Philadelphia University Real Analysis II (250411) Faculty of Science

Philadelphia University
Faculty of Science
Department of Basic Sciences & Mathematics
Fall 2014/ 2015
Real Analysis II (250411)
First Exam: Thursday 20\11/2014
Time: 50 min.
Dr. Khaled Hyasat
Student's Number:
Grade: (
/ 20)
Subject: Differentiation, the Mean value theorem
Keywords: continuous, differentiable, MVT
Q.1 Prove the following Theorem" If f: I→R has a derivative at c  I , then f is continuous at c"?
/ 5 points)
Q.2 Theorem: let f: I→R be differentiable on interval I, then f is decreasing on I if and only if
f   0 , for all x  I , Use the mean value theorem to prove this?
/ 5 points)
Q.3 True or False, if false give the true:
/ 5 points)
(i) The function f(x) = x is an example of a function that satisfies this statement: "Continuity at
a point c is not a sufficient condition for the derivative to exist at c".
( T/F )
(ii) If f1  f 2  ...  f n  f , then ( f n )(c)  (n  1)( f (c)) n f (c) .
( T /F )
(iii) The geometric view of the MVT is that there is some point on the curve y=f(x) at which the
tangent line is parallel to the line segment through the points (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)).
( T /F )
Q.4 Use The Mean Value Theorem to prove that:
sin x  sin y  x  y For all x, y in R.
/ 5 points)
Good Luck
Q.2 State whether the following equation is an exact, if not, find an integrating factor that, when
multiplied by it become exact?
Keyword: (Exact Equations and Integrating Factors)
( x  2) sin ydx  x cos ydy  0
/ 5 points)
Good Luck
Q2. Find the Fourier Series for the following function
 1 , - 6  x  0
f (x)  
, 0 x 6
, f(x  12)  f(x)
/ 5 points)
Find the solution of the following heat conduction problem:
64u xx  ut
0  x  80,
/ 5 points)
u(0, t)  0 , u(80, t )  0 , t  0,
u(x , 0 )  x , 0  x  80
Q4. Find the temperature u(x ,t) in a metal rod of length 30 cm that is insulated on the ends as well
as on the sides and whose initial temperature distribution is u(x,t) = 10 for 0 < x < 30 . Formulate the
heat conduction problem:
/ 5 points)
……………………………………………… Good Luck
..............................................................................................................................Good Luck