PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY Faculty: Administrative and Financial Sciences

Faculty: Administrative and Financial Sciences
Department: Business Networking and Systems Management
Module Syllabus
Module Name: Distributed
Level: 3
Information Systems
Credit Hours: 3 hours
Course Number: 0371370
Prerequisite / Co-Requisite: none
Lecturer : Dr. Mahmoud Abu-A'ra , Assistant Professor.
Office Number: ADMIN-II 32403
Office Hours: 12- 2 pm Sun, Tue, And Thu
Phone: :026374444
Ext: 2408
Module Coordinator: Dr. Khaldoun Btiha
This module aims to introduce the principles of Distributed Information Systems including
architectures, components and protocols. The course contents addresses requirements as well as
specifications required to implement distributed information systems successfully.
Teaching Methods:
Duration: 16 weeks in first semester, 48 hours in total
Lectures: 32 hours (2 hours per week),
Tutorials: 16 hours, 1 per week,
Module Outline:
Introduce the students to multimedia standards and techniques.
Introduce the students to backbone networks protocols
Introduce the students to access networks protocols
Introduce the students to internetworking protocols and
Introduce the students to video/audio standards.
Introduce the students to compression techniques and standards
Introduce the students to DIS Architectures.
1 of 4 Pages
Faculty: Administrative and Financial Sciences
Department: Business Networking and Systems Management
) ‫ ( الفهم والمعرفة والمهارات الذهنية والعملية‬:‫مخرجات التعليم‬
: ‫يفرتض ابلطالب بعد دراسته هلذه املادة أن يكون قادراً على‬
1. Identify the basic components of Distributed Information Systems
2. Acquire the basics of internetworking
3. Acquire the basics of DIS QoS assurances requirements
4. Acquire the knowledge and techniques of data distribution
5. Be familiar with all basic aspect of multimedia-based Distributed Information Systems
)‫ ( حسب تطبيقات املادة‬: ‫التدريب العملي‬
Ex.1. Case Study: Message Passing using sockets
Ex.2. Case Study: Chat Server implementation on the web
:‫أساليب التدريس‬
Modes of Assessment:
Modes of Assessment:
First Exam
Second Exam
Assignment / Seminar / Project / Quizzes / Tutorial
Final Exam (Comprehensive; written, verbal, hand-ins, ……. etc.) 50%
* Make-up exams will be offered for valid reasons only with consent of the Dean. Make-up
exams may be different from regular exams in content and format.
Attendance Policy:
Lecture attendance is mandatory. Student is allowed maximally 15% absentia of the total module
hours. More than this percentage, student with an excuse will be drawn from the module.
Otherwise, student will be deprived from the module with zero mark assigned.
The course notes and the textbook are not comprehensive and additional material will be
covered in lectures. You are responsible for all material covered in lectures.
2 of 4 Pages
‫‪Faculty: Administrative and Financial Sciences‬‬
‫‪Department: Business Networking and Systems Management‬‬
‫‪Expected Workload‬‬
‫‪On average, you should expect to spend at least (6) hours per week on this module.‬‬
‫الكتاب املقرر‪ :‬اسم الكتاب ‪/‬املؤلف‪/‬الناشر‪/‬اتريخ النشر‬
‫‪Distributed Information Systems (From Client/Server to Distributed Multimedia), Errol‬‬
‫‪Simon, McGraw-Hill, 1996‬‬
‫املراجع املساندة ‪ ( :‬يفرتض ابلطالب أن يعطي االهتمام الالزم هلذه املراجع كما هو للكتاب املقرر )‬
‫‪Distributed Systems, Principles and Paradigms, Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall, 4th Ed, 2002‬‬
‫املواقع االلكرتونية‪:‬‬
‫احلضور واملواظبة‪:‬‬
‫على الطالب أن ينتظم يف احملاضرات بشكل اتم حتت طائلة املسؤولية يف حالة جتاوز احلد املسموح به للغياب ‪.‬‬
‫من عدد احملاضرات يف الفصل الواحد ‪15% .‬نسبة الغياب ‪:‬‬
‫يف حالة جتاوز الطالب للحد املسموح به للغياب يرصد له عالمة (صفر ) يف هذه املادة‬
‫العب ء الدراسي املتوقع ‪:‬‬
‫كمعدل عام يتوقع أن يقضي الطالب على األقل ( ‪ ) 6‬ساعات أسبوعياً يف دراسة هذه املادة‬
‫اجلدول الزمين للتقدم يف املادة ‪:‬‬
‫تتكون املادة من (‪ )48‬ساعة دراسية موزعة على (‪ )16‬أسبوعا بواقع (‪ )3‬ساعات لكل أسبوع من أسابيع الفصل الدراسي وعلى‬
‫النحو التايل‪:‬‬
‫‪3 of 4 Pages‬‬
Faculty: Administrative and Financial Sciences
Department: Business Networking and Systems Management
Introduction to Distributed Information Systems
(Definition, characteristics, history, examples,
centralized versus distributed,
advantages/disadvantages, a case study)
Multimedia Requirements, video standards,
video standards, compression standards,
information exchange standards.
Distributed I.T. Infrastructure, Distribution
transparency, Components of D.I.S
Classes of Distributed Support Services
Distributed Processing, Distributed Systems
Architecture, IPC, Message Passing, RPC, RMI
Message Passing Using Sockets & DCE RPC,
& CORBA case studies
Internetworking – Backbone Networks
must be
covered in
4 of 4 Pages
Internetworking – Access Networks & the
TCP/IP Suite of Protocols
Design and Implementation: QoS issues, Design
Principles for Distribution (Replication,
Partitioning, and Caching)
Generic Services & The WWW
Distributing Data: DBMS. Concurrency
Control, recovery techniques, Distributed
Transaction Processing, DDB, DDBMS, Data
Systems Development & Integration Models
‫احلادي عشر‬
‫الثاين عشر‬
‫الثالث عشر‬
‫الرابع عشر‬
‫اخلامس عشر‬
‫السادس عشر‬