Carl L. Bankston III Professor and Chair Department of Sociology, Tulane University

Carl L. Bankston III
Professor and Chair
Department of Sociology, Tulane University
August 1995
Ph.D., Sociology
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Dissertation Title:
"Ethnic Community Involvement and Academic Achievement Among Vietnamese
American Secondary School Students: A Community Study"
Dissertation Committee Members:
Scott Feld, Ph.D., committee chair
Min Zhou, Ph.D.
Katherine Donato, Ph.D.
Michael D. Grimes, Ph.D.
William B. Bankston, Ph.D.
June 1980
M.A., History
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California
December 1974
B.S. (with High Honors), Sociology
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
Teacher, English to Speakers of Other Languages, U.S. Peace Corps, Thailand.
Instructional Supervisor, English as a Second Language and Cultural Orientation,
International Catholic Migration Commission Philippine Refugee Processing Center,
Morong, Bataan, The Philippines
Summer, 1993
Instructor, Department of Sociology
University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana
Fall, 1993
Instructor, Department of Sociology
Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
Instructor, Department of Sociology
Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
University of Southwestern Louisiana,
Lafayette, Louisiana.
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology
Tulane University,
New Orleans, Louisiana
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology
Tulane University,
New Orleans, Louisiana
Professor, Department of Sociology
Tulane University,
New Orleans, Louisiana
Books (as author)
Shrum, Wesley, Carl L. Bankston III, and Stephen Voss. 1995. Science, Technology and the
Third World: An Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press.
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. 1998. Growing Up American: How Vietnamese Children
Adapt to Life in the United States. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Received
Thomas and Znaniecki award for Outstanding Book, International Migration Section of
the American Sociological Association, 1999; Distinguished Book Award of the MidSouth Sociological Association, 2000.
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. 2000. Straddling Two Social Worlds: The Experience of
Vietnamese Refugee Children in the United States. New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on
Urban Education.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. 2002. A Troubled Dream: The Promise and Failure
of School Desegregation in Louisiana. Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University Press.
Received Annual Literary Award (for outstanding book of 2002), Louisiana Library
Association, 2003.
Henry, Jacques and Carl L. Bankston III. 2002. Blue Collar Bayou: Louisiana Cajuns in the New
Economy of Ethnicity. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. Received Stanford Lyman
Distinguished Book Award, 2005.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 2005. Forced to Fail: The Paradox of School
Desegregation. New York: Praeger. (Hardback edition). Received Stanford Lyman
Distinguished Book Award, 2007.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 2007. Forced to Fail: The Paradox of School
Desegregation. New York: Rowman & Littlefield. (Paperback edition).
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. 2009. Public Education – America’s Civil Religion:
A Social History. New York: Teachers College Press.
Books (as editor)
Bankston, Carl L. III and R. Kent Rasmussen, eds. 1998. Encyclopedia of Family Life (5 vols).
Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III et al, eds. 1999. Racial and Ethnic Relations in America (3 vols.).
Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III, ed. 2000. Sociology Basics (2 vols.). Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III, eds. 2003. The End of Desegregation? New York:
Nova Publications.
Bankston, Carl L. III, ed. 2003.. World Conflicts: Asia and the Middle East (2 vols.) Pasadena,
CA: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III, ed. 2005. African American History (3 vols.) Pasadena, Ca.: Salem
Bankston, Carl L. III and Danielle Hidalgo, eds. 2006. Immigration in U.S. History (2 vols.)
Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III, ed. 2006. Great Lives from History: Notorious Lives. Pasadena, Ca.:
Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III, ed. 2009. Great Events from History: Modern Scandals. Pasadena, Ca.:
Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III, ed. Forthcoming. Encyclopedia of American Immigration. Pasadena, Ca.:
Salem Press.
Refereed Journal Articles
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. 1992. "Variations in Economic Adaptation: The Case of
Post-1965 Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese Immigrants." National Journal of Sociology
6 (Winter): 105-140.
Shrum Wesley and Carl L. Bankston III. 1993-94. The Global Scientific Network:
Organizational and Geographic Approaches. Knowledge and Policy 6 (Fall/Winter): 118132.
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. 1994. "Social Capital and the Adaptation of the Second
Generation: The Case of Vietnamese Youth in New Orleans." International Migration
Review 28: 821-845. Reprinted in in Alejandro Portes, ed., The New Second Generation.
New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 1995. "The Effects of Minority Language Literacy on the
Academic Achievement of Vietnamese Youth in New Orleans." Sociology of Education
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. 1995. "Asian American Entrepreneurship: The Causes and
Consequences." National Journal of Sociology 9(2): 1-36.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1995. "Gender Roles and Scholastic Performance Among Adolescent
Vietnamese Women: The Paradox of Ethnic Patriarchy." Sociological Focus 28:161-176.
Reprinted in Sarah Brabant, Robert Gramling, Craig J. Forsyth, and Linda Mooney,
editors, Readings in General Sociology Needham, MA: Simon & Schuster Custom
Publishing (1997).
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1995. "Vietnamese Ethnicity and Adolescent Substance Abuse: Evidence
for a Community-Level Approach." Deviant Behavior 16: 59-80.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 1995. "Religious Participation, Ethnic Identification, and
Social Adjustment Among Vietnamese American Adolescents." The Sociological
Quarterly 36: 523-534.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1995. "Language and Games, Games and Language: An Essay on the
Nature and Use of Social Simulations." Humanity and Society 19(1): 65-74.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. 1996. "Majority African American Schools and the
Perpetuation of Social Injustice: The Influence of De Facto Segregation on Academic
Achievement." Social Forces 75:535-556.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 1996. "Go Fish: The Louisiana Vietnamese and Ethnic
Entrepreneurship in an Extractive Industry." National Journal of Sociology 10:37-56.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1996. "Vietnamese American High School Dropout Rates: Ethnicity as
Insulation." Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology 24:1-7.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 1996. "The Ethnic Church, Ethnic Identification, and the
Social Adjustment of Vietnamese Adolescents." Review of Religious Research 38:18-37.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1996. "Cultural Resources over Economic Resources: Family Background
and Academic Achievement in a Louisiana Vietnamese Community." Louisiana
Education Research Journal 22:43-60.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. 1996. "Adolescents and Deviance in a Vietnamese
American Community: A Theoretical Synthesis." Deviant Behavior 17:159-181.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1996. "The Academic Achievement of Vietnamese American Adolescents:
A Community Perspective." Sociological Spectrum 16:109-127.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 1997. "The Social Adjustment of Vietnamese American
Adolescents: Evidence for a Segmented Assimilation Approach." Social Science
Quarterly 78:508-523.
