Publications for Robyn Overall 2016

Publications for Robyn Overall
Publications for Robyn Overall
Liu, D., Smith, P., Barton, D., Day, D., Overall,
R. (2016). Characterisation of Arabidopsis
calnexin 1 and calnexin 2 in the endoplasmic
reticulum and at plasmodesmata. Protoplasma,
in press. <a
1-3">[More Information]</a>
Brzoska, A., Jensen, S., Barton, D., Davies, D.,
Overall, R., Skurray, R., Firth, N. (2016).
Dynamic Filament Formation by a Divergent
Bacterial Actin-Like ParM Protein. PloS One,
11(6), e0156944. <a
6944">[More Information]</a>
Armour, W., Barton, D., Law, A., Overall, R.
(2015). Differential growth in periclinal and
anticlinal walls during lobe formation in
arabidopsis cotyledon pavement cells. The Plant
Cell, 27(9), 2484-2500. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Barton, D., Overall, R. (2015). Imaging
Plasmodesmata with High-Resolution Scanning
Electron Microscopy. In Manfred Heinlein
(Eds.), Plasmodesmata: Methods and Protocols,
(pp. 55-65). New York: Humana Press. <a
3-1_3">[More Information]</a>
Barton, D., Overall, R., Thompson, J. (2015).
Structure and development of the lateral-line
aerenchyma in bracken ferns (Pteridium:
Dennstaedtiaceae). International Journal of
Plant Sciences, 176(7), 662-669. <a
Overall, R., Liu, D., Barton, D. (2013).
Plasmodesmata: New Perspective on Old
Questions. In Katarzyna Sokolowska & Pawel
Sowinski (Eds.), Symplastic Transport in
Vascular Plants, (pp. 217-239). London:
Springer Science+Business Media.
Jahn, K., Barton, D., Kobayashi, K., Ratinac, K.,
Overall, R., Braet, F. (2012). Correlative
microscopy: Providing new understanding in the
biomedical and plant sciences. Micron, 43,
565-582. <a
.004">[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Overall, R., Marc, J. (2012). Distant
plant homologues: don't throw out the baby.
Trends in Plant Science, 17(3), 126-128. <a
007">[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Overall, R., Marc, J. (2012). Plant
microtubule cytoskeleton complexity:
microtubule arrays as fractals. Journal of
Experimental Botany, 63(2), 635-642. <a
re Information]</a>
Fujita, M., Lechner, B., Barton, D., Overall, R.,
Wasteneys, G. (2012). The missing link: do
cortical microtubules define plasma membrane
nanodomains that modulate cellulose
biosynthesis? Protoplasma, 249(SUPPL.1),
S59-S67. <a
2-z">[More Information]</a>
Barton, D., Cole, L., Collings, D., Liu, D., Smith,
P., Day, D., Overall, R. (2011). Cell-to-cell
transport via the lumen of the endoplasmic
reticulum. Plant Journal, 66(5), 806-817. <a
1.04545.x">[More Information]</a>
Barton, D., Cantrill, L., Law, A., Phillips, C.,
Sutton, B., Overall, R. (2014). Chilling to zero
degrees disrupts pollen formation but not meiotic
microtubule arrays in Triticum aestivum L.
Plant, Cell and Environment, 37, 2781-2794. <a
re Information]</a>
Brecknock, S., Dibbayawan, T., Vesk, M., Vesk,
P., Faulkner, C., Barton, D., Overall, R. (2011).
High resolution scanning electron microscopy of
plasmodesmata. Planta: an international journal
of plant biology, 234(4), 749-758. <a
0-x">[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Overall, R., Marc, J. (2011). PDZ
Domain Proteins: 'Dark Matter' of the Plant
Proteome? Molecular Plant, 4(6), 933-937. <a
re Information]</a>
Ambrose, J., Ruan, Y., Gardiner, J., Tamblyn, L.,
Catching, A., Kirik, V., Marc, J., Overall, R.,
Wasteneys, G. (2013). CLASP Interacts with
Sorting Nexin 1 to Link Microtubules and Auxin
Transport via PIN2 Recycling in Arabidopsis
thaliana. Developmental Cell, 24(6), 649-659. <a
007">[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Overall, R., Marc, J. (2011).
