UWM Curricular Area Approval Form This form is to be used for modification of curricular codes - the three-digit prefixes to UWM course numbers. Each requested modification - new, changed, or terminated curricular area code - is to originate with departmental or committee action and be routed to the appropriate dean. The dean, in turn, requests approval from the Academic Program and Curricular Committee. Approved modifications will be filed by this committee with the Secretary of the University and appropriate deans and the Vice Chancellor's Office. Department: Earth&Freshwater Sci Prog Date: April 6, 2005 Type of Change: New Change Termination Effective Semester/Year Requested: Spring, 2005 Old Curricular Area Old Curricular Area/Title: n/a Old Curricular Area Abbreviation: n/a New Curricular Area New Curricular Area Title: Earth and Freshwater Sciences UDDS Code: 6400 New Curricular Area Abbreviation: EFS For new codes, description of curricular area and relationship to academic programs: The new code will be for the Earth and Freshwater Sciences. It will include courses of an interdisciplinary nature that examine issues related to geology, hydrodynamics, climate, land, wetlands, streams, biota, and other topics. EFS will be an administrative area (program) independent of, but working in cooperation with, existing departments and programs. Reason for change: The suspended Geoscience Ph.D. program is being reinstated with a number of changes, one of which involves creating three areas of emphasis: geology, hydrology, and bioaquatic systems. All emphases will continue to include courses in the Geological Sciences curricular area, but a set of over-arching, interdisciplinary courses are needed for the courses in the Ph.D. program that students in all emphases take. The new code will provide an appropriate home for those courses. Other departments and curricular areas that may be affected: The program plans to jointlyoffer courses with the Departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Civil Engineering, Geography, Geosciences, and Mathematical Sciences (including atmospheric sciences). Course work from all of these units is included in the EFS Ph.D. areas of emphasis. Approvals: ___Kent Redding_____________________________April 19, 2005 Chair, L&S Course and Curriculum Committee Date _________________________________________________________________ Chair, Academic Program and Curriculum Committee Date _________________________________________________________________ Dean, College of Letters and Science Date Comments: Courses in this curricular area will be taught in Fall, 2006 for the first time. An effective date of Spring, 2005 is requested, however, so that the courses can be developed and put "on the books" during the 2005-2006 academic year.