INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL EDUCATION GLOBAL HEALTH TRIP REPORT WORKSHEET [to be reviewed with trip advisor before submitting via GLOBAL HEALTH TRIP REPORT INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS Thank you for completing this Global Health Trip Report about your recent global health experience. The primary purpose of this report is to help future students as they are looking for global health opportunities. All past Global Health Trip Reports are accessible on the UMMS website, via the Lamar Soutter Library eScholarship@UMMS webpage and the UMMS International Medical Education webpage. To complete and submit your Global Health Trip Report First: complete a draft version of the Global Health Trip Report using the IMEP-GHP Trip Report WORKSHEET. Second: the student should send the draft version of the IMEP-GHP Trip Report WORKSHEET to their UMMS Elective Advisor for review. Remind the Elective Advisor that the final version will be posted on the Lamar Soutter Library eScholarship@UMMS webpage and or the UMMS International Medical Education webpage. Third: When suggested edits have been incorporated, the student submits the final version of the Global Health Trip Report via the online submission form on the UMMS International Medical Education website ( THE REPORT… DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Your name: _________________________ Date of submission: ___________________ Year in Medical School: (select one of the options below) o Summer between FOM1 & FOM2 o 2nd year (FOM2) o 3rd year (CCE) o 4th year (AS) o 5th year Expected Year of Graduation: ___________ Name of your UMMS Elective Advisor: o First name o Last name o Email address UMMS Elective Advisor's Home Department o Anesthesiology o Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology o Cancer Biology o Cell Biology o Emergency Medicine o Family Medicine & Community Health o Medicine o Microbiology & Physiology Systems Page 1 of 4 7.24.2015 cjb INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL EDUCATION GLOBAL HEALTH TRIP REPORT WORKSHEET [to be reviewed with trip advisor before submitting via o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Neurology Neurobiology Obstetrics & Gynecology Orthopedics & Physical Rehabilitation Ophthalmology Otolaryngology Pathology Pediatrics Program in Molecular Medicine Psychiatry Quantitative Health Sciences Radiology Radiation Oncology Surgery TRAVEL INFORMATION Country to which you travelled: (select one of the options below) o Argentina o Bolivia o Cameroon o China o Costa Rica o Dominican Republic o Ecuador o Guatemala o Haiti o Hungary o Ireland o India o Kenya o Nicaragua o People’s Republic of China o Uganda o United Kingdom o Other – please specify Other countries visited for education or service ____________ Region to which you travelled: (select one of the options below) o Africa o Asia o Australia | Oceania o Central America | Caribbean o Europe o North America o South America o Middle East o Other - please specify SITE INFORMATION Host Institution Name: _____________ Month and year of travel: _____________ Site Description (rural, clinic, university hospital): _____________ Placement Arrangement: o List the person(s) and or organization(s) you contacted to set up this global health experience: __________ Page 2 of 4 7.24.2015 cjb INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL EDUCATION GLOBAL HEALTH TRIP REPORT WORKSHEET [to be reviewed with trip advisor before submitting via o o Contact Phone: _____________ Contact email: _____________ EXPERIENCE INFORMATION Primary focus of the global experience (select one of the options below o Language | cultural immersion o Public health | community service o Research o Clinical If you selected clinical, in which clinical field(s) did you gain experience during this experience? (select all that apply) o Cardiology o Dermatology o Emergency Medicine o Family Medicine o Geriatrics o Hematology | Oncology o Hospice Care | Palliative Care o Infectious Diseases o Internal Medicine o Nephrology o Neurology o Ophthalmology o Orthopedics o Pathology o Pediatrics o Psychiatry o Radiology o Rheumatology o Surgery o Urology o other (please specify) Describe any necessary prerequisite, (eg, language or clinical proficiencies): ________ Host Institution Supervisor: o Name, title, position: _____________ o Phone, email: _____________ TRIP EXPENSES | APPROXIMATE COST OF TRIP | OVERALL RATING Give a breakdown of the estimated costs of the different parts of your travel (eg, $1000 for airfare, $200 for housing in a university dorm room, $300 for food, $200 for in-country travel related to study / work / research): _____________________ Provide the total of the different costs that you described in the previous questions. Do not include any costs for recreation or entertainment: ______________ List any sources of funding (and approximate amounts) that you received for this global health experience (eg, $1000 from the Godkin Fellowship): _______________ Rate the Educational Value of this global health experience: (select one) o excellent o good o poor Comments regarding the educational value of this global health experience: ____________ Page 3 of 4 7.24.2015 cjb INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL EDUCATION GLOBAL HEALTH TRIP REPORT WORKSHEET [to be reviewed with trip advisor before submitting via HEALTH MEASURES | SITE & LIVING CONDITIONS | PACKING & PREPARATION Describe any necessary health measures prior to, during, and after the experience (EG, visitors entering this country are required to carry vaccination history, student should consider PPD skin test 1-3 months after returning from this country). ________________ Describe any tips regarding packing and preparation that might be helpful for future students who travel to the same global health experience. ________________ Describe any positives and negatives about the location and Host Institution ________________ Describe any positive and negatives about the living conditions where you did this experience ________________ Any other advice to students and residents________________ SUMMARY | REFLECTION SUMMARY: Write a brief paragraph summarizing the degree to which your global health experience met your learning objectives and contributed to your medical education and career aspirations. REFLECTION ON THE EXPERIENCE: Write one or two brief paragraphs describing what you learned about the country and culture that you visited. Topics discussed may include: lifestyle and living conditions, migration of immigrants to the US, religious and cultural beliefs and practices, health beliefs or practices, diseases or health conditions, health care systems, immigrants from this country who now are living in the US. REFLECTION ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE IMPACT ON YOU: Write one or two paragraphs on any combination of the following topics o What you learned about yourself or your own country | culture o The impact that the experience had on you o What you learned from this experience Page 4 of 4 7.24.2015 cjb