Philadelphia University Faculty of Administrative & Financial Sciences Department of Business Networking and Systems Management Second Semester, 2011/2012 Course Syllabus Course Title: Computer applications for Course code: 0371102 administrative sciences Course Level: 1 Course prerequisite (s) and/or co requisite (s):Skills 1 Lecture Time: 8:15-9:45 Mon. Wed. Credit hours: 3 Academic Staff Specifics Name Rank Mr. Ahmad Al-Ghoul M.Sc. Office Number 32404 Office Hours Sun.Tue.Thu 12-13 E-mail Address Course module description: This course is started with giving the basis of database system by focusing on how the tables are created first, then how they are linked together next. The student stores fields' names, their data types and their properties. The forms are used also in order to enter data to the table. This includes using buttons along with macros and events. In addition the student uses various queries to enable him retrieve data from tables. Of course student uses them with separate and linked tables. Course module objectives: 12345- Enable the student to mention the basis of database system Enables student to create a table , define its fields and properties Enables a student to make different maintenance operation to the table i.e. delete, update..etc. Enables a student to create a form to input data to the table using form toolbox. Enable students to retrieve data from tables using queries. Course/ module components: Microsoft ACCESS 2002, by Timothy J. O'Leary and Linda I. O'Leary, McGraw-Hill, 2002 Teaching methods: Lectures Discussion groups Tutorials Problem solving Debates Homework’s Small Project. Research Paper Learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: The data show is used to demonstrate practical exercise in the class to enable students see how it is done to save time and make lecture effective Cognitive skills (thinking and analysis): A number of queries are given to the student in the lecture to encourage him make a brain storm. This will definitely help him understand more how to work it out. This is done by offering the idea to students then encourage them to discuss it theoretically. This of course will help them practice in an effective way . Communication skills (personal and academic): A round is done in the class by the instructor to monitor how the practical part of the course is done to make sure that it is done effectively. Problems that may appear from time to time in the lecture are solved . Practical and subject specific skills (Transferable Skills): A project is given to the student to use his mental capabilities to solve the problem. This way of demonstrating t course was fruitful taking into account the recognized results achieved. It was not quiet convenient because the sho time the students spend in solving the problem. Assessment instruments: Short reports and/ or presentations, and/ or Short research projects Quizzes. Home works Final examination: 50 marks Allocation of Marks Assessment Instruments Mark First examination 20 Second examination 20 Final examination: 40 marks 40 Reports, research projects, Quizzes, 20 Home works, Projects Total 100 Documentation and academic honesty: Documentation style (with illustrative examples) Protection by copyright Avoiding plagiarism. Course/module academic calendar: week (1) Basic and support material to be covered Data Design Concepts data design terminology (2) entity relationship diagrams unnormalized design and the first normal form (1NF) (3) second normal form (2NF) third normal form (3NF) (4) -creating (5) Defining fields' properties and testing Data entry . Sorting data using filter (6) Introducing relations between tables : their types and how they First examination database, creating tables, defining primary key , creating fields and entering data to the table – are created . (7) Working on relations to give students a clue of how they are used and to tested. (8) Introducing query definition and types then making calculations using numeric fields (9) -Introducing maintenance queries i.e. delete and update queries and how they are used with relations (10) - Introducing append and make-table queries using the same database and with two databases . This is done on single tables (11) Second examination Creating a form design using toolbox tool. Entering data to the table using the created form Working on Master detailed forms along with queries created (12) For such a purpose. This is done using manual method and the wizard menus. (13) Creating events and macros to create a button in the form. The students solve the practical exercises made for this purpose. Homework/reports and their due dates (14) Working on reports on single and related tables. This effort includes working on queries created using relations (15) Comprehensive review for all the topics learned in the whole Specimen examination semester to resolve all obstacles that may appear while working (Optional) (16) Tutorial, revision and Practical Exam . Final Examination Expected workload: On average students need to spend 2 hours of study and preparation for each 50-minute lecture/tutorial. Attendance policy: Absence from lectures and/or tutorials shall not exceed 15%. Students who exceed the 15% limit without a medical or emergency excuse acceptable to and approved by the Dean of the relevant college/faculty shall not be allowed to take the final examination and shall receive a mark of zero for the course. If the excuse is approved by the Dean, the student shall be considered to have withdrawn from the course. Module references: Books Microsoft ACCESS 2002,by Timothy J.O'Leary and Linda I.O'Leary McGraw-Hill, 2002 Microsoft Office Access 2003 ,by John L. Viescas, Microsoft Press ,2004 Journals IEEE computer society Software Security fir the rest of US Journal of communication volume number v4 December 2007 Websites /access