onto the Tree Data-object. The visual format of a Tree is customizable by the Client; appropriate display of the Tree is automatically performed by the Tree View-object. Standard scrolling operations, as well as layout, printing, and interactions are provided in both default and customized fashions. Interaction events handled by the Tree View-object are capable of either default responses (eg, Hiding and Exposing the children of selected Nodes) or parochial responses dictated by the Client. The Client may specify a \italic{Hit Handler} to be invoked by the Tree View-object whenever the User selects a Node through its visual representation. In the absence of such a Hit Handler, the Tree View-object performs its default actions. Node selection is usually effected through the mouse, but may also be effected through the keyboard. \bold{Nodes} The Node is the \italic{substance} of a Tree -- it is the \italic{connections} amongst Nodes that comprise the Tree structure. A Node is itself a data structure, containing fields automatically set and manipulated by facilities of the Tree Class as well as several fields directly manipulated by the Client. Fields accessible to the Client are the Node's -\indent{\bold{\italic{Name}} Each Node enjoys a symbolic \italic{Name}, which may be null. The Symbolic Name may be used to locate the Node within the Tree; it serves, in lieu of a Node Caption, as the value displayed when the Node is viewed through the Tree View-object. \bold{\italic{Caption}} Each Node enjoys a \italic{Caption}, which may be null. The Caption is displayed when the Node is viewed throught the Tree View-object. Where a Node has a null Caption, its symbolic Name is displayed instead. \bold{\italic{Title}} Each Node enjoys a \italic{Title}, which may be null. The Title is displayed when the Node is viewed throught the Tree View-object. Where a Node has a null Title, none is displayed. \bold{\italic{Datum}} Each Node enjoys an \italic{Datum}, which may be null. The Datum contain a scalar value (type \sans{long}), which is of any value set by the Client.} \section{1.1 Features} \subsection{1.1.1 Arrangements} \subsection{1.1.2 Scrolling} \subsection{1.1.3 Data/View Dichotomy} Tree facilities are partitioned into those that deal with the Tree Dataobject and those that deal with the Tree View-object. The facilities are partitioned to support multiple Views onto a given Data-object. Due to the generic nature of the Tree class, it does not provide methods either to Read or to Write Tree datastreams; this is the responsibility of the Client. \section{1.2 Attribute Specification} The fashion in which Trees are manipulated and displayed, as well as the nature and format of its Nodes, is governed by the Specification argument optionally provided when the Tree object is created. (See the \sans{Create} facilities, discussed in the chapters \italic{Facilities -- Data Object Instantiation} and \italic{View Object Instantiation.}) The syntax of specifications is best shown through examples: \sans{\indent{ tree_Specification my_tree[ ] = \{ tree_TraversalMode( tree_PreOrder ), tree_TitleCaption( "My Own Tree" ), Null \};}} \sans{\indent{ treev_Specification my_treev[ ] = \{ treev_Arrangement( treev_Fold ), treev_BackgroundShade( 50 ), treev_NodeBorderStyle( treev_Oval ), treev_HitHandler( My_Tree_Hit ), Null \};}} A Specification is composed of macros, each requiring an argument. argument is sometimes a \italic{symbolic} (eg, \sans{treev_Oval}), sometimes a The \italic{numeric value} (eg, the value 50 in \sans{treev_BackgroundShade}), sometimes a \italic{character-string} (eg, the quoted characters \italic{My Own Tree} in \sans{tree_TitleCaption}), and sometimes a \italic{procedure-pointer} (eg, \sans{My_Tree_Hit} in \sans{treev_HitHandler}). Note that all symbolics are prefixed with "\sans{tree_}" or "\sans{treev_}" to avoid name-clashes within the Client-program.. There is no required ordering amongst the items in the Specification structure: it is parsed sequentially, such that a subsequent attribute overrides an earlier conflicting attribute. See chapter \italic{Sample Programs} for more complete examples. The Data and View attributes of the Tree and its Nodes, their defaults and alternatives, are discussed below. (In each section attributes are listed \italic{alphabetically}, for ease of reference.) \subsection{1.2.1 Data Specifications} The manner in which Trees are structured is controlled by the Specification optionally provided when the Tree Data-object is created. (See the \sans{Create} facility, discussed in the chapter \italic{Facilities -Data Object Instantiation.}) The structural attributes of the Tree and its Nodes, their defaults and alternatives, are discussed below. \paragraph{ Tree Data Attributes} This section lists those data attributes that are applicable to the Tree as a whole, including those Node attributes that are inherited by all Nodes, unless overridden for individual Nodes. \bold{\sans{tree_Datum}} \indent{Any Client-program datum (eg, a scalar or a pointer to a Client-program defined structure). Dynamically accessible via the \sans{SetTreeAttribute} and \sans{TreeAttribute} facilities. (Also see the \sans{NodeDatum} attribute, which provides the node-specific data attribute.)} \bold{\sans{tree_NodeCaption}} \indent{A character-string. unless overridden.} All Nodes will contain this \sans{Caption}, \bold{\sans{tree_NodeDatum}} \indent{Any Client-program datum (eg, a scalar or a pointer to a Client-program defined structure). Dynamically accessible via the \sans{SetNodeAttribute} and \sans{NodeAttribute} facilities. (Also see the \sans{Datum }attribute, which provides the Tree data attribute.)} \bold{\sans{ tree_NodeName}} \indent{A Node may be given a \italic{symbolic name} for use during execution. (See the facilities \sans{NodeOfName} and \sans{NodesOfName}.) } \bold{\sans{tree_NodeTitleCaption}} \indent{A Node may contain a caption as a Title. By default, the Title is centered at the top of the Node, beneath the Node's Border This Placement and its Alignment within the title-area can be overridden via the \sans{NodeTitlePlacement} and \sans{NodeTitleAlignment} attributes.. (A Node Title may instead be an Inset.)} \bold{\sans{tree_TitleCaption}} \indent{A Tree may contain a \italic{Title}. The Title may be a caption or an Inset. By default, the Title is centered at the top of the Container, within the Container's Border. A Title caption may contain \italic{new-line} characters: the Title then occupies multiple vertical lines. (See \sans{TitleAlignment} and \sans{TitlePlacement}.)} \sans{\bold{tree_TraversalMode}} \indent{By default, Trees are traversed in a Top-Down, Left-Right order known as \italic{PreOrder}. Alternatively, the sequence used to traverse the Tree may be specified as \italic{PostOrder}, \indent{ \sans{tree_PreOrder} \sans{tree_PostOrder} }} \center{ ********************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********************************* } \paragraph{ Node Data Attributes} Each Node can be individually specified. Such specification may be as minimal as just its Caption or as elaborate as necessary to individualize each Node. Node data attributes are inherited from the Tree data specification, except where an attribute is overridden for that Node via a Node Specification. The attributes that may appear in a Node data Specification are those defined above, \italic{Tree Data Specifications}. Note that either generic or Node-specific spellings may be employed; thus, to specify a Node's Datum, either \sans{tree_Datum} or \sans{tree_NodeDatum} may be used within a Node specification. \subsection{1.2.2 View Specifications} The fashion in which Trees are displayed is controlled by the Specification optionally