Forsyth, Craig J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 1997. "Mitigation in a Capital Murder Case with a
Vietnamese Defendant: The Interpretation of Social Context." Journal of Applied
Sociology 14:147-165.
Bankston, Carl L. III, Stephen J. Caldas, and Min Zhou. 1997. "The Academic Achievement of
Vietnamese American Students: Ethnicity as Social Capital." Sociological Focus 30:1-16.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 1997. "The Effect of School Population
Socioeconomic Status on Individual Student Academic Achievement." Journal of
Educational Research 5:269-278.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 1997 "Valedictorians and Delinquents: The Bifurcation of
Vietnamese American Youth." Deviant Behavior 18:343-363.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1997. "'It is Always Now': Sacred Time in Contemporary Native American
Writing - An Essay in the Sociology of Literature." Humanity and Society 21:340-352.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1997. "Bayou Lotus: Theravada Buddhism in Southwestern Louisiana."
Sociological Spectrum 17:453-472. Available online at (Center for Buddhist Studies)
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. 1997. The American School Dilemma: Race and
Scholastic Performance.” The Sociological Quarterly 38:423-464.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. 1998. "Family Structure, Schoolmates, and the
Racial Inequalities of Schools." Journal of Marriage and the Family 60:715-723.
Henry, Jacques and Carl L. Bankston III.1998 “Propositions for a Structural Analysis of
Creolism." Current Anthropology 39:558-566.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 1998. "The Inequality of Separation."
Educational Administration Quarterly 34:533-557.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Jacques Henry. 1998. "The Silence of the Gators: Cajun Ethnicity and
Intergenerational Transmission of Louisiana French." Journal of Multilingual and
Multicultural Development 19:1-23.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Jacques Henry. 1998. "The Socioeconomic Position of the Louisiana
Creoles: An Examination of Racial and Ethnic Stratification." Social Thought and
Research 21: 253-278.
Bankston, Carl L. III and C. Eddie Palmer. 1998. "The Children of Hobbes: Education, Family
Structure, and the Problem of Social Order." Sociological Focus 31: 265-280.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1998. "Youth Gangs and the New Second Generation: A Review Essay."
Aggression and Violent Behavior: A Review Journal 3:35-45. Reprinted in Kris
Bosworth, editor, Preventing School Violence: What Schools Can Do. Bloomington,
Indiana: Center for Evaluation, Development, Research (1999).
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 1998. "Female-Headed Families and School
Environments: Does the Family Structure of Schoolmates Make a Difference in
Academic Achievement?" Louisiana Education Research Journal 23:101-128.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1998. "Sibling Cooperation and Scholastic Performance Among
Vietnamese-American Secondary School Students: An Ethnic Social Relations Theory."
Sociological Perspectives 41:167-184.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. 1998. "Race, Poverty, Family Structure and the
Inequality of Schools." Sociological Spectrum 18:51-72.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 1999. “A Multilevel Examination of Student,
School, and District Level Effects on Student Achievement.” Journal of Educational
Research 93: 91-100
Henry, Jacques M. and Carl L. Bankston III. 1999. "Louisiana Cajun Ethnicity: Symbolic or
Structural?" Sociological Spectrum 19:223-248.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 1999. "Black and White T.V.: Race, TelevisionWatching, and Academic Achievement. Sociological Spectrum 19:39-62.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Jacques Henry. 1999. “Endogamy among Louisiana Cajuns: A Social
Class Explanation.” Social Forces 77: 1317-1338.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 2000. “De Facto Congregationalism and Socioeconomic
Mobility in Laotian and Vietnamese Immigrant Communities: A Study of Religious
Institutions and Economic Change. Review of Religious Research 41: 453-470.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. 2000. “Majority African American Schools and the
Family Structures of Schools: School Racial Composition and Academic Achievement
among Black and White Students.” Sociological Focus 33:243-263.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. 2000. “White Enrollment in Non-Public Schools,
Public School Racial Composition, and Student Performance.” The Sociological
Quarterly. 41(4):539-550.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. 2000. “Caste or Class? Race, Socioeconomic Status,
and Educational Disadvantage.” National Journal of Sociology 12: 57-88.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Jacques Henry. 2000. Spectacles of Ethnicity: Festivals and the
Commodification of Culture among Louisiana Cajuns. Sociological Spectrum 20: 377407.
Henry, Jacques and Carl L. Bankston III. 2001. “Ethnic Self-Identification and Symbolic
Stereotyping: The Portrayal of Louisiana Cajuns.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 24:10201045.
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. 2001. “Family Pressure and the Educational Experience of
the Daughters of Vietnamese Refugees.” International Migration 39:133-151.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 2001“ Baton Rouge, Desegregation, and White
Flight.” Research in the Schools 8: 21-32.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 2002. “Social Capital and Immigrant School Performance:
The Case for a Reconceptualization.” Research in Sociology of Education (Schooling and
Social Capital in Diverse Cultures) 13:13-39.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 2002. “Social Capital as Process: The Meanings and
Problems of a Theoretical Metaphor.” Sociological Inquiry 72: 285-317.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 2002. “Being Well vs. Doing Well: Self-Esteem and School
Performance among Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Racial and Ethnic Groups.”
International Migration Review 36:389-415.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2002 . “Rationality, Choice, and the Religious Economy: The Problem of
Belief.” Review of Religious Research 43:311-325.
