Philadelphia University Faculty of Engineering Department of Architecture )Second Semester (2014/2015 Course Syllabus Course Title: )Engineering project (2 مشروع هندسي ()2 Course code: 660582 Course prerequisite (s): )Engineering project (1 مشروع هندسي ()1 Credit hours: 4 Course Level: 5th year Lecture Time: بالتنسيق مع مدرس المادة Academic Staff Specifics المدرس الرتبة االكاديمية البريد االليكتروني أ.د .احسان فتحي استاذ ifethi@philadelp د .اسامة خصاونة استاذ مساعد okassawneh@ph د .افنان صالح استاذ مساعد @a.saleh .eg د .جميل فته استاذ مساعد jfatta@philadelp د .بسام صابور استاذ مساعد bsabour@philad الطلبة .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .1 .2 .3 .4 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .1 .2 هبة محمود سليم دوعر محمد خليل باقر اية توفيق عبد الفتاح تيم شادن محمود علي صالح صالح عطية محمد اعطيوي رند لاير ادهم الخزندار مالك محمد حمودة العجو مها طارق حسن عودة سليمان خليل سليمان ابو سليم لؤي قاسم محمد الزعبي علي حسين محمد علي البلبيسي روان اسعد صالح الشحاة زينة جمال محمد نعمان القاضي هالة طالل سعيد نجار صالح محمد باسم صالح موسى هبة الزبيدي دعاء مسلم محمد غوانمة ميسا امين محمود عرار اريج خالد محمد عمر احمد جابر عباس ابو استيتية هيثم عصام محمود ربابعة اسامة نضال وجيه قبها هبه صابر احمد ناطور ريان محمد عبدالقادر احمد ياسمين عالءالدين اسماعيل العزة مجد موسى عزت نصار محمد احمد نور ابو دان محمد محمود احمد الصالح موسى وجيه كيالني المشاريع Engineering project (2) فراس محمد نزار محمود ريم راسم الحواري ايهاب اسماعيل عبدالغني علي خطيب تسنيم غسان حسن عبدالقادر منتهى رجا احمد الغنايم امل خليل عودة عمر تسنيم عبدالكريم محمد علي الرخ محمد نهاد حمدان معاذ ناصر عبدهللا نصيرات حمزة محمد انس حسام الدين عبدهللا جعفر امين التميمي اديبة عبدالرحمن صالح ابو حسين زهرة ابراهيم سالم ابو طه احمد رباح الديسي عبدهللا عالء جابر الزبيدي سالي مكرم ميخائيل الزيادين ساره ابو العافية محمد سعود محمد ابو جبارة عمرو زياد صبحي خميس رهف محمد عطية عبدالرحمن حجازي سارة اسامة محمد الزميلي انسام عودة خليل ابو درويش ايمان خالد محمد الشطريط امينة سليم محمد ابو سعيدة سيرين شريف محمد مشعل لميس عمار محمد االحمر حسن عبدالقادر محمد علي Second Semester (2014/2015) .3 .4 .1 .2 .3 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 nmehdi@philad استاذ مساعد نوار سامي.د استاذ مساعد سمعان مجيد.د bsabour@philad استاذ مساعد سالم العبدهللا.د salnuaimi@phil محاضر صفاء الدين النعيمي.م محاضر ملكية الظاهر.م mdhaher@phila Course description: The graduation project is a comprehensive project that reflects the student’s accumulated knowledge and skills in architectural design, urban design, planning building construction, building systems, landscape architecture, and other subjects related to architectural education. During Engineering Project 2, students, under the guidance of their faculty advisor, develop their preliminary design ideas into a full architectural project including architectural drawings, models, and final presentation. It is the last step in preparing the student for professional practice after graduation. It also requires continuous work and commitment to achieve the required goals. Dr. Afnan Saleh Page 2 Engineering project (2) Second Semester (2014/2015) Course objectives: The main objective of this course is to train students to deal with complex architectural design problems from a practical and comprehensive point of view starting from problem definition, context analysis, function and utility requirements study, in addition to structural and aesthetic considerations. Formulation of schematic design as translation of the previously prepared design brief. Development of the schematic design into preliminary design drawings. Modification of the preliminary design toward the final design drawings. Graphic presentation and oral presentations to a jury committee Progress The student should progress through different design phases to suggest solutions and implementation strategies. The Graduation project is a comprehensive experience similar to professional practice after graduation. The student is required to undertake the following activities according to a specific time schedule: Development of Architectural Design Alternatives: the student is expected to work on transforming the project program into design alternatives and ideas relevant to the selected site. This phase ends with the selection of the appropriate design ideas according to a reasonable evaluation process. Preparation of Preliminary design: The student should follow a clear design process to develop the selected ideas into a preliminary design project. Design should be seen as an organized process of transforming