Staff Senate Meeting October 12, 2001 Minutes

Staff Senate Meeting
October 12, 2001
Linda Beall called the Meeting to order at 8 a.m. In attendance were Linda Abresch,
Linda Beall, Mike Burton, Maggie Cohea, Mike Elliott, Ross Leisten, Mary Luke, Marylane
McGlinchey, Ray Pryor, Alan Selser, Melanie Stefursky, Donna Test, Tammy Trivits and Stella
Young. Absent; Marvin Ames, Dave Gutoskey, Nancy Isaacs, Judy Lowe, Kevin Mann and
Vaughn White.
Meeting Minutes - Melanie Stefursky
Motion by Mike Burton, seconded by Linda Abresch, that the Minutes of the
September 21 Executive Committee meeting be approved as distributed. Motion carried
Chair’s Report - Linda Beall
Collective Bargaining update - Chair announced that Human Resources will
hold training sessions on collective bargaining for all staff on October 30 and 31.
Donna Keener, director of Human Resources, plans to send weekly updates on
collective bargaining. Supervisors will be instructed to make hard copies of the
updates to make available for distribution to staff that does not have e-mail. Chair
and past chair will meet with President Dudley-Eshbach on October 30 to discuss
the role of the Staff Senate in collective bargaining.
University Forum - Alan Selser represented the Staff Senate at the October 2
Forum meeting.
Committee Reports
Staff Development and Training - Marylane McGlinchey
The Committee will meet on October 25. Mr. Wayne Shelton, SU Environmental
Health and Safety office, and Lea Ann Shull, Staff Development Specialist, will
be invited to make reports at the meeting. The Committee will also discuss
placement of new computer terminals. McGlinchey reported that Mr. Anthony
Jemison has accepted the position of Special Assistant to the President for
Diversity Initiatives/Affirmative Action Officer. Mr. Jemison begins work on
December 1. The committee tabled the issue of diversity training until December.
Membership and Elections - Ross Leisten
The following individuals have been elected to Salisbury University Staff Senate
Standing Committees and Salisbury University Forum Committees by the
membership of the Staff Senate.
Staff Senate Standing Committees:
Compensation/Benefits Committee
Lee Townshend (R/E - Perdue School)2001-2003
Charlene Matthews (C - Registrar's office)2001-2003
Communications/Public Relations Committee
Sue Brittingham (R/E - Public Relations)2001-2003
Kathy Schafer (R/N - English department)2001-2003
Staff Development Committee
Vicki Adeniran (R/E - UDS)2001-2003
Jana Long (R/N - Student Health Services)2000-2002
Olline Wilson (R/N - Accounts Payable2001-2003
Membership/Elections Committee
Carol Barr (R/N - University Bookstore)2001-2003
Lisa Gray (R/E - University Bookstore)2001-2003
University Forum Committees:
Student Affairs Committee
Darrin Boog (University Police)2000-2003
Donna Carey (Accounts Payable)2001-2004
University Judicial Board
Kevin Malone (Information Technology)2001-2003
Traffic/Safety Committee
Vicki Adeniran (UDS)2001-2004
Student Campus Life Grievance Committee
Lee Townshend (Perdue School)2001-2003
Employee Relations Committee
Kristy Carroll (University Advancement)2001-2003
Charlotte Ganoe (Payroll)2001-2003
Fiscal Advisory Committee
Rebecca Emery (Career Services)2001-2004
Government Relations Committee
Tracy Hajir (President's office)2001-2003
Wellness Council
F. Christian Byrnes (Safe Communities)2001-2004
Information Technology Committee
Charlie Endicott (Career Services)2001-2003
Lisa Gray (Bookstore)2001-2003
Leisten noted that one contractual/contingent opening remains on the Staff Senate's Staff
Development Committee. Interested, qualified individuals should contact any member of the
Staff Senate Executive Committee for more information or to volunteer.
Compensation and Benefits - Donna Test
The committee met on October 4 and are working on the following issues:
Grievance policy - Committee reviewing grievance policy as it applies to
contingents and grants employees.
Currently SU has no standard grievance policy. SU Web page directs to
USM policy.
There is no USM policy for grievances by grants employees. Linda Beall
will research grievance information for grants employees.
Some departments have grievance procedures, which are stated verbally.
UDS uses USM policy.
Committee is in process of reviewing different grievance and guideline
documents received from departments on campus.
Essential employees policy - Committee reviewing the following:
Fair Labor Standards Act
SU Inclement Weather and Emergency Conditions policy
Donna Keener will be invited to next meeting on October 25 to discuss:
Grievance policies for contingent and grant employees
Internal policy on emergency conditions
Conversion list availability to employee: notification letter to employee
status on list
Contingent II conversions less than 40 hours
. Paycheck options available for 10-month pay program
When an employee vacates a state pin line position created through
conversion, does that position remain with the department?
Educating employees on new issues
Possibility of switching retirement plans - TIAACREF to State option
Public Relations & Communications Committee – Mike Burton
Staff Senate meeting - Committee used e-mail, flyers and word of mouth to
advertise full Staff Senate meeting held on September 26. However, turn out for
the meeting was light.
