SNS Timing System EPICS Workshop April 28, 2005 Coles Sibley Dave Thompson SNS Global Controls SNS Integrated Control System Design Decisions MPS and Timing systems are tightly integrated. Timing systems should “RESPECT” machine protection system beam power and pulse width limits to not “challenge” MPS system. Timing system will run at 60 Hz. (but don’t preclude the possibility of 120 Hz). Super cycle will be 10 seconds (600 cycles, 0.1 Hz rep-rate resolution). As much as possible should be done in hardware. As little as possible should be relegated to the client IOCs. Synchronous with Ring RF, not linac RF System hardware design from RHIC SNS Integrated Control System Machine / Beam Mode Definitions Machine mode selected by Key switch in control room, Beam Mode selected by Key or software. Switches read by MPS PLC system and distributed through timing system. Machine Mode defines where the beam goes – – – – – – – MEBT Beam Stop CCL Beam Stop Linac Dump Injection Dump Ring Extraction Dump Target SNS Integrated Control System Beam Mode defines allowable beam charge or power – – – – – Pilot pulse (10 usec) Diagnostics pulse (50 usec) Tuning pulse (100 usec) Full Pulse Width (1 msec) Full Power (Depends on Dump) Timing System Components RTDL Master Timing IOC Event Link Experimental Halls 10 MHz Crystal Osc. SNS Real Time Data Link Master Timing Slave (V124S) *32 PLL (33 MHz) SNS Event Link Master Machine Protection System SNS Time Stamps Beam data RF Gates Extraction Kickers TxHV Gates High resolution timestamps Machine Modes Ring RF AC Line ICS IOC's Timing Reference Generator SNS Utility Module LEBT Chopper Neutron Choppers Timing System Hardware Diagnostics Subsystem Hardware Timing System Users Experimental Systems SNS Integrated Control System SNS Timestamps Remote Reset Synchronous ISR’s *4 PLL (64 MHz) Beam Delay Beam Phase Micro pulse width Macro pulse width SNS Time stamps Delays Gates Triggers Timeline (from the timing system point of view) Time Critical Events, (soft events disabled) Informational Events, non critical timing RTDL parameter transmission (for next cycle) Real-Time Data Link (RTDL) Beam On Cycle Start System xxx Trigger Events Extract MPS Inhibit MPS Fault RF & High Voltage Events End Injection RTDL Transmit Extraction Kicker Charge Snapshot, 1Hz, 6Hz, etc… (Alternate) Cycle Start RTDL Valid Event Link Beam On Range Beam On Range Allowed Range for Variable Triggers Anytime Anytime Machine Line-Synch Reference Clock +60 Hz Zero MPS Post Mortem beam accumulation -60 Hz Zero Crossing Crossing 0 1 ms 2 ms SNS Integrated Control System 3 ms 4 ms 5 ms 6 ms 7 ms 8 ms RTDL Sequencer Runs at 60 Hz. Driven by the “RTDL Valid” Event interrupt. Loads the RTDL frames for the next cycle (the cycle after the upcoming “Cycle Start” event, including: – – – – – – Time of next Cycle Start (From GPS + ~162/3 msec) for time stamps Ring revolution frequency (from counter module) Line crossing phase error (from timing reference generator) Beam flavor parameters (Beam profile) Machine and Beam Mode (MPS Mode Masking) Last frame is 24-bit CRC on all RTDL data. Writes correction term (based on measured event-link clock speed) to timing reference generator. SNS Integrated Control System Event Link Sequencer Runs at 60 Hz, driven by the “RTDL Valid” event. Enables gates for variable rep-rate events that are scheduled to fire on the next machine cycle. Handles the “bookeeping” tasks required for setting new rep-rates. Rep-Rate Pattern Generator Actually, a set of EPICS “genSub” records. Computes the rep-rate “patterns” used by the Event Link Sequencer to schedule which events should occur on each cycle. Can also be used on “Client” IOC’s to do local rep-rates. SNS Integrated Control System Variable Rep-Rates — genSub Record Inputs Outputs A. Desired Rep-Rate (double) A. Actual Rep-Rate (double) B. Constraint Pattern (structure) B. Rep-Rate Pattern (structure) C. V124S Gate Address (card & signal) D. Mode selector • • E. 0 = “Fixed” (ignore pattern) 1 = “Variable” (use pattern) Offset from Constraint Pattern (long) –n: Precede constraint pattern by n pulses +n: Follow constraint pattern by n pulses 0: No offset (pattern must be coincident with constraint pattern) SNS Integrated Control System Note: Constraint pattern can come from another “repRate” genSub record (e.g. for the gate this gate depends on) or from a combination of patterns (computed by another genSub record). Application: Beam Control Hardware interface between MPS and Timing V124S Trigger Control Chassis Event Link Auto Reset Latched } MPS Inputs MPS PLC To Source Cycle Start Beam On To RFQ Source RF Delayed Source