Staff Senate Executive Committee Meeting Minutes March 1, 2002

Staff Senate
Executive Committee Meeting
March 1, 2002
I. Call to Order - Linda Beall called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. In attendance
were: Linda Abresch, Marvin Ames, Linda Beall, Mike Burton, Maggie Cohea, Michael
Elliott, Nancy Isaacs, Mary Luke, Marylane McGlinchey, Ray Pryor, Alan Selser,
Melanie Stefursky, Donna Test, Vaughn White and Estella Young. Absent were: Dave
Gutoskey, Ross Leisten, Judy Lowe, Kevin Mann and Tammy Trivits.
Minutes – Melanie Stefursky
Motion by Linda Abresch, seconded by Mike Burton, that the Minutes of the
February 8 meeting be approved as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
Chair’s Report- Linda Beall
Positive Discipline/Attendance Policy –. Many non exempt
staff did not receive official copies of the policy. Chair will meet with Dr. Zinner.
Discussion as to whether Director of Human Resources should be invited
to attend meetings of the Executive Committee. It was agreed that, as a member of the
staff, Keener is always invited to attend meetings and no formal invitation will be issued.
BOR Staff Awards – Donna Test
Donna reported that nine staff members were nominated and six went forward to
the President for approval.
Staff Picnic – Melanie Stefursky
The date for the Staff Picnic has been set for Thursday, May 23. The committee
welcomes the assistance of all the senators. Currently serving on the picnic
committee are Melanie Stefursky, Donna Test, Marvin Ames, Tammy Trivits,
Mike Elliott and Mike Burton. Proposed plans for the picnic, which will be held
in the Quad from Noon – 3:30 p.m., include picnic food (hamburgers, hot dogs,
assorted salads, watermelon, Pepsi fountain soda, etc.), music, games, and
possibly a staff talent show. Senator were asked to provide names of businesses
which might be willing to donate prizes. Committee is discussing possibility of
making the Bob Meigel roast part of picnic festivities. Next committee meeting is
March 6.
Computer update – Marvin Ames
Investigation by Marvin and Alan continues concerning discarded computers.
Jury of Peers – Ray Pryor
Ray Pryor distributed copies of Annotated Code of Maryland, Budget and
Management section, Peer Review Panels. For second step grievances, other
universities in the USM are using administrators for second step-not a jury of
peers. At SU Brian Polkinghorn serves as second step arbitrator.
Motion by Linda Abresch that the Staff Senate consider an option of “jury of
peers” on the second step of the grievance procedure. The motion was
approved unanimously.
The Senate needs to find out how peers are chosen in agencies that have this
procedure. Chair instructed Ray Pryor to research grievance procedure models from
other USM schools and report at next meeting. A suggestion was made that Executive
Committee consider a subcommittee of the Staff Senate for the jury of peers.
VIII. Standing Committee Reports
Compensation and Benefits – Donna Test
The following are recommendations for consideration related to identifying and
compensating “Essential staff” during periods the University closes for emergency
reasons. Committee representatives have contacted the following institutions in
order to compare policies of other University of Maryland System Schools, which
A. Recommendations
1. Have newly hired staff sign a “letter of understanding” regarding essential
requirements, and place it in their personnel file.
2. Rewrite the staff manual section on “Policy for Emergency Conditions”, and
include the definition of essential staff.
3. Include clarifying scenarios in the policy with mathematical examples.
4. Give all essential employees a hard copy of the updated policy.
B. Extenuating Circumstances Recommendation
Employees whose positions are previously designated as “essential” are required
to perform duties after an emergency condition has been declared. If an essential
employee cannot report to work during emergency conditions due to personal
reasons they will not be paid unless they are on previously approved leave
(annual or personal). If their supervisor does accept the extenuating
circumstance, essential employees must petition for an exemption in writing to
the office of Human Resources within five business days.
