December 22, 2010
Gilbert Johnson
WSEU Local 82
Shannon E. Bradbury
UWM Labor Relations Coordinator
WSEU Labor/Management Minutes for December 21, 2010
WSEU Local 82
Gilbert Johnson (AS)
Michael Maass (BC)
Stan Yasaitis (AS)
One AS representative
Four BC representatives
Shannon E. Bradbury
Kurt Hennemann
Colleen Murphy
Andy Nelson
Michael Marzion
The next meeting will be held Tuesday, January 18. Please respond to items from your area
by Friday, January 14.
The meeting began at 9:10 a.m.
“Improving the State of your Career” Training. The union expressed its
appreciation for the “Improving the State of Your Career” training that was
presented on December 15. It was well attended and well received. The
union also thanked the Division of Finance and Administrative Affairs for
providing gifts to individuals who received union awards after the training.
HR Assistant Recruitment in SCE. The union raised concerns about a
current recruitment for a nonrepresented HR Assistant in the School of
Continuing Education. The union is concerned about the erosion of the
represented Administrative Support positions. They also asked how the
School can justify recruiting for an HR Assistant when it already has an HR
Assistant Advanced. UWM has requested that an HR Assistant civil service
exam be administered in February. The union also inquired as to what is
happening with what were formerly Administrative Support duties.
Facilities Services Issues. Language Barrier. The union described the
situation of an employee who did not speak English who was recently called
in before management because of an alleged infraction. An interpreter had
been arranged for, but the union decried the use of interpretation services
only when management wants to communicate with the employee. They are
concerned that ordinary, everyday communications between the employer
and the employee are being missed.
ESL. On a related issue, the union asked if non-English speaking employees
could be provided with English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at
university expense, so that they can communicate with supervisors.
Attendance Disciplines. The parties engaged in a lengthy discussion of the
types of attendance violations, as an employee questioned why she should be
subject to discipline for a legitimate illness. The union inquired as to what
constitutes an “occurrence” of an absence, and suggested that an illness of
several days’ duration be counted as one occurrence. The union also
inquired as to whether the employee has to call in daily and what percentage
of absenteeism is considered excessive.
University Police Department. Police Chief Michael Marzion attended the
meeting to address general security issues. The parties discussed the ongoing
problem of homeless people living and pan handling in the Student Union
and Mitchell Hall. Chief Marzion described the “banning” process but feels
it is an imperfect way to handle determined repeat offenders. The Union
suggested that the Student Union and University Housing might benefit
from security assessments.
The union also inquired as to the limits and regulations surrounding lawful
protest. Chief Marzion explained that lawful protests can’t disrupt business
or do damage to people or property. The union requested a copy of the
applicable policies on protests in University buildings,, and protests
outside University Buildings, Wisconsin Administrative Code UWS 18.
A. Health & Safety
1. Completed or Ongoing Projects
Curtin B85
EMS E356
Holton G49
Mellencamp B12
2. Pending Projects
Union WG43, WG47
Columbia WALMS inspection
A detailed list is available at:
3. Kenilworth Flood. Associate Director of University Safety and Assurances
(US&A) Colleen Murphy reported that a recent flood in the Kenilworth
Square Building was caused by an art installation that blocked air flow. Paul
Davis Restorations had to be called because some woodwork was damaged.
3. Safety Representative Program. Ms. Murphy also reported that she is still
working to initiate a “safety representative” structure on campus after the
first of the year.
B. Snow Day Settlement. Following up on an item from last month, the
employer provided a list of the names of the recipients of the Snow Day
settlement. There are still numerous individuals who did not receive the extra
time in their leave balances, for whom the union will file a grievance to get
them the benefit.
C. Facility Services Issues. Focused Cleaning. Associate Director Andy
Nelson stated that there has been a generally favorable response to Focused
Cleaning practices, although the focus on cleaning public and common areas
means that offices cannot be cleaned or have trash emptied on a frequent basis.
The standard is that public spaces (halls, stairways, bathrooms, lecture halls)
will be up to standards at all times, and that the particular needs of each
building will be examined with the FS management, the custodians and the
respective Building Chairs. An attendee at the meeting said that people in his
department were emptying their own trash, and wanted to know how often
they could expect their offices to be cleaned. Another attendee questioned
why supervisors aren’t helping out more. Mr. Nelson said that FS was
planning feedback meetings on a building by building basis.
The meeting ended at 11:10 a.m.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, December 21 in 122 Engelmann Hall, 9:00
Michael Lovell
Steve Butzlaff
Karl Sparks
Mike Reck
Cathy Kroeger
Christy Brown
Katherine Green
Johannes Britz
Amy Otis-Wilborn
Scott Peak
Kathy Clark
Deans/Division HeadsPersonnel Reps