L13 General Equilibrium (Social Efficiency) Review Model of choice of individual We know preferences U x1 x 2 and p1 , p 2 , 1 , 2 we find demands * 1 x ,x * 2 With many such agents: Q1: How prices p1 , p 2 are formed? Q2: Are markets efficient? Big ideas: Today: Edgeworth box Pareto efficiency Next lecture Competitive equilibrium First welfare theorem “Economy” with apples and oranges Two consumers, A and B. (6,4 ) A Total and B ( 4 , 2 ). resources available 1 A 1 Feasible B 1 2 A 2 A 1 A 2 allocation ( x , x ) x1A x1B 1 x x A 2 B 2 B 2 B 1 B 2 (x , x ) 2 Geometric representation Four numbers and geometric representation Insane? No: Edgeworth box Collection of all feasible allocations Edgeworth Box ( 6 ,1) (4, 4) (10, 5) A B OA A OB Socially Desirable Allocation Pareto Efficiency When allocation is “socially” efficient? - Maximizing sum of utilities? NO! - Weaker notion: Pareto efficiency! Allocation x Pareto efficient, if there does not exist allocation y that is A) at least as good as x for all B) is strictly better for at least one Quiz Consider a two agent economy with Q: Is allocation A) Yes B) No C) Depends Pareto efficient Pareto Efficiency Assume Cobb Douglass preferences Necessity of tangency OB x OA Pareto Efficiency Sufficiency of tangency OB x OA Equivalent Characterization Assume Interior Allocations Allocation is Pareto efficient if and only if indifference curves are tangent (equal MRS) Are initial endowments efficient? Example: OA A OB Quiz Let Is allocation A) Yes B) No C) Depends Pareto efficient Contract Curve Contract curve is the set of all Pareto-optimal allocations. OB OA Cobb-Douglass example (10 ,5 ) U ( x1 , x 2 ) a ln x1 b ln x1 i i A, B Contract Curve Cobb Douglass OB OA Contract Curve Perfect substitutes OB OA Contract Curve Other preferences A) General Perfect substitutes B) Perfect Complements C) Quasilinear