provided when the Tree View-object is created. The visual attributes of the Tree and its Nodes, their defaults and alternatives, are discussed below. \paragraph{ Tree View Attributes} This section lists those view attributes that are applicable to the displayed Tree as a whole, including those Node view attributes that are inherited by all Nodes, unless overridden for individual Nodes. \bold{\sans{treev_Arrangement}} \indent{By default, Trees are displayed \italic{Vertically}: children are beneath parent nodes. Alternatively, Tree may be displayed \italic{horizontally}: children are displayed to the right of their parent nodes. By default, when the children of a Node are exposed and their combined widths exceed the width of the enclosing area, the set of children are \italic{folded} into two or more rows to fit within the given width; the set of folded Nodes is enclosed by a rectangular outline indicating the folded nature of the set. Folding may be suppressed, resulting in the clipping of those children outside the given area. (When non-folded displays are specified, the \italic{Horizontal Scroll} feature is defaulted.) \indent{\sans{treev_Vertical} \sans{treev_Horizontal} \sans{treev_Fold | treev_NoFold}}} \bold{\sans{treev_BackgroundShade}} \indent{The Container is transparent, by default. It is the Clientprogram's responsibility to set the background appropriately (usually white). You may, however, specify a gray-shade for the background. The \sans{BackgroundShade} values are -\indent{0 Transparent 1 White 2 Lightest shade of gray ... (Darker shades of gray) 100 Darkest shade of gray (black)}} \bold{\sans{treev_BorderStyle}} \indent{The Container may be bordered; by default, the border is a rectangle, whose line-width is one. Its style may be specified in various other fashions: \indent{\sans{treev_Rectangle} \sans{treev_Roundangle} \sans{treev_Circle} \sans{treev_Oval} \sans{treev_Invisible} \sans{treev_None}}} \bold{\sans{treev_BorderSize}} \indent{Where the \sans{BorderStyle} is other than \sans{None}, the width of the line (default is one) may be specified.} \bold{\sans{treev_Cursor}} \indent{The cursor for the Tree may be specified; the value -- either an ASCII characer literal or a symbolic name. If the \sans{CursorFontName} is not specified, the default font is \italic{icon12}. The default cursor is the standard Arrow. Example: \sans{treev_Cursor( 'E' )} \sans{treev_Cursor( Cursor_Gunsight )}} \bold{\sans{treev_CursorFontName}} \indent{The font for the Tree's cursor may be specified. font is \italic{icon12}. Example: The default \sans{treev_CursorFontName( "treeicon20" )}} \bold{\sans{treev_FootPrintStyle}} \indent{In addition to highlighting a Node, it is often useful to provide a visual indication of the Nodes along the \italic{path} leading to the highlighted Node. By default, these footprints are indicated by making \sans{Pale} the ancestor Nodes along that path. \indent{ \sans{treev_Pale} \sans{treev_Invert} \sans{treev_Border} \sans{treev_NoFootPrint}}} \bold{\sans{treev_HitHandler}} \indent{A Tree may specify a Client-program procedure to be invoked whenever a Node is hit. (See the section \italic{HitHandlers}.)} \bold{\sans{treev_LeafNodeStyle}} \indent{By default, Leaf Nodes are displayed in the same fashion as all other Nodes. Special display of Leaf Nodes can be specified: suppression of Drop Shadow, different Node Border Style, or ???.} \bold{\sans{treev_NodeBorderStyle}} \indent{By default, Nodes are displayed as \italic{Rectangle}s. be displayed as: \indent{\sans{treev_Rectangle} \sans{treev_Roundangle} \sans{treev_Circle} \sans{treev_Oval} \sans{treev_Invisible} \sans{treev_None}}} \bold{\sans{treev_NodeConnectorStyle}} They may \indent{By default, Nodes are connected to their children by "Dog Legs" lines that run from the bottom of the Parent Node to the top of each Child Node in vertical and horizontal segments. They may be connected in a Direct fashion -- single lines that run diagonally from the bottom of the Parent to the top of each Child. \sans{\indent{treev_Direct}} \sans{\indent{treev_DogLeg}}} \bold{\sans{treev_NodeFiligree}} \indent{By default, Nodes are displayed with \italic{Drop Shadows} -- an illusory shadow of the Node's Border. The Drop Shadow may be suppressed. \sans{\indent{treev_DropShadow | treeev_NoDropShadow}}} \bold{\sans{treev_NodeFontName}} \indent{By default, Node Captions are displayed in the User's preferred BodyFont. A specific font may be specified instead.} \bold{\sans{treev_NodeHighlightStyle}} \indent{By default, Nodes are highlighted using inverse-video. They may be highlighted by changing the Node Caption to Bold or Italic font. The styles for Highlighting, which may be used in combination, are: \indent{\sans{treev_Invert} \sans{treev_Border} \sans{treev_Bold} \sans{treev_Italic}}} \bold{\sans{treev_NodeOrder}} \indent{By default, Folded Nodes are displayed in \italic{ColumnMajor} order. Alternatively, they may be displayed in \italic{RowMajor} order.} \bold{\sans{treev_NodeWidth} \sans{treev_NodeHeight}} \indent{By default, Nodes are automatically sized to fit the largest Caption or Title to be displayed -- depending upon the font specified and the characters found within the Captions and Titles; all Nodes are displayed in the same size. The width and height may be specified as fixed values; where a Caption or Title exceeds the available width, it is wrapped to the next line.} \bold{\sans{treev_Scroll}} By default, a \italic{Vertical} Scroll is provided to the left of the display; this Scroll may be suppressed. Additionally, a \italic{Horizontal} Scroll may be specified. Where Folding is specified, the horizontal Scroll is suppressed; where Folding is suppressed, a horizontal Scroll is provided by default, but may be suppressed. \indent{\sans{treev_Left} \sans{treev_Right} \sans{treev_Top} \sans{treev_Bottom} \sans{treev_NoVertical} \sans{treev_NoHorizontal}} \paragraph{ Node View Attributes} Each Node can be individually specified. minimal Such specification may be as as just its Caption or as elaborate as necessary to individualize each Node. Node view attributes are inherited from the Tree view specification, except where an attribute is overridden for that Node via a Node Specification. The attributes that may appear in a Node view Specification are those defined above, \italic{Tree View Specifications}. Note that either generic or Node-specific spellings may be employed; thus, to specify a Node's Caption Font, either \sans{treev_CaptionFontName} or \sans{treev_NodeCaptionFontName} may be used within a Node view specification. \section{1.3 Handlers} Whereas the tree class provides appropriate housekeeeping to reflect User interaction with a Tree through its view, it is the Client-program's Handlers (also known as "call-back procedures") that effect whatever functionality such interaction implies. There are various interactions and events that will cause a Handler to be invoked. A Handler may be specified for the Tree as a whole or for individual Nodes. In the absence of individual Node Handlers, the Tree Handler is employed. Where both a Tree Handler and Node Handlers are specified, the latter are employed. There are two kinds of Handlers: those that cope with Hits and those that deal with Nodes specified as Objects (ie, not simply captions). \subsection{1.3.1 Hit Handlers} Upon invocation, a Hit Handler is passed these arguments: \indent{\bold{Argument-1:} The Client-program Anchor associated with the Tree View (as provided via the \sans{treev_Create} facility). \bold{Argument-2:} Identifier of the Tree. \bold{Argument-3:} Identifier of the object hit. \bold{Argument 4:} Hit-object type (\sans{treev_TitleObject}, \sans{treev_NodeObject}, or Null). \bold{Arguments 5-8: } Standard ATK Mouse information -- action, x, y, clicks.} Thus, a typical Hit Handler would be written: \indent{\sans{My_Hit_Handler( self, tree, object, type, action, x, y, clicks )}} (The parameter \sans{self} is the value specified as the \italic{Anchor} by the Client-program via \sans{treev_Create}.) Note that all mouse-actions (including DownMovement) are passed through to the HitHandler, whether or not a Node or Title is affected (this provides support for such actions as client-program controlled movement of Nodes from one parent to another). \subsection{1.3.2 Object Handlers} Handlers may specified to deal with instantiation of Data and View objects. ... Upon invocation, an Object Handler is passed these arguments: \indent{\bold{Argument-1:} The Anchor associated with the Tree. \bold{Argument-2:} Identifier of the Tree. \bold{Argument 3:} Identifier of the object. \bold{Argument 4:} Object-type (\sans{treev_TitleObject} or \sans{treev_NodeObject}). } Thus, a typical Object Handler would be written: \sans{\indent{My_Object_Handler( self, tree, object, type )}} \section{1.4 Printing} Printed output is in PostScript form. xxx \begindata{bp,538271496} \enddata{bp,538271496} \view{bpv,538271496,1349,0,0} \chapter{2 Facilities} Facilities are ClassProcedures, Methods, or MacroMethods provided by a Class to facilitate communication between an object and its creator. There are two groups of facilities: those for the Tree itself, and those for the Nodes of the Tree. The facilities are presented in a standard form: A brief \italic{\bold{description}}of the facility, followed by these topics -\italic{\bold{Synopsis}} types of arguments. Prototype statement syntax and data- \italic{\bold{Returns}} returned. Data-type and description of value \italic{\bold{Exceptions}} Name of any exceptions raised. \italic{\bold{Discussion}} its role and usage. Elaboration of the nature of the facility, \bold{Syntax Conventions} To provide examples of their usage, both sample statements and a chapter of Sample Programs are listed; these are shown in the syntax of the ATK \italic{Class} extension. Of particular interest are certain implications upon naming-conventions and required arguments: \indent{ o The ATK Class feature requires methods to be prefixed with the name of the Class to which they belong. Further, it requires that the first argument always be the Identifier (handle or pointer) of the instantiated Object being invoked. Thus -\sans{\bold{\indent{tree_CreateRootNode( \italic{object}, \italic{name}, \italic{datum} );}}} \indent{ where : \sans{\bold{object }} is the Identifier of the instance of the Class (as returned from the \sans{tree_Create} facility); \sans{\bold{name }} is a pointer to a character-string; \sans{\bold{datum}} is a scalar value.} o All symbolic-names (eg, those of the options and exception-codes) are prefixed with the character "tree_" or "treev_" to preclude nameclashes with Client-program names.} \section{2.1 Data Object Facilities} These facilities deal with the Tree Data-object. \subsection{2.1.1 Data Object Instantiation} Tree Data-objects are instantiated through either the \sans{Create} or the \sans{New} facility. Where the \sans{Create} facility is employed, you can override the default object attributes. \paragraph{ Create} Creates a Data-object of the class \sans{tree}. Parses the optional Specification to establish initial attributes; reserves the requesting object's Identifier (for subsequent call-backs). \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_Create( specification, anchor ) tree_Specification struct basicobject specification *anchor | | NULL}} NULL \bold{Returns}\block{ object identifier.}} \sans{struct tree \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{AttributeConflict}} *} \italic{Tree Data- \sans{InsufficientSpace}, \bold{Discussion}\block{ When created, the Tree data-object contain the Null Tree. You subsequently employ the \italic{Node Creation} methods (below) to build the Tree.} \subsection{2.1.2 Tree Dataobject Facilities} These facilities deal with the Tree structure (see \italic{Tree Viewobject Facilities} for those dealing with Tree presentation and interaction). \paragraph{ Tree Dataobject Attributes} Tree attributes may be set either at compile-time, through the static declaration of the Specification vector passed as an optional argument to the \sans{Create} facility, or dynamically through the \sans{SetTreeAttribute} facility. In most instances, the static fashion suffices. \paragraph{ SetTreeAttribute} Sets the specifed attribute of the Tree to the given value. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_SetTreeAttribute( object, attribute_value) struct tree *object tree_Specification }} \bold{Returns}\block{ attribute_value \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} Result-code.}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Tree Specifications} can be set either statically or dynamically. Where the given\sans{ attribute value} is \sans{NULL}, that Tree attribute is set to Null. The syntax for this facility is that employed in the static declaration of attributes, for example -Example: \sans{tree_SetTreeAttribute( object, tree_TitleCaption( "Local Personnel" ) )} } \paragraph{ TreeAttribute} Yields the value of the given attribute for the Tree. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_TreeAttribute( object, attribute) struct tree *object long attribute }} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Value.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Tree Specifications} can be queried. The syntax of this facility is similar to that of the SetTreeAttribute facility, but differs in that the parenthesized argument is 0 (Null). Example: \sans{tree_TreeAttribute( object, tree_Datum(0) )} \sans{tree_TreeAttribute( object, tree_Title(0) )} } \paragraph{ Tree Dataobject Structuring} These facilities deal with the Tree structure. \paragraph{ NodeCount} Computes the total number of Nodes in the Tree or sub-Tree. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NodeCount( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Node Count.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the given node is Null, the count commences at the Root Node; otherwise, the count commences at the sub-Tree headed by the given Node. Note that the count includes the given Node.} \paragraph{ Computes the number of PeerNodeCount} Siblings for the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_PeerNodeCount( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Peer Node Count.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the given node is Null, the count is 0 (zero). Note that the count excludes the given Node.} \paragraph{ Computes the number of ChildNodeCount} Children of the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_ChildNodeCount( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Child Node Count.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the given node is Null, the count is of the children of the Root Node.} \paragraph{ Computes the number of LeafNodeCount} Leaf Nodes in the Tree. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_LeafNodeCount( object ) struct tree *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None.} \paragraph{ \italic{Leaf Node Count.}} NodeLevel} Computes the Level of the given Node within the Tree. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NodeLevel( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node | NULL}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{Node Level.}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the given node is Null, the level is that of the RootNode -- viz, 1. The immediate Children of the Root Node are at Level-2, their Children are at Level-3, etc} \paragraph{ NodePosition} Computes the Position of the given Node -- ie, the count of its left Siblings plus 1. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NodePosition( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Node Position.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The Position of the left-most sibling is 1. Where the given node is Null, the Position is that of the Root Node -- viz, 1.} \paragraph{ NodeIndex} Yields formatted character-string of given node. the "dewey-decimal" index of the \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NodeIndex( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ string Pointer.}} \sans{char *} \italic{Character- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ An entire sample tree is indexed thus -- 0 | 1 2 3 | 1.1 ... 2.1 2.2 2.3 ... 3.1 | 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 | The \sans{Index} facility is useful for developing \italic{Table of Content} listings: the Indices returned from a \italic{PreOrder} walk through the Tree provide an appropriate string for identifying each section of a book -eg, \indent{ 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.3 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.2 3 3.1 etc. etc.} } \paragraph{ NodeAncestry} Generates a character-string composed of the names of the given Node's ancestors, the Root Node's name being first. Each Node name is separated from the next by the specified \sans{separator} character-string. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NodeAncestry( object, node, separator ) struct tree *object struct tree_node char *node | NULL *separator;}} \bold{Returns}\block{ char * \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{Node Ancestry.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the given node is Null or the Root Node, the Null pointer is returned. The returned character-string pointer identifies dynamically allocated storage; it is the client's responsibility to free that storage when no longer needed. The generated string does \italic{not} include the name of the given Node; also, note that the \sans{separator} string \italic{separates} and neither preceeds nor succeeds the generated string.} \paragraph{ TreeWidth} Computes the width of the Tree.. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_TreeWidth( object ) struct tree *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{Tree width}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The width of a Tree is the count of the maximum number of Nodes at any one level. Thus the width of the following Tree is 7 -- } \paragraph{ TreeHeight} Computes the height (depth) -- ie, the longest path -- of the Tree.. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_TreeHeight( object ) struct tree *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None.} \italic{Tree height}} \paragraph{ Tree Dataobject Walking} \paragraph{ RootNode} Yields Identifier of the Root Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_RootNode( object ) struct tree *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier.}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \italic{Node \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Null is returned.} In the absence of a Root Node, the value \paragraph{ NextNode} Yields Identifier of next node, relative to the given node, in the current traversal mode (\italic{PreOrder} or \italic{PostOrder}). \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NextNode( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node | NULL}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier.}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \italic{Node \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ the Tree walking may commence at any Node. If \sans{node} argument is Null, the walk begin with the Root Node. Where a walk limited to a given sub-tree is desired, this may be accomplished by inspecting the Node-Level of each Node returned by this facility: when the Node returned is at or above the Level of the root of the sub-tree, this indicates that you have walked out of the sub-tree. Where the \sans{node} argument is Null, the \italic{Root Node} is yielded. Upon reaching the end of the traversal, the value Null is yielded.} \paragraph{ PriorNode} Yields Identifier of prior node, relative to the given node, in the current traversal mode (\italic{PreOrder} or \italic{PostOrder}). \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_PriorNode( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier.}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Node None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Tree walking may commence at any Node. If the \sans{node} argument is Null, the walk begin with the Root Node. Where a walk limited to a given sub-tree is desired, this may be accomplished by inspecting the Node-Level of each Node returned by this facility: when the Node returned is at or above the Level of the root of the sub-tree, this indicates that you have walked out of the sub-tree. Where the \sans{node} argument is Null, the \italic{Root Node} is yielded. Upon reaching the end of the traversal, the value Null is yielded.} \paragraph{ ParentNode} Yields Identifier of the Parent of the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_ParentNode( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier.}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \italic{Node \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Null is returned.} In the instance of the Root Node, the value \paragraph{ ChildNode} Yields Identifier of the first Child of the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_ChildNode( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier.}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \italic{Node \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ value Null is returned.} Where the given Node has no children, the \paragraph{ LeftNode} Yields Identifier of the immediate left-sibling of the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_LeftNode( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier.}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \italic{Node \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ the value Null is returned.} Where the given Node has no no left-sibling, \paragraph{ RightNode} Yields Identifier of the immediate right-sibling of the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_RightNode( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier.}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \italic{Node \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ sibling, the value Null is returned.} Where the given Node has no no right- \paragraph{ Tree Dataobject Manipulation} These facilities deal with the entire Tree structure. \paragraph{ Reset} Resets the Tree to the specified state. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_Reset( object, state) struct tree *object long tree_Clear}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ \sans{tree_Clear} its empty state: ie, no Nodes, etc.} \paragraph{ Result-code.}} -- returns the tree to Apply} Walks over the Nodes of the Tree, in the specified Traversal mode, invoking the given \sans{proc} for each Node encountered. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_Apply( object, node, proc, anchor, datum ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node long(*)() procedure struct basicobject long *anchor datum}} \bold{Returns}\block{ long \italic{ Client returned-value.