C++-firstExam-2015 Q1) Identify the following items in the programming code shown below: Function prototype Function heading Function body Function definitions void hello(int&, double, char); 1.void hello(int& first, double second, char ch) 2. void hello(int&, double, char); { int num; void hello(int& first, double second, char ch) { double y; int num; int u ; double y; … int u ; } … } Function call statement Formal parameters 1. hello(x, y, z); (int&, double, char) Actual parameter (x, y, z) 2. hello(x, y - 3.5, 'S'); Reference parameter int& first Local variables int num; int one; void hello(int&, double, char); … int main() { int x; double y; char z; … hello(x, y, z); … hello(x, y - 3.5, 'S'); … } void hello(int& first, double second, char ch) { int num; double y; int u ; … } Global variables int one; Value parameter (x, y - 3.5, 'S') Q2) You are asked to implement a simple Tax System for Citizens. To calculate the Tax for each citizen; assume the following: 1- Citizen Single and his Salary <= 500 Tax = Salary * 0.01 2- Citizen Single and his Salary > 500 < 1000 Tax = Salary * 0.05 3- Citizen Single and his Salary >= 1000 Tax = Salary * 0.15 4- Citizen Married and his Salary <= 500 Tax = 0 5- Citizen Married and his Salary > 500 < 1000 Tax = Salary * 0.02 6- Citizen Married and his Salary >= 1000 Tax = Salary * 0.09 Write the C++ statements for the following: 1- A function to input citizen type (Single or Married), and return that value. Answer char cStatus( ) { char citizenStatus; cout << "Enter citizen type (s) for Single or (m) for Married: "; cin >>citizenStatus; return citizenStatus; }; 2- A function to input the citizen’s salary amount, and return that value. Answer float citizensalaray() { float sal; cout << "Enter employee salary: "; cin >> sal; return sal; }; 3- A function to calculate the Tax for that citizen, and return that value. Answer float taxCalc(float salary, float tax) { return salary * tax; }; 4- Define the variables needed in the main C++ function to call your defined functions. 5- Print the final Tax amount for that citizen. Answer 4 and 5 #include <iostream> using namespace std; char cStatus( )// Answer 1. function to read citizen status { char citizenStatus; cout << "Enter citizen type (s) for Single or (m) for Married: "; cin >>citizenStatus; return citizenStatus; }; float citizensalaray()//Answer 2. function to read citizen salary { float sal; cout << "Enter employee salary: "; cin >> sal; return sal; }; float taxCalc(float salary, float tax)//Answer 3. function to calculate tax { return salary * tax; }; int main() { char status;//Answer 4. the following are declaration variables float tax, salary; salary = citizensalaray();//calling salary function status = cStatus();//calling status function if (status == 's')// Answer 4. for printing the final result which is tax { if (salary <= 500) tax = taxCalc(salary, 0.01);// calling tax function else if (salary > 500 && salary < 1000 ) tax = taxCalc(salary, 0.05); // calling tax function else if (salary >= 100 ) tax = taxCalc(salary, 0.15); // calling tax function } else if (status == 'm') { if (salary <= 500) tax = 0; else if (salary > 500 and salary < 1000 ) tax = taxCalc(salary, 0.02); // calling tax function else if (salary >= 100 ) tax = taxCalc(salary, 0.09); // calling tax function } else cout << "Sorry no such status" << endl; cout << "Tax for employee is: "<< tax << endl; return 0; } Q3) You are asked to implement a simple Answer #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { struct invoice { int iInvoice_no; string customer_nam; struct drug_type { string type1,type2,type3; }d1; }Inv1; cout << "this is just the declaration of the structure invoice" return 0; }