Videotapes of the meeting are available by contacting Donna Test at Facility
Reservations. Tapes can be signed out for a three-day period.
Photos of senators - Photos of the 20 senators will be posted on Staff Senate Web
page, as well with phone numbers and e-mail addresses for each senator.
Collective bargaining flyers will be distributed to campus.
Information bins are ready to be installed in near future.
CUSS Report - Donna Test, Judy Lowe
Shared governance organizational chart created by Donna Test was revised and
forwarded to CUSS as requested. Notes of the CUSS meeting of September 25
September 25, 2001
USM-HR Laison Report
We received copies of the Performance Rating Systemize Review for non-exempt staff. There
were no recommendations at this time. Training is needed as well as dollars budgeted for this
Health Changes
There will be no co-pay increase in your prescription charge. There will be, however, an
increase in your premium of $3 more per pay from your paycheck. George Washington HMO is
US Savings Bond Campaign and Maryland Charities Campaign will be taking place in October.
This can be taken automatically from your paycheck.
A Domestic Partners Task Force
Currently has been formed as it relates to health insurance. It is being presented in three levels:
Level 1-Tickets, games, etc.
Level 2-Tuition Waivers
Level 3-Health Insurance plans
Dr. Luke Jensen has been appointed as the College Park Campus Coordinator.
Chairs Report
Roy Ross indicated State Labor Relations Board met last week. They talked about what the
actual role of CUSS will be when employees want no representation. Petitions will be accepted
by the SLRB on 10/01/01 45 Calvert Street. UMUC, Frostburg, BCCC. They will accept cards
until October 25th. They will meet on a monthly basis and also have public hearings. The next
meeting of the Higher Ed Labor Relations Board is 10/25 in Annapolis and is open to the public.
The Board of Regents and Presidents have concerns with aggressive behavior and
misinformation by Unions. Employees' addresses and social security numbers are not to be
given out to the various unions.
Presidents’ Council-Fran attended in Roy’s absence. There was lots of discussion among
presidents about collective bargaining.
Roy indicated that the goals from the retreat in Solomon’s Island are the same, i.e. Work on the
BEST Program, and PMP Process.
He has encouraged all members of CUSS that they should all have a model, which they are
following for their Staff Senates. He distributed a model of UMBC’s Staff Senate and asked for
everyone to come up with their Staff Senate flow chart and get to Fran as soon as possible. SU
has submitted their Staff Senate and University Forum Organizational charts to Roy.
Inclement Weather Policy
This policy was brought up by SU in relation to some confusion about employee pay. Different
universities said how they handle this at their campuses. There are different campuses doing
different things. We will discuss this further.
Unfinished Business - Linda Beall
Employee recognition – Linda reported Linda Abresch was contacted by Richard
Pusey. The President would like the Staff Senate to consider "non-monetary"
ways to emphasize employee recognition/awards.
Motion by Linda Abresch, seconded by Melanie Stefursky, that the issue of
employee recognition be referred to Compensation and Benefits Committee.
Motion carried unanimously.
Compensation for employees for participation in shared governance
after work hours – Linda Beall discussed the issue with Richard Pusey and he
stated that no comp time will be given. Linda will contact Mr. Pusey to get a
policy in writing on this issue.
Staff Senate meeting - Linda Beall
Motion by Melanie Stefursky, seconded by Maryland McGlinchey, that the Minutes
of the full Staff Senate of September 26 be approved as distributed. Motion carried
unanimously. Minutes will be posted on Web site.
Questions/concerns sent to Senate following Staff Senate meeting - Linda Beall
a. Questions regarding Staff Senate elections
Motion by Maryland McGlinchey, seconded by Melanie Stefursky, that the
questions be referred to the Membership and Elections Committee. Motion carried
b. Question regarding PMP process - The process is currently being reviewed and
evaluated by President Dudley-Eshbach and Donna Keener, director of Human Resources.
c. IT/PC training
Motion by Melanie Stefursky, seconded by Mike Burton, that the question be
referred to the Staff Development and Training Committee. Motion carried unanimously.
d. More open Staff Senate meetings - Staff Senate meetings - As directed by
Bylaws, will be held twice each semester. Second meeting to be held end of
November or early December. Donna Test will check on availability of Holloway
Hall auditorium.
e. Appreciation letter - Letter of appreciation will be sent by Chair to Cynthia
Cornish and Tony Broadbent for their support of the efforts and mission of the
Staff Senate.
New Business
Several concerns were brought to Executive Committee by Ray Pryor who
represents Physical Plant employees. The Executive Committee will address the
issues in the future as time permits. The issue of shift differentials was discussed.
There was a question about how work shifts associated with shift differentials are
determined, given that the standard business hours for the University are 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. A request was made that the amount paid for shift differential be evaluated
and raised.
Motion by Linda Abresch, seconded by Melanie Stefursky, that the question of shift
differentials be referred to Compensation and Benefits Committee. Motion carried
Brian Polkinghorn, Center for Conflict Resolution, will be invited to attend the
next Staff Senate to report on his progress this past year second step
representative - non-exempt grievances.
Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.