Implementation of criminal background check policy In the Division of Academic Affairs DV 01/20/2009 Board of Regents issued a policy (20-19) that requires that each campus conduct a criminal background check on all new employees. The UWM criminal background check 9CBC) policy S14.5 is based on the Regent policy and may be found at In a nutshell, the CBC includes information from the following: (1) social security number trace, (2) Criminal Felony/Misdemeanor convictions and/or pending charges by county of residence, and (3) Sex Offender Registry. The process is initiated with the submission of a disclosure and a consent form completed by an applicant. The UWM Police Department will conduct the CBC and report the results to a designated individual. If the CBC report contains information that might lead to a negative hiring decision, the designated individual will consult with a review group ad make an appropriate recommendation to the Provost. The individual designated will to receive and act on a CBC report in the Division of Academic Affairs, is identified by the type of position (faculty, academic staff, classified staff, temporary employees, graduate assistants and student workers) in the sections below. Please refer to the policy at the URL provided above the further details about the process. Information disclosed by the applicant and obtained in the criminal background hek process are to be treated with utmost confidentiality. Strict adherence to policy provisions on how to handle CBC information is expected of all personnel involved in this process. Timing of Criminal Background Checks: The CBC must be completed prior to making an offer of employment to an individual. Only in truly exceptional cases may an offer be processed prior to the CBC and in those cases only with the approval of the Provost’s designee for the type of position. See procedural steps for the type of position (faculty, academic staff, classified staff, student employees, etc.) given below to identify the designee for that type of position. The following language must be included in the letter of offer in such cases: “This offer of employment is conditional pending the results of a criminal background check. If the results are unacceptable, the offer will be withdrawn or, if you have started employment, your employment will be terminated.” Positions requiring CBC: All new hires (faculty, academic staff, classified, student employees) are subject to criminal background checks subject to exceptions explicitly given below. All non-paid individuals (such as volunteers and interns) are subject to criminal background checks if any provision of Section 2.3 of the UWM CBC applies to their assignments. Exceptions: The following categories of hires are not required to have CBC subject to Section 2.2.e of UWM CB policy which states, “No position, even if it is staffed with temporary/short term employees, student employees, interns or unpaid volunteers, shall be exempt from the criminal background heck policy if the employee in the position will have access to personnel and student records, or if the law requires a background heck for the position.” It is the responsibility of the Dean/Director of the hiring unit to assure compliance. In determining whether an individual is exempt from CBC, the Dean/Director must be consider the following: Does the individual have access to personnel and student records (SSN, student ID number, address, back account number, academic, etc.) even if they are just copying, filing, and/or otherwise handling such records? Does the individual handle institutional money, or checks made to the institution? Does the individual have access to hazardous materials or agents? Is the individual have any responsibility to work with minors or in caregiver situations? If the answer to any of the questions above is affirmative, then a CBC should be done regardless of the nature and type of appointment. Given the above, individuals hired into the following positions may be exempt from CBC: Research Assistants and Fellows (Note: if an individual in these positions is subsequently hired into positions requiring CBC for new hires such as teaching assistant, the hiring unit must conduct the CBC at that time). Student employees Academic staff employees in training (Research Associates, Research Interns, Post Docs, etc.) Short term (one month or less) ad hoc lump sum appointments Panther Band musicians Guest artists Entertainers Public speakers Workshop facilitators and trainers (internal and external) Process steps for faculty hires: 1. The personnel representative (PREP) completes the top portion of the disclosure form fully and accurately. The designated individual to receive the CBC reports on applicants for faculty positions for all schools and colleges is Associate Vice Chancellor Dev Venugopalan (AVC). (Contact information: Chapman Hall 240, 2295161, 2. The PREP provides a copy of the disclosure and consent form, and an envelope to the applicant during the campus interview visit. 3. The PREP reminds the applicant to print information legibly, complete all sections of the form, and sign/date the form. 4. The PREP receives the complete form from the applicant in a sealed envelope marked with the applicant’s name and the position applied for. The PREP or anyone else from the school/college does not review the information disclosed by the applicant. 5. When a decision is reached to make an offer of an applicant, the PREP forwards the envelope with the chosen applicant’s form to UWM Police Department (PD) to initiate the CBC. 6. PD forwards the following documents to the Provost’s designee (AVC): the CBC report and the applicant’s disclosure and consent form. 7. For null reports, the AVC informs the Dean and PREP that the officer can be processed. 8. For reports with records, AVC will apply a “substantial relationship” test. If there is clearly no reason to contemplate a negative decision, AVC informs the Dean and PREP that the offer can be processed. 9. If there is any question on the substantial relationship or if a negative decision is contemplated, AVC will prepare a communication to the review group for faculty positions outlining the nature of offense/conviction and seek the input of the review group before arriving at a decision. See section 5.2 of the UWM CBC policy for details. 