P h i l

Faculty of Information Technology
Philadelphia University
Department of MIS
: Dr.M. Maouche
: Dr M. Maouche
Internal Examiner : Dr. A. Alawneh
Marking Schema
Course Name: Information Systems Modeling (731464)
Section: 1
First Exam
Second Semester
Academic Year: 2014/15 Date: April, 5th, 2015
Question1: (8 marks)
Time: 50 minutes
A. Recruit New Staff : Support business process
B. Take order from customers: Core business process
C. Set long term budget goals: Management business process
- Understand structure and dynamics of organizations
- Share a common understanding of organization
- Improve business processes
- Derive requirements for IS design
Business objects may be: used, consumed, refined, produced ( 0.5 x 4)
4. Two kinds of BUC may be automated:
- BUC involving a business actor and a business worker: replace the BUC
activities done by the worker by a piece of software.
- BUC involving only workers (no business actor) that do their BUC activities
manually: support their whole job or a part of it by a piece of software .
Question2: (10 marks)
1. core business process of the above business unit: Repair Defected Computers (1)
2. (1 x 5)
BUC Name
BUC Actor(s)
BUC Worker(s)
Admit defected Computer
Repair Hardware
Hardware Technician
Configure Software
Software Technician
Test Functionality
Tester Technician
Order Unused Spares
Spare Stock clerk
Admit Defected Computer:
core process (0.5)
Trigger event: Customer comes to the business unit and requests for computer
repair (0,5)
Pre-condition: business unit open, receptionist ready for work (0.5)
Post-condition: a new defected computer is admitted for repair (0.5)
Basic Flow: (1)
1. Customer gives the computer to the receptionist
2. Receptionist identifies the Computer faults
3. Receptionist evaluates repair costs
4. Customer accepts the deal
5. Receptionist keeps the computer and put it in the box of computers to be
6. Receptionist produces a receipt and give it to the customer
7. Customer leaves the business unit
Alternate flows: (1)
2. Defected computer cannot be repaired:
2.1 Tell the customer that no way to repair the defected computer
2.2 Receptionist returns back the computer to the customer
2.3 Customer leaves the business unit
4. Customer does not accept the deal
4. 1 Receptionist returns back the computer to the customer
4.2 Customer leaves the business unit
Question3: (4)
Admit defected computer;
Case of:
1. No way to repair it or Customer does not accept the deal :
1.1 Receptionist returns back the computer to the customer
1. 2 Customer leaves the business unit
1.3 End
2. Customer accepts the deal:
2.1 Case of:
Only hardware fault:
Repair hardware
Only software fault:
Configure software
Both kinds of faults:
Repair hardware; Configure software
2.2 Test Functionality
2.3 if the functional test is negative then goto 2.1
3. End