Spring 2008 Class Evaluations Poor-1 1. Overall value of the class: 2. The assignments were: 3. Course content: 7. The job fair project was: 9. Presentation by guest speaker from Aerotek: 10. Presentation by guest speaker from Enterprise: 11. Presentation by guest speaker from SU HR: 14. The course location was: 16. The evaluations to determine grades were: 22. Teacher’s enthusiasm was: 23. Teacher’s preparation was: 24. Teacher’s punctuality was: 25. Teacher’s explanation of course content was: 26. Teacher’s availability to students was: 4. What could be added or taken away from the course content to make it better? Below Avg.-2 Avg.-3 5 5 Above Avg.-4 8 10 5 6 5 Superior5 9 5 13 6 8 Total Avg. 4.4 4.1 4.7 3.9 4.2 4 5 9 4.3 2 7 9 4.4 3 3 5 4 9 11 4.2 4.4 1 3 6 5 4 15 12 13 13 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.7 1 2 15 4.8 1 3 1 1 I liked how the course was structured. Don’t change anything., More resume work., Nothing. Very helpful., Maybe a little less emphasis on resumes. They are very helpful, but took so much time., Spend time on cover letters., Make time to be able to do more assignments., More group time to work on projects., Nothing. Everything was helpful, Add etiquette dinner., More speakers., Extensive lists for resume breakdown could be eliminated. 5. The final group project was: NOT HELPFUL 0 FAIR 2 HELPFUL 16 6. How could the final group project be improved? It was fine the way it was., Less is more., Personally, I should have started earlier., Increase the number of people you have to get in contact with., More time to communicate with group members in class., Make directions more understandable., Maybe make it easier to contact mentors. More tokens per month., Nothing. Perfect amount of contacts., 20 contacts for personal reference is a lot for just getting out of college. I struggled to provide that many. 8. How could the job fair assignment be improved? There weren’t enough representatives from other states., Nothing. Perfect how it is., More spacious-it was extremely hot., Have a more diverse group to choose from., Have different companies from Baltimore, etc., Require to talk to more employers., Push the job fair date back., Less is more., Just not many jobs for me at the fair., Include a wider range of employers!, Allow students to go to other job fairs for the project., YES 17 NO 1 13. Do you think freshman and sophomores should be included in this class? YES 6 NO 12 15. Would you prefer to have the class in a regular classroom if given the opportunity? YES 3 NO 15 GROUP 16 INDIVIDUAL 3 12. The binder was helpful 17. Did you prefer the group or individual work? 18. Do you feel there should be more/less group work? MORE GROUP 14 19. Would you prefer a more structured evaluation process such as more advanced testing? YES 1 NO 17 20. Do you feel the book helped? YES 3 NO 16 27. Do you think there should be a career class for freshman and sophomores? YES 17 NO 1 28. When you were a freshman/sophomore would you have taken a class like the above stated? YES 16 NO 2 29. Would you recommend this class? YES 18 NO 0 30. Comments/Suggestions? Most beneficial area of class was (SELECT TOP 3): Resume & Cover Letter 12 LESS GROUP 2 SAME/NO OPIONION 2 Very helpful overall-would recommend, This class helped me out a lot. Thanks, Great teacher. Deserves a raise/promotion, Most useful class ever!, If given for sophomores and juniors, make it more internship based than job based, Great class-I enjoyed it and it helped me understand what I need to know for a job, You are the nicest, most helpful person at Salisbury. You’re always willing to help and know your stuff and communicate it in an understanding manner, Necessary class for all students, Really helpful. Learned a lot. Felt much more comfortable in interviews and about resume!, Very helpful class-teacher very enthusiastic and knowledgeable, Loved the class. Mentor Job Interviewing Career Use of Final Group Guest Network Fair Skills Binder eRecruiting Project Speakers 5 5 2 8 7 2 6