10. If a negative decision is contemplated, the AVC will provide a copy of the report to the applicant and give the applicant the opportunity to challenge the findings and successfully resolve the issues per Section 6.1 of the policy. See Attachment 2 for a template of the letter to the applicant. The AVC will notify the Dean/PREP of the status. 11. If the position is not offered to the applicant on the basis of the CBC report, the AVC will notify the Dean/PREP. The school/college/department may then reexamine the remaining pool of applicants for consideration. 12. The AVC will forward all records related to CBC to the Director of Human Resources for record keeping per section 7 of the policy. Potential snags for faculty and how to deal with them: If the information provided by the applicant is inconsistent with the information the PD receives in the social security trace, the PD will contact the applicant with a letter (Attachment 1), preferably by email, with a copy to the AVC. The AVC will verify the applicant’s contact information with the PREP. If the issue is not resolved within the state period in the letter, the PD will provide this information to AVC. The AVC will inform the Dean and PREP that the applicant can no longer be considered for the position. If the contact information or social security number disclosed by the applicant is illegible, the PD will contact the PREP to obtain contact information (address, email and telephone) on record with the school/college before proceeding with the CB. If there is missing information in the portion of the form that the PREP should complete, the PD will notify the PREP who should immediately respond with the requested information. If adequate care is not taken to provide all requested information, this could result in delay in processing the offer to the applicant. Do it right the first time! Process steps for academic staff hires: 1. The PREP completes the top portion of the disclosure form fully and accurately. The designated individual to receive the CBC reports on applicants for academic staff positions for all schools and colleges is Administrative Officer Bridgett Kemp (AO). (Contact information: Chapman Hall 256, 229-4896, 2. The PREP provides a copy of the disclosure and consent form, and an envelope to the applicant during the campus interview visit. 3. The PREP reminds the applicant to print information legibly, complete all sections of the form, and sign/date the form. 4. The PREP receives the completed form from the applicant in a sealed envelope marked with the applicant’s name and the position applied for. The PREP or anyone else from the school/college does not review the information disclosed by the applicant. 5. When a decision is reached to make an offer to an applicant, PREP forwards the envelope with the chosen applicant’s form to UWM Police Department (PD) to initiate the CBC. 6. The PD forwards the following documents to Provost’s designee for academic staff CBC (AO): the CBC report and the applicant’s disclosure and consent form. 7. For null reports, the AO informs the Dean/Director and PREP that the offer can be processed. 8. For reports with records, AO will apply a “substantial relationship” test. If there is clearly no reason to contemplate a negative decision, AO informs the Dean/Director and PREP that the offer can be processed. 9. If there is any question on the substantial relationship or if a negative decision is contemplated, the AO will prepare a communication to the review group for academic staff positions outlining the nature of offense/conviction and see the input of the review group before arriving at a decision. See section 5.2 of the UWM CBC policy for details. 10. If a negative decision is contemplated, the AO will provide a copy of the report to the applicant and give the applicant the opportunity to challenge the findings and successfully resolve the issues per Section 6.1 of the policy. See Attachment 2 for a template of the letter to the applicant. The AO will notify the Dean/Director/PREP of the status. 11. If the position is not offered to the applicant on the basis of the CBC report, the AO will notify the Dean/PREP. The school/college/department may then reexamine the remaining pool of applicants for consideration. 12. The AO will forward all records related to the CBC to the Director of Human Resources for record keeping per Section 7 of the policy. Potential snags for academic staff and how to deal with them: If the information provided by the applicant is inconsistent with the information the PD receives in the social security trace, the PD will contact the applicant with a letter (see Attachment 1) preferably via email with a copy to the AO. The AO will verify the applicant’s contact information with the PREP. If the issue is not resolved within the stated period in the letter, the PD will provide this information to the AO. The AO will inform the Dean and PREP that the applicant can be longer be considered for the position. If the contact information or social security number disclosed by the applicant is illegible, the PD will contact the PREP to obtain contact information (address, email and telephone) on record with the school/college before proceeding with the CBC. If there is missing information in the portion of the form that the PREP should complete, PD will notify the PREP who should immediately respond with the requested information. If adequate care is not taken to provide all requested information, this could result in delay in processing the offer to the applicant. Do it right the first time! Process steps for classified staff, permanent and project (more than six months) hires: 1. The PREP completes the top portion of the disclosure form fully and accurately. The designated individual to receive CBC reports on applicants for classified staff positions for all schools and colleges is the AO (Contact Information: Chapman Hall 256, 229-4896, 2. The PREP provies a copy of the isclosure and consent form and an envelope to the applicant during the campus interview visit. 