Member of Cochrane hypertension group

Fadwa Naji Mah'd Alhalaiqa
Assistant Professor
Phone No: 00962 2 6374444 (2170)
Professional membership: Member of Jordan Nurses and Midwives Council
Member of Cochrane hypertension group
PhD Nursing (adult and mental health); University of East Anglia UK,
Masters degree (cardiopulmonary branch), Jordan University for Science
and Technology (JUST), July 2006. Graduated with distinction (84.5 %),
first in class.
Bachelors degree in nursing, JUST, July 2004. Graduated with distinction
(84.7%). Mr Alfize, Chief of government (2004), and Princess Mona,
honored me with an award for the best student in nursing.
Career history:
Feb 2013-till now; Assistant professor, Faculty of nursing, Philadelphia
Teaching nursing courses (theory and practice) for students. I'm member of
invigilation, curriculum and research committees. I'm working also as a researcher
in nursing mainly in adherence and RCTs projects.
Oct 2008 to 2012, PhD student, Faculty of Health, University of East Anglia
I conducted a clinical trial examining the efficacy of adherence therapy for people
with hypertension in Jordan. As a part of thesis I conducted also a systematic
review to summarize the evidence of effectiveness of interventions aimed to
increase adherence to blood pressure lowering medication. Additionally, a
pragmatic qualitative study had been conducted to evaluate my adherence therapy
The examiners in my Viva were: Prof Roger Watson who is the chief editor of
Journal of advanced nursing, and Prof Andrew Justin Stewart Coats, who is the
Director at Lone Star Heart Inc and the Norwich Research Park Professor and
Chief Executive at university of East Anglia. Although they asked very hard
questions, I passed my Viva within one hour with minor corrections.
I am familiar with research administration. My studies in UK have improved my
verbal and written communication skills in English, my confidence to liaise with
external and internal partners, my ability to work within a cooperative team
environment, my organization and administrative skills, IT skills, and my ability
to prioritise work and meet deadlines.
Sept 2007 - Sept 2008, Nursing Lecturer, Philadelphia University Jordan.
I have worked lecturer in nursing faculty; teaching theoretical (at university) and
clinical (at hospital) courses, member of administration and examination
committee. I am familiar to work in different subjects related to nursing (critical,
administration and management).
July 2000 - Sept 2007; Staff nurse and Charge nurse on Surgical & Intensive
Care Unit, Burns, and Critical Care Units, Ministry of Health, Jordan.
I was responsible for at least 6 staff and two patients. I worked also as a clinical
Voluntary work:
1- Teaching Quran and Islamic studies at Karemia institute /UK
2- Teaching Arabic language at Nottingham Arabic School/UK.
3- Training of new nurses staff (continuing education courses)/Jordan
Additional courses and certification:
-2000: Neonatal intensive care nursing course and Infection control course
-2001: Blood transfusion course. Quality Assurance course
-2002: Basic and advanced life support course
-2003: Management and effective communication course
-2006: Nursing research development course
-2006: Certificate nursing: global citizenship from Jordanian Nursing Council
-2009: Further Quantitative Research Methods Masters module, UEA
-2009: Adherence Therapy course, UEA.
-2010: Review updating course Cochrane workshop.
-2012: Safe guarding workshop (UK).
1- Alhalaiqa F, Deane KH, Nawafleh AH, Clark A, Gray R; (2012);
Adherence therapy for medication non-compliant patients with
hypertension: a randomised controlled trial; Journal of Human
Hypertension, 26(2), 117-26.
2- Alhalaiqa F, Deane KH, Gray R; (2013); Hypertensive patients'
experience with adherence therapy for enhancing medication compliance:
a qualitative exploration; Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(13-14), 20392052.
3- Alhalaiqa F, Masa'Deh R, Batiha A-M, Deane K; (2014); Validity and
reliability of Arabic version of beliefs about medication questionnaire
(BMQ); Clinical Nursing Research.
4- Masa'Deh R, Collier J, Hall C, Alhalaiaqa F (2013). Predictors of stress
of parents of a child with cancer: a Jordanian perspective. Global Journal
of Health Science. 5(6): 81-99
5- Abu Obead K, Abdul-Monim Batiha A-M, Al-Halaiqa F, ALBashtawy M
, Al-Jauissy MS. (2013) Impact of Radiotherapy Treatment on Jordanian
Cancer Patients’ Quality of Life and Fatigue. International Journal of
Advanced Nursing Studies. 3(1): 6-12
6- Maysoon S. Abdalrahim, Maram Herzallah, Ruqayya Zeilani, and Fadwa
Alhalaiqa (2014). Jordanian Nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards
Cancer-related Fatigue as a Barrier of Fatigue Management. Journal of
American Science, 10(2):191-197
7- Alhaiaqa F, Batiha A-M, Deane K, Gray R. Interventions for improving
adherence to treatment in patients with high blood pressure in ambulatory
settings, Submitted for Cochrane systematic review library (Feb 2015).
8- Batiha A-M, Alhaiaqa F. Bashayreh I, Saifan A, Al-Zaru I, Omran S
(2015) Comprehensive oral hygiene program for intubated intensive care
unit patients. Advanced Studies in Biology. In press
9- Batiha, Abdul-Monim; AlAzzam, Manar; ALBashtawy, Mohammed;
Tawalbeh, Loai; Tubaishat, Ahmad; Alhalaiqa, Fadwa. The relationship
between hypertension and anthropometric indices in a Jordanian
population. Annals of Human Biology (in press).
10- Alnawafelh, Ahmad and Alhalaiqa, Fadwa. Motivation and Academic
Success of Nursing Students: A Descriptive Jordanian Study. submitted to
Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (Feb 2015)
Poster presentation (Forum Poster Showcase UEA, June 2010)
Papers in preparation:
1- Nurses' beliefs and self- reported practices regarding pain assessment in
nonverbal patients at critical care units in Jordan. To be submitted journal
of advanced nursing.
2- Knowledge and Attitude toward Cancer Pain Management among
Jordanian nurses. To be submitted to Journal of cancer Research
3- The fatigue level in relation to demographical characteristics among
coronary heart diseases patient: a Jordanian study. to be submitted to
advances in nursing science.
4- Morisky medication adherence scale eight items (MMAS-8) to assess
compliance among mentally ill patients: A Jordanian study to b
submitted to journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing.
Research funding:
1- 1500 JD, from Philadelphia University. Beliefs about medication among
chronic diseases patients.
2- 2000 JD Philadelphia University, the relation between 5-indicies
anthropometrics measurements and hypertension.
Research project in conducting process
1- The impact of adding questions regarding spiritual aspect to Arabic
version of beliefs about medication questionnaire on its validity
2- Are we ready to include the children with autism in public elementary
schools in Jordan?
3- Attitudes and beliefs of University students in Jordan about epilepsy: A
cross sectional survey study.
Professor Richard Gray.
Richard J Gray BSc (Hons) MSc DLSHTM PhD RN FEANS Assistant Executive
Director | Research | Hamad Medical Corporation Associate Editor | Journal of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Adjunct Professor. Hamad Medical
Corporation, P.O. Box 3050, Doha, Qatar
T: +974 3374 5601 | E:<> | Error!
Hyperlink reference not valid.>
Dr Katherine Deane. Senior Lecturer in Research Related to Nursing. Faculty of
Health, University of East Anglia; T: +44 (0) 1603 597047; E:
Dr Rami Masa’Deh, Assistant Professor. School of Nursing. Applied Science
Private University, Jordan. T: 962-796-067-657. E-mail: