Staff Senate Executive Committee Meeting Minutes November 30, 2001

Staff Senate
Executive Committee Meeting
November 30, 2001
I. Call to order - Linda Beall called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. In attendance
were: Linda Abresch, Marvin Ames, Linda Beall, Mike Burton, Maggie Cohea, Michael
Elliott, Dave Gutoskey, Nancy Isaacs, Judy Lowe, Marylane McGlinchey, Kevin Mann,
Ray Pryor, Alan Selser, Melanie Stefursky, Donna Test, Tammy Trivits, Absent were :
Ross Leisten, Mary Luke, Vaughn White and Estella Young. Guest: Jerry Waldron and
James Brittingham.
Minutes – Linda Abresch
Motion by Maggie Cohea, seconded by Mike Elliott, that the Minutes of the
November 30 meeting be approved as corrected. Motion carried unanimously.
Chair’s Report – Linda Beall
Physical Plant meeting - Physical Plant was held on November 15 to
report r esults of feedback from the Appreciative Inquiry conducted by
Dr. Brian Polkinghorn. Many issues were addressed according to the level
of concern and time constraints. Each issue will be reviewed and a
satisfactory conclusion will be reached by the administration, supervisors
and employees of Physical Plant. Linda is confident that President
Dudley-Eshbach will see to it that all issues are effectively handled.
Recommendations from meeting:
a. Creation of an accurate staff handbook
b. Regular informational team/management meetings to identify issues
c. Active participation in decision making by staff
d. Provide environment that promotes morale
Discounted lunch for staff – Ad hoc committee will be formed to review
consultant’s report prepared for UDS.
Anthrax training – Chair will contact Jenny Berkman to discuss possible
anthrax training
PAT - Budget Reductions – Alan Selser
Selser reported that in response to a USM operating budget reduction in
October, the University used reserve funds to cover the reduction. This
allowed all programs to maintain their current levels of operation. In
November when a hiring freeze was initially enacted, USM was excluded,
but has since been included. All non-faculty state supported vacancies
have been frozen. It is anticipated that as of the new fiscal year (July 1)
some of these positions may be able to be filled. The state has also
instituted a cost containment plan of which, the University must reserve
about $700,000 in operating funds. These funds have been reallocated
from existing programs from all across the campus. Employee related
actions (i.e., furloughs or layoffs) have been neither included nor
considered as per USM mandate. If the economy in the state improves
and the cost containment plan is ceased, the University will restore the
allocated funding to the original departments. All cost containment
adjustments made for this year are stop-gap and temporary.
Standing Committee Reports
Membership & Elections – No report
Communications & Public Relations – No report
Compensation & Benefits – Donna Test
Following are the minutes of the Compensation and Benefits Committee
meeting of November 12, 2001.
IN ATTENDANCE: Donna Test, Judy Lowe, Maggie Cohea, Dave Gutoskey, Linda
Shipp, Lee Townshend and Tammy Trivit. Not in attendance Dennis Bradford, Lisa Gray
and Charlene Matthews. Guest: Kevin Mann.
Topics of discussion were shift differential and essential personnel.
Kevin stated that in reference to pay rates, shift differential is a payroll decision. There
have been no complaints to Kevin on employees questioning the shift differential or
emergency personnel. Currently being used is the USM policy on the HR web site
concerning Shift Differential.
There are three shifts in Physical plant. Housekeeping has regular day and night shifts,
but no formal shifts. Shifts are based on needs of the building. In some places there will
be a mid-shift. The University police are on three distinct shifts. The Maintenance Duty
men are also on a three-shift schedule. Some of the employees have different shift times
because of personal issues, health, transportation etc. There is one electrician who works
10hr/4day shift, and at one time this shift was necessary. That need has since been
eliminated, but at the request of the employee, has been kept. At physical plant they have
a day, mid and nightshift. The two ten-hour day shifts do not qualify for the shift
There is a concern among the employees at the physical plant on the holiday/annual pay.
They would like the leave to be available in hour segments. An employee not scheduled
for Friday Nov.23 will take the day at a later time. If that employee works a ten-hour shift
he will lose two hours of his day if leave time is not available in hour segments.
This committee feels that shift differential needs to be clarified by payroll and HR. Is the
shift differential per hour or per shift. At this time its ½ shift $4.00 a day, and one shift
$8.00 per day.
It will be recommended by this committee that the Shift Differential policy in the
Employee Handbook be rewritten in clearer language.
Physical plant is considered an essential personnel department. Compensation to these
employees is what the University states. Physical plant rotates calling essential personnel
as needed, and some employees will volunteer to be called.
Kevin is writing a letter of understanding that will be added to the new hires initial offer.
It will be requested that HR, when advertising a position, add “essential personnel” in
the position description. This committee would like to see recognition of essential
personnel employees working in Physical Plant tied in with the PMP.
The concern of the essential personnel is that the extra time earned is given as straight
time, and the day worked should be time and a half. The committee would like to
continue to look over the policy for essential personnel and make new recommendations.
The committee would like to see that letters be sent out to employees who are considered
essential; that the essential personnel are called in on an as needed basis; and that
essential personnel will get Administrative leave if they don’t come in. What should
essential employees who come in receive? (research of other USM schools is being
At Physical plant Kevin is putting together a list of essential employees, and that list will
be sent to those employees. Kevin will send a copy of the list to Donna.
Kevin Mann was thanked for his time and information.
Guest: Donna Keener
TOPICS: Essential Personnel, Shift Differential, Contingent Grievances and Employee
In March 1998 the Staff Advisory Council sent a reviewed draft of a Contingent
Grievance Policy to HR, but the Policy was never implemented. Donna is trying to locate
past policies and trace their history.
Compensation and Benefit committee recommended a Contingent Grievance Policy
again last year to Peggy. A draft letter was received in October from Peggy that it was
received and a Policy was in the packets for new hires.
The committee would like to add the Contingent II staff into the non-exempt grievance
policy. There are some departments that are following the USM Policy as a guideline.
Donna K. will follow up with Keith and Sharon about history and implementation.
Donna K. would like HR personnel to drop in on the Compensation and Benefits meeting
once and awhile to keep up on the issues that are being discussed.
Donna was here during the discussion with Kevin Mann. Recommendations will be made
and then a copy will be sent to Donna K.
Donna Keener shared the following with the Committee:
Brian Polkingham has requested that some changes be made to the employee’s manual.
Donna K. has already had the current policies reviewed by the Attorney General. The
Attorney General has suggested some language changes in the handbook. Donna K. says
the language changes are doable. Donna K. would like to see volunteers go through the
handbook and mark spots where changes need to be made, and she is open to any
suggestions. Staff Senators are asked to recommend changes in the language to HR.
The handbook is a summary of the policies. Donna K. is working on a SU policy
manual, and she would like to know if there are any policies in practice that are not in w
writing. Donna K. is researching as to where all the policies are, and there is no easy way
to access these policies. Currently there are requests for creation of new policies
especially a Dress Code Policy, and a question asked about this policy is will it apply just
to exempt employees?
There have been two schools polled on their policy. Both schools pay time and a half for
essential personnel. Donna K. would like more schools polled especially Frostburg. This
polling would help back up any recommendations.
The topic of staff recognition has come to the Compensation and Benefit Committee to
find a way to recognize outstanding staff without a monetary gift. On campus staff
award-non-monetary has gotten some comments that it would be showing favoritism and
there has been some negative feedback.
Donna K. suggestions are a “pat on the back types”; recognition at staff meetings; Lee
Ann could incorporate into a training program that would teach managers/supervisors to
put forth more recognition; VIP parking; employee of the month, pizza party etc. The
Committee suggested a survey, and that would be a good idea as long as there is a list of
options to select from.
Dave Gutoskey will provide a copy of the criteria they use to choose an employee of the
month in the Housing Department. HR can support some kind of supervisor/manager
Employee retention is now being worked on through training with Lee Ann.
Employees who have a grievance are sometimes told, “That’s the way it is” and find it
difficult to find access to the policies.
