Publications for Murray Print 2012 2015

Publications for Murray Print
Publications for Murray Print
Print, M., Lange, D. (2012). Schools, Curriculum
and Civic Education for Building Democratic
Citizens. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Print, M. (2015). A global citizenship
perspective through a school curriculum. In R.
Reynolds, D. Bradbery, J. Brown, K. Carroll, D.
Donnelly et al. (Eds.), Contesting and
Constructing International Perspectives in
Global Education, (pp. 187-198). Rotterdam:
Sense Publishers. <a
9-0_16">[More Information]</a>
Print, M. (2012). Teacher Pedagogy and
Achieving Citizenship Competences in
Schools. In Murray Print, Dirk Lange (Eds.),
Schools, Curriculum and Civic Education for
Building Democratic Citizens, (pp. 113-128).
Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Print, M., Tan, C. (2015). Educating "Good"
Citizens for a Globalized World: Two Different
but Linked Countries. In Murray Print,
Chuanbao Tan (Eds.), Educating "Good"
Citizens in a Globalising World for the
Twenty-First Century, (pp. 1-10). Rotterdam:
Sense Publishers.
Print, M. (2011). Teacher pedagogy and
achieving democratic competence (Keynote
address). International Civic Education
Symposium on Building Democratic Citizenship
in Europe through Civic Engagement.
Print, M., Tan, C. (2015). Educating "good"
citizens in a globalising world for the twenty-first
century. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Print, M. (2010). Benchmarking and Democratic
Citizenship Education for Schools. In Dirk
Lange and Gerhard Himmelmann (Eds.),
Demokratiedidaktik: Impulse für die Politische
Bildung, (pp. 330-345). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
Print, M. (2015). The "Good" Citizen for the 21st
Century: A Curriculum Perspective. In Murray
Print, Chuanbao Tan (Eds.), Educating "Good"
Citizens in a Globalising World for the
Twenty-First Century, (pp. 33-48). Rotterdam:
Sense Publishers.
Print, M. (2015). Values Education and the
Making of "Good" Citizens in Australia. In
Murray Print, Chuanbao Tan (Eds.), Educating
"Good" Citizens in a Globalising World for the
Twenty-First Century, (pp. 81-95). Rotterdam:
Sense Publishers.
Print, M. (2014). Can resilience be built through
a citizenship education curriculum? Journal of
Social Science Education, 13(3), 83-89. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Print, M., Lange, D. (2013). Civic Education and
Competences for Engaging Citizens in
Democracies. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Print, M. (2013). Competences for Democratic
Citizenship in Europe. In Murray Print, Dirk
Lange (Eds.), Civic Education and Competences
for Engaging Citizens in Democracies, (pp.
37-49). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Print, M. (2013). Conceptualizing Competences
for Democratic Citizenship: A Delphi approach.
In Murray Print, Dirk Lange (Eds.), Civic
Education and Competences for Engaging
Citizens in Democracies, (pp. 149-162).
Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Hughes, A., Print, M., Sears, A. (2010).
Curriculum capacity and citizenship education: a
comparative analysis of four democracies.
Compare: a journal of comparative and
international education, 40(3), 293-309. <a
5528">[More Information]</a>
Print, M. (2010). Social and Cultural Capital in
Education. In Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker
and Barry McGaw (Eds.), International
Encyclopedia of Education, (pp. 97-102).
Oxford: Elsevier.
Saha, L., Print, M. (2010). Student school
elections and political engagement: A cradle of
democracy? International Journal of
Educational Research, 49(1), 22-32. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Sim, J., Print, M. (2009). Citizenship education
in Singapore: controlling or empowering teacher
understanding and practice? Oxford Review of
Education, 35(6), 705-723. <a
1549">[More Information]</a>
Print, M., Milner, H. (2009). Civic Education
and Youth Political Participation. The
Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Print, M. (2009). Civic engagement and political
education of young people. Journal of Minority
Studies, 1, 63-83.
Print, M. (2009). Connecting youth political
Publications for Murray Print
participation and civic education in schools. In
Murray Print, Henry Milner (Eds.), Civic
Education and Youth Political Participation, (pp.
123-142). The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Print, M. (2009). Teaching about political and
social values. In Saha, Lawrence; Dworkin,
A.Gary (Eds.), International Handbook of
Research on Teachers and Teaching Part Two,
(pp. 1001-1014). Rotterdam: Springer.
Sim, J., Print, M. (2009). The state, teachers and
citizenship education in Singapore schools.
British Journal of Educational Studies, 57(4),
380-399. <a
9.00446.x">[More Information]</a>
Saha, L., Print, M. (2009). Youth Electoral Study
(YES): Report 5: Youth, schools and learning
about politics, Report 5: 2009, (pp. 2 - 40).
Canberra, Australia: Australian Electorial
Commission. <a
More Information]</a>
Print, M. (2008). Education for democratic
citizenship in Australia. In Arthur J, Davies I,
Hahn C (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Education
for Citizenship and Democracy, (pp. 95-108).