Caldas, Stephen J., Roslyn Growe, and Carl L. Bankston III. 2002. “The African American
Reaction to the Lafayette Parish School Desegregation Order: From Delight to
Disenchantment.” Journal of Negro Education
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. 2002. “Social Capital and Immigrant Children’s
Achievement.” Research in the Sociology of Education 13:13-39.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2003 . “Rationality, Choice, and the Religious Economy: Individual and
Collective Rationality in Supply and Demand.” Review of Religious Research 45: 155171.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 2003. “School Desegregation and White Flight in
Lafayette Parish, Louisiana.” Research in the Schools.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2003. “Immigrants in the New South: An Introduction.” Sociological
Spectrum 23: 123-128.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2003. “No Bowling at All: Television, the Vita Inactiva, and Social
Capital.” Sociological Focus 36: 99-109.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2004. “Social Capital, Cultural Values, Immigration, and Academic
Achievement: The Host Country Context and Contradictory Consequences.” Sociology
of Education 77:176-179
Bankston, Carl L. III and Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo. 2006. “Respect among Southeast Asian
American Children and Adolescents: Cultural and Contextual Influences.” New
Directions in Child and Adolescent Development 114: 25-38.
Caldas, Stephen J., Carl L. Bankston III, and J. Cain. 2007. “A Case Study of Teachers’
Perceptions of School Desegregation and the Redistribution of Social and Academic
Capital.” Education & Urban Society 39: 194-222.
Hidalgo, Danielle Antoinette and Carl L. Bankston III. 2008 “War Brides and Refugees:
Vietnamese American Wives and Shifting Links to the Military, 1980-2000.”
International Migration 46: 199-217.
Hidalgo, Danielle Antoinette and Carl L. Bankston III. Forthcoming. “The Demilitarization of
Thai-American Marriage Migration, 1980-2000.” Journal of International Migration and
Hidalgo, Danielle Antoinette and Carl L. Bankston III. Forthcoming. “Blurring Racial and Ethnic
Boundaries in Asian American Families: Asian American Family Patterns, 1980-2005.”
Journal of Family Issues.
Non-Refereed Articles
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1990. "Landfill in the Bayou: An Environmental Protest Movement in the
New Orleans Vietnamese Community." The Progressive 54(July): 8-9.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1995. "Ethics as Excess: Toward a 'Postmodern' Approach to Social
Ethics." West Georgia College Studies in Social Sciences 33: 13-40.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2000. “Vietnamese Catholicism: Transplanted and Flourishing.” U.S.
Catholic Historian 18:36-53.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 2005. “Federal Involvement in Local School
Districts” Society 42 (4): 49Bankston, Carl L. III. 2006. “Grutter v. Bollinger: Weak Foundations?” The Ohio State Law
Journal 67:1-13
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. 2007. “A Re-Analysis of the Legal, Political and
Social Landscape of Desegregation from Plessy v. Ferguson to Sheff v. O’Neill.”
Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal 2007(2): 217-256.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2007. “New People in the New South: An Overview of Southern
Immigration.” Southern Cultures 13: 24-44.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2008. “A Portrait of Adaptation: A Comment on Pfeiffer’s Analysis of
American Community Survey Data on Southeast Asian Americans.” Journal of Southeast
Asian American Education and Advancement 3: 31-34.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2008. “Sociology and the Crisis of the Present.” Sociological Spectrum
28: 319-337.
Bankston, Carl L. III. Forthcoming. “The Rise of the Rest Inside the U.S.: The Global Economic
Setting and American Immigration in a Post-American World.” International Review of
Modern Sociology.
Bankston, Carl L. III. Forthcoming. “Engineering the Competition: Affirmative Action as
Subsidized Mobility.” Society.
Book Chapters
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1995. "Southeast Asians in Louisiana." Pp. 661-677 in Carl Brasseaux, ed.,
A Refuge for All Ages: Immigration in Louisiana History, Lafayette: Center for
Louisiana Studies.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1995. "The International Exchange and Diffusion of Innovations." Pp.
25-36 in Wesley Shrum, Carl L. Bankston III, and Stephen Voss. Science, Technology,
and the Third World: An Annotated Bibliography. Scarecrow Press.
Bankston, Carl L III. 1997. "Education and Ethnicity: Community and Academic Performance
in an Urban Vietnamese Village." Pp. 207-230 in Lois Weiss and Maxine S. Seller, eds.,
Beyond Black and White: New Faces in United States Schools, New York: State
University of New York Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2000. “Sangha of the South: Laotian Buddhism and Social Adaptation in
Southwestern Louisiana.” Pp. 357-371 in Min Zhou and James V. Gatewood, eds.,
Contemporary Asian America. Albany: New York University Press.
Zhou, Min, Carl L. Bankston III, and Rebecca Kim. 2001. “Rebuilding Spiritual Lives in the
New Land: Religious Practices among Southeast Asian Refugees in the United States.”
Pp. 37-70 in Pyong Gap Min and Jung Ha Kim, eds., Asian Immigration and
Transplanting and Transforming Religions. Walnut Creek: Altamira Press.
Donato, Katharine, Carl L. Bankston III, and Dawn T. Robinson. 2001. “Immigration and the
Organization of the Onshore Oil Industry: Southern Louisiana in the Late 1990s.” Pp.
105-113 in Arthur D. Murphy, Colleen Blanchard, and Jennifer A. Hill, eds., Latino
Workers in the Contemporary South. University of Georgia Press.
Caldas, Stephen J., Carl L. Bankston III, and Judith S. Cain. 2003. “Social Capital, Academic
Capital, and the ‘Harm and Benefit’ Thesis: Evidence From a Desegregating School
District.” Pp. 121-148 in The End of Desegregation?, edited by Stephen J. Caldas and
Carl L. Bankston III. New York: Nova Publications.
