Philadelphia University - Language Center English 99 – Quiz 3-

Philadelphia University - Language Center
English 99 – Quiz 3Instructor: Laika Hammuri
Name :
Choose the correct answer
1. We are planning …………………… least fifty people
to the party.
a. invite
b. to invite
c. inviting
2. I …………………with my grandparents a lot when I was
a. stay
b. has stayed
c. stayed
3.The couple next door ……………….there for 25 years .
I am sure they will never move.
a .lived
b. have lived
c. are living
4.I will see you next week ! Bye ……………!
a. for
b. at
c. to
5…………………… be able to come to our meeting?
a. Can
b. Will
c. Do
Philadelphia University - Language Center
English 99 –Quiz 3Instructor: Laika Hammuri
Name :
Choose the correct answer
1. My dad have decided to go …………….a cruise this
a. on
b. of
c. at
2. Are you planning …………….to the museum this
a. to go
b. going
c. go
3. I …………….. learning English when I was six years old .
a. began
b. begin
c. has begun
4. So far this year ,we ……………………..over $500.
a. have saved
b. saved
c. save
5. I am going to buy a new computer. This statement means :
a. I hope I can buy a new computer
b. I intend to buy a new computer
c. I want to buy a new computer .
Philadelphia University - Language Center
English 99 – Quiz 4Instructor: Laika Hammuri
Name :
Read the following passage carefully and encircle the
correct answer
Most Language teachers will tell you that the only reasons
for learning a foreign language are that it will help you
get a job or that you will not be able to go to college
without it .
There are ,however other reasons that are more attractive
,more human and therefore more likely to be successful in
persuading students to learn.
A foreign language is not simply a tool for getting a job or
a place at a college .It is , after all , spoken and written by
millions of other human beings expressing their deepest
thoughts and emotions ; Every language has its own
literature , written by men and women with talent ,
intelligence and imagination .Imagine the thousands and
thousands of books that a new language gives you access
to ! You can also make personal contact with all the
speakers of the language , getting to know and possibly
becoming friends with people from all walks of life and
from a completely different cultural and linguistic
background to your own. Learning a foreign language ,
then, is a journey of discovery into a new world .
This process need never stop .You should not learn a
language merely to achieve an immediate professional or
academic aim in your youth and then give it up .Carry on
learning and you will find it an experience that will enrich
the rest of your life.
1. Which of the following statements is not true
according to the passage
a. Every language has its own literature .
b. One must learn a language to achieve an immediate
professional aim and then give it up.
c. By learning a language you can make personal contact with
all the speakers of a language.
2.This process refers to
a. reading thousands of books
b. going to college
c. learning a foreign language
3 The word youth means
a. old people
b. babies
c. young people
4.The best title for the passage would be
a. Why learn a foreign language ?
b. Why learn English ?
c. How to look for a job?
5.The underlined sentence is a………………..
a. summary
b. new idea
c. contradiction
Philadelphia University - Language Center
English101 – Quiz 3Instructor: Laika Hammuri
Name :
Choose the correct answer
1.It is a small town …………..the east coast of Australia .
a. in
b. of
c. on
2.A:My dad was not in a very good mood last night.
B:……………….? I wonder why?
a. Was he
b. Wasn’t he
c. Did he
3.The ………………thing about camping is all the insects that
you find in your tent .
a. better
b. worse
c. worst
4.I heard the news on the radio while I ………………home.
a. drove
b. was driving
c. drive
5.I …………………….to like Thai food , but I do now.
a. didn’t use
b. used to
c. use to
Philadelphia University - Language Center
English101 – Quiz 3Instructor: Laika Hammuri
Name :
Choose the correct answer
1.I ………………………..home when I heard the news on the
a. was driving
b. drove
c. drive
2.The ………………way to book your holiday is on the
a. easiest
b. easyiest
c. easier
3.I did not really understand this lesson .
…………..? It was easy!
a. Did you
b. Didn’t you
c. Were
4. The city of Liverpool stands ……..the River Mersey.
a. at
b. in
c. on
5.There are …………some beautiful old buildings in the town
a. still
b. any longer
c. longer
Philadelphia University - Language Center
English102 – Quiz 3Instructor: Laika Hammuri
Name :
1. I’d stay if I ……….the time, but I really must go now.
a. have
b. had
c. would have
2.The house was very quiet when I got home. Every
body ………………………to bed.
a. had gone
b. have gone
c. went
3.He made me…………….yesterday.
a. cry
b. crying
c. to cry
4.If I were you , I ………….any money to her.
a. didn’t lend
b. won’t lend
c. wouldn’t lend
5.Which sentence is correct:
a. I will almost certainly do a computing course next year.
b .I almost will certainly do a computing course next year .
c. I certainly will almost do a computing course next year.
Philadelphia University - Language Center
English102 – Quiz 3Instructor: Laika Hammuri
Name :
1. I felt very tired when I got home so I …………..straight
to bed.
a. went
b. go
c. had gone
2.If you found a purse full of money …… keep it?
a. would
b. will
c. did
3.If you ……………..smoking ,you would probably feel
healthier .
a. stopped
b. stop
c. would stop
4.What is the matter ? You……………..depressed all
a. had been
b. have been
5.Choose the correct sentence:
a. Sandy isn’t likely to getting the job.
B .Sandy likely isn’t to get the job.
C. Sandy isn’t likely to get the job.
c. have
Philadelphia University - Language Center
English102 – Quiz 4Instructor: Laika Hammuri
Name :
Choose the correct answer
1. Do you know how to ………..thank you ,hello or good
bye in any other languages apart from English?
a. say
b. tell
c. do
2.Can I …….…..a suggestion ? Why don’t we have lunch
now and discuss this later.
a. make
b. do
c. plead
3. Could you ……………me $40 until tomorrow?
a. borrow
b. lend
c. take
4.Why do you buy lottery tickets ?You are …………your
a. spending
b. giving away
c. wasting
5.You can take money from your ……………whenever
you like.
a. charge card
b. current account c. post code
Philadelphia University - Language Center
English102 – Quiz 4Instructor: Laika Hammuri
Name :
Choose the correct answer
1.A ……………….is a person who deceives people to get
a. fraudster
b. arsonist
c. murderer
2.When Toby Caine was murdered ,the police suspected it
was his wife .The underlined word means:
a. thought
b. knew
c. remembered
3.The prisoner decided to ……….guilty to the crime .
a. plead
b. tell
c. say
4.The computer is ……………..a terrible noise. What
should I do?
a. making
b. doing
c. using
5.You can take money from your ……………whenever
you like .
a. deposit account
b. current account c. post code