}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{ApplyInterrupte}d} \bold{Discussion}\block{ arguments, in the order shown: The \sans{procedure} is invoked with these \indent{\sans{anchor} Given \sans{anchor}-value \sans{tree} Identifier of the Tree object \sans{node} Identifier of present Node \sans{datum} Given \sans{datum}-value} Within the \sans{procedure}, all Tree facilities may be employed; note that alteration of the Tree structure will affect subsequent invocations to the procedure. Where the \sans{node} argument is Null, the walk begins at the Root Node; otherwise, it begins at the given \sans{node} and stops when its sub-Tree is exhausted. The invoked procedure breaks the walk by returning a non-zero value (a zero value continues the walk); the \sans{Apply} facility returns this value as the walk stops. When the walk stops because it reaches the end of the walking sequence, Null is returned.} \paragraph{ UnHookNode} The given Node, with its children, is removed from the Tree. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_UnHookNode( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Node}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \italic{Unhooked \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The sub-Tree rooted at the unhooked Node is preserved, pending a subsequent \sans{HookNode} operation. Should you elect, you may use \sans{DestroyNode} upon it to purge the entire sub-Tree.} \paragraph{ HookNode} The given Node, with its children, is placed into the Tree at the given target position. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_HookNode( object, node, parent_node, left_node, right_node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node struct tree_node *parent_node struct tree_node *left_node struct tree_node *right_node \bold{Returns}\block{ Node}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ UnspecifiedTargetNode, NonExistentTargetNode}} | | | NULL NULL NULL}} \italic{Hooked \sans{NonExistentNode, \bold{Discussion}\block{ If the Node is not in the Unhooked state, the \sans{Hook} operation is effectively a \sans{Move} operation. At least one of the targets (parent, left, and right Nodes) must be specified, otherwise the \sans{UnspecifiedTargetNode} exception is raised.} \paragraph{ MoveNode} The given Node, with its children, is placed into the Tree at the given target position. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_MoveNode( object, node, parent_node, left_node, right_node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node struct tree_node *parent_node struct tree_node *left_node struct tree_node *right_node \bold{Returns}\block{ Node}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ UnspecifiedTargetNode, NonExistentTargetNode}} | | NULL NULL | NULL}} \italic{Moved \sans{NonExistentNode, \bold{Discussion}\block{ The \sans{Move} operation is a sequence of the UnHook and Hook operations. At least one of the targets (parent, left, and right Nodes) must be specified, otherwise the \sans{UnspecifiedTargetNode} exception is raised.} \paragraph{ DuplicateNode} The given Node, with its children, is copied into the Tree at the given target position. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_DuplicateNode( object, node, parent_node, left_node, right_node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node struct tree_node *parent_node struct tree_node *left_node struct tree_node *right_node | | | NULL NULL NULL}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{struct tree_node *} \italic{Duplicated Node}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ UnspecifiedTargetNode, NonExistentTargetNode}} \sans{NonExistentNode, \bold{Discussion}\block{ The duplicated sub-Tree will have the same symbolic Node Names, Captions, etc, enjoyed by the original sub-Tree; you will likely wish to alter these values. At least one of the targets (parent, left, and right Nodes) must be specified, otherwise the \sans{UnspecifiedTargetNode} exception is raised.} \paragraph{ Tree Dataobject Observation} When a Tree has been modified (eg, by creation of Nodes) or a Node has beeen modified (eg, changing its caption), it is the Client-program's responsibility to request the Tree Data-object to Notify its observers, such that they can adjust their views accordingly. \paragraph{ SetNotificationCode} Indicates the nature of the change effected upon the corresponding Data-object. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_SetNotificationCode( object, code ) struct tree long *object code}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{Result-code}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{UnknownCode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The changes are indicated by the codes -- \sans{\indent{tree_NodeCreated tree_NodeDestroyed tree_NodeUnhooked tree_NodeHooked tree_NodeNameChanged tree_NodeCaptionChanged tree_NodeTitleChanged tree_NodeChildrenDestroyed tree_NodeChildrenCreated tree_NodeMoved tree_NodeDuplicated}} When then the Tree Data-object is told to Notify it's observers, the appropriate visual updates will be effected.} \paragraph{ SetNotificationNode} \subsection{2.1.3 Node Dataobject Facilities} \paragraph{ Node Dataobject Creation} Nodes are added to the Tree through several Node creation facilities. Each facility allocates a Node and sets its symbolic \italic{Name} and \italic{Item} fields, optionally provided as arguments of each creation facility. Connections amongst existent Nodes are modified to incorporate the newly created Node within the Tree. The Node creation facilities are designed to minimize Client-program considerations. Thus, creation of a Child Node does not require specification of the position of the Child amongst the zero or more children of a Parent Node -- the Child is inserted into the Tree as the Parent's \italic{right-most} Child. (You may, of course, employ facilities such as \sans{CreateRightNode} or \sans{CreateLeftNode} to insert Nodes at specific positions.) \paragraph{ CreateRootNode} Creates a Node as the Root Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_CreateRootNode( object, name, datum ) struct tree *object char *name long | datum \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier}} NULL | NULL}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{ Node \sans{InsufficientSpace}, \sans{RootExists}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The Root Node must be created before any other Nodes can be created. If a Root Node already exists, the exception \sans{RootExists} is raised.} \paragraph{ CreateParentNode} Creates a Node as the Parent of the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_CreateParentNode( object, name, datum, child_node ) struct tree *object char *name long datum | NULL | NULL struct tree_node *child_node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ ParentNodeExists}} \italic{Node \sans{InsufficientSpace, NonExistentChild, \bold{Discussion}\block{ This facility is used to build a Tree in an \italic{upward}, rather than the usual downward direction. In particular, it is used to place a Node above the current Root Node (which then becomes simply a Child Node). Where the Child Node already has a Parent Node, the \sans{ParentNodeExists} exception is raised; where the given Child Node parameter is Null, xxxx} \paragraph{ CreateChildNode} Creates a Node as a Child of the given Parent Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_CreateChildNode( object, name, datum, parent_node ) struct tree *object char *name long | datum NULL | NULL struct tree_node *parent_node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentParent}} \italic{Node \sans{InsufficientSpace}, \bold{Discussion}\block{ The Child Node is created as the \italic{right-most} child of the given Parent Node; where the Parent has no children, the created Node becomes its first child.