Donato, Katharine, Melissa Stainbeck, and Carl L. Bankston III. 2005. “The Economic
Incorporation of Mexican Immigrants in South Louisiana: A Tale of Two Cities.” Pp. 7699 in New Destinations of Mexican Immigration in the United States, edited by Victor
Zuniga and Ruben Hernandez-Leon. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2005. “Filipino Americans.” In Asian Americans: Contemporary Issues
and Trends (2nd edition), edited by Pyong Gap Min. Pine Forge Press.
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. 2006. Delinquency and Acculturation in the Twenty First
Century: A Decade’s Change in a Vietnamese American Community.” In Immigration
and Crime: Ethnicity, Race, and Violence, edited by Ramiro Martinez, Jr. and Abel
Valenzuela, Jr. New York University Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo. 2007. “Southeast Asia: Laos, Cambodia,
and Thailand.”. Pp. 624-640 in The New Americans: A Guide to Immigration Since
1965, edited by Mary Waters and Reed Ueda. Harvard: Harvard University Press.
Donato, Katherine M., Nicole Trujillo-Pagan, Carl L. Bankston III, and Audrey Singer. 2007.
“Reconstructing New Orleans After Katrina: The Emergence of an Immigrant Labor
Market.” In The Sociology of Katrina: Perspectives on a Modern Catastrophe, edited by
David L. Brunsma. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2007. “How I Spent My Hurricane Vacation.” In Narrating the Storm:
Sociological Stories of Hurricane Katrina, edited by Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo and
Kristin Barber. Cambridge Scholars.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo. 2007.. “The Waves of War: Immigrants,
Refugees, and New Americans from Southeast Asia.” In Contemporary Asian America,
2nd Edition. Edited by Min Zhou and James V. Gatewood. Albany: New York University
Donato, Katherine M. and Carl L. Bankston III. 2008. “The Origins of Employer Demand for
Immigrants in a New Destination: The Salience of Soft Skills in a Volatile Economy.”
Pp. 124-148 in New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American
Immigration, edited by Douglas S. Massey. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo. 2008. “Temple and Society in the New
World: Theravada Buddhism in North America.” Pp. 51-86 in North American
Buddhism: Social Scientific Perspectives, edited by Paul D. Numrich. Brill Publishers.
Dao, Vy and Carl L. Bankston III. Forthcoming. “Vietnamese in the United States.” In Language
Diversity in the United States, edited by Kim Potowski. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. Forthcoming. “The International Immigrants of Mississippi: An
Overview.” Ethnic Heritage in Mississippi: The Twentieth Century. University Press of
Selected Encyclopedia/Reference Articles
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1995. "Who are the Cambodian Americans?" Pp. 29-39 in Irene Natividad,
ed., Asian American Almanac. Detroit: Gale Research Inc.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1995. "Who are the Hmong Americans?" Pp. 81-89 in Irene Natividad, ed.,
Asian American Almanac. Detroit: Gale Research Inc.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1995. "Who are the Laotian Americans?" Pp. 131-138 in Irene Natividad,
ed., Asian American Almanac.Detroit: Gale Research Inc.
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. 1995. " Asian American Entrepreneurship." Pp. 511-528
in Irene Natividad, ed., Asian American Almanac. Detroit: Gale Research Inc.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1999. “Cambodia.” Pp. 546-554 in Charles Bahmueller, ed., World
Conflicts and Confrontations. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1999. “Indonesia.” Pp. 583-592 in Charles Bahmueller, ed., World
Conflicts and Confrontations. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1999. “Philippines.” Pp. 640-650 in Charles Bahmueller, ed., World
Conflicts and Confrontations. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1999. “The Pacific Islands.” Pp. 794-801 in Charles Bahmueller, ed.,
World Conflicts and Confrontations. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2000. “Gaston Bachelard.” Pp. 155-162 in John K. Roth, ed., World
Philosophers and Their Works. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2000. “Georges Bataille.” Pp. 192-198 in John K. Roth, ed., World
Philosophers and Their Works. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2000. “Daniel C. Dennett.” Pp. 458-464 in John K. Roth, ed., World
Philosophers and Their Works. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2000. “Arne Naess.” Pp. 1324-1331 in John K. Roth, ed., World
Philosophers and Their Works. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2001. “Philippines.” Encyclopedia of American Immigration, edited by
James Cimint. New York: M.E. Sharpe.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2004. “The Birth of Buddhism.” Pp. 346-348 Great Events from History:
The Ancient World, edited by Mark W. Chavalas. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2004. “Tai Peoples Migrate into Southeast Asia.” Pp. 738-739 Great
Events from History: The Ancient World, edited by Mark W. Chavalas. Pasadena, Ca.:
Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2004. “Fourth Buddhist Council Convenes.” Pp. 739-742 Great Events
from History: The Ancient World, edited by Mark W. Chavalas. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2005. “Education in the United States.” In The Seventies in America,
edited by John C. Super. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Hidalgo, Danielle and Carl L. Bankston III. 2006. “Southeast Asians” Pp. 1299-1301 in
Encyclopedia of U.S. Labor and Working Class History, edited by Eric Arnesen.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo. 2007. “Asian and Asian American
Studies.” Pp. 397-401 in Handbook of Twenty-First Century Sociology Volume 2, edited
by Clifton Bryant and Dennis L. Peck. Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage Publications.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2007. “Louisiana.” In The Fifty States, edited by Charles F. Bahmueller.
Pasadena, California: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo. 2008. “Vietnamese American Youth.” In
Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology, edited by Caroline Clauss-Ehlers.
Berlin: Springer.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2008. “Education in the United States.” In The Eighties in America, edited
by Milton Berman. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2008. “Immigration to the United States.” In The Eighties in America,
edited by Milton Berman. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2008. “Affirmative Action.” Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the
United States, edited by David S. Tanenhaus. New York: MacMillan.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2008. “Immigration Law.” Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the
United States, edited by David S. Tanenhaus. New York: MacMillan.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2009. “Education in the United States.” In The Nineties in America, edited
by Milton Berman. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2009. “Immigration to the United States.” In The Nineties in America,
edited by Milton Berman. Pasadena, Ca.: Salem Press.
Online Publications:
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. 1996. “The Ethnic Community and Networks of Social
Ties as Social Capital : Evidence from the Experience of Vietnamese children in the
United States.” Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University, available online at
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1996. Edge Village: the Suburban Ecology of a Laotian Community.
Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University, available online at
Bankston, Carl L. III. 1997. “Delinquency and Diffusion: A Study of the Development of
Suburban Laotian Youth Gangs.” Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford University, available
online at
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. 2000. “The Biculturation of the Vietnamese Student.” Eric
Clearinghouse on Urban Education, available online at
Bankston, Carl L. III. 2007. “Can Vallas Save New Orleans Schools?” Teachers College
Record. Available at
Papers Read
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. "Economic Adaptation of Post-1965 Asian Immigrants: An
Analysis of Earnings for the Chinese, Koreans, and Vietnamese in California." Presented
at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, La., April,
Bankston, Carl L. III. "Effects of Intergenerational Mobility on Class Consciousness, From an
Occupational and a Class Perspective." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern
Sociological Society, New Orleans, La., April, 1992.
Shrum, Wesley and Carl L. Bankston III. "Toward an Organizational Theory of International
Scientific Networks." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social
Studies of Science, Gotheburg, Sweden, August, 1992.
Bankston, Carl L. III. "When is a Bridge a Bridge and What Does It Bridge? An Empirical
Examination of the Strength of Weak Ties Argument." Presented at the Annual Sunbelt
Network Conference, Tampa, Fla., Feb., 1993.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Wesley Shrum. "A Comparison of Organizational and Geopolitical
Perspectives on Global Science and Technology Networks, Presented at the Annual
Sunbelt Network Conference, Tampa, Fla., Feb., 1993.
Bankston, Carl L. III. "Is an Ethnic Economy Emerging in New Orleans East? Evidence from
the 1990 Census." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Sociological
Association, Montgomery Ala., Oct., 1993.
Bankston, Carl L. III. "Ethnic Ties as Social Constraints: A Pilot Study of New Orleans area
Vietnamese Secondary School Students." Presented at the Annual Sunbelt Network
Conference, New Orleans, La., April, 1994.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. "Minority Language Skills and Secondary School
Achievement: The Case of the New Orleans Vietnamese." Presented at the Annual
Meetings of the Southern Sociological Association, Raleigh, North
Carolina, April, 1994.
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. "Ethnic Involvement and Secondary School Achievement
among the New Orleans Vietnamese." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the
American Sociological Association. August, 1994.
Bankston, Carl L. III. "Vietnamese Adolescents and the Ethnic Community." Presented at the
Annual Meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association, Lafayette, La., October,
Bankston, Carl L. III. "Religion and Ethnic Identification in the Second Generation of a
Vietnamese American Community." Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Mid-South
Sociological Association, Lafayette, La., October, 1994.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. "Vietnamese High School Dropouts: Why So Few?"
Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association, Lafayette,
La., October, 1994.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. "Majority Black Schools and the Perpetuation of
Social Injustice: The Influence of De Facto Segregation on Academic Achievement."
Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, Georgia,
April, 1995.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. "Racial Inequality and the Adjustment of Vietnamese
American Adolescents: the Argument for Segmented Assimilation." Presented at the
Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, April, 1995.
Bankston, Carl L. III. "The Paradox of Ethnic Patriarchy: Gender Roles and the Academic
Achievement of Vietnamese American Women. Presented at the annual meetings of the
American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August, 1995.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. "Socioeconomic Status of the Peer Environment as
a Determinant of Achievement Test Scores of High School Students." Presented at the
Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, August,
Bankston, Carl L. III. "Adolescents and Deviants in a Vietnamese American Community: A
Theoretical Synthesis." Presented at the annual meetings of the Mid-South Sociological
Association, Mobile, Alabama, October, 1995.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. "Black and White T.V.: Race, Television-Watching
and Academic Achievement. Presented at the annual meetings of the Southwest
Educational Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 1996.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. "Schools as Social Networks: Influences on
Academic Achievement." Presented at the annual International Sunbelt Social Network
Conference. Charleston, South Carolina, February, 1996.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. "Racial Composition in the Schools: When Does It
Help and When Does It Hurt?" Presented at the Annual meetings of the Southern
Sociological Society, Richmond, Virginia. April, 1996.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. "Demographic Constraints on Network
Environments and Student Academic Achievement." Presented at the annual meetings of
the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, May, 1996.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. "Female-headed Families and School Environments:
Does the Family Structure of Schoolmates Make a Difference in Academic
Achievement?" Presented at the annual meetings of the Louisiana Educational Research
Association, Lafayette, Louisiana, May, 1996.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. "The Academic Achievement of Vietnamese
American Students: Ethnicity as Social Capital. Presented at the annual meetings of the
Louisiana Educational Research Association, Lafayette, Louisiana, May, 1996.
Bankston, Carl L. III, Stephen J. Caldas, and Min Zhou. "The Academic Achievement of
Vietnamese American Students: Ethnicity as Social Capital." Presented at the annual
meetings of the Louisiana Educational Research Association, Lafayette, Louisiana, May,
Bankston, Carl L. III. "Bayou Lotus: Theravada Buddhism in Southwestern Louisiana."
Presented at the annual meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association, Little Rock,
Arkansas, October, 1996.
Bankston, Carl L. III. "Edge Village: The Suburban Ecology of a Laotian Community."
Presented at the annual meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association, Little Rock,
Arkansas, October, 1996.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. "Racial Segregation and Test Performance in
Louisiana Schools." Presented at the annual meetings of the Louisiana Education
Research Association, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March, 1997.
Bankston, Carl L. III and C. Eddie Palmer. "The 1996 Survey of Lafayette Parish Educators:
Project Design, Implementation, and Major Findings." Presented at the annual meetings
of the Louisiana Education Research Association, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March, 1997.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. "Race, Assimilation, and School Performance."