architectural program of needs into a three dimensional configuration of space suitable for execution through several linear and non-linear design decision stages. Development of Final design, Presentation of the final drawings and model. At the end of project, students are required to present to a jury committee a final architectural project that reflects the skills and expertise throughout undergraduate education. The final project should include the following items: Complete architectural drawings (studies, layout, plans, elevations, sections, perspectives, computer animations, etc.) and model of the final project. Assessment instruments Juries Graduation projects are to be evaluated by a jury panel headed by the project instructor as follows Dr. Afnan Saleh Page 3 Engineering project (2) Second Semester (2014/2015) The first jury is held after completion of pre-final drawings of the project during engineering project 2. (internal jurors invited by the instructor) 2. The second jury is held at the end of engineering project 2 after completion of drawings, model and final presentation. (internal & external jurors invited by the instructor) 3. The faculty advisor can held an optional jury to evaluate the preliminary design and design alternatives (optional) 4. The best graduation projects are to be exhibited in official ceremony to admire the distinguished students. 1. Evaluation criteria The evaluation is based on the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. General theoretical design aspects which includes concept and form Environmental respectability and Site planning matters Compositional and spatial aspects Function, Space utilization and Circulation Structural stability, Technical Considerations and architectural details Presentation: Graphical and oral presentations of the project, models. Grading Grading is based on the following: Allocation of Marks Assessment Instruments Mark First Exam: first submittal (preliminary design) 20% Second Exam: Progress 20% Reports: First Jury (pre-final design) 20% (10 % instructor +10% internal jurors) Final Exam: Second Jury (final design) 40% (15 % instructor +25% local and external jurors from profession) Total 100% Documentation and academic honesty The students are trusted to act honorably. Those who are in violation of the academic honesty can be subjected to standard penalty for a first offence includes Dr. Afnan Saleh Page 4 Engineering project (2) Second Semester (2014/2015) issuing "No Pass" or "No Credit" for the exercise in which the violation occurred. The standard penalty for a multiple violation includes "No Pass" or "No Credit" for the course. Examples of conduct which to be regarded as being in violation include unpermitted collaboration and representing the work of another as one's own work. Course academic calendar Week Dates No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 31/3/2015 Subject 5. Optional jury: preliminary design Meeting (1) Meeting (2) First submittal 2/4/2015 6. Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Concept, design alternatives, general site plan 1/400, plans scale 1/400, main section & elevation scale 1/400, 6. sketch model First submittal requirements First exam 7. 8. 9. 5/5/2015 Second submittal: pre-final design 1. 2. 3. 4. 10 7/5/2015 First jury: pre-final design Meeting 4 Second submittal requirements 11. Meeting 3 Site plan scale 1:400 or 1: 500 Plans scale 1:200 Sections and Elevations 1:200 Interior and Exterior perspectives with an appropriate scale 5. sketch model scale.1:400 or 1:500 Second exam 12. 13. 14. Meeting 5 Third submittal: final project Dr. Afnan Saleh 1. 2. Brief site and program analysis Concept Page 5 Engineering project (2) Second Semester (2014/2015) Week Dates No. Subject Requirements Site plan scale 1:400 or 1: 500 Plans scale 1:200 Sections and Elevations 1:200 Interior and Exterior perspectives with an appropriate scale 7. The final model should be made by the student using simple material and techniques scale.1:400 or 1:500 8. The project should be presented and arranged in a professional form. All the accumulated skills in drafting, shade and shadow, perspective, and computer presentation should be demonstrated in the final project. 3. 4. 5. 6. The student should put effort in arranging and presenting their project imitating professional architectural offices. 15. 16. 11/6/2015 Final exam Dr. Afnan Saleh Meeting 6 Second jury: final project Meeting 7 exhibition Third submittal requirements Selected projects Page 6