C. Essential Employees
In addition to their regular pay, at time and one-half, essential employees shall be
compensated with actual hours worked as well as compensatory hour for hour
time at another date or cash payment equivalent to the Administrative Leave
granted to nonessential employees
Essential Employees Continued
Positions identified as “essential” should be determined and a list of essential
employees will be submitted annually to Human Resources. Essential
employees will be identified by position title or job description and notified in
writing by the director of their respective departments. When department
searches are being conducted for new employees, it should be indicated that the
position is essential at the time it is advertised. While some positions are
considered essential year-round, designation of additional essential employees
will be determined primarily by whether or not students are in residence.
When the University closes for the entire day, essential employees working during their
normal shift will be compensated with a cash payment at time and a half for hours
worked. In addition, essential employees will be compensated with either a cash
payment for essential pay based on their regular pay rate for hours worked or
administrative leave to be taken (hour for hour) at a future time.
University does not open and remains closed for the day due to inclement weather
and/or the University is closed for the entire work-shift.
Non-Essential personnel:
Receive 8 hours administrative leave
Essential Personnel (working during their normal shift):
Receives hourly pay at time and half for hours worked.
Receives essential pay for hours worked.
Receives cash payment or Administrative Leave hours.
Assume $10/hr pay rate, the essential employee’s shift is 7 AM – 3 PM and they worked
their full shift.
Taking Cash Payment:
8 hours at time and a half = $120
Essential pay (8 hours) = $ 80
Taking Administrative Leave Time:
8 hours at time and a half = 8 x $15 = $120
Total Earnings = $120 plus 8 hours of
Total Earnings
= $200
No Administrative Leave
Administrative Leave
A non-essential employee on the same shift would have eight (8) hours of administrative leave
totaling $80 for their eight (8) hour day.
Essential Personnel (working during their normal shift):
Receives hourly pay at time and half for hours worked.
Receives essential pay for hours worked.
Receives cash payment or Administrative Leave hours.
If an essential employee is dismissed during their regular shift on an Administrative
Leave Day, they will be paid at time and a half for their regular hours worked. They
will also be compensated with either a cash payment with essential pay at their regular
pay rate for any hours worked during the Administrative Leave time or with
Administrative Leave to be taken (hour for hour) at a future time.
Assume $10/hr pay rate, the employees shift is 7 AM – 3 PM and they worked from
7 AM until 1 PM.
Taking Cash Payment
Taking Administrative Leave Time:
6 hours at time and a half = $90
Essential pay (6 hours) = $60
2 Administrative Leave hours =$20
Total Earnings = $170 with No
Administrative Leave
6 hours at time and a half = 6 x $15 = $90
2 hours Administrative Leave = 2 x $10 = $20
Total Earnings = $110 plus 6 hours of
Administrative Leave
A non-essential employee on the same shift would have had eight (8) hours of administrative
leave totaling $80 for their eight (8) hour day.
Essential Personnel (before and/or after shift);
Receive hourly pay for hours worked; and
Receive overtime pay for all hours worked above the regular 40 in a workweek.
Assume $10/hr pay rate, the essential employee’s shift is 3 PM – 11 PM and they worked from 10
AM until 2 PM or they worked from 12 AM until 4 AM. Also assume that the employee works
their regular 40 hours.
4 hours Overtime pay (for 4 hours) = 4 x $15 = $60
Total Earnings = $60
When the University closes during a regular shift, essential employees will be paid at
the regular rate for hours worked while the University remained open. In addition,
essential employees will be paid at time and half for hours worked during the period of
time the University was closed. They will also be compensated with either a cash
payment with essential pay at their regular pay rate for any hours worked during the
Administrative Leave time or with Administrative Leave to be taken (hour for hour) at
a future time.
University opens for business, but then closes early due to inclement weather.
Non-Essential personnel:
Receive hourly pay for hours worked; and
Receive administrative leave for the remainder of the shift.
Essential Personnel (working during their normal shift):
Receives hourly pay at time and half for hours worked.
Receives essential pay for hours worked during time of closure.
Receives cash payment or Administrative Leave hours.
Assume $10/hr pay rate, University closed at 11 AM, the employees shift is 7 AM – 3
PM and they worked their full shift.