Presented at the annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans,
Louisiana, April, 1997.
Kilburn, John C., Carl L. Bankston III, and Scott L. Feld. "The Continuing Significance of White
Racial Politics in the 'New South': An Examination of the 1991 and 1995 Louisiana
Gubernatorial Elections." Presented at the annual meetings of the Southern Sociological
Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1997.
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. "Delinquency and Peer Group Association: The Bifurcated
Consequences of Adaptation among Vietnamese Youths." Presented at the annual
meetings of the American Sociological Association, Toronto, Canada, August, 1997.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Jacques Henry. "The Socioeconomic Position of the Louisiana Creoles:
An Examination of Ethnic Stratification." Presented at the annual meetings of the MidSouth Sociological Association. Huntsville, Alabama, October, 1997.
Henry, Jacques and Carl L. Bankston III. "Louisiana Cajun Ethnicity: Symbolic or Structural?"
Presented at the annual meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association. Huntsville,
Alabama, October, 1997.
Henry, Jacques and Carl L. Bankston III. "The Occupational Concentration of Louisiana Cajun
Families." Presented at the annual meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association.
Huntsville, Alabama, October, 1997.
Forsyth, Craig J. and Carl L. Bankston III. "Mitigation in a Capital Murder Case with a
Vietnamese Defendant: The Interpretation of Social Context." Presented at the annual
meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association. Huntsville, Alabama, October,
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. Family Structure, Schoolmates, and Racial
Inequalities in School Achievement.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Louisiana
Education Research Association. Shreveport, Louisiana, March, 1998.
Palmer, C. Eddie and Carl L. Bankston III. "Role Strain and Role Conflict among a Sample of
Public School Teachers." Presented at the annual meetings of the Southwestern Social
Science Association. Corpus Christi, Texas, March, 1998.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Jacques Henry. “The Silence of the Gators: Cajun Ethnicity and
Intergenerational Transmission of Cajun French.” Presented at the annual meetings of the
Southern Sociological Society. Atlanta, Georgia, April, 1998.
Donato, Katharine, Dawn T. Robinson, and Carl L. Bankston III. “To Have Them is To Love
Them: Immigrant Workers in the Offshore Oil Industry.” Presented at the annual
meetings of the Latin American Studies Association. Chicago, Illinois, September, 1998.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Stephen J. Caldas. “Non-public Schools and the De Facto Segregation
of Public Schools: Using Hierarchical Linear Models to Disentangle Effects.” Presented
at the annual meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association. Lafayette, Louisiana,
October, 1998.
41. Henry, Jacques and Carl L. Bankston III. “Endogamy among Louisiana Cajuns: A Social
Class Explanation. Presented at the annual meetings of the Mid-South Sociological
Association. Lafayette, Louisiana, October, 1998.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “Social Capital and the Case for Supporting Ethnic Communities: An
Illustration.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Council on Foundations. Miami,
Florida, October, 1998.
Bankston, Carl L III and Stephen J, Caldas.. “Minority Schools and Black Family Structure:
Consequences for Achievement.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern
Educational Research Association. San Antonio, Texas, January, 1999.
Donato, Katharine, Carl L. Bankston III, and Dawn Robinson. “Immigration and the
Organization of the Onshore Oil Industry: Southern Louisiana in the Late 1990s.”
Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Anthropological Society. Decatur,
Georgia, February, 1999.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. “The Promise and Failure of School Desegregation:
The Cases of Baton Rouge and New Orleans.” Presented and the annual meetings of the
Louisiana Education Research Association. New Orleans, Louisiana, March, 1999.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “U.S. Refugee Policy and Contemporary Refugee Crises.” Presented as
opening lecture of the Refugee Week program of Loyola University. New Orleans,
Louisiana, November, 1999.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. “East Baton Rouge, School Desegregation ... and
Unintended Consequences,” Presented at the annual meetings of the Southwestern
Educational Research Association. Dallas, Texas, January, 2000.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. “The Academic Consequences of Desegregation and
Resegregation: It’s a Family Affair.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Louisiana
Education Research Association, Lafayette, Louisiana, February, 2000.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Jacques Henry. “Ethnicity on the Installment Plan: Festivals and the
Consumer Economy in Contemporary Louisiana.” Presented at the annual meetings of
the Southern Sociological Society. New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 2000.
Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III. “Immigrant and Native Minority Groups, School
Performance, and the Problem of Self-Esteem.” Presented at the annual meetings of the
Southern Sociological Society. New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 2000.
Caldas, Stephen J. and Carl L. Bankston III. “New Orleans, Baton Rouge, & School
Desegregation: A Study in White Flight.” Presented at the annual meetings of the
American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 2000.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Min Zhou. “The School Performance of Children of Immigrants: A
Challenge to the Family Network Closure Model of Social Capital.” Presented at the
annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society. Atlanta, Georgia, April, 2001.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “Maternal Employment as Social Capital.” Presented at the annual
meetings of the American Sociological Association, August, 2001.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “No Bowling at All: Television, the Vita Inactiva, and Social Capital.”
Presented at the annual meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association. Mobile,
Ala., October, 2001.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “Delinquency and Diffusion: A Study of the Development of Suburban
Laotian Youth Gangs.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Southern Sociological
Society. Baltimore, Maryland, April, 2002.
Caldas, Stephen J., Judy Cain, and Carl L. Bankston III. “Teachers’ Perceptions of
Desegregation Benefits to Displaced African American Students, White Students, and the
School System.” Presented at the annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society.
Baltimore, Maryland, April, 2002.
Katharine M. Donato, Melissa Stainbeck, and Carl L. Bankston III. “The Economic
Incorporation of Mexican Immigrants in Southern Louisiana.” Presented at the annual
meetings of the American Sociological Association. Chicago, Ill., August, 2002.