} \paragraph{ CreateLeftNode} Creates a Node as the Left sibling of the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_CreateLeftNode( object, name, datum, sibling_node ) struct tree *object char *name long | datum NULL | NULL struct tree_node *sibling_node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentSibling}} \italic{Node \sans{InsufficientSpace}, \bold{Discussion}\block{ The Sibling Node is created as the immediate left-sibling of the given Node.} \paragraph{ CreateRightNode} Creates a Node as the Right sibling of the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_CreateRightNode( object, name, datum, sibling_node ) struct treee char long *object *name | datum NULL | NULL struct tree_node *sibling_node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentSibling}} \sans{InsufficientSpace}, \italic{Node \bold{Discussion}\block{ The sibling Node is created as the immediate right-sibling of the given Node.} \paragraph{ Node Dataobject Attributes} Node attributes may be set either at compile-time, through the static declaration of the Specification vector passed as an optional argument to the \sans{Create} facility, or dynamically through the \sans{SetNodeAttribute} facility. In most instances, the static fashion suffices. \paragraph{ SetNodeAttribute} Sets the specifed attribute of the given Node to the given value. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_SetNodeAttribute( object, node, attribute_value) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node tree_Specification }} \bold{Returns}\block{ attribute_value \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Node Specifications} can be set either statically or dynamically. Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the Root Node is implied. Where the given\sans{ attribute value} is \sans{NULL}, that Node attribute is set to Null. The syntax for this facility is that employed in the static declaration of attributes, for example -Example: \sans{tree_SetNodeAttribute( object, node, tree_NodeName( "Packing Dept" ) )} } \paragraph{ NodeAttribute} Yields the value of the given attribute for the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NodeAttribute( object, node, attribute) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node tree_Specification }} \bold{Returns}\block{ attribute \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Value.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Node Specifications} can be queried. The syntax of this facility is similar to that of the SetNodeAttribute facility, but differs in that the parenthesized argument is 0 (Null). Example: \sans{tree_NodeAttribute( object, tree_Name(0) )} \sans{tree_NodeAttribute( object, tree_NodeName(0) )} } \paragraph{ Node Dataobject Destruction} \paragraph{ DestroyNode} The given Node, and all its children, is destroyed. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_DestroyNode( object, node ) struct tree struct tree_node *object *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{Result-code}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None.} \paragraph{ DestroyNodeChildren} The children of the given Node, and all its children, are destroyed. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_DestroyNodeChildren( object, node ) struct tree *object struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{Result-code}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None.} \paragraph{ Node Dataobject Identification} Identifiers of individual Nodes may be obtained through facilities that walk the Tree to locate a Node that matches a given value. These facilities need only be employed in those instances where particular Nodes are to be located -- in most instances, such as within \sans{HitHandler}s, you will find that the identifier of the Node passed to such procedures suffices. Some of the identification facilities (eg, \sans{NodesOfName}) returns a pointer to a null-terminated vector of Node identifiers; others return a Node identifier. Note that where a vector is returned, it is automatically freed the next time a vectored list is requested. The walk may be limited to a given sub-Tree through specification of a starting-Node identifier; where this argument is Null, the walk begins at the Root Node and covers the entire Tree. \paragraph{ NodeOfName} Yields Identifier of the first Node whose Symbolic Name matches the given name. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NodeOfName( object, name, node ) struct tree *object char *name struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier.}} \sans{struct tree_node * \bold{Exceptions}\block{ } \italic{Node None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where no Node name matches the given name, the value Null is returned. Where the Null symbolic Name is given, the first Node whose symbolic Name is Null is returned.} \paragraph{ NodesOfName} Yields Identifier(s) of the Node(s) whose symbolic Name matches the given name. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NodesOfName( object, name, node ) struct tree *object char *name struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier \sans{struct tree_node **} \italic{ Node vector.}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where no Node name matches the given name, the value Null is returned. Where the Null symbolic Name is given, Nodes whose symbolic Names are Null are returned.} \paragraph{ NodeOfDatum} Yields Identifier of the first Node whose Datum-field matches the given datum. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NodeOfDatum( object, datum, node ) struct tree long *object datum struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier.}} \sans{struct tree_node * \bold{Exceptions}\block{ } \italic{Node None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where no Node Datum attribute matches the given datum, the value Null is returned. Where the Null datum-value is given, the first Node whose Datum is Null is returned.} \paragraph{ NodesOfDatum} Yields Identifier(s) of the Node(s) whose Datum matches the given datum. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_NodesOfDatum( object, datum, node ) struct tree long *object datum struct tree_node *node}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier vector.}} \sans{struct tree_node **} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{ Node None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where no Node Datum matches the given datum, the value Null is returned. Where the Null datum-value is given, Nodes whose Datum are Null are returned.} \subsection{2.1.4 Dataobject Exception Handling} All Tree facilities return either a \italic{result-code}, indicating the success or failure of an operation, or a \italic{function value} such as an Node identifier, a scalar, or a pointer. In the former case, you may test the result-code for success or failure; in the latter, the Null value is returned for exceptional conditions. When an exception is raised, you can use the Exception facilities to determine its nature. You may elect to rely upon the default responses to run-time exceptions or you may specify a procedure to be invoked whenever such conditions are detected. \paragraph{ SetExceptionHandler} Sets the given procedure as the ExceptionHandler. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_SetExceptionHandler( object, procedure ) struct tree *object long(*)() }} \bold{Returns}\block{ procedure | NULL \sans{long} \italic{ Result-code}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the \sans{procedure} is NULL, reverts to default Exception-handling operation. Upon an exception, the \sans{procedure} is invoked with these arguments: \indent{ \sans{anchor} Tree's Anchor attribute \sans{object} Identifier of the Tree object \sans{node} Identifier of present Node \sans{exception } Numeric-code } Where the \sans{node} argument identifies the Node (if any) for which the exception was raised. The \sans{exception} argument is one of the codes described in the chapter \italic{Problem Determination}. } \paragraph{ ExceptionCode} Yields the result-code of the most recent exception. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_ExceptionCode( object ) struct tree *object }} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The \sans{exception_code} is one of the codes described in the chapter \italic{Problem Determination}. } \paragraph{ ExceptionNode} Yields the identifier of the Node that suffered the most recent exceptional condition. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_ExceptionNode( object) struct tree *object }} \bold{Returns}\block{ identifier}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None. \italic{ Node } \paragraph{ SetDebug} Sets Debugging On or Off. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{tree_SetDebug( object, state) struct tree *object boolean state }} \bold{Returns}\block{ }None \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Setting the state \sans{true} (1) initiates tracing of procedure calls and display of selected data. Output is to stdout. } \section{2.2 View Object Facilities} These facilities deal with the Tree View-object. \subsection{2.2.1 View Object Instantiation} Tree View-objects are instantiated through either the \sans{Create} or the \sans{New} facility. Where the \sans{Create} facility is employed, you can override the default object attributes. \paragraph{ Create} Creates a View-object of the class \sans{treev}. Parses the optional Specification to establish initial attributes; reserves the requesting object's Identifier (for subsequent call-backs). \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_Create( specification, anchor ) struct treev_Specification *specification struct basicobject *anchor \bold{Returns}\block{ object Identifier}} | | NULL NULL}} \sans{struct treev *} \italic{Tree View- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{InsufficientSpace, AttributeConflict}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None.} \subsection{2.2.2 Tree View Facilities} \paragraph{ Tree View Attributes} \paragraph{ CurrentNode} Yields Identifier of the current Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_CurrentNode( object ) struct tree *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ Identifier.}} \sans{struct tree_node * } \italic{Node \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Null value is returned..} Where no Node is currently selected, the \paragraph{ ChangeTreeAttribute} Sets the specifed attribute of the Tree to the given value and immediately displays the results. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_ChangeTreeAttribute( object, attribute_value) struct tree *object treev_Specification }} \bold{Returns}\block{ attribute_value \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Tree Specifications} can be set either statically or dynamically. Where the given\sans{ attribute value} is \sans{NULL}, that Tree attribute is set to Null. The syntax for this facility is that employed in the static declaration of attributes, for example -Example: \sans{treev_ChangeTreeAttribute( object, tree_Arrangement( treev_Horizontal ) )} } \paragraph{ Tree View Manipulation} \paragraph{ HighlightTitle} Highlights the Tree View Title, in the TitleHighlightStyle specified. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_HighlightTitle( object ) struct treev *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentTitle}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None.} \paragraph{ TitleHighlighted} Yields \sans{true} if the Tree View Title is highlighted, otherwise \sans{false}. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_TitleHighlighted( object ) struct treev *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None} \bold{Discussion}\block{ is returned.} Where the Title does not exist, \sans{false} \paragraph{ NormalizeTitle} Normalizes the Tree View Title. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_NormalizeTitle( object ) struct treev *object}} \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentTitle}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None.} \subsection{2.2.3 Node View Facilities} \paragraph{ Node View Attributes} \paragraph{ ChangeNodeAttribute} Sets the specifed attribute of the given Node to the given value and immediately displays the results. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_ChangeNodeAttribute( object, node, attribute_value) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node treev_Specification }} \bold{Returns}\block{ attribute_value \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code.}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Each of the attributes listed in the section \italic{Node Specifications} can be set either statically or dynamically. Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the Root Node is implied. Where the given\sans{ attribute value} is \sans{NULL}, that Node attribute is set to Null. The syntax for this facility is that employed in the static declaration of attributes, for example -- Example: \sans{treev_ChangeNodeAttribute( object, node, tree_NodeName( "Packing Dept" ) )} } \paragraph{ Node View Display} Individual Nodes as well as their children can be exposed and hidden. \paragraph{ HideNode} Hides the given Node and its children. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_HideNode( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} | NULL}} \italic{Result-code.}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Root Node is implied.} Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the \paragraph{ NodeExposed} Yields \sans{true} if the given node is exposed, otherwise \sans{false}. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_NodeExposed( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node | NULL}} \bold{Returns}\block{\sans{ boolean} code.}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{Result- \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Root Node is implied.} \paragraph{ Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the ExposeNode} Exposes the given Node and its immediate children. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_ExposeNode( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} | NULL}} \italic{Result-code.}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Root Node is implied.} Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the \paragraph{ HideNodeChildren} Hides the given Node's immediate children, and their children. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_HideNodeChildren( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Result-code.}} \sans{NonExistentNode, UnexposedNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the Root Node is implied. The given Node must itself be exposed, otherwise the operation is null.} \paragraph{ NodeChildrenExposed} Yields \sans{true} if the given node's children are exposed, otherwise \sans{false}. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_NodeChildrenExposed( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} | NULL}} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Root Node is implied.} Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the \paragraph{ ExposeNodeChildren} Exposes the given Node's immediate children. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_ExposeNodeChildren( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Result-code.}} \sans{NonExistentNode, UnexposedNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the Root Node is implied. The given Node must itself be exposed, otherwise the operation is null.