Taking Cash Payment:
4 hours at pay rate
=$ 40
4 hours at time and a half =$ 60
Essential pay (4 hours)
$ 40
Total Earnings
No Administrative Leave
Taking Administrative Leave Time:
4 hours at pay rate = 4 x $10 = $40
4 at time and a half = 4 x $15 = $60
Total Earnings = $100 plus 4 hours of
Administrative Leave
A non-essential employee on the same shift would have had four (4) hours worked
and four (4) hours administrative leave totaling $80 for their eight (8) hour day.
Essential Personnel (working during their normal shift)
Receives hourly pay at time and half for hours worked.
Receives essential pay for hours worked during time of closure.
Receives cash payment or Administrative Leave hours.
Assume $10/hr pay rate, University closed at 10 AM, the employees shift is 7 AM – 3
PM and they worked from 7 AM until 12 PM.
Taking Cash Payment:
3 hours at pay rate = $30
2 hours at time and a half = $30
Essential pay (5 hours) = $50
Total Earnings = $110 with no
Administrative Leave
Taking Administrative Leave Time:
3 hours at pay rate = 3 x $10 = $30
2 hours at time and a half = 2 x $15 = $30
Total Earnings = $60 plus 5 hours of
Administrative Leave
A non-essential employee on the same shift would have had two (2) hours worked
and six (6) hours administrative leave totaling $80 for their eight (8) hour day.
Essential Personnel (before and/or after shift);
Receive hourly pay for hours worked; and
Receive overtime pay for all hours worked above the regular 40 in a workweek.
Assume $10/hr pay rate, the essential employee’s shift is 3 PM – 11 PM and they worked from 10
AM until 2 PM or they worked from 12 AM until 4 AM. Also assume that the employee works
their regular 40 hours.
4 hours Overtime pay (for 4 hours) = 4 x $15 = $60
Total Earnings = $60
Motion by Mike Burton, seconded by Alan Selser, that the recommendations
of the Compensation and Benefits Committee regarding the identifying and
compensating of essential staff during periods the University closes for emergency
reasons be sent to President Dudley-Eshbach. Motion carried unanimously. A
memo with the recommendations of the Staff Senate will be sent to the President.
Donna reported that the Compensation and Benefits committee will now begin
work on a grievance policy for contingents.
Communication and Public Relations – Mike Burton
Faculty Senate fully supports the staff on the procedure followed for the
implementation of the Positive Discipline and Attendance Policy for non exempt staff.
The Faculty Senate would like feedback from the Staff Senate as to what form the
support should take. Meeting of the committee is planned for two weeks.
Staff Development and Training – Marylane McGlinchey
Staff recognitions – Currently both Physical Plant and Housekeeping
recognize their respective staff members for outstanding departmental service.
Staff Development and Training Committee motion by Maryland
McGlinchey that all staff nominated for the BOR Staff Awards be recognized
at a full staff senate meeting, with certificate presented to all nine by
President Janet Dudley-Eshbach.
Motion Carried unanimously.
Membership and Elections – no report
Bylaws Committee – Linda Abresch
Linda reported that the word “state” has been removed from the Staff
Senate Bylaws and Constitution. Documents now reflect proper name of
CUSS Report – Donna Test
Minutes of CUSS meeting held February 19, 2001 are attached.
New Business
Collective Bargaining –
Marvin Ames attended the State Higher Education Labor Relations Board
meeting held yesterday, February 28, in Bowie.
Regulations will be finalized and ready for publication.
The report of the committee will be send out to campus by Donna Keener.
Drug/Substance Abuse Policy –
Donna Test stated that SU currently uses a ten-year old USM draft.
Discussion as to which policy SU should be using – USM policy or state
Employee Assistance Program (EPA) –
Donna Test stated that SU is currently using state policy.
No campus policy in effect as yet.
EPA policy will most likely come into effect with collective
Donna Test and Judy Lowe will meet with Sharon Goszcynski in Human
Resources to work out both policies.
Bobbi Biron Theatre Program – Tickets to 1776 performance
The New Ticket policy for all SU ID cardholders follows:
Each SU ID card will be allowed one ticket free of charge per production.
A scanning device will be utilized to monitor these ticket purchases.