Carl L. Bankston III. “Electronic Paralysis? Television, Action, and Social Capital.” Presented at
the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. Chicago, Ill., August,
Bankston, Carl L. III. “Grutter v. Bollinger: Weak Foundations for Affirmative Action?”
Presented at the Symposium, “Meeting the Challenge of Grutter: Affirmative Action in
Twenty-Five Years.” Moritz School of Law, Ohio State University, February, 2005.
Donato, Katharine M. and Carl L. Bankston III. “The Salience of Soft Skills in a Volatile Local
Economy: Employer Demand for Immigrant Workers in Southern Louisiana.” Presented
at “Immigration in the United States: New Sources and Destinations,” Symposium of the
Russell Sage Foundation. New York, February, 2005.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “A New Destination for Lao Americans.” Presented at “Immigration in the
United States: New Sources and Destinations,” Symposium of the Russell Sage
Foundation. New York, February, 2005.
Hidalgo, Danielle Antoinette and Carl L. Bankston III. “The Demilitarization of the Thai Wives:
Thai American Exogamy, 1980-2000. Presented at the annual meetings of the American
Sociological Association. Philadelphia, Penn., August, 2005.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “Urban-Suburban Relations in Times of Disaster.” Presented at the Annual
Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society. New Orleans, La., March, 2006
Hidalgo, Danielle Antoinette and Carl L. Bankston III. “War Brides and Refugees: Vietnamese
American Wives and Shifting Links to the Military., 1980-2000. Presented at the annual
meetings of the American Sociological Association. Montreal, Canada, August, 2006.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “Bringing Sociology Back In.” Presented at the annual meetings of the
Mid-South Sociological Association. Lafayette, Louisiana, October, 2006.
Bankston, Carl Ll. III. “Cajun, Creole and Indigenous Cultures of Louisiana.” Keynote Session.
Society for Cross-Cultural Research, New Orleans, Louisiana, February, 2008.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Vy Dao. Language Loss? Evidence on the Shift to English among
Vietnamese American Youth, Presented at the annual meetings of the Southern
Sociological Society, Richmond, Virginia, April, 2008.
Bankston, Carl L. III and Vy T. Dao. The Growth of Vietnamese America and Vietnamese
Language Maintenance, Presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological
Association, Boston, Mass., August, 2008.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “Immigration in the Deepest South.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of
the Mid-South Sociological Association, Huntsville, Alabama, October 2008.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “Preparing for and Succeeding in Graduate School” (Panel Session).
Annual Meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association, Huntsville, Alabama,
October 2008.
Bankston, Carl L. III. “Traversing the Academic Job Market” (Panel Session). Annual Meetings
of the Mid-South Sociological Association, Huntsville, Alabama, October 2008
Bankston, Carl L. III. “American Civil Religion and the No Child Left Behind Act.” Invited
Presentation at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, October 2008.
Book Reviews (Partial List)
Apocalypse and/or Metamorphosis, by Norman O. Brown. The Bloomsbury Review 12(3),
Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity, by Peter Brown. Commonweal 120(7), April 9, 1993.
On Our Own Ground: The Complete Writings of William Apess: A Pequot, by William Apess.
The Bloomsbury Review 13(3), May-June, 1993. Reprinted in Nineteenth Century Literature
Criticism (Detroit: Gale Research, Inc.), edited by Jane Witalec.
Native American Testimony: A Chronicle of Indian-White Relations from Prophecy to the
Present, 1492-1992, edited by Peter Nabokov. The Bloomsbury Review, 13(4), July-Aug., 1993.
Asian Americans: Oral Histories of First to Fourth Generation Americans from China, the
Philippines, Japan India, the Pacific Islands, Vietnam, and Cambodia, by Joann Faung Jean Lee.
The Open Boat: Poems from Asian America, edited by Garrett Hongo. The Bloomsbury
Review, 13(4), July-Aug., 1993.
Chronicles of Dissent, by Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian. The Bloomsbury Review
13(5),Sept-Oct, 1993.
The Phoenix and the Flame: Catalonia and the Counter Reformation, by Henry Kamen.
Commonweal, 121(1) Jan. 14, 1994.
Road to Divorce: England, 1530-1987, Uncertain Unions: Marriage in England,1660-1753,
Broken Lives: Separation and Divorce in England, 1660-1857, by Lawrence Stone.
Commonweal, 121(6), March 25, 1994.
Medieval Lives: Eight Charismatic Men and Women of the Middle Ages, by Norman F. Cantor.
The First Jesuits, by John W. O'Malley. Commonweal 121(11), June 3, 1994.
The Devil in the New World: The Impact of Diabolism in New Spain, by Fernando Cervantes.
The Formation of Hell: Death and Retribution in the Ancient and Early Christian Worlds, by
Alan E. Bernstein. Commonweal, 122(9), May 5, 1995.
Profane Illumination: Walter Benjamin and the Paris of Surrealist Revolution, by Margaret
Cohen. The American Book Review, 16(6), March-May, 1995.
Contesting Earth's Future: Radical Ecology and Postmodernity, by Michael Zimmerman.
Humanity and Society, 19 (2) May, 1995.
Byzantium: The Decline and Fall, by John Julius Norwich. Commonweal, 123(9), May 3, 1996.
Wondrous Events: Foundations of Religious Belief, by John McClenon. Sociology of Religion,
56(4), Winter, 1996.
Migrations and Cultures, by Thomas Sowell. Society, 34(6), September/October, 1997.
Crime as Structured Action: Gender, Race, and Crime in the Making, by James W.
Messerschmidt. Deviant Behavior, 19(2), 1997.
The Origins of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History, by Rodney Stark. Commonweal,
124, March 27, 1997.
Authority: The Most Misunderstood Idea in America, by Eugene Kennedy and Sara C. Charles.
The Problem of Trust, by Adam B. Seligman. Commonweal 125(3), February 13, 1998.
On the Padres’ Trail, by Christopher Vecsey. Commonweal 125(5), March 13, 1998
The Spanish Inquisition: A Historical Revision, by Henry Kamen. Commonweal 125(14),
August 14, 1998.