Putative Arabidopsis homologues of metazoan
coiled-coil cytoskeletal proteins. Cell Biology
International, 35(8), 767-774. <a
Publications for Robyn Overall
[More Information]</a>
269">[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Overall, R., Marc, J. (2011). The
Microtubule Cytoskeleton Acts as a Key
Downstream Effector of Neurotransmitter
Signaling. Synapse (New York), 65(3), 249-256.
re Information]</a>
Barton, D., Gardiner, J., Overall, R. (2009).
Towards correlative imaging of plant cortical
microtubule arrays: combining ultrastructure
with real-time microtubule dynamics. Journal of
Microscopy, 235(3), 241-251. <a
9.03224.x">[More Information]</a>
Emery, N., Offord, C., Wardle, G., Henwood,
M., Overall, R. (2011). Variation in seed
dormancy among populations of the
fire-ephemeral flannel flower, Actinotus
helianthi. Orbit: University of Sydney
Undergraduate Research Journal, 2(1), 22-28.
Barton, D., Overall, R. (2010). Cryofixation
rapidly preserves cytoskeletal arrays of leaf
epidermal cells revealing microtubule
co-alignments between neighbouring cells and
adjacent actin and microtubule bundles in the
cortex. Journal of Microscopy, 237(1), 79-88. <a
9.03305.x">[More Information]</a>
Mamun, M., Cantrill, L., Overall, R., Sutton, B.
(2010). Mechanism of low-temperature-induced
pollen failure in rice. Cell Biology International,
34(5), 469-476. <a
[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Overall, R., Marc, J. (2010). The
Fractal Nature of the Brain: EEG Data Suggests
That the Brain Functions as a "Quantum
Computer" in 5-8 Dimensions.
NeuroQuantology, 8(2), 137-141.
Faulkner, C., Blackman, L., Collings, D.,
Cordwell, S., Overall, R. (2009).
Anti-tropomyosin antibodies co-localise with
actin microfilaments and label plasmodesmata.
European Journal of Cell Biology, 88, 357-369.
4">[More Information]</a>
Barton, D., Braet, F., Marc, J., Overall, R.,
Gardiner, J. (2009). ELP3 localises to
mitochondria and actin-rich domains at edges of
HeLa cells. Neuroscience Letters, 455(1), 60-64.
006">[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Barton, D., Overall, R., Marc, J.
(2009). Neurotrophic Support and Oxidative
Stress: Converging Effects in the Normal and
Diseased Nervous System. Neuroscientist, 15(1),
47-61. <a
Barton, D., Vantard, M., Overall, R. (2008).
Analysis of cortical arrays from Tradescantia
virginiana at high resolution reveals discrete
microtubule subpopulations and demonstrates
that confocal images of arrays can be misleading.
The Plant Cell, 20(4), 982-994. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., McGee, P., Overall, R., Marc, J.
(2008). Are histones, tubulin, and actin derived
from a common ancestral protein? Protoplasma,
233(1-2), 1-5. <a
5-z">[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Marc, J., Overall, R. (2008).
Cytoskeletal thermal ratchets and cytoskeletal
tensegrity: determinants of brain asymmetry and
symmetry? Frontiers in Bioscience, 13(12),
4649-4656. <a
Gardiner, J., Barton, D., Vanslambrouck, J.,
Braet, F., Hall, D., Marc, J., Overall, R. (2008).
