Chile y la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil Proposed Fulbright-Hays Group Project Abroad (pending funding) June 28-July 30, 2008 (tentative dates) APPLICATION FORM Please type or print clearly. You may attach additional sheets as necessary. Additional copies of the application may be downloaded from Applications must be postmarked by March 3, 2008 to be eligible for consideration. BIOGRAPHICAL DATA Name: School: School Address: City: State: Zip: Home Address: City: State: Work Phone: ( Zip: ) Home Phone: ( ) Email: Passport #: Expiration date Do you consider yourself to be a member of a minority or under-represented group? If so, please explain. Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes No If not, what is your visa status? Gender: Female Male Race/Ethnicity Emergency Contact Name: Relationship: Street Address: City: State: Home Phone: ( Zip: ) Cell Phone ( ) Email: 1 PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND (Answer as applicable for classroom teacher or library media specialist.) Current Position: Years in Current Position: Public Private (check one) Subjects Taught: Classroom Teachers: Grade level/s at which currently teaching K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total years of classroom teaching experience (indicate number of years at all levels): PK-5 6-8 9-12 Other Library Media Specialists: Grade levels served by your library K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total years of library experience (indicate number of years at all levels): PK-5 6-8 9-12 Other Provide specifics on your teaching/library media certification. Are you: Initial Educator Professional Educator Do you expect to be employed at the same school in 2008-2009? Master Educator Yes No Please list courses, if any, you have taught in the last five years with Latin American or children’s literature content: Year: Course Title: # of Students: % Time devoted to Latin America 2 Please describe your school library collection, particularly in terms of Spanish language materials. Please briefly describe the ethnic/racial composition of your school’s student body. Give actual statistics if available. How does this compare with the ethnic/racial composition of your community? How would you describe your community? Rural Urban How large is the community in which you teach? Please list professional associations of which you are a member. (Give definitions for any acronyms.) Have you made any presentations or led sessions at professional meetings, outreach programs, in-service workshops, etc? Please include dates when describing your participation. 3 EDUCATION Where did you receive your undergraduate degree? What were your major(s) and minor(s) in college? Have you earned an advanced degree or taken graduate level courses? Have you studied outside the United States at the post-secondary level? If so, where and when? If you have traveled outside the United States, please list your trips in reverse chronological order. Include trips for study, tourism, business, or any other reason. Dates: Countries Visited: Purpose: Other Related Experience: 4 LANGUAGE SKILLS Because the Chile program will be conducted completely in Spanish, we request that applicants have a minimum oral proficiency rating of Intermediate High on the ACTFL scale (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). According to ACTFL, an Intermediate High is defined as: INTERMEDIATE HIGH Intermediate-High speakers are able to converse with ease and confidence when dealing with most routine tasks and social situations of the Intermediate level. They are able to handle successfully many uncomplicated tasks and social situations requiring an exchange of basic information related to work, school, recreation, particular interests and areas of competence, though hesitation and errors may be evident. Intermediate-High speakers handle the tasks pertaining to the Advanced level, but they are unable to sustain performance at that level over a variety of topics. With some consistency, speakers at the Intermediate High level narrate and describe in major time frames using connected discourse of paragraph length. However, their performance of these Advanced-level tasks will exhibit one or more features of breakdown, such as the failure to maintain the narration or description semantically or syntactically in the appropriate major time frame, the disintegration of connected discourse, the misuse of cohesive devises, a reduction in breadth and appropriateness of vocabulary, the failure to successfully circumlocute, or a significant amount of hesitation. Intermediate-High speakers can generally be understood by native speakers unaccustomed to dealing with nonnatives, although the dominant language is still evident (e.g. use of code-switching, false cognates, literal translations, etc.), and gaps in communication may occur. More on ACTFL Oral Proficiency Guidelines may be found at: Please self-assess your oral proficiency. I believe my Spanish language skills are: below the level described above at the level described above above the level described above Comments: Please note: applicants will be accepted pending a brief telephone interview, a portion of which will be conducted in Spanish. We need to be sure that individual language abilities will allow the group project to function as planned within an immersion setting. 5 ESSAYS (in English) Answer the following questions in separate 1-2 page (max) essays on separate sheets. Please try to structure each response as a cohesive essay, not a list of discrete answers to the questions. The essays will be evaluated for quality of writing as well as for content. Please type, double-spaced. How are Latin American topics taught in your classroom or school? How could children’s literature resources assist student learning or support classroom teaching? What resources for Latin American-themed support are available in your school? If you feel the current coverage is limited, how might you improve it? How would your participation benefit specific goals/objectives of your school or district? Why are you interested in the Chile y la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil Project? Having read the program description, define at least two learning goals if selected. Individuals with diverse interests and backgrounds will participate. How might you contribute to the group experience? How do you plan to incorporate/share what you learn when you return? ATTACHMENTS Please include the following as part of your application packet. Evidence of health insurance coverage (i.e. photocopy of policy or insurance identification card). Two letters of reference from professional colleagues. 6 PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT FORM According to the proposal submitted to the U.S. Department of Education, each participant must agree to the following stipulations. To read, prior to the pre-departure sessions in Milwaukee, all items on a short list of books and articles to be recommended by the project coordinators. To attend the orientation sessions in Milwaukee on May 3 and June 7, 2008, as well as to complete the online orientation available through D2L, and to travel as a group from Chicago on the scheduled departure date. To participate in the program in Chile including all lectures, field trips, group sessions, and meetings, using Spanish as the primary language of participation. To complete all assignments, including curriculum development projects, while in Chile and prior to return to the U.S. To make two outreach presentations in their school, at the district level, or statewide. To complete all requested evaluations of the study tour issued by the project coordinators. To comply with all necessary international travel requirements. To assume responsibility for health and accident insurance coverage. Please check with your insurer to be certain that your coverage continues while traveling. If you agree to all of these requirements, please sign below (after printing completed form). If not, explain your specific objections. I, _________________________________________, will comply with the above requirements if I am selected as a participant in the Chile y La Literatura Infantil y Juvenil program. If you are not chosen in the initial selection process, would you be willing and able to serve as an alternate on less than 15 days notice? Yes No Applications must be postmarked by March 3, 2008. Send two copies (original plus 1) of the completed paper application and attachments to: Julie Kline Fulbright-Hays GPA 2008 Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee PO Box 413 Milwaukee, WI 53201 (414) 229-5986 ph (414) 229-2879 fax 7