} \paragraph{ ExplodeNode} Exposes the given Node and all its children and their children, etc. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_ExplodeNode( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} | NULL}} \italic{Result-code.}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Root Node is implied.} Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the \paragraph{ ImplodeNode} Hides the given Node's children and their children, etc. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_ImplodeNode( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} | NULL}} \italic{Result-code.}} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Root Node is implied.} Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the \paragraph{ Node View Selection} Nodes are selected by the User through mouse-hits within their borders. In general, control is passed for all mouse-actions; see the \italic{Concepts} discussion regarding HitHandlers. \paragraph{ HighlightNode} Highlights the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_HighlightNode( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ | NULL}} \italic{Result- \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the Root Node is implied. Any other highlighted Node is normalized.} \paragraph{ NodeHighlighted} Yields \sans{true} if the given node is highlighted, otherwise \sans{false}. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_NodeHighlighted( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} | NULL}} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Root Node is implied.} Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the \paragraph{ NormalizeNode} Normalizes the given Node. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_NormalizeNode( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} | NULL}} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Root Node is implied.} Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the \paragraph{ HighlightNodeTitle} Highlights the given Node's title. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_HighlightNodeTitle( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} | NULL}} \sans{boolean} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \italic{Result- \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the Root Node is implied. Any other highlighted Node is normalized.} \paragraph{ NodeTitleHighlighted} Yields \sans{true} if the given Node's title is highlighted, otherwise \sans{false}. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_NodeTitleHighlighted( object, node ) struct treev *object struct tree_node *node | NULL}} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{ boolean} code.}} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Root Node is implied.} Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the \paragraph{ NormalizeNodeTitle} Normalizes the given Node's title. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_NormalizeNodeTitle( object, node ) struct treev * object struct tree_node * node \bold{Returns}\block{ code.}} \sans{boolean} | NULL}} \italic{Result- \bold{Exceptions}\block{ \sans{NonExistentNode}} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Root Node is implied.} Where the given \sans{node} is Null, the \subsection{2.2.4 View Exception Handling} All Tree facilities return either a \italic{result-code}, indicating the success or failure of an operation, or a \italic{function value} such as an Node identifier, a scalar, or a pointer. In the former case, you may test the result-code for success or failure; in the latter, the Null value is returned for exceptional conditions. When an exception is raised, you can use the Exception facilities to determine its nature. You may elect to rely upon the default responses to run-time exceptions or you may specify a procedure to be invoked whenever such conditions are detected. \paragraph{ SetExceptionHandler} Sets the given procedure as the ExceptionHandler. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_SetExceptionHandler( object, procedure ) struct treev long(*)() }} \bold{Returns}\block{ *object procedure | NULL \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Where the \sans{procedure} is NULL, reverts to default Exception-handling operation. Upon an exception, the \sans{procedure} is invoked with these arguments: \sans{\leftindent{anchor}}\leftindent{ \sans{object} \sans{node} }\sans{\leftindent{exception_code}} Where the \sans{node} argument identifies the Node (if any) for which the exception was raised. The \sans{exception_code} argument is one of the codes described in the chapter \italic{Problem Determination}. } \paragraph{ ExceptionCode} Yields the result-code of the most recent exception. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_ExceptionCode( object,) struct treev *object }} \bold{Returns}\block{ \sans{long} \italic{ \bold{Exceptions}\block{ Result-code}} None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ The \sans{exception_code} is one of the codes described in the chapter \italic{Problem Determination}. } \paragraph{ ExceptionNode} Yields the identifier of the Node that suffered the most recent exceptional condition. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_ExceptionNode( object) struct treev *object }} \bold{Returns}\block{ identifier}} \sans{struct tree_node *} \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ None. } \paragraph{ SetDebug} \italic{ Node Sets Debugging On or Off. \bold{Synopsis}\block{ \sans{treev_SetDebug( object, state) struct treev *object boolean }} \bold{Returns}\block{ state }None \bold{Exceptions}\block{ None.} \bold{Discussion}\block{ Setting the state \sans{true} (1) initiates tracing of procedure calls and display of selected data. Output is to stdout. } \begindata{bp,538271432} \enddata{bp,538271432} \view{bpv,538271432,1350,0,0} \chapter{3 Sample Programs} Rather diverse displays can be developed for Trees. A potpourri to stimulate the imagination: \center{ ********************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********************************* } See \italic{Sample Programs}, following. \begindata{bp,538929032} \enddata{bp,538929032} \view{bpv,538929032,1351,0,0} \begindata{bp,538929736} \enddata{bp,538929736} \view{bpv,538929736,1352,0,0} \chapter{4 Problem Determination} Compile-time problems are usually merely syntactic difficulties, and these would most likely occur in the declaration of a Specification structure vector. That structure is built up through macros, which expect single arguments. In particular, be sure to use Null as the last item in the vector. Run-time problems can occur at several points: \indent{When creating the Tree or treev object; When setting Tree or Node Attributes; Within HitHandlers.} All Tree facilities return either an identifier, a scalar, or a Resultcode. Where a Result-code is returned, it should assist you in tracking down the difficulty. Where an identifier or other value is returned, you can still access a exception-code that should aid in problem determination. Such a code, as well as other information, is available through the \sans{Exception} facilities; see the section \italic{Exception Handling}. There is also a built-in tracing feature, used primarily for development. You can turn it on and off via the \sans{SetDebug} facility. \bold{Exception Codes} \sans{NonExistentNode} \sans{InsufficientSpace} \sans{AttributeConflict} xxx \begindata{bp,537558784} \enddata{bp,537558784} \view{bpv,537558784,1354,0,0} Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University and IBM. All rights reserved. \smaller{\smaller{$Disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of IBM not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $ }}\enddata{text,538476484}