STAFF SENATE MINUTES November 15, 2006 I.

November 15, 2006
Call to order: President Clacie Hubbard called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.,
and asked for a volunteer to record minutes as Karen Wilson resigned due to
library workload. Deana Karpavage volunteered.
In attendance: Bill Allen, Jeff Boyer, Lisa Gray, Lucy Hearn, Clacie Hubbard,
Deana Karpavage, Judy Lowe, Janine Vienna
Absent: Colleen Kirby
Guest Speakers:
Kerrie Bunting, Program Coordinator/AR & Annual Giving –
Faculty & Staff Giving Program
Kerrie Bunting encourages faculty and staff to participate in the
Faculty/Staff Campaign. Pledge cards along with instructions
were distributed. Our contributions help the program receive funds
and catches the attention of the USM and other donors that are
impressed by the faculty and staff donations. Any amount is
appreciated. Pledge cards donations due by December 8.
Steve Hetzler, President/University Forum
Steve Hetzler reported that his attendance today is to gather
additional information to assist with the future goals of the Forum.
The Forum met once this semester to establish the following goals.
 Campus community attendance at the Forum
 Committee communication and reporting to the Executive
Committee and Forum
 Committing participation
1. Change permanent committees to ad-hoc committees
2. Provide attendance incentive by reducing the number of
Forum meetings from four/year to two/year.
3. Improve communication
4. Committee membership and elections of chairpersons
To conclude, Steven stated the next Forum agenda will also
include recognition/rewards for those who participate in shared
Jeff Boyer, Human Resources
Jeff Boyer reported that the next Wellness Fair is scheduled for
December 7 and taught by Ellen Zinner, Psy D., at 3:30 p.m. in
Nanticoke A. The topic is “How to Be Your Own Best Grief
Unfortunately, HR’s workshops have not been well-attended. Staff
Senate was asked for suggestions. Members suggested a survey
for gathering interest and topics.
Darrell Mullins, President/Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate President Mullins was asked to address the
procedures, and management of the Faculty Welfare Committee
(FWC). Faculty Senate has a process for faculty to hear concerns
of emotional well-being rather than disputes regarding formal
processes such as tenure decisions and evaluations. The FWC
meets to decide whether to hear cases which are typically
concerning sabbatical denials and non-renewals of contract, and
the process would be for the committee to receive/review formal
justifications, launch investigations and interviews and make
recommendations to the complainant. If the complainant is not
satisfied, appeals could be made to the Provost, then President.
Complaints the FWC investigates and finds meritorious are routed
up the chain of command beginning with the department chair,
then school dean and upward.
The minutes from October 18 were approved. Judy Lowe motioned to approve
the minutes and Deana Karpavage seconded.
President’s Report
 Dec 8, 2 PM – 5 PM: Invitations have been received for the
Holiday Open House hosted by Governer and Mrs. Ehrlich and Lt.
Governer and Mrs. Steele.
 The CUSS Newsletter, under new design, was distributed recently.
 Members are encouraged to participate in SU Day – Feburary 1.
 President Janet Dudley-Eshbach recently honored outstanding
employees with an awards luncheon.
 President Janet Dudley-Eshbach recently implemented a stipend
for president of Staff Senate.
Chair/Committee Reports:
CUSS: Janine Vienna
Minutes from October 24 and November 14 were distributed. Highlights
included the following:
The ORP will require the following:
Increase employer contribution from 7.25% to 9.25%
Mandatory employee contribution of 3% to 4% to 5% over a three year
period of time
The bill is to be presented by either Governor or legislative
representative(s) pending results of November elections
No language to reduce employee service time for spousal medical
New exempt/faculty employees will only have choice of ORP or State
of MD Retirement System
The bill has not been proposed due to the possible change in the
governorship, legislators and/or the need for further language review. As
soon as CUSS receives word on the bill, we will notify our campus
constituents about the bill and its contents.
Continuing discussions on living wage vs. minimum wage. The living
wage would pay a higher minimum of $9.57/hour to all contingent II,
regular exempt/non-exempt employees but will have significant
budgetary impact. University of Maryland College Park opposes.
Definition of dependent retirees is still being reviewed at the Attorney
General’s office.
Per results of the election, a bill may be presented for collective
bargaining employees who opt out of the union to pay a service fee.
A new vendor proposal from Fidelity for the State Retirement
System’s 401A match program is waiting for approval.
There will be a joint CUSS and CUSF meeting in December to include
the Chancellor and all USM Vice-Presidents. Joint issues to be
ORP Enhancement
Tuition remission and dependent definition expansion
Contractual employee salaries/benefits
Fair distribution of COLA/Merit
Levels of staffing faculty/staff
Membership & Elections: Lisa Gray
Lisa Gray distributed the results from the election of staff representation
on the Forum Committees. Currently, there are no staff representations on
the following forum committees:
Bldg & Grounds
Government Relations
Multi-Ethnic Concerns
Residence Judicial Board
Student Campus Life Grievance
University Judicial Board
The Wellness Council
Staff Senate has removed the Payroll/Human Resources and
Communications subcommittees due to inactivity. The President will
formulate Ad Hoc committees as needed. Letters of notification were sent
to subcommittee members to inform them of the change and current
vacancies on the Executive Committee.
Old Business – Clacie
Staff Senate members were asked to provide topic of issues or concerns to
address as committee goals for this year.
Address elimination of faculty/staff hour in the Nautilus room of
the Maggs gym.
Promote Staff Senate.
Implement participation in shared governance as a PMP item.
To clarify who we represent.
Develop a proposal for alternative dispute resolution for staff.
2-way communication among Staff Senate and Staff
Committee membership training
New Business – Clacie
Volunteers are needed for the Staff Awards Committee which will meet
twice in December to review applications. Volunteers were Lisa Gray,
Judy Lowe, Deana Karpavage and Linda Abresch, recipient of the BOR
award. The President will recognize all applicants with a certificate of
recognition at a holiday social. Staff Senate members were encouraged to
the holiday social. Submissions of Staff Award packages are due by
December 1.
President’s Holiday Social – December 14, 2006
Meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
The next meeting will be December 13, 2006 in the President’s Conference Room (HH
248) at 9:30 AM
Respectfully submitted,
Deana Karpavage