PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences Department of Business Networking and Systems Management Module Syllabus Module Name: Software Packages – ASP.Net Module Number: 0371250 Level: 3 Credit Hours: 3 hours Prerequisite / Co-Requisite: Programming Language (C++) (0371220) Lecturer: Dr. Mahmoud Abu-A'ra , Assistant Professor Office Number: 32403 Office Hours: 9- 10 A.M Sun, Tue, And Thu Phone:026374444 Ext: 2408 E-mail: Module Coordinator: Dr. Sundus A. Hamoodi Aims: This module provides a detailed introduction to the concepts of web applications and evaluation of the ASP.NET computer programming language in both present and future. It is designed to provide them with the techniques and information necessary to use .NET Framework and Environments as problem solving tool. The module is designed to prepare the students for positions involving the use and building various Web Applications. Moreover, they will learn everything needed to create and manage a Dynamic Web Application. They'll learn how to build a commercial Web Application using Microsoft's AS.NET technology – the technology used to create many of the most successful commercial Web Applications on the Internet. Teaching Methods: Duration Lectures Laboratory Tutorial : : : : 16 weeks, 48 hours in total 20 hours, 5 per month 20 hours, 5 per week 8 hours, 2 per month Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the students should able to: 1. Make their Personal Computers (PC) as a Virtual Web Server: Personal Web Server Internet Information Server (IIS) – Microsoft Windows 2000/XP. 1 of 6 Pages PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences Department of Business Networking and Systems Management 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Using the Microsoft .Net Framework. Using the Microsoft Web Matrix. Using Microsoft SQL Server and ACCESS Database. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) programming. Active Server Pages (ASP.NET) programming. Building and Publishing on the Internet a complete Web Application. Assessment of Learning Outcomes: Learning outcome (1) is assessed by examination. Learning outcomes (2 - 4) are assessed by laboratory. Learning outcome (5) is assessed by tutorials. Learning outcome (6) is assessed by assignments. Learning outcome (7) is assessed by practical projects and laboratory. Contribution to program Learning Outcomes: A3, A5, C1, C4, D5, D6. Teaching and Learning Methods: Lectures. Practical Projects. Self Study. Team Work Activity. Module Outline: Week (1) 2 of 6 Pages Subject Working with ASP.NET Web Forms: ASP.NET and the .NET Framework. Simple ASP.NET Page Overview of ASP.NET Controls Handling Events Structure of ASP.NET pages PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences Department of Business Networking and Systems Management (2) Building Smart Forms: Using Label Controls Using Text Box Control Using Button Controls Using RadioButton and RadioButtonList Controls Using CheckBox and CheckBoxList Controls Using DropDownList Control Using ListBox Control (3) Controlling Page Navigation: Submitting a form to a different page using: Redirect () Method Hyperlink Control (4) Performing Form Validation with Validation Controls: Using Client-Side Validation Required Field Validator Control Regular Expression Validator Control Compare Validator Control Range Validator Control Validation Summary Control Custom Validator Control (5) Working With MS-SQL Server and MS-ACCESS Database (6) Working With ADO.NET: Introduction to ADO.NET Opening and Closing a Database Connection Retrieving Records from a Database Table (7) Using parameters with Queries Adding Records to a Database Updating Database Records Deleting Database Records (8) First Exam: Binding Data to Web Controls:Overview of Data Binding, Binding a Server Control to a Data Source, Binding to the Repeater Control, Using Templates 3 of 6 Pages PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences Department of Business Networking and Systems Management (9) Binding to the DropDownList Control Binding to the RadioButtonList Control Binding to the CheckBoxList Control Binding to the ListBox Control Binding to Other Controls Creating Master/Detail Forms (10) Using the DataList and DataGrid Controls: Overview of the DataList and DataGrid Controls Using the DataList Control: Displaying Data in DataList Using Templates with a DataList Using Style with a DataList Creating Multiple Columns in a DataList Capturing Events Raised in a DataList Comtrol Selecting Items in a DataList Comtrol Editing Items in a DataList Comtrol (11) Using the DataGrid Control: Creating Columns in a DataGrid Comtrol Using Styles with a DataGrid Sorting Columns in a DataGrid Comtrol Paging Through Records in a DataGrid Selecting Rows in a DataGrid Comtrol Editing Items in a DataGrid Comtrol (12) Second Exam: Working with Datasets: Understanding DataSets: Elements of DataSets Adding DataTables to a DataSet Binding Controls to a DataSet (13) Understanding DataTables: Creating DataTables Setting DataTable Properties Setting Column Properties in a DataTable Computing Column Values in a DataTable Defining Relationships between DataTables Retrieving DataTable Schema Information Updating Records in a DataTable 4 of 6 Pages PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences Department of Business Networking and Systems Management (14) Understanding DataView: Filtering rows in a DataView Sorting Rows in a DataView Finding Rows in a DataView Using datasets with ASP.NET Pages. (15) Working With XML: Overview of the XML Classes Using XML with DataSet. (16) Tutorials, revision, and Practical Exam Modes of Assessment: Modes of Assessment: Score Date First Exam 15% Second Exam 15% Assignment / Seminar / Project / Quizzes / Tutorial 20% Final Exam (Comprehensive; written, verbal, hand-ins, ……. etc.) 50% * Make-up exams will be offered for valid reasons only with consent of the Dean. Make-up exams may be different from regular exams in content and format. Attendance Policy: Lecture attendance is mandatory. Student is allowed maximally 15% absentia of the total module hours. More than this percentage, student with an excuse will be drawn from the module. Otherwise, student will be deprived from the module with zero mark assigned. The course notes and the textbook are not comprehensive and additional material will be covered in lectures. You are responsible for all material covered in lectures. Expected Workload On average, you should expect to spend at least (9) hours per week on this module. Practical Submissions The assignments that have work to be assessed will be given to the students in separate documents including the due date and appropriate reading material 5 of 6 Pages PHILADELPHIA UNIVERSITY Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences Department of Business Networking and Systems Management Feedback Concerns or complaints should be expressed in the first instance to the course lecturer. If no resolution is forthcoming then the issue should be brought to the attention of the course representatives who will take the concerns to the course representative meetings (held in weeks). Thereafter problems are dealt with by the Department Chair and if still unresolved the Dean and then ultimately the Vice President. At the end of the course, the students will fill a course evaluation sheet, evaluating the content of the course, its teaching, the learning, and assessment methods, and lecturer. The monitoring of these students feedback will allows the course quality improvement. Text Book(s) and Supporting Materials: Text book(s): ASP.NET, 2nd Edition, by Stephen Walther, SAMS Publishing Group, 2004. In addition to the above, the students will be provided with handouts by the lecturer. References: Students will be expected to give the same attention to these references as given to the Module textbook(s) 1. Inside ASP.NET Web Matrix, Alex Homer and Dave Sussman, Works Press Ltd., 2004. 2. ADO.NET Primer, Author: Eric Schmidt, Microsoft Corporation, January 2003. 3. ASP.NET, Database Programming -Weekend Crash Course™, Jason Butler and Tony Caudill, Hungry Minds, Inc, 2002. 4. ASP.NET Bible, by mridula Parihar and et al., Hungry Minds, 2003. 5. Building Web Solutions with ASP.NETand ADO.NET, Microsoft Corporation, by 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Esposito, 2003. WWW.ASP101.COM WWW.ASP.NET WWW.SUPEREXPERT.Com WWW.ASPWORKSHOPS.COM WWW.MICROSOFT.COM 6 of 6 Pages Dino