Additional tickets may be purchased at the same time at standard rates
(General Admission or Non-SU Student/Senior Citizen) All tickets (SU
and General Admission) can be picked up/purchased in advance through
the University Center Information Desk. (Mon.-Sat. 8-10 & Sun. 12-10)
SU tickets will be sold through the Information Desk until those allotted
for that performance are gone. Should an individual desire tickets for a
particular performance after these allotted S.U. tickets are sold out, the
desired number may be obtained from the General Admission allocation at
standardized prices.
Tickets may be exchanged through the Information Desk up until the day
before the performance.
On the day of the performance all tickets will be removed to the Theatre
Box Office. Same-Day tickets may be purchased there using the same
A scanning device will also be used for all SU ID card tickets upon
entering the theatre. This will register that the ticket-holder did, in fact
attend. (5% of our audiences have been 'no shows' - nearly all of them SU
(Ticket Policy continued):
Once a ticket (or tickets) are purchased or reserved using the S.U. identity
card and the scanning system, a $5.00 'no show' fee will be charged
individual who do not attend the specified performance. These charges
will appear on record with the Cashier's Office.
This policy will be used for ALL faculty, staff and students.
Motion by Linda Abresch, seconded by Marvin Ames, that the theatre
ticket policy be reconsidered for next season. In future, before ticket
policies are changed, departments should seek input from senates.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mike Burton, seconded by Linda Abresch, that our
recommendation be put in form of a memo from the Staff Senate.
Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.
February 19, 2002
The monthly meeting of CUSS was held on February 19, 2002 at the University of
Maryland Baltimore County.
HR REPORT (Rosario I van Daalen)
Chancellor Langenberg will retire on April 31st and Joe Vivona, Vice Chancellor
for Finance, will become the Interim Chancellor as of May lst. The Interim
position is expected to be in place until mid-September.
The position vacated by Donald Tines, director of USM System HR will be open.
No one seems to know right now if it will be filled or not with the freeze in place.
Rosario indicated that until the Legislative session is over the 2nd Monday of April,
we will not be able to determine whether or not if there will be any merit pay
increases. Once again it may be postponed to 01/01/03.
Cola-Governor proposed 25 million dollar allocation statewide for “meets
standards”. As of today, there is no mention of “Outstanding Merit.” Non-exempt
will receive 2 l/2% and Exempt employees will receive an average of 2 l/2%. It is
unclear at this time, whether or not any of the merit increases will be unfunded
Rosario asked all CUSS representatives to survey staff groups to determine climate
for Domestic Partners Issues.
State Higher Education Labor Relations Board. Next meeting February 28, 2002
at the Comfort Inn, Bowie, Maryland off Rt 50 on Rt 301South from 9:00 am-1:00
pm. Regulations will be finalized and ready for publication.
Collective Bargaining-There was a discussion about an issue with Coppin.
AFSCME will represent all non-exempt. Exempt group still not voted. UMES will
hold an election before the end of March for exempt employees.
Roy Ross indicated that at the last meeting of the State Higher Education Labor
Relations Board, it was very difficult to hear what was going on in the meeting. The
lack of microphones or a sound system for the outside to hear made it difficult for
the audience to comprehend what was being talked about.
Board of Regents meeting was held Feb 8. Roy gave a report to the Regents on:
Shared governance model plans
Domestic partners report
Alcohol & Substance Abuse August draft.
Roy indicated that Admiral Larson (BOR) has asked CUSS to focus on the specific
Domestic Partner issues of same sex partner benefits and unmarried opposite sex
partners living together. Other Domestic Partner issues will be addressed at a later
time. As of today, there is no formal definition of “domestic partner.”
It was moved and seconded with discussion that Roy go to the Executive Committee
before going to the Full Board about moving forward with a proposed August Draft
of the Alcohol & Substance Abuse that currently is in draft form. The faculty says
they are opposed to random drug testing. It is taking too long to get this moving.
Picnic-The picnic spot has been selected. It will be at Podickory Point Yacht Club
near Sandy Point State Park. The committee will move forward with getting things
Respectfully submitted,
Judy P. Lowe-Exempt CUSS Representative
Donna Test-Non-Exempt CUSS Representative