SSU Staff Senate
Executive Committee Meeting
November 10, 2000
1. Call to Order - President, Linda Abresch, called the meeting to order at 7:50 a.m. In attendance: Linda Abresch, Victoria Adeniran, Mike Burton, Alexis Dashield, Sally Jackson, Ken
Kundell, Ross Leisten, Judy Lowe, Mary Luke, Bob Meigel, Heather Milligan, John Shortt, Melanie
Stefursky, Donna Test, Tammy Trivits, and Lea Wimbrow. Absent: Tony D = Antonio, Linda Beall,
Marylane McGlinchey and Vaughn White.
II. Minutes Motion by Lea Wimbrow and duly seconded that the minutes of the
October 27 Executive Committee meeting be approved as distributed. Motion carried unanimously.
III. Chair = s Report -
President Dudley-Eshbach approved posting the notes of the President = s Advisory Team on the Staff Senate Web site.
Protocol for recommendations from Staff Senate is as follows: Senate will communicate directly with department seeking input or which has responsibility for implementation of recommendations. Senate is responsible for following up on implementation. If Senate concludes that recommendations have not been properly addressed, Senate President will communicate directly with President Dudley-Eshbach.
President Dudley-Eshbach addressed issue of shared governance and free speech concerns at the Forum on Tuesday, November 7. President affirmed that hindering free speech is not acceptable at SSU. Supervisors are obligated to seek input from employees and consider same when making decisions.
Chair requested from Richard Pusey a two-week extension for recommendations to the contingent benefits and grievance policy. The extension was granted.
Housekeeping plan distributed to Senators as requested.
Sick leave - USM does not have bank to hold donations, but does offer extended and advanced sick leave. State of Maryland employees do not share this benefit.
Collective bargaining - Executive Committee will meet with Richard Pusey and Dr. Peggy
Bibbo on Monday, November 20. Bill Neff has been invited to lecture on Collective Bargaining at
UMB. Tentative date us December 6. Chair is attempting to obtain permission to telecast this lecture at SSU using IVN in HH Auditorium.
IV. Reports of Standing Committees -
A. Membership & Elections Committee - Ken Kundell - All the staff seats on the Forum committees have been filled. Forum Bylaws state that a member of CUSS be appointed to serve on
Government Relations Committee. Mike Burton will provide names of elected staff members to the chairs of respective Forum committees.
Motion by Ken Kundell and duly seconded that the Executive Committee appoint
CUSS alternate, Judy Lowe, to serve on the Forum Government Relations Committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Terms of office for staff elected to Senate Standing Committees should be sent to Senate
Chair as soon as possible.
B. Compensation & Benefits Committee -
1. Revised Contingent II Benefits Policy - Tammy Trivits - Distribution of copies of
Revised Contingent II Benefits policy in draft form with original verbiage and changes recommended by the C&B Committee. The draft recommends paid jury leave and an additional three
(3) personal days for contingent II employees. Additionally, the Committee recommends that the information contained in the revised Contingent II Policy be identical to the information contained in the Employee Handbook.
Motion by Tammy Trivits that the Contingent II Employee Policy as revised by the
Compensation & Benefits Committee be approved by the Executive Committee. Committee motion - no second required. Motion carried unanimously .
2. Revised Grievance Procedures Policy - Tammy Trivits - The Compensations &
Benefits Committee supports the USM policy currently in effect.
Motion by Tammy Trivits that the C&B Committee recommends proposed SSU
Revised Grievance Procedures Policy be eliminated and SSU adopt the current USM Policy on
Grievances for Associate Staff and Classified Personnel (228.0 VII-8.00). Committee motion, no second necessary. Motion carried unanimously.
Chair will send letter to Richard Pusey advising of Committee = s recommendations on both the amended Contingent II Employee Policy and Grievance Procedures Policy.
3. Housekeeper Training Update - Sally Jackson - The infectious waste safety training was held on October 27 for at risk employees. Training was conducted by Chuck Northum of Safety
Resources. Employees who attended the training were strongly encouraged to sign a consent form for hepatitis B vaccine. Copies of the form were distributed to the Staff Senate for review. The form is from The George Washington University Medical Center - not Salisbury State University. After discussion, the Staff Senate concluded the infectious training for at risk employees was grossly inadequate for the needs of SSU personnel, and the hepatitis B form not pertinent for SSU staff.
Vicky Adeniran will inquire about a hepatitis B form or policy at University Dining.
John Shortt will inquire at Student Health Services and the Wellness Council for the same. Chair will also inform Richard Pusey of Senate = s recommendations.
C. Staff Development & Training - Judy Lowe - Lee Ann Weber, SSU = s Development
Specialist, met with the Committee. Weber is currently conducting supervisory training sessions and plans to offer more sessions in January and February . Weber plans to offer a session on Friday evening from 5-9 p.m. for supervisors who are unable to attend during the day. Weber is in process of putting together a presentation for new staff. Human Resources is drafting a new staff Handbook, but awaits a revised draft of USM Staff Development Training Policy, which will be included in the
Handbook. The USM Handbook can be found on USM Web site. No date for distribution is set.
Dr. Peggy Bibbo will be invited to next joint meeting of Staff Development & Training and
Compensation & Benefits to discuss the proposed 360 degree model of performance evaluation and review of PMP forms.
D. Communications & Public Relations - Melanie Stefursky - The first A On the Table... at the Staff Senate @ will run in the November 15 SSU Newsletter . The feature will run once a month and list important topics in bullet format. The first A On the Table @ will provide information about
Forum committees, revisions of Contingent II Benefits and Grievance Policies, housekeeping concerns regarding infectious waste training and e-mail access.
V. University Forum Report - Mike Burton - Dr. Dudley-Eshbach addressed Forum on shared governance and supervisor accountability. Discussion about the Forum Sunset clause.
Stan Shedaker, director of the Book Rack, asked for input regarding sale of used books to students.
Mike Burton soliciting names of candidates for nominations to the Book Rack Advisory Board.
Threats of Violence Policy -
Staff Senate recommended that Chair draft a letter to Dr. Bibbo requesting a clause be added to the existing Threats of Violence Policy. The clause would make the University responsible for the cost of legal assistance as well as medical care for an employee involved in a violent situation while on the job.
VII. New Business -
A. Donna Test - The Forum Space Utilization Committee has created new guidelines for application for new space on campus. Guidelines and application form can be obtained from SSU
Web sit.
B. Linda asked for suggestions for agenda items for the President = s Advisory Team meeting to be held on November 14.
Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.
Next meeting of Staff Senate - Friday, December 1 at 7:45 a.m. in Fulton Hall #259.