London: Sage Publications.
Print, M., Ugarte, C., Naval, C., Mihr, A. (2008).
Moral and human rights education: the
contribution of the United Nations. Journal of
Moral Education, 37(1), 115-132. <a
3726">[More Information]</a>
Print, M. (2008). Student engagement for moral,
civic and citizenship education. In Hoon L,
Salleh N, Mamat WHW, Balakrishnan V. (Eds.),
Asia-Pacific Moral, Civic and Citizenship
Education: New Vision and New Realities, (pp.
67-86). Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
Print, M. (2007). Citizenship education and
youth participation in democracy. British Journal
of Educational Studies, 55(3), 325-345.
Print, M. (2007). Learning political engagement
in schools. In Saha L, Print M and Edwards K
(Eds.), Youth and Political Participation, (pp.
95-112). Rotterdam Taipai: Sense Publishers.
Print, M., Ikeno, N., Sim, J., Yan Wing, L.,
Ishimine, K. (2007). Political education in Asia.
In D. Lange;V. Reinhardt (Eds.), Strategien der
Politischen Bildung (Handbook of Political
Education), (pp. 189-202). Baltmannsweiler,
Germany: Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren.
Print, M. (2007). Political education in Australia.
In D. Lange;V. Reinhardt (Eds.), Strategien der
Politischen Bildung (Handbook of Political
Education), (pp. 178-188). Baltmannsweiler,
Germany: Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren.
Saha, L., Print, M., Edwards, K. (2007). Youth
and Political Participation. Rotterdam Taipai:
Sense Publishers.
Print, M., Saha, L. (2007). Youth, democracy
and politics: issues in Australia. In Saha L,
Print M and Edwards K (Eds.), Youth and
Political Participation, (pp. 1-14). Rotterdam
Taipai: Sense Publishers.
Sim, J., Print, M. (2005). Citizenship education
and social studies in Singapore: A national
agenda. International Journal of Citizenship and
Teacher Education, 1(1), 58-73.
Naval, C., Print, M., Iriarte, C. (2003). Civic
education in Spain: A critical review of policy.
Journal of Social Science Education, 2003, 1-11.
Print, M. (2003). Estrategias de ensenanza para
la educacion civica y ciudadana en el siglo XXI.
Estudios Sobre Educacion, 7(4), 7-22.
Print, M., Coleman, D. (2003). Towards
Understanding of Social Capital and Citizenship
Education. Cambridge Journal of Education,
33(1), 123-149.
Cogan, J., Morris, P., Print, M. (2002). Civic
education in the Asia-Pacific region: An
Introduction. In Cogan, John J., Morris, P. &
Print, M. (Eds.), Civic Education in the
Asia-Pacific Region, (pp. 1-22). London UK:
RoutledgeFalmer imprint of Taylor & Francis.
Naval, C., Print, M., Veldhuis, R. (2002).
Education for democratic citizenship in the new
Europe: context and reform. European Journal
of Education: research, development and
policies, 37(2), 107-128.
Print, M., Ornstrom, S., Neilsen,, H. (2002).
Education for democratic processes in schools
and classrooms. European Journal of Education:
research, development and policies, 37(2),
Leung, Y., Print, M. (2002). Nationalistic
education as the focus for civics and citizenship
education: The case of Hong Kong. Asia Pacific
Education Review, 3(2), 197-209.
Print, M. (2001). Civics and citizenship
education: The national situation in 1998. In
M.Print, W.Moroz & P.Reynolds (Eds.),
Publications for Murray Print
Discovering Democracy in Civics and
Citizenship Education, (pp. 8-20). Katoomba,
N.S.W.: Social Science Press.
Print, M. (2001). Education for citizenship in a
democracy through teacher education: Examples
from Australia. In John J. Patrick & Robert S.
Leming (Eds.), Principles and Practices of
Democracy in the Education of Social Studies
Teachers, (pp. 205-225). Bloomington, USA:
ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies.
Print, M. (2001). From 'survival' to 'leadership':
The practice of civic education in Australia.
International Journal of Educational Research,
35, 77-91.
Print, M., Craven, R. (2001). New South Wales.
In M.Print, W.Moroz & P.Reynolds (Eds.),
Discovering Democracy in Civics and
Citizenship Education, (pp. 21-46). Katoomba,
N.S.W.: Social Science Press.
Print, M., Smith, A. (2001). Teaching civic
education for a civil, democratic society in the
Asian region. Asia Pacific Education Review,
1(1), 101-109.
Print, M. (2001). Teaching discovering
democracy: the national perspective 1999 to
2000. In M.Print, W.Moroz & P.Reynolds
(Eds.), Discovering Democracy in Civics and
Citizenship Education, (pp. 134-148). Katoomba,
N.S.W.: Social Science Press.
Print, M. (2001). Why civics and citizenship
education? In M Print, W Moroz & P Reynolds
(Eds.), Discovering Democracy in Civics &
Citizenship Education, (pp. 1-5). Katoomba:
Sage Publications.