RF RFQ From RFQ LLRF Controller SNS Integrated Control System To Chopper Event Link Monitor Monitors event in a supercycle Compare with event link sequence, fault on difference Hardware check against software errors Hardware read back for pattern generators SNS Integrated Control System Application: Ion Source Control Source RF Warm Linac LLRF Beam On End Injection Extract Cycle Start Event Link Growth Source On Growth Delayed Source On RFQ Cycle Start Beam On 0 1 ms 2 ms SNS Integrated Control System 3 ms 4 ms 5 ms 6 ms 7 ms 8 ms Application: Linac RF Control Requirements RF Gates should always end at “End Injection” event. Increasing the gate width decreases the delay (and vice versa). Low-level RF gate should come on about 100 mSec before beam (300 mSec in super-conducting linac). HV power supplies should come on about 100 mSec before Low-Level RF. Variable rep rates replaced with fixed events – 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 60 Hz – Modulator HV Power supplies need an upgrade before 31 Hz or higher permitted Individual RF gate widths adjustable but sets a constraint on maximum beam pulse width SNS Integrated Control System Application: Linac RF Control RF Gate Relationships Source RF Cycle Start Beam On RF & High Voltage Events End Injection Extract Event Link Beam On Source On Warm LLRF Warm HPRF Cold LLRF Cold HPRF 0 1 ms 2 ms SNS Integrated Control System 3 ms 4 ms 5 ms 6 ms 7 ms 8 ms Typical User Defined Beam Flavors Reconfiguration requires beam off, flavor integrated charge and power recomputed, beam scheduled power calculated against machine/beam modes. Flavors used by LLRF and Ring RF for feed forward loops. 1 - Beam Off 2 - 10 usec, (Chopped) (Fast faraday cup) 3 - 50 usec , (Chopped) (All wire scanners, faraday cups) 4 - 100 usec , (Chopped) 5 - Physics , (Unchopped) 6 – Arbitrary 1 msec gates, 50 usec beam 7 - Reserved 8 - Normal, ie. 1060 turns, 50 usec ramp up SNS Integrated Control System LEBT Chopper Pattern Generator 16.67 msec 1 msec Phase delay Ring RF PLL Signal Cycle Start Macro Delay 50 usec Start Width Mini Pulse duty factor 645 nsec Mini Pulse Width 945 nsec Ramp up Time divide by "n" n=2, I = I0/2 75 % 65 % Macro Pulse Width SNS Integrated Control System End Width Ramp down Time Beam Profile Requirements Ring Commissioning – – – – 10 turns, 1 per 100usec (next generation of chopper) Nominal beam to Linac Dump (Beam flavor 1) Single turn (beam flavor 2) Chopped beam to ring (beam flavor 3) SNS Integrated Control System Pattern Generator – CD4 in 2006 Fixed RF rep rates limited to < 30 Hz 1 Hz beam, < 50 usec gate width thru Dec 2005 LEBT Chopper commissioned, Beam gate < 1msec, integrated pulse width < 50usec (LEBT fails with fulll width beam) Beam RR and PW must fall in safe operating envelope (May 2006) SNS Integrated Control System Safe Operating Limits 100 1.4 MW envelope (Target) 10 Beam Rate 200 KW envelope (Injection Dump) Safe Operation 7.5 KW MEBT_BS, CCL_BS LDmp, Ring, EDmp 1 Beam Diagnostics 0.1 0 200 400 600 800 Turns (945 nsec / turn) 1000 1200 Beam Scheduling Post CD4 SNS runs in loss limited mode (<10-4), Scale back in power until loss limits met. All beam on after trip of > 5(?) min, pilot pulse and power ramp up required Target has limits on machine trips, 25(?) fast and 5(?) slow per day. Requirements not defined for bad machine days. Target Requirements – < 100 kW, no restrictions – > 100 kW and beam off < 30 min, no restrictions – > 100 kW and beam off > 30 min, linear ramp in power for 10 min. One diagnostics pulse per super cycle allowed (Monitor injection phase painting) implies pulse to pulse scheduling. Second target station, More pulse to pulse beam mode scheduling required SNS Integrated Control System SNS AC Line is being Characterized using Filter for Neutron Chopper Response Line synch installed in controls lab timing system for distribution to neutron chopper lab. 60.1 Hz Six day line frequency measurement 60.0 Hz Limiting Slew Rate results in wide frequency range 59.9 Hz GPS-based filter with slew rate limit being studied 500usecs Deviation from Grid in usecs Deviation in slew rate in mHz/sec Beam Phase with line delay from 0 to 800 usec in 50 usec increments (2 beam trips) +/- 10deg RFQ Minimal Effect on Beam from 0 to 800usec delay SNS Integrated Control System New Requirements Use SLS and Diamond timing hardware (Timo Korhonen) 3 – D beam bunch shape measurements 12 degree longitudinal length, 402.5 MHz (83 psec) Need ~1 psec stability, 1 to10 psec resolution Use 402.5 or 805 MHz LLRF Reference line as input clock Synchronize Beam-On pulse using SLS Hardware SNS Integrated Control System