Defects in tongue papillae and taste sensation
indicate a problem with neurotrophic support in
various neurological diseases. Neuroscientist,
14(3), 240-250. <a
382">[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Overall, R., Marc, J. (2008). Do
salivary neurotrophic factors provide
neurotrophic support to neurons of the central
and peripheral nervous systems including nerves
innervating papillae on the tongue? Bioscience
Hypotheses, 1(5), 251-254. <a
08">[More Information]</a>
Liu, D., Kuhlmey, B., Smith, P., Day, D.,
Faulkner, C., Overall, R. (2008). Reflection
across plant cell boundaries in confocal laser
scanning microscopy. Journal of Microscopy,
231(2), 349-357. <a
8.02068.x">[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Andreeva, Z., Barton, D., Ritchie,
A., Overall, R., Marc, J. (2008). The
phospholipase A2 inhibitor, aristolochic acid,
Publications for Robyn Overall
disrupts cortical microtubule arrays and root
growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Biology, 10(6),
725-731. <a
8.00090.x">[More Information]</a>
Lang, I., Barton, D., Overall, R. (2004).
Membrane-Wall Attachments In Plasmolysed
Plant Cells. Protoplasma, 224(3-4), 231-243. <a
2-6">[More Information]</a>
Gardiner, J., Barton, D., Marc, J., Overall, R.
(2007). Potential role of tubulin acetylation and
microtubule-based protein trafficking in familial
dysautonomia. Traffic: the international journal
of intracellular transport, 8(9), 1145-1149.
Whiffen, L., Dibbayawan, T., Overall, R. (2002).
High resolution microscopy of cell wall
formation in regenerating Mougeotia
(Chlorophyceae) protoplasts. European Journal
of Phycology, 37(3), 339-347.
Collings, D., Harper, J., Marc, J., Overall, R.,
Mullen, R. (2002). Life in the fast lane:
actin-based motility of plant peroxisomes.
Canadian Journal Of Botany-Revue Canadienne
De Botanique, 80(4), 430-441.
Bannigan, A., Wiedemeier, A., Williamson, R.,
Overall, R., Baskin, T. (2006). Cortical
microtubule arrays lose uniform alignment
between cells and are oryzalin resistant in the
Arabidopsis mutant, radially swollen 6. Plant
and Cell Physiology, 47(7), 949-958.
Mamun, M., Alfred, S., Cantrill, L., Overall, R.,
Sutton, B. (2006). Effects of chilling on male
gametophyte development in rice. Cell Biology
International, 30(7), 583-591. <a
004">[More Information]</a>
Barton, D., Overall, R. (2006). Structure and
Organisation of Interphase Microtubule Arrays:
FESEM Provides a MAP. Microscopy and
Microanalysis, 12(Supp 2), 426-427.
Mamun, M., Cantrill, L., Overall, R., Sutton, B.
(2005). Cellular organisation and differentiation
of organelles in pre-meiotic rice anthers. Cell
Biology International, 29(9), 792-802. <a
009">[More Information]</a>
Mamun, M., Cantrill, L., Overall, R., Sutton, B.
(2005). Cellular organisation in meiotic and early
post-meiotic rice anthers. Cell Biology
International, 29(11), 903-913. <a
001">[More Information]</a>
Cantrill, L., Overall, R., Goodwin, P. (2005).
Changes in macromolecular movement
accompany organogenesis in thin cell layers of
Torenia fournieri. Planta: an international
journal of plant biology, 222(6), 933-946. <a
4-x">[More Information]</a>
Faulkner, C., Blackman, L., Cordwell, S.,
Overall, R. (2005). Proteomic identification of
putative plasmodesmatal proteins from Chara
corallina. Proteomics, 5(11), 2866-2875. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Cantrill, L., Overall, R., Goodwin, P. (2001).
Changes in symplastic permeability during
adventitious shoot regeneration in tobacco thin
cell layers. Planta: an international journal of
plant biology, 214, 206-214.
Holdaway, T., Overall, R., Walker, N., Reid, R.,
Hepler,, P. (2001). Cytoplasmic acidification
with butyric acid does not alter the ionic
conductivity of plasmodesmata. Protoplasma,
215, 184-190.
Overall, R., Dibbayawan, T., Blackman, L.
(2001). Intercellular alignments of the plant
cytoskeleton. Journal of Plant Growth
Regulation, 20, 162-169.
Blackman, L., Overall, R. (2001). Structure and
function of plasmodesmata. Australian Journal
of Plant Physiology, 28, 709-727.