Donna K is concerned about the moral here on campus. HR still has a lot to do but there
is a plan in effect. She is making a big effort on all that she is working on.
Discussion on the open meeting to discuss the Physical Plant report. If this is a personnel
issue why is it opened to the whole campus? This is a report that started last summer and
has been a work in progress. The charge is not known but it is all internally at Physical
Plant and their concern to talk to someone neutral.
Donna Keener was thanked for her time and information.
Meeting adjourned
Recorded by: Maggie Cohea
Development & Training – Marylane McGlinchey
Mary Luke, Copy Center, has expressed concern about the level of
noise from the Xerox equipment in the Center. Wayne Shelton will test noise level in the
near future and file a report.
All 3 public use computer kiosks are up and running.
A staff needs assessment was sent by Lea Ann Shull
Wayne Shelton will be offering anthrax training.
Interviews for the safety engineer position (critical needs position)
are still being held.
Listing of safety training workshops will be available in December.
Computer Access – Jerry Waldron
Waldron reported that Information Technology buys 200-300 computers per year
and approximately 60 are placed in computer labs on campus. Computers have a useful
life of 3 to 4 years. After 4 years the computers are removed from offices and installed in
department labs. IT follows General Services policy and after 5-6 years, the computers
must be given to non profits, i.e., Wicomico public schools, Salvation Army, prisons.
The policy states that computers may not be sold to employees for personal use. Over
100 computers are spread around campus for public use.
CUSS Report – Donna Test
The minutes of the CUSS meeting of November 27, 2001 are as follows:
USM Report on Contingent Employment
 Passed out copies of USM Report on Contingent Employment. Referred to pages
10, 11, 12 & 14. These pages reflect the total Contingent Employees, Breakdown
of Contingent Workforce, Yrs of service Breakdown, Conversions and
Employment Report by Schools. All information is as of 6-30-01.
 Hiring Freeze in effect. USM included as of 11-12-2001. The USM has
requested to manage the hiring freeze as per a fiscal number. Overall reduction
for state is $205 million. The USM reduction is to be $10 million.
 COLA rumors. Letter from Chancellor on 1-28-200 reaffirmed. Will know more
after Dept of Budget and Management meets on 12-15-01.
The last date the Dept of Budget and Management will make final decisions on
financial condition of the state is 12-15-01. There is no talk of early retirement
Collective Bargaining
 The 11-29th meet of SHELRB canceled. Next meeting on 12-20 at 8:00am.
Military Leave
 The BOR is drafting a Military Leave Policy. Language would mirror the State
Policy that is not completed. Employee would keep Health, Retirement, or
Optional Retirement and Tuition Remission benefits. After all leave time is used
the employee would be on leave without pay, but spouse and/or dependents would
continue to have tuition remission benefit. If the Governor calls up an employee,
they continue to receive pay and leave benefits. The policy is still being worked
on. Thirty-five employees have been called up.
The BOR policy for military leave for students has been approved.
Chairs Report
 The Chancellors’ goal along with all the system heads across the country is to
help military families moving their students’ school records to be standardized
from state to state.
Report from Frank Komenda (liaison between the USM and the legislators)
 Main issue will be the Budget referring to “tight money”
 “Severe Financial Crisis”
 COLA – Possibility Institutions may have to pay the COLA. He does not think
this will happen.
 Delay of Income Tax Reduction
 USM ask for 11 ½% increase will receive 7 ½%
 Certain revenue is earmarked for Education funding
 USM System money is most vulnerable
 This is the first election year following a census. Redistricting because of
population shifting will be key.
Chairs Report
Shared Governance
 Request to change language on Collective Bargaining Ballot was denied.
Shared Governance Models
 There are no guidelines for % of representation on senates/councils. Each
institution is given flexibility to write their by-laws.
 CUSS will recommend models to the BOR
New Business – Bylaws change – Linda Abresch
The Executive Committee agreed to follow the language used by the Faculty
Senate. Chair will speak with Elizabeth Curtin regarding the language. The Bylaws
change is scheduled for second reading at the December Forum meeting. The Staff
Senate has 45 days from the Forum meeting to vote on the change.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.