Voyages: From Tongan Villages to American Suburbs, by Cathy A. Small. International
Migration Review 33(1), Spring, 1999.
Luxury Fever: Why Money Fails to Satisfy in an Era of Excess, by Robert H. Frank.
Commonweal 126(8), April 23, 1999.
The Political Lives of Dead Bodies, by Katherine Verdery. Commonweal 126(11), June 4, 1999
Claiming America: Constructing Chinese American Identities During the Exclusion Era, edited
by K.S. Wong and S. Chan. International Migration Review 33 (2), Summer, 1999.
The Power of Kings: Monarchy and Religion in Europe, 1589-1715, by Paul Kléber Monod.
Commonweal 127(11), June 2, 2000.
Religion and the New Immigrants: Continuities and Adaptations in Immigrant Congregations, by
Helen R. Ebaugh and Janet Chafetz. Review of Religious Research 42 (2), December, 2000.
Black Picket Fences: Privilege and Peril among the Black Middle Class, by Mary PatilloMcCoy. Contemporary Sociology 29 (6), November, 2000.
Helping Out: Children’s Labor in Ethnic Businesses, by Miri Song. American Journal of
Sociology 106(1), July, 2000.
Language Shift in the Coastal Marshes of Louisiana, by Kevin J. Rottet. Journal of Multilingual
& Multicultural Development 22 (6), 2001.
Acts of Faith: Explaining the Human Side of Religion, by Rodney Stark and Roger Finke.
Review of Religious Research 42 (3), March, 2001.
Mexican Phoenix: Our Lady of Guadalupe: Image and Tradition Across Five Centuries, by D.A.
Bradiing. Commonweal 128 (19), October 26, 2001.
Many Petals of the Lotus: Five Asian Buddhist Communities in Toronto, by Janet Mclellan.
Contemporary Sociology 30 (4), July, 2001.
Becoming Asian American, by Nazli Kirbria. International Migration Review 37 (4), 2003.
The Cajuns, by Shane Bernard. Journal of American Ethnic History 23 (1), 2003
Asian American Religions: The Making and Remaking of Boundaries, by Tony Carnes and
Fengang Yang (eds.). Contemporary Sociology 34 (2), 2005
Home Bound: Filipino American Lives Across Cultures, Communities, and Countries, by Yen
Le Espiritu. American Journal of Sociology 112 (4), 2007.
Consuming Citizenship: Children of Asian Immigrant Entrepreneurs, by Lisa Sun-Hee Park
American Journal of Sociology. 112 (5), 2007.
Mexican Roots, American Children: Helping Mexican Immigrant Children Succeed, by Robert
Crosnoe Contemporary Sociology 36 (4), 2007.
Citizenship and Those Who Leave, by Nancy L. Green and Francois Weil Ethnic and Racial
Studies, 2008.
Contemporary Asian American Communities (Sociology 146)
Race and Ethnic Relations in America (Sociology 612)
Asians and Interracial Issues (Sociology 491)
Social Problems (Sociology 109)
Race and Ethnic Relations in America (Sociology 612)
Graduate Theory Seminar (Sociology 706)
Introduction to Research Design (Sociology 303)
Intermediate Research Design (Sociology 720)
Foundations of Sociology (Sociology 201)
Social Theory (Sociology 322)
Deviant Behavior (Sociology 108)
Sociology of Education (Sociology 633)
University service prior to arriving at Tulane:
Academic Advisor, University of Southwestern Louisiana (approximately 100 advisees
each semester), 1995-1999
Faculty Advisor, Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society, USL, 1996-1999.
USL Peace Corps representative, 1996-1999.
University Service at Tulane:
Academic Advisor, 1999-present
Graduate Theory Committee, Spring, 2000-2003
University ICPSR representative, 2000-present
Member, Institutional Review Board (IRB), 2000-present
Member, Committee on Academic Requirements (CAR), 2001-2003
Chair, Committee on Academic Requirements (CAR), 2002-2003
Member, Liberal Arts and Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2003-2005
Member, Executive Committee, School of Liberal Arts, Fall, 2007.
Vice-Chair, Department of Sociology, 2001-2003
Director of Graduate Studies, 2003-2005
Co-Director, Asian Studies Program, 2002-present
Department Chair, Department of Sociology, 2006-present
1996 Co-Principal Investigator: The Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, Inc., Lafayette,
Louisiana, "Survey of Lafayette Parish Educators." (With C.E. Palmer). $13,050.
2006. Co-Principal Investigator. The American Sociological Association Fund for the
Advancement of the Discipline. “Employers and Workers in Post-Katrina New Orleans:
The Process of Early Immigrant Incorporation” (With Katherine Donato, Nicole TrujilloPagan, and Audrey Singer). $7,000.
2006. Co-Principal Investigator. National Science Foundation. “Rental Market Discrimination”
(with Jeanne Haubert).
2008-2010. Co-Director. U.S. Department of Education Title VI-A Grant for China Area Studies
Major (with Richard Watts and Shanshan Du). $375,408.
Phi Beta Kappa honor society, Dec.,1974.
Phi Kappa Phi honor society, Aug., 1995.
Pi Gamma Mu honor society, Aug., 1996
Phi Kappa Phi Emergent Researcher Award, 1997.
Outstanding Paper Award, Louisiana Education Research Association, 1999.
Outstanding Paper Award, American Education Research Association, 2000.
Outstanding Paper Award, Southwest Education Research Association, 2001.
Sociological Spectrum Award for Outstanding Published Article, 2000.
Vice-President, Mid-South Sociological Association, 2003-2004.
Program Chair, Mid-South Sociological Association, 2005-2006.
President, Mid-South Sociological Association, 2006-2007.
Chair, Local Arrangements Committee, Southern Sociological Society, 2009.
Chair, Local Arrangements Committee, Society for Cross-Cultural Research, 2008.
Member, Honors Committee, Southern Sociological Society, 2008-present