3. The PREP reminds the applicant to print information legibly, complete all sections of the form, and sign and date the form. 4. The PREP receives the completed form from the applicant in a sealed envelope marked with the applicant’s name and the position applied for. The PREP or anyone else from the school/college does not review the information disclosed by the applicant. 5. When a decision is reached to make an offer to an applicant, PREP forwards the envelope with the chosen applicant’s form to UWM PD to initiate the CBC. 6. The PD forwards the following documents to the Provost’s designee for Classified Staff CBC (the AO): the CBC report and the applicant’s disclosure and consent form. 7. For null reports, the AO informs the Dean/Director and the PREP that the offer can be processed. 8. For reports with records, the AO will apply a “substantial relationship” test. If there is clearly no reason to contemplate a negative decision, the AO informs the Dean/Director and the PREP that the offer can be processed. 9. If there is any question on the substantial relationship or if a negative decision is contemplated, the AO will prepare a communication to the review group outlining the nature of offense/conviction and seek the input of the review group before arriving at a decision. See section 5.2 of the UWM CBC policy for details. 10. If a negative decision is contemplated, the AO will provide a copy of the report to the applicant and give the applicant the opportunity to challenge the findings and successfully resolve the issues per Section 6.1 of the policy. See Attachment 2 for a template of the letter to the applicant. The AO will notify the Dean/Director and the PREP of the status. 11. If the position is not offered to the applicant on the basis of the CBC report, the AO will notify the Dean and PREP. The school/college/department may then reexamine the remaining pool of applicants for consideration. 12. The AO will forward all records related to the CBC to the Director of Human Resources for record keeping per Section 7 of the policy. Potential snags for Confidential employees an how to deal with them: If the information provided by the applicant is inconsistent with the information the PD receives in the social security trace, the PD will contact the applicant with a letter (see Attachment 1) preferably via email with a copy to the AO. The AO will verify the applicant’s contact information with the PREP. If the issue is not resolved within the stated period in the letter, PD will provide this information to the AO. The AO will inform the Dean and PREP that that applicant can no longer be considered for the position. If the contact information or social security number disclosed by the applicant is illegible, the PD will contact the PREP to obtain contact information (address, email, and telephone) on record with the school/college before proceeding with the CBC. If there is missing information in the portion of the form that the PREP should complete, the PD will notify the PREP who should immediately respond with the requested information. If adequate care is not taken to provide all requested information, this could result in delay in processing the offer to the applicant. Process steps for short-term (six months or less) hires, LTEs, graduate assistants and student employees: 1. CBC responsibilities are designated to the Dean/Director of the division. 2. The Dean/Director will develop procedural steps that incorporate the various aspects of conducting CBC, making decisions, and record keeping similar to Academic Affairs Division – wide procedures described above. 3. These procedures with names of responsible individuals must be submitted to the Provost and to the Director of Human Resources. Attachment 1 Social Security Number Discrepancy Template (Send via email to minimize resolution time) (Date) Mr/Mrs/Ms (Name) (Street Address) (City, State, ZIP) Dear (Name): As we recently informed you, the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee performs a criminal background check as part of the employment process. To ensure an accurate criminal background check is conducted, your social security number must be validated. This is to advise you that we could not validate your social security number. When we attempted the validation, there was a discrepancy. We were not able to proceed with consideration of your employment application, based on this discrepancy. If you believe there has been an error in this matter, you have three (3) working days from the date you receive this letter, to notify me. If you wish to challenge the discrepancy, you will have an additional five (5) working days to successfully resolve this issue with the Social Security Administration. You can contact the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213 (toll free). You cannot be considered for a position unless this matter is resolved within the timeline specified. Please contact me at (Phone Number) if you have any questions. Regards, (Name) (Department) Attachment 2 Adverse Action Letter Template (Date) Mr/Ms/Mrs (Name) (Street Address) (City, State, ZIP) Dear (Name): As part of our employment selection process for the position (Position Title), we have conducted a criminal background check. The results of this check are attached. This is to advise you that you are not eligible for this position at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee because of the results from the criminal background check. Pursuant to the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act, employment may be denied if an applicant’s criminal conviction record and/or pending criminal charges are substantially related to the position they have applied. We have determined that there is a substantial relationship between your reported criminal record and the position for which you are being considered. If you believe the results of the background check are not accurate, you have three (3) working days to challenge the findings. A challenge must be in writing, directed to me, stating the nature of any inaccuracy in the record. You will then have an additional five (5) working days to resolve the inaccuracies that may be contained in the criminal record. Please contact me at (Phone Number) if you have any questions. Regards, (Name) Vice Chancellor (or designee) xc: Director of Human Resources